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1、年浙江七年级英语期末考试真题0年月17日英语月考 一、听对话选图片(共5小题;共5分)听对话,从下面各题所给的图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。录音听两遍。1. hatdoe Dani fen do?A.BC 听对话,对话听两遍,在听对话前你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后,你还有秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案,在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。2. WhereoesEddi fin Lss obil hne?A.B. 听对话,从下面各题所给的图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。录音听两遍。 A.B.C. 4.Wh is om?A.B.C Whic TV progrm aretey

2、tlking out?.B.C. 二、听对话选最佳选项(共4小题;共7分)听对话,根据对话的内容,从下面各题所给的选项中选择最佳选项。录音听一遍。6a de Lucy wanttodo this Sundy?AGive tfod ata fod bank.B.Heltocean up the ity prsColuter n nfter-shl studypogram 听对话,根据对话的内容,从下面各题所给的选项中选择最佳选项。录音听两遍。7WhosMay?A.Peter casmte.B.Peterssit.CPetrs eighbr hat ds arys broher teah?Aaan

3、ese.Engish.Chnee. 9 Hdid s save peopl?.Shewaled on te beh.B.h njoyd th un.C.Se toldher paents and wan oters1. Wht you inkof Tily?A.Brv.Bxied.CHappy. 11. Whbroter i Paul?AThe nsB.Thews.Barrs1 Wh ddthe wom give heanas a bitday giftas ye?A.A bx of chcolateA bitda ca. bott of win.三、听独白选最佳选项(共小题;共2分)听独白,

4、根据独白的内容,从下面各题所给的选项中选择最佳选项。录音听两遍。13. Hw od ws Heinwen the dotor came to his hme?A.0.B.80.60.14 Wh Hrpin nver slept?A.He slept i me diffeetways om pepl.B.He was bor a edys lieC.e dntkw 四、听对话填表格(共1小题;共分)听对话,将表格所缺的关键信息填写在相应位置上。录音听两遍。Fvorite MusiHobbyLiting to_15_ sogTp of us_16_ musicrie sinestin _1_CDs

5、Hes alreadyad _ CDsFeinI fel very hpp a _19_15 _6._17 _ _19. _ 五、单项选择(共10小题;共0分)从下面各题所给选项中,选择最佳选项。2. ouamaemnt, n ol ma _in a won ouse. Nobody knw hen he_. ut h I hught hi _, aays felt ery adA.wasfoun dea; ie;deB.was yng;died; foundd;deth; dyngDha bendead; dying; died 21.t rn i th suprmarkt,

6、 oryoll _ terpope.waknoB.ak awaC.wal o.aoff 2. Al thebo n myclss kto _ NA gmeonV on Snday .ary usually_fooalches on Sunays.A.sees.loksC.reaD.wachs 2.isdg _madehim ver s.A.B.dedC.idDeath2. My parens dotllo me _ _ hol nightsAwah; iB.twatch; n.watching;nDto watch; on 26. Today

7、 s Mid-Autum FestivaWel_the ootonght.lokB.lok foC.wachD.fid 7. _!Itsngeou t skae over there.A.Loo overB.Look at.ook utD.Lo up 2. as te cine t nine clok yesterdayvening.What bot yu? I_ TV at hom.m watcinB.was waciC.wilathD.wtchd 29. Ater her husbds _, shefet mre onelydeaddieC.yingD.dth 六、完形填空(共1小题;共1

8、0分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。 oung ancall Low-arb(低碳) Boer _30_ as _ the Interne in211. He _32_ nya in Henan Province, Cina Heggess(建议) livng a lo carbonife,nd e shou _3_te energy(能源)to protct(保护) ouvront(环境). o eample, he lyspickup somewte ap_4_thesreet nd ues the ban sid _5_ somehig on.

9、hil he is wating TV, h alwas urnsown thebrighness(亮度) to theminimum(最低限度) d turn f_36_An,h es t work y ieor o foot; he _37_ to okSo poplehinkhat e is doing is jua how. _3_ live suh simple li wih so manyoden ietio roud s NoI re wit hi ideadhs behaio. I dont know his _39_aeu thinkwesou lern fromhi to

10、protec ournvonmnt 30 A.eaeB.bomeC.beosbecome3. Ain.onC.verD.t3. A.was brnonBisborn brn inD.was brna3. savingB.osaveC.svD.se3. A.aroundBt.withD.in5.earseeCwre.rad3.A.t VBthe lighthe rdoDhecompter3. Aoest iedivesCdoesn wlkDdoesnt rdea ik3. AN onB.EvryoneC.Eeythinoing9 ArealyB.realC.trueD.rul 七、

11、阅读理解-阅读选择(共4小题;共3分)阅读理解Mr and Mrs Smith cme frm Londo, Eglan. Th wrk in h no.hey teh Englishina mide scool.he ke heir work ver much.They he two chidren,Sam ad uehey r bothin Shaghith teir parents. Mr Smthcn sea Cinese, b hiwif anspeak i verywll.M Smih les simmingand reai,adrs Smih likes swimming nd

12、redin, too. Teote go immiginte fenon ad read in te eveing Sam andSue ike ayn gams wit Cinee bo and irls.S ulewrks on a arm ear London H likes swimmig, too. Hewant to ok i Shaga, bute catspeak Chinese.So e is still(仍然) tere and lChiese evr y.40.Whre Sm nd Se ro?A.anad.B.Ameic.Engand.D.Autlia.41What s

13、porsdose rs Sithlik?ASwimg.Running.C.Plaing sketblDWalk.4. hat dsSa ncdo?.Ateacher.A wker.A farmer.D.nct4What dose ueke?A.Swiing ad reaing.layincompue games.Wathig TV.D.ayig gams44 _ re ndferentcounries n.Mrad rs SmthB.Mrs Sih ander cildeC.Mr mih and hisbrotherr Sadhs chlden阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的选项

14、中,选择最佳选项。TeSmpsons are the ost popularfamilthe world. very week, mnpele all r the worldty a hom toatch th TV.Ts s acartoonfamilof iv peole: all f thma a-looing fces and b wite yes Tpaents are rge Homr argehs bue ai. he lohrhairveryuch. h is awsey kint her family. omworks ina faor ad spedsal his free

15、 tie achingV an aingdnut (炸面圈).He always eat wi is moth opn and e is tooft.Br s the olest chid, H lays t bad ar. He does le too hs omor and oftnks his parens angry. H ike payng ricks (恶作剧) nhi sisr, Lisa isai aitl younger tan Bar a islay top the clssat scho Shesthe smtesteso n th fmy.giis te ougtcid

16、.Sean tak r wal but shes alays n goomood (心情).Secan onl say one wrd:ad.his ithe yr f 2017. ThSimpsonsstrtd in 198 andth caton sill vypopulr ople ofll age like i becaue te Simpss ae lika real amly. They aet erfet (完美的) or beutful like a l o failes on TV.45. Wh do te mss loo like?A.Tey hae go-ooing no

17、sesB.Tey have roun bluefacesC.Th ave shot ylo air.Thyhavebig hites.46.Wt does er ioing in hiree tim?Wtcing .Ding eers.Coi on.eading newspaprs.47romthe passage, knw thaBar qute te oungt n his famlC.doesnt or rd thi tuyiesto pla tricks ohs str, Magie48.The Simpsons has hstoyo _ yer

18、s.A.10B.1C.20.28 Chen hobi, as knownasBn, wasbor(出生) ina vilagn Ahui He waldout ofte mountisfor suywe e ws19.He got a jobinSanghaiand daucssfulie there. ut thigs changd becuseof is dream.I dreamt svera tme a ear out ot of ad I id no ich one led om.t ade flb. One day, -Bi wke u an said t his wife FKn

19、,I wnttoohome. Isted o beng prised, Fu Kengsad, Follow our heat. wil stnd by yu.Then A-ireurned to his hoetown ad bult a farm in013He works hr fr himsef nd lives a simple le. One arm in DabieMountains, -Bin grow vegetbles a raisesanimals I feeheanimals he foothat I yelfeat, becue anyhing the eaill e

20、nd up i our omcs, A-Bin sai. Only i themonais ca oufel cming oyourselfABis wie isa ignerof clothi (服装设计师). othr,th ouplives ali of atghalthil an dreng well feis rny offinding th ay,d ABin. He doesnthava dream about rods anyore,bcuse e hsfound hisown way.49. he em that _ad-BuseA.he los his amilyBheco

21、ulntfnd he wahome.he os his jo.echngejos everal timsayear5.h can w no abot -is animas?.They ve ner arver.BThey ae aised in a townC.They row fas.D.Ty e hily.1 n hic part ofhenewspaer can we fn hi pasage?APOPLEB.SCIENE.MUSICD.PRT pirmani oeof th mot fouomi bookheroes o al t. Hwascreted y San Lei 193 n

22、d was firt inrodcd th worlin the paes ofMavel comi bksSpidermans story i hestory of ter rke, a cild wholots pens nd lves with isat d nle. eter sa shy, qet boy werig glsss d hs few iends. One da, on ag shool classtriptosiec a,he getbitt y secial spder Soon Petr relizh h amagower: h is strong andqck as a sierd also hs a type o sixth snse.e n ongernee his gases and he usehis sup ower to clibup buiis wt his han nd ft!Rememeg othing his UnceBen o hm, ta it great power, there us lso oe grat responsility (

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