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1、上海牛津版英语高二下册Unit4U4同步讲义教案及阅读主旨大意 学员编号: 年 级: 高二 课 时 数:学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师: 授课类型T 词汇 牛津高二下U4C 阅读整体理解能力T 综合能力提升授课日期及时段教学内容 一、词汇Words 1. painter n.画家e. g. His father is a famous painter.他的父亲是一位著名的画家。Though he was an unknown painter, everyone attending the exhibition liked his artwork.尽管当时他还是一个不为人知的画家,可是每

2、个参观展览的人都喜欢他的作品。【知识拓展】paint v.绘画e. g. I wish I could paint as well as you.我希望能画得和你一样好。painting n.绘画,绘画艺术e. g. He is good at painting and his paintings are world famous.他很擅长绘画,他的画世界闻名。2. deserve v.值得;应该受到e. g. The soldier deserved honour because of his sacrifice for his country.这位战士值得尊敬,因为他为祖国献出了一切。【常

3、用搭配】deserve to do值得做某事; deserve sth应该得到某物; deserve to be done=deserve doing应该被e. g. You deserve a rest/to have a rest.你应该可以休息一下了。He deserves to be punished/punishing.他应该受到惩罚。3. work n.作品e. g. Bajins work is admired by many people.许多人都喜欢巴金的作品。The works of Shakespeare includes many plays and poems.莎士比

4、亚的著作包括了许多剧本和诗歌。4. fame n.名声e. g. His fame spread far and wide as a result of his bravery.他的英勇行为令他声名远扬。用法:与reputation相似,但通常表示好名声。e. g. She hoped忉find fame as a poet.她希望以写诗成名。【知识拓展】famous adj.著名的【常用搭配】be famous for/as以.出名e. g. He is famous for singing pop songs./He is famous as a pop singer.他以唱流行歌曲出名。

5、/作为一个流行歌曲歌手他很出名。5. dealer n.交易商;贸易商e. g. He is a dealer in second-hand furniture.他是二手家具经销商。【知识拓展】deal with sth. v.与交易e. g. Ive dealt with this store for many years.我和这个店做生意很多年了。deal n.协议,交易【常用搭配】a deal with sb.与某人的交易e. g. The company has made a deal with a Japanese firm, which is so-called win-win.这

6、个公司和一个日本公司做了笔交易,它是那种被称作双赢的交易。6. superior n.级别(或地位、职位)更高的人;上级e. g. Though Sally is a new worker at the company, she gets along well with her superiors.尽管莎莉是新到公司的,但她与上司相处得很好。adj.地位高的,品质优良的e. g. Ill report you to your superior officer.我要向你的上级告你。【常用搭配】be superior to 比地位高的,品质优的e. g. He is superior to his

7、 wife though they work in the same company.虽然他和他妻子在同一个公司工作,但是他职位高。【知识拓展】inferior n.级别(或地位,职位)更低的人,下级adj.地位低的,品质差的【常用搭配】be inferior to. 比地位低的,品质差的e. g. His wife is inferior to him though they work in the same company.虽然他和他妻子在同一个公司工作,但是他妻子职位低。7. financial adj财政的;财务的;经济的e. g. Shanghai has become an imp

8、ortant financial centre in China.上海已经成为中国重要的金融中心。【知识拓展】finance n.财政,财务;提供的经费 v.提供资金,经费e. g. Unless we get more finance, well have to close the hotel.如果我们得不到更多的资余,我们就得把酒店关闭了。The repairs to the school will be financed by the local government.校舍的维修经费将由当地政府提供。 8. upset adj.难过的;沮丧的;:(肠胃)不舒服的e. g. He was

9、upset to see his bad scores in the final exams.他看到期末考试糟糕的成绩感到很沮丧。I felt terribly upset when my proposal was turned down by the committee.当我的提议被委员会拒绝后,我感到非常沮丧。 He has a upset stomach.他胃不舒服。 【知识拓展】 (l) n.倾覆,扰乱;(多指肠胃)不舒服 e. g. The storm caused a complete upset of our plans.这场暴雨把我们的计划弄得乱七八糟。a stomach up

10、set 肠胃不舒服 (2) v.弄翻,打乱; 使烦恼;使(肠胃)不舒服 e. g. upset the balance of nature破坏自然界的平衡 His violent temper upset the children.他的粗暴脾气使孩子们很苦恼。 9. mental adj.(通常作定语)精神的,智力的,脑力做的e. g. This experience caused him much metal suffering.这一经历给他的精神造成极大痛苦。 Parents and teachers should pay more attention to childrens menta

11、l health.家长和教师应该更注重孩子们的心理健康。 【知识拓展】mentality n.脑力,智力;心理状态e. g. I dont think he is of week mentality, so I cant understand the mentality of his doing such a terrible thing like that. 我认为他不笨,因此我不能理解他竟然做出那样可怕的事情是怎么样的心理状态。10. possess v.拥有 e. g. The gallery possesses a number of the artists early works.这

12、个美术馆藏有这个艺术家大量的早期作品。 The actor possessed a charming personality and a warm smile.这位演员性格很好,总是面带微笑。Im afraid he doesnt possess a sense of humour.恐怕他没有什么幽默感。 【知识拓展】possession n.拥有;财产,占有物【常用搭配】sb. be in/take possession of sth.某人占领/拥有某物 sth. be in the possession of sb.某物被某人占有e. g. She was found in possess

13、ion of dangerous drugs.发现她拥有危险药品。11. admire v.钦佩 【常用搭配】admire sb. for sth. /doing sth.因为某事钦佩某人e. g. Though I do not like her very much, one has to admire her persistence.尽管我并不很喜欢她,但她那坚韧不拔的精神令人敬佩。e. g. We all admired him for his saving the children from the fire.他把孩子从烈火中救出来,我们都很钦佩他。He stood there and

14、 admired the painting.他站在那里欣赏这幅画。 【知识拓展】admiration n.赞美,钦佩,羡慕【常用搭配】admiration for sth.对的赞美钦佩e. g. I was filled with admiration for his courage.我对他的勇气很钦佩。 12. tremendously adv.非常地e. g. The movie is tremendously exciting.这个电影非常刺激。The visit to the history museum was tremendously educational.参观历史博物馆极富教育

15、意义。【知识拓展】tremendous adj.极大的,极好的at a tremendous speed 以惊人的速度 a tremendous explosion/party 巨大的爆炸/极好的聚会13. realistic adj.写实的;逼真的e. g. He has a realistic drawing of a horse.他有一幅栩栩如生的关于马的画。We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible.我们尽力使这些培训课程尽可能的模拟真实效果。The painting was so realistic t

16、hat at first glance everyone thought it was a photograph.那幅画太逼真了,每个人第一眼看见都以为是一张照片。(2) showing realism面对现实的,实事求是的e. g. We have to be realistic and give up the plan to buy a car.我们必须面对现实放弃买车的计划。14. abstract adj.抽象的;(艺术)抽象派的e. g. abstract knowledge/argument/principle 抽象的知识/争论/原理【知识拓展】abstract v.提取,摘录要点

17、【常用搭配】abstract sth. from从中摘录e. g. Please just abstract the most important points from the long report.请从这份长篇报道中摘取最重要的内容。abstract n.摘要;(艺术)抽象派的画,抽象艺术品e. g. Dont forget to write an abstract of your thesis.不要忘记给你的论文写一个摘要。15. stroke n. 一笔;笔画e. g. The old painter put the finishing strokes to the painting

18、 before he died.这位老画家临死前在这幅画中画上了最后几笔。16. visible adj.看得见的;明显的 e. g. These tiny creatures are only visible under a microscope.这些微小的生物只有在显微镜下才能看得见。【知识拓展】vision n.视力;眼光;幻影e. g. He is a man of vision.他是一个有远见有眼光的人。She has a clear vision of future she wants.她对自己所追求的前途有明确的憧憬。17. undoubtedly adv.无疑地e. g. Th

19、is answer is undoubtedly correct.这个答案无疑是正确的。Shanghai is undoubtedly one of the most modern cities in China.上海无疑是中国最现代化的城市之一。【知识拓展】doubt v.怀疑在肯定句中,doubt后的宾语从句常用if或whether,偶尔用that。e. g. I doubt whether/if its true.我怀疑这是否是真的。而在否定句中,doubt的宾语从句一定要用that引导。e. g. I dont doubt that hes telling the truth.我不怀疑

20、他说的是实话。doubt n.怀疑【常用搭配】no doubt/without doubt毫无疑问There is some/little/no doubt that.有疑问毫无疑问.和动词的用法一样,doubt在肯定句中,后面的同位语从句用whether/if,否定句中则用that。e. g. There is some doubt whether he is guilty.他是否有罪还有点疑问。There is no doubt that he is guilty.毫无疑问他是有罪的。18. view v.观看e. g. Beijing is a good place to start f

21、rom if you want to view the Great Wall.如果你想看长城的话,北京是个开始的好地方。 【知识拓展】view n.视力,视野;观看;眺望;景色【常用搭配】in/out of view在视野之内之外 e. g. Theres a fine view of the lake from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到湖的美丽风光。 19. masterpiece n.杰作;代表作e. g. His work is a masterpiece of Impressionism.他的作品是印象派的代表作。Defoes masterpiece

22、 Robinson Crusoe is popular with people of all ages.笛福的杰作罗宾逊漂流记男女老少都喜欢。20. decade n.十年e. g. Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.过去十年来物价一直在上涨。In the past decade, computer technology has seen explosive growth.在过去的10年间,计算机技术经历了爆炸式的发展。【知识拓展】century=100 years; millennium=1000 years. Key Exp

23、ressions重点词组1. the Netherlands 荷兰国家名通常不加冠词,但如果是复合词,如the USA,the UK则要加冠词the。荷兰这个国家名前一定要加the,即the Netherlands;还有一个国家名前要加the,即the Philippines菲律宾。而且这两个国家名都是复数形式,因为theNetherlands表示许多低地的国家,the Philippines表示许多岛的国家。2. believe in 相信;信任e. g. Do you believe in the existence of the ghost? 你相信有鬼吗?Though he suffe

24、red many failures, his parents always believed in his ability, and he was successful in the end.尽管他饱受挫折,他的父母却始终相信他的能力,最终他非常成功。【指点迷津】believe和believe inbelieve sb.sth意思是相信某人或某事,一般是就事论事。而believe in sb.是信任的意思,是对某人一贯的态度。e. g. I believe what he said today but I seldom believe in him.我相信他今天说的话但是我不太信任他。3.ta

25、ke ones own life 自杀e. g. Nobody knows the reason why Van Gogh took his own life.没有人知道梵高为什么要自杀。Counselling and therapy can be helpful in preventing a person from taking his or her own life.心理咨询与治疗有助于预防人们自杀。4. cut off(l) 割下e. g. The gardener cut some dead branches off the tree园丁从树干上剪去一些枯枝。(2) 中断e. g.

26、I was cut off on my line to London.我打伦敦长途时,电话线被切断了。. Key Sentences重难点句子1. Certainly, he was not a success in his lifetime.success n.成功的事物;取得成功的人e. g. The Christmas party turned out to be a great success.圣诞晚会最终非常成功。Einstein is a success in the field of physics.爱因斯坦在物理领域成就卓越。【知识拓展】具有类似用法的词:failure n.失

27、败;失败的人(或事物)e. g. His attempt to produce more works is a failure.他尝试创作更多的作品,结果失败了。He was failure as a teacher.他当过老师,却不称职。2. Few people may have even heard of him.此句中may/might have done是表示对过去情况的猜测,意思是“有可能做过某事”。e. g. He might have finished the work, since he is playing football now.他可能已经完成工作了,因为他现在在踢球。

28、【知识拓展】如要表示“肯定做过某事”,则用must have done。 e. g. He must have disliked it,because he left.他肯定不喜欢(那份工作),因为他离开了。表示“不可能做过某事”,用couldnt/cant have done。e. g. He couldnt have been to London; I saw him yesterday.他不可能已去了伦敦;昨天我看见她了。 3. One hundred years later, in 1990, a Japanese businessman paid us $82 million for

29、 one of his worksa world record. payfor意为花(钱)买下”。 含义相近的结构: sb buy sth for某人花(钱)买下某物 sth cost sb某物花费某人(钱) “sb spend .on sth某人花(钱)买下某物 e. g. She paid 30 dollars for the pair of shoes.她花了30美元买下这双鞋。= She bought the pair of shoes for 30 dollars. The pair of shoes cost her 30 dollars. = She spent 30 dolla

30、rs on the pair of shoes. 【知识拓展】反义词组:sb sell sth for某人以的价格卖出某物 e. g. She sold the second-hand mobile for 300 yuan.她以300元的价格售出这款二手手机。 The store owner agreed to sell the discs for 20 pounds each.店主同意以每张20英镑的价格售出这些唱片。 4. .he worked as a missionary among the poor in Belgium, but he quarrelled with his su

31、periors and abandoned that career as well. quarrel with= argue with和某人争吵 e. g. She quarreled with her brother over their fathers will.她为了父亲遗嘱的事情和弟弟争吵。【知识拓展】quarrel n.争吵,怨言 【常用搭配】have a quarrel(with sb. /between A and B) (about/over sth.)为某事和某人争吵e. g. He did not mention the quarrel with his wife about money.他没提到和他妻子关于钱方面的争吵。 5. For the rest of his life, he depended on the financial support of his brother Theo, the only person who believed in his ability. (1)depend

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