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1、研究生英语下册课本课后翻译研究生英语下册课本课后翻译第一单元 英译汉: 1.根据曾在约翰斯,霍普金斯大学医学心理学和儿科学的著名的名誉退休教授约翰,莫奈的研究,在影响我们择偶的诸多因素中,最说明问题的是一种被称为爱图的东西: 它是我们大脑中的一组编码信息,记载着我们的爱憎。显示我们对头发和眼睛颜色的偏好,还有声音,气味,身材。记录了吸引我们的那种性格,无论是温柔还是寡言坚强型。 2.当男人或者女人拥有某项特定资产,比如知识水平高,美貌超群,使人神魂颠倒的个性,或者腰缠万贯等,选择人生伴侣就可以优势互补,取长补短。例如:美貌超群者常与有权有钱的纨绔子弟匹配,富裕家庭的草包与贫困家庭才貌双全者般配

2、。 汉译英: “its like the ebb and flow of every relationship”,Aniston says.“its hard, it get easy, it gets fun again. whats hard to sustain is some ideal that its perfect. thats ridiculous. whats fantastic about marriage is getting through those ebbs and flows with the same person. and looking across the

3、 room and saying, Im still here. And I still love you. you re-meet, reconnect. you have marriages within marriages within marriages. thats what I love about marriage. thats what I want in marriage. its unfortunate, but we live in a very disposable society. those moments where it looks like uh oh, th

4、is isnt working! those are the most important, transformative moments. most couples draw up divorce papers when theyre missing out on an amazing moment of deepening and enlightenment and connect. ” 第二单元 英译汉: 1.片刻后,特鲁法打瞌睡了。这不是睡觉,而且让人不适的衰弱无力。醒来后,她吃惊的发现她不挂在树上了,睡着时风已经把她刮了下来。这给她不同于伴着日出醒来时的感觉,所有的害怕和焦虑都消失了

5、。这次醒来给她前所未有的意识,她知道现在她不只是一片依赖于风的一时兴致的树叶了,她成为宇宙的一部分。通过某种神秘的力量,特鲁法了解到了自身分子,原子,质子,电子的奇迹,她所代表的巨大能量以及她是其中一部分的神圣计划。 2.奥利就躺在她的身边他们怀着前所未有的爱问候对方。这不是依赖机会和反复无常的爱,这爱跟宇宙本身一样巨大和永恒。在四月至十一月间他们日日夜夜恐惧的结果不是死亡而是救赎。一阵把奥利和特鲁法带到空中,他们在只有解放自己进入永恒才能领悟到的无限幸福里冲入云霄。 汉译英 1.the poorer one is, the more he looks upon money as dirt.

6、I often wonder why a miser should be so rigid in self,denial, even grudging to spend every single cent for himself. All I seek is inner joy. The material life, however hard it is, will never affect my mind and will. when I have money. Ill share it with friends in need, or go to adorned restaurant to

7、 eat and drink to my heart content, or buy and bring home many things I like to eat, such as dried shrimps, dried roast beef, salted ducks gizzard and liver, candies. when Im broke, Ill go stroling around the streets alone on an empty stomach. or shut myself up in my small room with nothing to eat,

8、or lie in bed sleeping for a couple of days or reading an interesting novel, just to while away the terrible long days. 2. hunger deepens my knowledge of the reality and gives me more courage to live. from now on,Im going to redouble my efforts to struggle nothing only for myself, but also for thous

9、ands upon thousands of men and women who,like me, are one the brink of starvation. 第四单元 英译汉 讲到智力,在我看来,蚂蚁确实莫名其妙受到了人们的过誉,比如说,许多个夏天,本来应该做一些有一些有意义的事情,而我却去观察它,然而,我好像始终没有发现一个活蚂蚁比一个死了的更有理性。当然,我指的是普通的蚂蚁,我没接触过那些神奇的瑞士和非洲蚂蚁,他们会进行表决,拥有久经训练的军队,使用努奴隶,讨论宗教问题等。那些特殊的蚂蚁也行完全像博物学家描述的一样,然而,我有理由坚信,一般的蚂蚁都属欺世盗名之辈。当然,我承认它是辛

10、劳的;踏实世界上工作最卖力的生物,那也是在有人观看它们的时候如此,然而,它那份愚蠢劲是我最瞧不上的。 汉译英 it is highly probable that education is the most controversial and most debated subject nowadays. when a countrys prospective economic growth comes to depend more and more on science and technology, education plays a decisive role in a countrys

11、future. today, the privilege of education is no longer limited to a small minority. education has expended so fast that it is now big business. it is, indeed,the biggest business, employing more people and paying more salaries than any other national enterprise. some of the educational enterprise ar

12、e packaged attractively so as to boost publicity and increase enrollment / induce students. in a sense, education has become just one more commodity. educators are apt to be offended by the notion of the commercialization of the education. but then, with perhaps a few exceptions, many colleges are c

13、aught in the process of evolving into profitable assembly-line plants. cultivation of the mind is out of fashion. the selling of marketable skills is in vogue. such is the tragedy of education. needless to say,some imaginative schems and joint endeavors to rescue education from further decline are o

14、verdue. competitive examination have to make room for quality-oriented education,and rote learning must give way to the cultivation of originality and the ability to solve practical problems before we can celebrate the genuine progress of our educational system. 第五单元 英译汉 1.全世界范围内,数码相机的购买数量上一年相比,仅仅增加

15、了10,,从9,380万增加到1,032亿。只要想想2005年销量下降了27,,2004年下降了51,,2003年下降了73,,这根本不算什么。国际数据资讯位于马萨柱塞州雷明汉镇的一位分析师说:“我们已经达到了饱和点,有一些市场所占份额小于8,的零售商不得不好重新自我定位。” 2.同样,柯达也过于依赖照片的打印业务,身任欧洲,中东和非洲地区柯达公司总经理的指出,人们所拍摄的数码照片中打印的份额大约只有28,左右,在每次拍摄后通常只打印两张的情况下,要他们完全脱离使用胶片相机拍照的习惯依然是路途漫漫,有待时日。目前,柯达在销售各种家用照片打印机的产品,例如,它生产的“柯达易享”照片打印机就可以直

16、接与相机连接使用,但是,柯达仅靠出售照片打印机的硬件,并赚不了多少钱,但是出售相纸和墨盒带来的利润空间却远远大于销售消费类电子产品。 汉译英 in the past twenty years, most of the major technological breakthroughs in consumer electronics have really been part of one larger breakthrough. when you get down to it, CDs, DVDs, HDTVs, MP3s are all built around the same basic

17、 process:converting conventional analog information (represented by a fluctuating wave) into digital information (represented by ones and zeros, or bits). this fundamental shift in technology totally changed how we handle visual and audio information- it completely redefined what is possible. the di

18、gital camera is one of remarkable instances of this shift because it is so truly different from its predecessor. conventional cameras depend entirely ones chemical and mechanical processes -you dont even need electricity to operate them. on the other hand, all digital cameras have a built-in compute

19、r, and all of them record images electrically. this new approach has been enormously successful. since film still provides better picture quality, digital cameras have not completely replaceed conventional cameras. but, as digital imaging technology has improved, digital cameras have rapidly become

20、more popular. 第六单元 英译汉 1.但当你摄入超过身体所需的食盐时会怎样呢,身体会保留更多的体液以稀释血流中的过量钠。因而增加了血液的容量,促使心脏更费力;同时会使静脉和动脉变得狭窄,会使血压升高。 每日钠的摄入量不能超过1500毫克,大概是四分之三汤匙的食盐,(餐桌上的食盐实际上含有40,的钠和60,的氯化物)。老年人摄入量应该更少,以抵消血压随着年龄增长而自然增高的倾向。超过50岁的人应该尽量控制在1300毫升,超过70岁的人控制目标应该是1200毫升。 2.如果你选择精制谷物制品如白面包,花卷,低纤维甜粥,白米饭或者白面食而放弃全谷物的话,患心脏病的危险可增加30,以上。

21、你必须成为一个精明的购物者。你不要被欺骗性的标签说明所误导,诸如:“由小麦粉或者全谷物制造”。或白面包上撒一些燕麦片或涂些褐色糖浆等。其实这些食品与原有的精制谷物一样,有增加高胆固醇、高血压、心脏病发作、胰岛素抵抗、糖尿病或腹部肥胖的危险。 汉译英 Air and water pollution combined with widespread use of food additive and pesticides made cancer the top killer in China last year,according to a recent government survey. can

22、cer topped the list of the 10 most lethal diseases for urban residents last year, followed by cerebrovascular diseases and heart ailments according to the survey in 30 cities and 78 countries released by the ministry of health. “the main reason behind the rising number of cancer cases is that pollut

23、ion of the environment, air and water is getting worse day by day. ”said chen zhizhou, a health expert with the cancer research institute affiliated to the China academy of medical sciences.“many chemical and industrial enterprises are built along rivers so that they can dump the waste to the water

24、easily,”chen said“excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides also pollute underground water. ”the contaminated water has directly affected soil, crop and food,”he added. Air pollution is a major cause of lung cancer, as harmful granules enter the lungs and cann be discharged.large amounts of formal

25、dehyde and its compounds used in house renovations and furniture has been blamed for deterioration in air quality. in addition, farmers ues additive on pigs,poultry and vegetables make them grow faster. 第七单元 音译汉 1.我坐在家里的阳台上对着美丽的紫荆树遐想着,湿润的泥土气味又一次唤醒我的记忆。我依然记着那一天,下着雨,我正在一个被树环绕的房子里面,天空乌云密布,花园里的桉树欢快地摇曳着,

26、空气中弥漫着甜甜的湿土的气味。那情景真的很棒。 2.那天晚上睡梦中这些话一直不断出现。第二天清晨醒来,我觉得心情愉快,心中充满了希望,突然间我觉得一切都会好起来。那些在我心中被悄悄说出的话让我开始认真思量起现在的处境来。我明白现在的自己可以选择沉沦于生命带给我的厄运中坐以待毙,也可以选择走出逆境,学着过一种健康向上的生活。我知道我的选择是让我的生活过得充实。 汉译英 1. the tiny fire in the stove gradually died down, and it getting dark outside.I stood up to go. the little girl he

27、ld me back, quickly and deftly took out a big needle with a linen thread and worked at the bowl-shaped orange peel. she linked to the opposite corners in such a way as to make a small basket, which she hung on a thin bamboo stick. she then took the stub of a candle from the windowstill,placed it in

28、the orange peel basket, and lit it. when she had done all this, she handed the lamp to me,saying,“its a dark now, and the road is slippery. let this little orange lamp light the way for you up the mountain. ” 2.holding this ingeniously-made little lamp,I walked slowly up the dark, wet mountain path.

29、 in truth, the dim orange light could not reach very far. however, the little girls calmness and courage, and her optimism, made me feel as though the way in front of me was boundlessly illuminated. 第十单元 音译汉 1.迄今为止,脑细胞移植在医学上取得的成果喜忧参半。以帕金森病的治疗为例。这种病正在逐渐夺去上百万美国人行动和说话的能力。这种疾病是由产生多巴胺的脑细胞逐步退化而引起的,而多巴胺则是把

30、信息从脑补传送到身体其他各部位所必不可少的一种化学物质。 2.大部分医生学习时均被告知成人的大脑是严格固定的,即神经细胞或者称神经元永远不能再生。如果你的手指被刀割伤了,伤口几天后就会愈合,因为你的皮肤有产生新细胞的能力。但若是大脑发生了什么不幸,它却无法自行修复。 汉译英 All around the animal kingdom,sleep ranks right up there with food water and air for the survival of the species. yet despite its clear necessity and lots of inve

31、stigation, scientists still dont know precisely what sleep is for. is it for refresh the body? not really. researchers have yet to find any vital biological function that sleep restores. as far as anyone can tell, muscles dont need sleep, just intermittent periods of relaxation. the rest of the body

32、 chugs along seemingly unaware of whether the brain is asleep or awake. is it to refresh the mind? thats closer to the mark. the brain benefits from a good nights sleep. but there is no agreement among sleep researchers about what form that benefit takes. one theory is that sleep allows the brain to review and consolidate all the streams of information it gathered while awake. another suggests that we sleep in order to allow the brain to stock up on fuel and flush out waste

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