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1、牛津英语模块11Unit1学案模块十一第一单元教学案1. Highlights of the unitTopic Careers and skills VocabularyCarpenter, suited, actually, so-called, cushion, barbershop, cleaner, magician tailor, stewardess, enterprising , artistic, sly, litre, option Be suited to, in reality, under pressure, go about, martial arts, take

2、pleasure in GrammarSimile and metaphor Skills and strategiesBy the end of this unit , students will be able to:1. Read a magazine article about different jobs and a quiz from the Internet. 2. Listen to an interview with a male nurse. 3. Complete a quiz and write an essay about careers. Culture1.Qual

3、ities needed for jobs2.Different types of jobs 2. Teaching suggestionsNew words and Welcome to the unit: 1 period Reading: 2-3 periods Word power: 1 period Grammar and usage: 2-3 periods Task and Project: 2 periodsNew words and Welcome to the unit(1 period)Teaching aims: Master the usage of key word

4、s and phrases of this unit and learn some information about jo according to 4 pictures.Difficulties and emphasis: The usage of some words and phrases1. rescue from 从中援救,从中营救出rescue somebody/something from somebody/something She died trying to rescue her children from the fire.He rescued a child from

5、 e to the/somebodys rescue营救某人A lifeboat came to the yachtsmans (游艇驾驶者)rescue.We came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river. 我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。2. make something from/out of something 用制成, 用做成be made (out) of something make into v. 把制成Shes very good at making things from old scraps of material.

6、Paper is made from wood. The grapes are made into wine.Reading(2-3 periods)自主研习:1.阅读课文,并完成书后相应练习C1.C2. 2.阅读课文,划出不懂的句子合作探究:1.解答自主研习中的疑问答案,(小组合作); 2.仔细阅读课文,并完成相关练习。.适度拓展:完成P5 E部分练习。重难点解析:Language Points1. The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect.reflect His face

7、was reflected in the mirror. 映出Baseball reflects Americas history 棒球反映出美国的历史。 Her work reflects intelligence. 她的工作显示出她的智慧。reflect on: consider 思考I need some time to reflect on your suggestion.reflection (1) Can you see your reflection in the glass? 镜中的映像(2) consideration深思,考虑At first I disagreed, bu

8、t on reflection (=after thinking carefully about it), I realized she was right.经再三考虑on/upon reflection on second thought 陷入沉思 be lost in reflection/thought2. I am going to discuss some of the options available to you and whether popular careers, more unusual jobs or everyday jobs are better suited t

9、o you. Translate the sentence:我将谈论一些你可以选择的工作以及哪种工作更适合你,热门工作、特殊工作还是普通工作。(1) optionchoiceI have little option but to go. Maybe a career as a local grocer or flour-covered baker would be a better option. (L20)optional adj.可选择的 (Where did we learn this word?)(M9 P35) They decided that their freedom was

10、no longer optional.选修课 optional/elective subjects 必修课 compulsory subjects (2) be suited to 合适,适宜 suit to 使与相适合A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his students.一位好老师使他的课适宜学生。 be suited to 适合,适宜Do you think David is suited to teaching? 你认为大卫合适教学吗?知识扩展:suited adj. suit v. 适合,适当;对方便It suits m

11、e if you come to work at eight oclock.如果你八点来上班我就满意了。That dress suits you. 那套衣服你穿起来挺合适。活学会用:翻译下面句子我认为他不适合在大学工作。 I dont think he is suited for a university.这汽车不适合在不平的路上行驶。The car is not suited for a rough road.3. In reality, these people have to spend long hours travelling with all their baggage packe

12、d in suitcases or trunks(Line1113)(1)in reality 实际上,相当于in factThe two football players may be rivals on the pitch, but in fact/reality, they are actually good friends.Tom may appear cold, but in reality he is warm-hearted.类似词组: Actually as a matter of fact as the case stands in fact practically virt

13、ually (2) baggage 行李(不可数) A写出与baggage同义的词: luggage B. 翻译:一件行李 a piece of luggage4. They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful. (Line1718)(1)pressure n.压力under (the) pressure of 在压力之下under pressure 被迫 put pressure on sb给某人施加压力知识扩展:under the name of 以名义 under discussion_在讨论中under

14、the circumstances在这种情况下 under age未成年(2) appear vi. 看上去,显得Everyone appears (to be) well prepared.It appears to me that-据我看来-,似乎翻译: 她显得很疲劳。 She appeared tired.据我看来他已经知道了这件事情。 It appeared to me that he has known it.5. Many people have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer or business, but they do

15、not consider the stress and pressure that come with these jobs. (Line2324)(1)ambition 野心;雄心; 企图;理想be full of ambition野心勃勃One of his ambitions is to become the President of the Motor General.他的抱负之一是当通用汽车公司的总裁。活学会用:翻译下面句子她的理想是成为著名的歌唱家。 Her ambition was to be a famous singer.(2) come with 伴随与发生come abo

16、ut发生 come across 偶遇;碰到 (= come upon)come along 进展;进步;进行 健康好转;有起色 come away离开come by获得;得到come down传递;传给 减价 come in流行;时髦;上市6. lawyers can sometimes face tough moral problems.tough: adj. 艰苦的,艰难的 They will be a tough team to beat.Many homeless people are facing a tough winter. 一个严冬a tough job棘手的工作 a tou

17、gh guy n.硬汉Writing is tough work, but I hope it will be worthwhile.写作是很辛苦的工作,但我希望它会是值得的。7. All these people love their jobs, which might not be popular, but are interesting regardless.regardless adv. 无论如何;不管;不顾I must make the decision regardless. 不管怎样我得做决定。regardless of: paying no attention to The l

18、aw requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex.They decorated the house regardless of cost. 不计成本8. As we go through our daily lives, we meet many different kinds of people go through(1) suffer/experience遭受, 经历Iraq has gone through two wars.(2) 仔细检查, 审查She went through the

19、room but couldnt find the missing ring.(3) 通过某场所Can the table go through the door?The company is going through a tough time at the moment.(4) 履行 go through the procedures9. cleaners, who clear up our rubbish.clear up(1) 整理;完成;收拾 clear up the desk 整理书桌Would you clear up this room before our visitors

20、arrive?(2)(天气)转晴 If the weather clears up, it gets better.(3) 消除 clear up a misunderstanding 解除误会10. These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow people to go about their daily lives.这些人做着这样普通却重要的工作,使人们得以继续他们的日常生活。go about sth. continue to do; keep busy with 继续做,忙于做尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一

21、样工作。Despite the threat of the war, people went about their work as usual.忙于日常事务 go about ones daily routinego about (doing) sth. start to do something; set about sth. 开始,着手How shall we go about the job? How do you go about repairing this telex machine? (= set about)重点词组:1. 考虑一个工作的方方面面 consider all t

22、he aspects of a job2. 事实上 in reality/actually/as a matter of fact3. 把所有的行李都塞进行李箱或大箱子 with all the baggage packed in suitcases or trunks4. 保有普通的,不那么令人向往的工作来养活自己 hold ordinary, less glamorous jobs to support oneself5. 应对无休止的媒体关注 deal with constant media attentionHomework Review all the language points

23、 after class and do A1 and A2 on Page 94 in the workbook.Word power and Grammar and usage(2-3 periods)自主研习:1.Prepare P6. to understand the meaning of the words in blue and try to remember;2.PrepareP7. try to fill in the black;3.Prepare Grammar.合作探究:1.Work in pairs to solve the problems in the learni

24、ng by oneself.2.Check the homework of the last period.词汇涵义:A simile (明喻) My love is like a red, red rose. Robert Burns A metaphor (暗喻) Compared to my house, his is a palace.An idiom (成语) Its raining cats and dogs.A euphemism (委婉语) Senior citizens are respected in our country适度拓展: Some skills in a co

25、mposition Skill One: advanced words and phrases 1. Christmas is coming. on the way / around the corner /drawing near 2. Nowadays, people think exercise is very important. be of great importance / significance /attach great importance to 3. We should knows about pollution to do something for our envi

26、ronment. We should have a good knowledge of pollution to contribute to the environment. 4. Chinese is becoming more and more important nowadays. Chinese is becoming increasingly important nowadays. Skill Two : abundant sentence patterns 丰富多变的句式能够有效避免句式的单一、呆板,从而增添语言表达的多样性和灵活性。这是高考高分作文的必不可少的条件。 句式一:运用

27、非谓语动词或独立主格结构,使句子简洁高档1.We hurried there. We found he was out.We hurried there, only to find he was out.2.Because he didnt feel well, he stayed at home.Not feeling well, he stayed at home.3.When we see from the hill top, we can find the city more beautiful.Seeing from the hill top, we can find the cit

28、y more beautiful. 4.She stood there and waited for the bus. Given more time, we could do it better.5.If we were given more time, we could do it much better.The meeting over, they all went home.6.If it is fine, we can go to the beach.(独)It being fine, we can go to the beach.句式二:巧用倒装结构、强调句增强句子的表现力常用的几

29、个倒装句式:1.否定词(never,hardly,seldom)置于句首 Never shall I do this again.2.Only修饰状语 Only in this way can we improve English.3. as引导的让步状语从句 Child as he was, he had to make a living.句式三:尝试复合句,使句子结构更加紧凑 1.The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written.(定语从句)The girl whose composition was well w

30、ritten is spoken highly of.2. I wont believe what he says.(让步状从)No matter what he says, I wont believe.3.Will the meeting be held in this city? It has not been decided yet.(主语从句)Whether the meeting will be held in this city has not been decided yet.类别常用的过渡性词汇列举 first(ly); second(ly); third(ly); last

31、 but not least并列or; eitheror; neithernor; not onlybut also bothand 对称for one thing, for the other thing;on one hand, on the other hand转折but; however; while; though; otherwise; on the contrary; in spite of因果because; since; as; thanks to; owing to; due to; as a result (of); therefore条件as long as; so long as; on condition that; if; unless让步though; as; even if/though; whether; regardless of; w

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