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本文(六年级下英语期末试题轻巧夺冠天津市宝坻区 1小英用所给词的适当形式填空.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

六年级下英语期末试题轻巧夺冠天津市宝坻区 1小英用所给词的适当形式填空.docx

1、六年级下英语期末试题轻巧夺冠天津市宝坻区 1小英用所给词的适当形式填空六年级英语第二学期期末考试试卷题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分学。科。网总分人学。科。网评卷人得分第一部分 听力(30分一、听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1 A boy B ball C bored( )2 A shop B short C ship( )3 A book B look C took( )4 A singing B sang C song( )5 A fail B fall C feel( )6 A n Feb.2nd B n Feb.12th C n F

2、eb.20th( )7 A ChildrenDay B omens Day C Teachers Day( )8 A He had a fever. B He had the flu. C He had a cold( )9 A hang Peng went to school by bus. B hang Peng went school by subway. C hang Peng went to school by bike.( )10 A hat did you do in the morning? B hat do you do in the morning? C hat are y

3、ou going to do in the morning?评卷人得分二、听录音,判断图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的在括号内打“”,不相符的打“”。(5分)评卷人得分三、根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1 A Yes, I know. B No,I am not. C Yes,I do.( )2 A Tomorrow. B Tomorrow C Yes, I do.( )3 A I was tall. B I was happy. C I was eight.( )4 A She went to a village.

4、 B e went fishing yesterday. C They went to a park.( )5 A It was sunny. B It was Sunday. C It is the sun.评卷人得分四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整,每空只填一词(5分)1e music on onday.2. e went _ in a park.3. Do you like _ boats?4. Amy _ a big mouse yesterday.5. John _ to Shanghai on Friday.第二部分 笔试 (70分)评卷人得分五、选出每组中发音

5、不同的单词。(5分)( )1. A. out B. about C. should D. round( )2. A. tower B. flower C. cow D. grow( )3. A. jumped B. played C. kicked D. walked( )4. A. night B. sight C. right D. eight( )5. A. learn B. near C. hear D. dear评卷人得分六、单项选择。(20分)( )1.hat day it yesterday? A was B is C were D be( )2. I was born ay 4

6、th. A in B at C on D with( ) 3. I learn a lot by things. A make B makes C made D making( ) 4.He to the park last Sunday. A go B goes C went D going( )5. people visit Beijing every year. A Thousand B Thousands C Thousands of D Thousand of( )6. He is _ in watching TV.A. interest B. interesting C. inte

7、rested D. interests( ) 7. hat time did your mother _ home yesterday ?A. get B. get to C. got D. got to( ) 8. There is only _ tea in the cup. A. a few B. few C. little D. many( ) 9. e shouldnt cut down _ trees or waste _ water.A. toany, touch B. touch, toany C. touch, touch D. toany ,toany( ) 10. The

8、 teacher always tells us _ the rules of our school.A. obey B. to obey C. obeying D. obeyed评卷人得分七、按要求改写句子。(10分)1. I did my homework yesterday evening. (改为否定句) I _ _ my homework yesterday evening.2. He goes to school by bike every day.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he _ to school every day?3. He will go to Shanghai by

9、 train. (改为同义句) He will _ _ _ to Shanghai. 4. The new supermarket is next to the puter store. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the new supermarket?评卷人得分八、填序号完成对话。(5分)Amy:_Jenny: I went to injiang.Amy: _Jenny: Yes, it is very far. e flew to injiang.Amy: h! _Jenny: e sang and dance with our friends. And we ate many deli

10、cious fruits.Amy: It sounds great!Jenny: _Amy:It was interesting . I went to Hongong on my holiday.Jenny: _Amy:f course! I like the Disney Park very did you go in Hong ong? B.How was your holiday, Amy?C.Is it far from Guangzhou?D.How did you go there?E.hat did you do there? did you

11、 go on your holiday?G.Did you go to the Disney Park?评卷人得分九、阅读理解(10分) Hello, Im ike. I went to Hainan with my parents during the winter holiday. Everyone asked us to bring some T-shirts to Hainan, because it was very hot in Hainan. So we took many T-shirts and shorts with us. This winter, it was so s

12、trange(奇怪的). The weather was not fine. It was always cloudy and rainy, and it was very cold. But we only had T-shirts and shorts. e didnt take one coat or sweater. So we stayed in the restaurant. e went back four days later. e didnt visit any places in Hainan. It was really a terrible trip.( ) 1. he

13、re did ike go duriing the winter holiday? He went to _.A. Beijing B. Hainan C. injiang( ) 2. Did they take any sweaters? A. Yes, they did. B. No, they didnt. C. They forgot.( ) 3. hat was the weather like in Hainan this holiday? It was _. A. good B. hot C. bad( ) 4. hat did they do in Hainan? They _

14、. A. visited many beautiful places B. took a trip C. stayed in the room( ) 5. hat does “terrible” meam ? It means “_”. A. very good B. C. very bad评卷人得分十、选词填空,使短文的内容完整。(10分)ent got took bought skiing swimming for trip teach in tired first I had a _ to Shenzhen. n the _ day, I_ to the indow of the orl

15、d. I_ many pictures _ the park. n the second day, I went _. I didnt know how to ski.I asked someone to _ me. n the third day, I went shopping. I _ many beautiful presents _ my friends. I was _. I wanted to have a rest.评卷人得分十一、写作。(10分) 请你以“y holiday plan”为题描述一下这个暑假你打算去哪里,打算怎样去,打算什么时间去,和谁一起去,打算去那里做什么。

16、要求不少于5句话。听力稿及答案一、1.I feel bored yesterday.2. y skirt is very short. 3. The cook is reading a book.4.Look! The birds are singing in the tree.5. itty looks sad, and she hurts her leg, too. She must fall down from her bike yesterday.6. y math teachers birthday is on Feb. 20th.7. Today is arch 8th. hat

17、holiday is it?8. hats the matter with Tom ? He looks sick. He had a cold.9. How did you go to school yesterday, hang Peng? - I went by bike.10. hat do you do in the morning?二、1. Tom is skiing.2. I went ty aunts home by train last winter holiday.3. Peter is the shortest student in our class. He is 80

18、cm.4. Chen Jie is sick today. She has a toothache.5. They are fishing by the river.三、1. Do you know your art teachers English name?2. hen did you take this picture?3. How did you feel just now?4. hat ded you do yesterday?5. hat was the weather like last Sunday?四、1. e learned music on onday.2. e went

19、 hiking in a park.3. Do you like rowing boats?4. Amy saw a big mouse yesterday.5. John got to Shanghai on Friday.答案:一、CBAAB CBCCB二、VV三、CCBBA四、learned, hiking, rowing, saw, got.五、CDBDA 六、ACDCC CACAB七、1. didnt do 2. How does, go 3. take a train 4. here is八、FCEBG九、BBCCC十、 trip, first, went, took, in, s

20、kiing, teach, bought, for, tired.十一、范文略小学英语6B总复习专项训练用所给词的适当形式填空班级 姓名 1. Gao Shans uncle is ( short) than his father.2. The horse is as ( thin) as the goat .3. hos taller than ( she).4. That isnt my coat. (y) is over there.5. I want to (visit) him one day.6. r Elephants tail is (long) than r onkeys.7

21、. Let me (show) you how (do) it.8. You can (play) the puter games.9. hy dont you (make) a puppet?10. Look! The children (have) an English lesson.11. hats your (high)?12. The red skirt is (small) than the bule one.13. e (have) a birthday party yesterday.14. Can you pick (them) up for me?15. Its Child

22、rens Day. All the students are very (excite).16.Ben an Benny are good at (China).17. She wants (buy) a new pen.18. It often (rain) in summer.19. Sometimes they (not have) lunch at home.20. Look! The bus (e).21. He (make) many cakes for his friends yesterday.22. (be) there any tea in the cup?23. iss

23、Li (teach) you English next term.24. y brother (see) his classmates photo in the newspaper yesterday.25. He (like) making a snowman in winter.26. She (go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.27. Sam and I (be) in different classes. There (be) one hundred students in our classes.28. -L

24、ook! hat they (do) now? -They (pick) the apples.29. hat would you like (eat)? I want to eat some cakes.30. -hat (do) Su Hai do on last Sunday morning? -She (go) for a walk in the park.31. - (do) you go swimming last Saturday? -No. e (watch) a film.32. -hat (do) ang Bing usually do after school? -He

25、usually (go) home and (draw) some pictures.33. -Is iss Li in the teachers office now? -No. Shes (take) photos in the garden.34. Its ( rainy / raining) in spring in New York.35. Summer in New York is as (hot / hotter) as Nanjing.36. Su Yang wants to know about (weather / the weather) in Shanghai.37.

26、(There is / There are) a lot of rain in spring in the city.38. hich season (are / do) you like best?39. Ben (want) a penfriend in China.40. iss Li (like) (draw) horses.41. y hobbies are (swim) and (dance).42. I (read) newspapers last night.43. I am (do ) my homework now.44. David is (show) his photo

27、s to his classmates.45. I (have) a birthday party last week. y penfriend (e) ty party, and I was very happy.46. -Do you like (yellow flower)? -No, I dont.47. - (there be) any shops near your school? -Yes.48. -Do you like (row)? -Yes, I do.49. -hat are you going to do? -Im going to (have a picnic).50

28、. Last Friday, I (take part in) a sports meeting.51. -hat (do) he like? -He (like) playing table tennis.52. iss Yang is as (old) as iss ang, but she looks (young) than iss ang.53. y sister (go) to the supermarket every Sunday.54. e (do not) watch TV last night.55. y mother (look) (young) than my aun

29、t.56. -Is Gao Shan in the bedroom? -No, he (is) there a moment ago. Now hes (water) the flowers in the garden.57. Lets go (camp) on Sunday.58. Im the only (children) in my family.59. Yesterday I (meet) my friend Jack in the street. e (be) very glad to see each other.60. He asked me how (get) to the shopping center.61. Turn left at the first (cross).62. You can take bus No.6 and get off at the (two) stop.63. (that) are apples.64. To get there (fast), you can take bus No.7.65. ould you lik

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