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1、24大学英语听力Unit 4 Going to School(I)Part IThe learning focus of this unit is the understanding of utterances describing peoples appearance, behavior, and their thoughts and feelings.Section A1. counselor顾问,法律顾问,参事=counsellor2. make the grade成功,达到标准3. quit离开,辞职,停止4. polytechnic理工专科学校,工艺学校5. notice board

2、布告栏,公告栏6. physical education体育课,体育教育7. havent a clue不知道,8. strict严格的9. requirement要求,需要10. goody-goody伪善的人,老好人Section BNew words and expressions1. quit the exam 终止考试2. why I didnt make the grade on this course 为什么这门课程我考不过3. let him down 让他失望了4. Hed entered me for a chess competition 他给我报名参加棋赛5. I go

3、t knocked out in the first match 第一场比赛我就被淘汰了6. league. 联赛7. sit this examination参加考试TapescriptSam: I wont be able to do the exam tomorrow. I just dont feel that Im ready. Counselor: You say that you dont feel ready for tomorrows exam . what do you feel like right now? Sam: Well, Im angry with myself

4、 because Im going to have to quit the exam and, well, I guess Im anxious. Yes, I feel very anxious. Counselor: When you think about this anxiety, what image do you have of yourself? Sam: Well, I see myself trying to explain to my Dad why I didnt make the grade on this course . and I see him getting

5、angry . and, well, I start to feel Ive let him down again. Counselor: You dont feel ready for your exam, you feel anxious and you dont want to let your Dad down again. Tell me about the last time you let your Dad down. Sam: Oh, well, it was a year ago . Hed entered me for a chess competition and I g

6、ot knocked out in the first match . he was angry because hed told all his friends how good I was. Counselor: What did you tell him . as an explanation when you lost the chess game? Sam: I told him that I wasnt ready to play in that league. Counselor: And now you are preparing to tell him that youre

7、not ready to sit this examination? Sam: Yes, I suppose I am. Counselor: O.K. Sam, so what you are saying to me is that you feel reluctant to take the exam tomorrow because you do not like the thought of having to explain a poor grade or a failure to your father. Is that right, Sam? Sam: Yes. Thats e

8、xactly it.Section CNew words and expressions1. fitness room 健身房2. keep fit 保持身体健康3. hockey 曲棍球,4. badminton. 羽毛球5. go sailing 进行帆船运动6. go down-caves 探索洞穴迷宫7. I havent a clue mate. 我不知道,伙计。8. Catering students学餐饮的同学TapescriptSteves first morningSteve was rather nervous about his first day of the poly

9、technic. He didnt know any other students and he didnt know his way around the building. At 9 oclock, he was at the main entrance with a crowd of hundreds of other students. All of them seem to know what to do except Steve. Then he found a notice. There was a meeting for all the first-year students.

10、 He found them all waiting in the large hall. First, the director of the Polytechnic welcomed them. Then the head of the students services, and finally the head of physical education.Head of physical education: Im here to tell you about the sport you can do at the Poly. Here in Edington, we have a f

11、itness room where you can do exercises to keep fit, and weekly you can do all sorts of sports, such as tennis, football, hockey and badminton. But there are also many other activities. You can go sailing. You can go down-caves. You can go climbing and many more. We hope all of you will take part in

12、at least one of these. If you want to join, come on weekly on Wednesday afternoon. Any questions?A student: What about swimming?Head of physical education: We dont have our own pool. But you can swim in the public pools in Hanksy or Muston Ferry.After the meeting was over, Steve looked at this timet

13、able. His first class was business studies, and was in room 316. But where was Room 316?Steve: Excuse me. Do you know where Room 316 is ?Male student 1 : Oh, I havent a clue mate.Steve: Do you now where Room 316 is?Female student 1: No, do you?Steve: Im looking for Room 316.Male student 2: Oh, not a

14、nother first year. Look at the notice board.Steve: But where is the notice board?Male student 2: Dont ask me.Steve: Could you tell me where Room 316 is?Female student 2: You mean business studies for Catering students.Steve: Thats it.Female student 2: Oh, Im looking for it for myself. Youre a first-

15、year?Steve: Yes.Female student 2: So am I. Lets see if we can find it together.Questions1. Where was Steve at 9 oclock?2. How many people made welcome speeches at the meeting for all the first year students?3. Who are they?4. What kinds of sports are available in Edington Polytechnic?5. What was Ste

16、vefirst class?6. Where will he have the class?7. How many students did Steve ask when he tried to find his class?8. Did he get the answer?Part II New words and expressions:1. Many years ago - more years than I care to remember 许多年以前,久远地我都想不起来2. I dont count Latin我不指望拉丁文3. this teacher didnt make it

17、easy 这位教师使法语学起来并不容易4. because of that man some people might say in spite of him . no, that wouldnt be fair, 因为那个人,有些人可能会说不关他的事,不,那不公平。5. I still have a very clear picture of that teacher. 我对那教师仍然有一个非常清晰的画面6. somehow 不知怎么地7. he wore glasses with black frames, 他戴副眼镜,眼镜架是黑色的8. he had very thick, bushy

18、eyebrows 他的眉毛既粗大又浓密9. he was very musical 他精通音乐10. he was quite a good rugby and tennis player他是相当不错的橄榄球和网球选手(Part I)Yes, the teacher I remember best was a teacher I had for French when I was at school . er . er . Many years ago - more years than I care to remember, Im afraid. Yes, I studied French

19、with him for, um, ooh, let me see, it must have been five years, because I had him when I was in my first year there, when I was thirteen, and he was the main French teacher till I left. It was mainly because of him that I went on to study languages French and German at university. I mean, French wa

20、s really the first language I ever learned. Well, I dont count Latin, because I never managed to speak any Latin at all. Er, well, this . this teacher didnt make it easy . he didnt make it easy at all, but I found that with him I really learned a lot.When I think back, I . dont really know why I lik

21、ed him so much, because he was very strict with us. He made us work very hard I mean, lots of grammar exercises, vocabulary tests, that sort of thing er, and he wasnt very friendly either, for the first two or three years. Oh, as well as that, he didnt really try to make the classes interesting I me

22、an, no . no video, of course, in those days, no cassettes . but, er, we had a few films in French every term. No, in fact, the only time we really practiced trying to speak French was, er, was with the wife of one of the music teachers, who was French, er, and she gave us an hours conversation class

23、 every week. But, you know, because of that man some people might say in spite of him . no, that wouldnt be fair, no but quite a lot of us began to like France and the French a lot, and, er, to visit France in the summer holidays to see it for ourselves. (Part II)Yes, I think with him I learned that

24、 when you learn a foreign language . its, it . well, its like opening a door or a window into a foreign country. And thats good for you, I think, because you begin to see that the way they do things and think in your country is, um, isnt necessarily the only way or, indeed, the best way. Its funny,

25、I still have a very clear picture of that teacher. He was English but he didnt look English somehow, cos he had very, very black hair and very dark eyes, and he wore glasses with black frames, but you could see his eyes very well, and everyone in the class always had the feeling that he was looking

26、at them. And he had very thick, bushy eyebrows that made him look very, er, very serious.Yes, I remember he was very musical played the piano very well and sang. Now, he was quite a good rugby and tennis player. Great family man, too. He had three children and a very interesting wife. I suppose he m

27、ust have been in his thirties when I knew him . Part IIINew words and expressions1. commission. 委员会,委员; 商佣金,手续费; 任命,委任; 委任状 vt. 委任,授予; 使服役; 使(船)服役 2. the trend world-wide遍及全世界的倾向3. unexpected出乎意料的4. entertaining有趣的,令人愉快的5. amazing令人惊讶的6. downside负面,下降趋势7. treat properly适当地对待8. lesson plan教案9. a hoot

28、.有趣的人,事,物10. relationships and values人际关系和价值观11. tiring累人的12. magic and exciting有魔力,令人兴奋的13. modern fiction现代小说14. appropriate适当的15. physically身体上的,生理上的,物理的 16. emotionally情感上的17. kept on about没完没了地讲18. to make these lesson plans up把这些教案组织起来19. the great works of modern fiction,20. go in进入,进去,参加21.

29、they come out with all these amazing things他们说出所有这些惊人的话22. you develop appropriate relationships with them.和他们培养适当的关系(Part I) Presenter: Christine teaches in a secondary school. What does she enjoy about being a teacher? Christine: I enjoy the fun you have, I enjoy the . er . the unexpected, the thi

30、ngs that c.that you cant plan for. When we were at college I think the only thing that they . they kept on about was planning lessons, and we used to have to make these lesson plans up and they always seemed to me like the great works of modern fiction, the lesson plans, because real lessons arent l

31、ike that, they dont work out the way you plan them and thats what makes it really interesting is that you just go in, thinking youre going to do thing A and it turns into thing B, depending on what the students do and say.And theyre also so funny, yeah, I mean students are terribly entertaining a .

32、theyre just a hoot. And they . they come out with all these amazing things and they tell you things. And if youre any good at that they will trust you as a person. And so what youre teaching them in English is much less important than what youre teaching them about the big world and the world theyre goi

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