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1、牛津译林版初中英语七年级英语上册Unit3学案及习题7A Unit 3 重点词组句型语法点归纳一、重要词组句型归纳Welcome to the unit: 1 你最喜爱的科目是哪门? Which of the subjects do you like best?=Which subject do you like best? =Which is your favourite subject subject? 2 因此我可以吃三块。So I can eat three. 3 学校开放日 School Open Day4 在开放日 on Open Day5 今天是几月几号? Whats the d

2、ate today? 今天是十月九号。 Its 9 October.6 今天是星期几? What day is it today? 今天是星期一。 Its Monday.7 现在是几点? What time is it now?/Whats the time now? 现在是两点钟。 Its two oclock.8 明天是开放日。 Tomorrow is our Open Day.9 家长会 the parents meeting10 让我们一点半在学校门口见。 Lets meet at the school gate at 1:30.Reading: 1 你学校看起来很漂亮。 Your s

3、chool looks beautiful. 看起来很现代 look modern 看起来年轻 look young 2 带你参观一下 show you around 带领某人参观某地 show sb. around sp.3 在教学楼的前面 in front of the classroom building 在教室的前面(在教室的外面) in front of the classroom 在教室的前面(在教室的里面) in the front of the classroom4 在一楼(英式英语) on the ground floor 在一楼(美式英语) on the first flo

4、or5 这些教室既干净又明亮。 The classrooms are clean and bright.6 这边请,妈妈。 This way, Mum. 7 一个艺术教室 an art room 一个音乐教室 a music room 两个电脑教室 two computer rooms 8 开会 have meetings9 穿白色衬衫的那个人是谁? Whos the man in a white shirt?10 参观我们的学校 visit our schoolGrammar: 1 看一看墙上我朋友的照片 look at the pictures of my friends on the w

5、all2 让我想想。 Let me see. 让我看一看。 let me have a look.3 在我们校足球队 in our school football team4 他们都很好。 They are all very nice.5 我们都喜欢他。 We all like him.6 让我告诉你有关它的情况。 Let me tell you about it. 告诉某人有关某事的情况 tell sb. about sth.7 我有一些新朋友 I have some new friends. 8 我喜欢放学后和他们一起玩。 I like to play with them after cl

6、ass. 9 向她问好 say hello to her 10 什么?请再说一遍。 Pardon? 用于请求别人重复一遍,完整形式为: I beg your pardon. 口语中课省略为:Beg your pardon. 或Pardon? 11 我听不清你的话。 I cant hear you well.12 在电话里 on the phone 在电视上 on TV 在收音机里 on the radio 在网上 on the InternetIntegrated skills& Study skills: 1 你怎样到学校? How do you get to school? 我骑车/坐公共

7、汽车到学校。 I get to school by bike / by bus. =I ride a bike to school / take a bus to school. 2 那需要多长时间? How long does it take? 你骑车到学校需要多长时间? How long does it take you to get to school by bike? 我骑车到学校需要20分钟。 It takes me twenty minutes to get to school by bike.3 从我家到学校有很长的一段路。 Its a long way from my home

8、 to the school.4 我每天坐公交车去学校。 I take the bus to school every day. =I go to school by bus every day.5 我朋友艾米住的靠近学校。 My friend Amy lives near our school. 6 桑迪每天骑车去学校。 Sandy goes to school by bike every day. =Sandy rides a bike to school every day.7 它什么时候开放? When is it open? 它从早上八点一直到下午五点半开放。 Its open fr

9、om 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 8 阅览室只在下午开放。 The reading room is only open in the afternoon.9 我们图书馆有各种各样的图书。 There are all kinds of books in the library.10 你从图书馆借书吗? Do you borrow books from the library? 向借某物 borrow sth. from 把东西借给别人 lend sth. to sb. = lend sb. Sth.11 过马路 cross the road12 在你回来的路上带个生日蛋糕给我。 Br

10、ing me a birthday cake on your way back. 在某人回来/回家/去学校的路上 on ones way back/home/to schoolTask&Self-assessment 1 谢谢你的来信。 Thanks for your letter.=Thank you for the letter. 为某事而感谢某人 Thanks for sth/doing sth .2 希望中学 Hope Middle School3 一些教室 a few classrooms4 我家离学校很远。 I live far away from the school. Its

11、a long way from my home to the school. 5 我每天步行去学校。 I go to school on foot every day. =I walk to school every day. 6 到达学校花了我大概一小时时间。It takes me about an hour to get to school.二、重点词汇讲解1. so 1) 作连词,意思是“因此,所以”。如: I love reading, so I am good at Chinese. 我热爱阅读,所以我擅长语文。 2 ) 作副词,意思是“如此,这么;非常”。如: Your class

12、room is so clean and bright. 你们教室非常干净明亮。2. show 1) 作动词,意思是“出示,给.看”。常用结构:show sb sth. = show sth. to sb. 意思是“给某人看某物”。如: showme your photo = show your photos to me 把你的照片给我看看 2) show sb. around sp. 意思是“带某人参观某地”。如: Please showme around your school library.请带我参观你们学校图书馆。3. front 作名词,意思是“前面”。与之相关的两个词组是:in

13、front of 在(外部)的前面;in the front of 在(内部)的前面。如: There is a big tree in front of the teaching building. 教学楼前有一棵大树。I like sitting in the front of the bus. 我喜欢坐在公交车的前部。4. look 1)look和see的区别是look强调动作,但不一定看得见;see强调结果。如: Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。Can you see the birds in the tree? 你能看到树上的鸟吗? 2)loo

14、k 除了作不及物动词,还可以作名词 如:have a look 看一看3)look还可以作系动词,意为“看起来,看上去” look+形容词 看起来 He looks young. 他看起来很年轻 look like+名词 看上去像 He looks like his father.他看上去像他的父亲。 4)looks 作名词,“相貌,容貌”5. openopen可作形容词,意为“开着的,营业的”,其反义词为closed。形容词open和 closed强调状态,动词open和close 强调动作。如: The shop opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 8 p.m. 这

15、家商店早上八点开业,晚上八点歇业。The shoe shop is open, but the clothes shop is closed today.今天这家鞋店正在营业,但那家服装店歇业。6. kind 1)作名词,意思是“种类”。例如:all kinds of 各种各样 different kinds of 不同种类的 There are allkindsof animals in the zoo. 动物园里有各种各样的动物。 2)作形容词,意思是“亲切的;和蔼的”。如:They are verykindto me. 他们对我很好。7. borrow 1)borrow意思是“借某物”,

16、指从别人那里借来东西(借入)。常用结构:borrow something from somebody / somewhere。如: Do you often borrow books from the library? 你经常从图书馆借书吗? 2)lend也有“借”的意思,但lend指把东西借给别人(借出)。常用结构:lend sb sth” 或 lend something to somebody。如: Can you lend me your pen? 你能借给我你的钢笔吗? Will you please lend your bike to me? 你能把自行车借给我吗?8. few1)

17、用于修饰可数名词复数,意思是“不多的,少数的,几乎没有。”(表达否定的意思)。 a few用于修饰可数名词复数,意思是“一些,少量,有几个”(表达的是肯定意思)。如:There are a few apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。 There are few apples on the table. 桌子上几乎没苹果。 2)little修饰不可数名词,意思是“几乎没有”(表达否定的意思)。 a little修饰不可数名词,意思是“有一点儿”(表达的是肯定意思)。如: Hurry up. There is little time left. 快点,没时间了。 Dont

18、 worry. There is a little time left. 别急,还有一点时间。9. away 1)作副词,意思是“离开,远离”。如: Sheisawayfromhometoday. 她今天不在家。 My house is only 3 kilometers away from my school. 我家离学校仅三公里远。 2) far away from 的意思是“远离”。如: Do you live far away from your school? 你住的离你们学校远吗? 注意:far 不能与具体的数字连用。10. let vt. 让 1)lets do sth. 让我们

19、 Lets go to the hall. 让我们去礼堂吧。 2)let sb do sth. 让某人做某事。 Let me show you around. 让我带你参观一下。 Let me tell you about it. 让我告诉你有关它的情况。三、语法点总结人称代词单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem如果人称代词在句中作主语(常位于句首),用主格;如果人称代词作宾语(动词和介词后面),用宾格。如:I like him. “我”作主语,用主格“I”,“他”在动词后,作宾语,

20、用宾格“him”。Unit 3 Welcome to our school!Period 1 Welcome to the unit编写:徐俊干 审阅:陈兵班级_组别_姓名_评价_【学习目标】1. 掌握中学常见的几门课程的名称。2. 使用适当的语言谈论学校生活。【导学提纲】A. 听磁带,读课本P30和P31的单词并背诵,默写。B. 请翻译下列词组。1. 欢迎到 2. 最喜爱的科目 3. 擅长 4. 10月1日 5. 学校开放日 6. 家长会 7. 在学校大门口 8. 在上午8点 【展示交流】1. 复习上单元的句型,小组合作练习对话:A: Hello! Whats your favourite

21、sport? B: I like .very much.A: Who is your favourite player? B: . is my hero.2. 看动画,回答问题。3. 小组合作读P31的对话。3. 表演课文对话。【盘点收获】1. so conj. “因此,所以”。常用来表示结果。There is no bus here, so we have to walk home. 这儿没有公共汽车了,所以我们只好步行回家。拓展 (1)so 作副词时,“这/那么; 如此”,通常置于所修饰的形容词或副词之前。 Dont walk so fast! 不要走得那么快! Mr Green spea

22、ks English so fast that I cant hear him clearly. 格林先生讲英语如此快,以至于我听不清他说些什么。 (2)so “就像那样,是这样”, 为避免重复前面所说过的内容,常与hope, think, believe 等词连用。 -Are you OK? 你没事吧? -I think so. 我想没事。 -Jim will feel better soon. 吉姆很快就会感觉好些的。-I hope so. 我希望如此。【反馈矫正】一、根据汉语及首字母提示完成单词。1. -Whats your favourite s_. -Its Maths.2. A b

23、ig car is at the school g_ . The car is Jims fathers.3. -W _ bike is your sisters? -The red one.4. I w _ like to go to your party.5. That man is my _ (生物) teacher.6. Id like you to meet my _(地理) teacher .7. My father teaches _ (历史) at school.8. We have tea at four _(点钟) in the afternoon. 二、按要求完成下列句子

24、,每空一词1. My favourite subject is Chinese.(对划线部分提问) ?2. I can come to School Open Day tomorrow.(一般疑问句并否定回答) .3. We can meet at eight oclock. (对划线部分提问) ?4. The boy in green is my brother. (对划线部分提问) ?5. My parents are at a meeting. (对划线部分提问) ?6. We have meetings in the school hall. (对划线部分提问) ?7. They ha

25、ve an art room at school. (改为否定句) .7. Its 10 October. (对划线部分提问) ?【迁移创新】根据短文内容选择合适单词,并用它的适当形式填空。after, have, watch, play, get, lunch, some, homework, by, beginLi Yang is a middle school student. She _1_ up at 6:30 in the morning. She _2_ breakfast at 7:00 and then goes to school _3_ bike. She has fou

26、r classes in the morning. She _4_ her classes at 8:00. She has _5_ at 12:00 at school. After lunch she does _6_ reading. In the afternoon she has two classes. Classes begin at 2:30. _7_ school at 4:30, she and her classmates _8_ games. She goes home at 5:00. After supper, she does her _9_. She goes

27、to bed at 10:00. Sometimes she _10_ TV before she goes to bed.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10. _ 家长签字:_Unit 3 Welcome to our school!Period 2 Reading (1)编写:徐俊干 审阅:陈兵班级_组别_姓名_评价_【学习目标】1. 熟读课文,了解Millie的校园情况。2. 学会介绍自己的学校情况。【导学提纲】A. 听磁带,读课本P32到P34的单词并背诵,默写。B. 请翻译下列词组。2. 一间很大的音乐教室 2. 带领某人参观 3. 穿白衬衫的

28、男人 4. 在前方 5. 在一楼 6. 干净而明亮 7. 看上去很现代 8. 开会 【展示交流】1. Warm up: Whats your school like?2. Pre-reading: How does Millies school look ?3. While-reading: Skimming: How many classrooms are there in Millies school?Scanning: Read and matchDetail reading: Read and do the exercises 4. Post-reading: Complete Mil

29、lies diary on page 32.Discussion: Talk about our own school. 5. Homework: Write a short passage about our school.【盘点收获】1. would like “想要”would like something “想要某物”;would like to do something“想要做某事”;would like sb. to do something “想要某人做某事”2. What time is it? “现在几点了”,用来对时间提问,其答案是:Its + 时刻。其同义句:Whats the time?【反馈矫正】一、根据首字母或中文提示写出单词。1. -Your little sister is _(如此) beautiful. -Thank you.2. -Please _(展示) your new photos to us. - Here you are. 3. A new _ (楼房) is behind my school.4. I think your reading room is

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