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1、慈利一中届高三上学期期末考试英语试题及答案湖南省慈利一中20102011学年度高三上学期期末考试英 语 试 题分值:150分 时间:120分钟Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (225 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakersFor each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by t

2、hree choices marked A, B and CListen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question You will hear each conversation TWICEConversation 11 What do you know about Rolex? A Its a famous watchmaker B Its a well-known brand of watch C Its a new kind of watch2 How much did the man pay for is n

3、ew watch? A 90 B 19 C A lot of moneyConversation 23 What did the man do before he went to university? A He worked at Euro Disney B He worded as a cleaner C He worded in a paper factory4 What doe the man think of his job at Euro Disney? A Terrible B Interesting C TiringConversation 35 What do we know

4、 about the man? A He paints the paintings himself B He only sells paintings C He buys paintings from tourists6 What does the woman know about the tourists? A They are looking for souvenirs B They are in the market C They are looking for the manConversation 47 What did the man plan to do originally?

5、A Spend his weekend at his friends home B Go for a trip with his friends C Do some exercise8 Who will clean the living room? A The children B The woman C The man9 What dose the woman dislike doing? A Cleaning the bathroom B Working in the kitchen C Getting the house in orderConversation 510 Why does

6、 the man complain? A The woman told him a little too late B The woman didnt get tickets for him C The woman didnt phone to Jane11 What is the problem with the man? A He hasnt enough time to see a play B He is too late for a play C He cant get tickets for a play12 What is the most probable time now?

7、A 7:00 B 7:30 C 8:00Conversation 613 Where does this conversation take place? A In France B In the mans home C In Pierres home14 What are the speakers talking about? A A person BA country C A tour15 How often did the man drink wine? A Sometimes B Seldom C Every daySection B Directions: In this secti

8、on, you will hear a mini-talk Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information youve got Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS Youll hear the mini-talk TWICEThe three sons plans The first son wanted to 16 for their motherThe second son wanted to send her the best car

9、 with 17 The third son wanted to send her 18 which can recited the entire BibleTheir mothers opinionThe first and the second sons gifts were 19 She mistook the third sons gift for 20 and felt it deliciousPart II Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks) Directions: Beneath each of the follow

10、ing sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and DChoose the one answer that best completes the sentence21 The science park is also _ home to a growing number of overseas Chinese who have grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at _ home A the; / B /; / C a; / D /; the22 The new restau

11、rant on Baker Street, _ used to be a market, is to open soon A that B which C who D where23 _ the earth to be flat, many people feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth A Being believed B Believed C Having believed D Believing24 _ a defenseless child, the bad guy was still wanted by

12、 the police A Attacking B Attacked C Having attacked D To attack25 _ I understand your viewpoint, I dont agree with you A When B While C If D As26 Our English teacher asks us to guess the meaning of the unknown words _ the context A owing to B due to C according to D thanks to27 This group of people

13、 _ a plan for the project of the company A drew up B sent up C set up D turn up28 _ at the centre of the city, the club is easy to reach A Locating B Located C Being located D Having been located29 My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared Who _ have taken it? A should B must C could D would30 I

14、 had wanted to help you last night but I couldnt spare any time, for I _ a composition which I have to hand in this morning A wrote B was writing C had written D have written31 Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? _ A Its your opinion B I dont mind C Thats your decision D Its all up to you3

15、2 Communication along with information industry _ an important part in modern times A play B plays C have played D are playing33 The hospital has been set up in _ was a waste land many years ago A which B that C where D what 34 My wish will come true one day _ I should buy a big house for my parents

16、 A how B that C where D which 35 Though the car was bought ten years ago, it is still in good _ A situation B condition C position D caseSection B (18 marks) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and DFill in each blank with the word or ph

17、rase that best fits the context Growing up on a remote Michigan farm, Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, knew little of farming Like most pioneer farmers, his father, William, hoped that his eldest son would join him on the farm, enable it to expand, and eventually take it 36 But Hen

18、ry proved a 37 He hated farm work and did everything he could to 38 it It was not that he was lazy 39 from it! Give him a mechanical job to do, from mending the hinges(铰链) of a gate to sharpening tools, and he would set to work eagerly It was the daily life of the farm, with its repetitive tasks, 40

19、 frustrated himHenry was excited by the development in technology that could free farmers like his father from wasteful and boring labor But these developments, in Henrys boyhood, had touched farming 41 at all and farmers went on doing things in the way they had always done So Henry 42 his attention

20、 elsewhere When he was twelve, he became almost obsessively interested in clocks and watches Soon he was repairing them for friends, working at a bench he built in his bedroom In 1876, Henry suffered a serious 43 His mother died in childbirth There was no reason for him to stay on the farm, and he r

21、esolved to get away as soon as he could Three years later, he took a job as a mechanic in Detroit 44 this time steam engines had joined clocks and watches as objects of Henrys fascination Making and installing them was the business of the Detroit workshop that he joined at the age of sixteenA chance

22、 meeting with an old co-worker led to a job for Henry as an engineer at the Edison Detroit Electricity Company 45 he quickly learned the ropes of his new job, his interest in fuel engines had come to dominate(占主要地位) his life Henry learned 46 a slow, painstaking business it was to build an engine by

23、hand from scratch Every piece of every component had to be fashioned individually, checked and rechecked, and tested 47 the burden, he joined forces with another mechanic, Jim Bishop Even so, it was two years before they succeeded in building a working car Henry called it “Quadricycle”(四轮驱动脚踏车)36A a

24、way B down C over D off37A success B discouragement C surprise D disappointment38A do B avoid C work D make39A Apart B Far C Free D Aside40A that B which C what D where41A almost B sometimes C hardly D always42A drew B caught C turned D attracted43A disease B blow C beat D defeat44A At B After C In

25、D By45A After B When C While D Because46A how B what C why D where 47A To ease B To bear C To carry D To placeSection C (12 marks) Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context There was a tradition in Europe that 48 a dove(鸽)flew around

26、 a house where someone was dying, then his soul would be at peaceAnd there are legends which say that Satan (撒旦)can turn himself into any bird except for a doveBut it was Pablo Picasso who made the dove a modern symbol of peace when 49 used it on a poster for the World Peace Congress in 1949 The rai

27、nbow is 50 ancient and universal symbol, often representing the connection between human beings and their godsIn Greek mythology it was associated with Iris, the goddess 51 brought messages from the gods on Mount OlympusIn Scandinavian mythology(神话) the rainbow was a bridge 52 the gods and the earth

28、In 53 Bible a rainbow showed Noah thatthe Biblical flood was finally over, and that God had forgiven his peopleIn the Chinese tradition, the rainbow is often taken as a common symbol for marriageNowadays the rainbow is 54 used by many popular movements for peace and the environment, representing the

29、 possibility of a better world in the future 55 promising sunshine after the rainPart III Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages, Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statementsFor each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C and DChoose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passageAElizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old One day she decided that she w

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