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1、同传奥巴马上海青年见面会模拟美国总统奥巴马与上海青年见面会杨玉良:让我们大家用热烈的掌声欢迎美国总统奥巴马先生。各位来宾、各位朋友,同学们,请让我自我介绍一下,我是杨玉良,复旦大学的校长。 今天请来美利坚合众国总统奥巴马先生,他对中国进行国事访问,今天来到这里与中国青年对话,而且我非常高兴作为主持人在这里主持这场对话。 今天在现场的所有的同事们,包括同学们,都可以现场提问题。但同时我们也会选择问题,从网络上选择一些问题,选择由网民向奥巴马提问的问题。用中文来提问题,也可以用英文回答。我想在正式开始之前,我们美利坚合众国的驻华大使洪博培先生有几句话要讲。 洪博培:杨校长,谢谢你。可是我们在上海我

2、应该说家乡话,侬好。这么多人,今天就是太好了,美中关系30年,这个时刻从双边地区和全球的角度来说,最适合进行一场好的交谈,这种活动在中国没有先例。 我们两国元首具体说过,他们要推动一个积极建设性全面的关系。如果没有美中两国的合作,几乎没有哪个全球性挑战能得到解决。我们面临的挑战是把我们的交往提到一个更高的水平,有谁比我们更高层领导人更适合参加我们的讨论呢? 那我很荣幸向你们介绍第44任美国总统贝拉克奥巴马。英文 11-16 13:04 PRESIDENT OBAMA:解永越 Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Sha

3、nghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you. Id like to thank Fudan Universitys President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome. Id also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. I dont know wha

4、t he said, but I hope it was good.奥巴马总统:你们好。能够有机会在上海跟你们大家交谈,我深感荣幸。我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。我还要感谢我们出色的大使洪博培,他代表了我们两国之间的深远联系和相互尊重。我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说得不错。(笑声)What Id like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what Im really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students

5、who are in the audience, but also weve received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman. And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as your English, but I am looking forward to this chance to have a dialogu

6、e.我今天准备先做一个开场白,但我真正希望做的是回答问题,不但回答在座的学生提出的问题,同时也回答从网上提出的一些问题,这些问题由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提出。很抱歉,我的中文不如你们的英文,但我期待着这个和你们对话的机会。This is my first time traveling to China, and Im excited to see this majestic country. Here, in Shanghai, we see the growth that has caught the attention of the world - the soaring skys

7、crapers, the bustling streets and entrepreneurial activity. And just as Im impressed by these signs of Chinas journey to the 21st century, Im eager to see those ancient places that speak to us from Chinas distant past. Tomorrow and the next day I hope to have a chance when Im in Beijing to see the m

8、ajesty of the Forbidden City and the wonder of the Great Wall. Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a rich history and a belief in the promise of the future. 这是我首次访问中国,看到你们壮丽的国家,我感到很兴奋。在上海,我们看到了全球瞩目的发展高耸的大厦、繁忙的街道、创业的动态。这些都是中国步入21世纪的迹象,让我感到赞叹。同时,我也期盼看到向我们展现中国悠久历史的古迹。明天和后天我会在北京,希望有机会看到壮观的故宫和奇

9、迹般的长城。的确,这是一个既有丰富的历史,又对未来的希望充满信心的国家。This small opening was followed by the achievement of the Shanghai Communique, and the eventual establishment of formal relations between the United States and China in 1979. And in three decades, just look at how far we have come.这个小小的契机带来了上海公报的问世,并最终促使美中两国在1979年

10、建立正式外交关系。请看在此后的30年,我们取得了多么长足的进展。In 1979, trade between the United States and China stood at roughly $5 billion - today it tops over $400 billion each year. The commerce affects our peoples lives in so many ways. America imports from China many of the computer parts we use, the clothes we wear; and w

11、e export to China machinery that helps power your industry. This trade could create even more jobs on both sides of the Pacific, while allowing our people to enjoy a better quality of life. And as demand becomes more balanced, it can lead to even broader prosperity.1979年,美中贸易额约为50亿美元,今天,年度贸易额已经超过400

12、0亿美元。贸易在许多方面影响着两国人民的生活,美国电脑中的许多元件以及我们身穿的服装都是从中国进口的,我们向中国出口你们的工业需要的机器。这种贸易可以在太平洋两岸创造更多的就业机会,让我们的人民过上质量更高的生活。随着需求趋于平衡,繁荣的范围将进一步扩大。It is no coincidence that the relationship between our countries has accompanied a period of positive change. China has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty

13、 - an accomplishment unparalleled in human history - while playing a larger role in global events. And the United States has seen our economy grow along with the standard of living enjoyed by our people, while bringing the Cold War to a successful conclusion.1979年,我们两国人民的联系十分有限。今天,我们看到当年乒乓球队员的好奇心已经化

14、为许多领域的纽带,中国留学生在美国的人数名列第二,而在美国学生中,学中文的人数增加了50%。我们两国有近200个友好城市,把我们的社区连接在一起。美中科学家合作进行新的研究与发现。而姚明是我们两国人民都热爱篮球的仅仅一个标志而已令我遗憾的是,此行中我不能观看上海大鲨鱼队的比赛。There is a Chinese proverb: Consider the past, and you shall know the future. Surely, we have known setbacks and challenges over the last 30 years. Our relations

15、hip has not been without disagreement and difficulty. But the notion that we must be adversaries is not predestined - not when we consider the past. Indeed, because of our cooperation, both the United States and China are more prosperous and more secure. We have seen what is possible when we build u

16、pon our mutual interests, and engage on the basis of mutual respect.中国有句名言:“温故而知新。”当然,过去30年中我们也曾遇到挫折和挑战,我们的关系不是没有分歧和困难。但是,“我们必然是对手”的概念并非是注定不变的回顾过去不会是这样。由于我们的合作,美中两国都更加繁荣、更加安全。我们已经看到我们本着共同的利益和相互的尊重去努力所能取得的成果。I believe that each country must chart its own course. China is an ancient nation, with a dee

17、ply rooted culture. The United States, by comparison, is a young nation, whose culture is determined by the many different immigrants who have come to our shores, and by the founding documents that guide our democracy.我认为每个国家都必须规划自己的前进方向。中国是一个文明古国,文化深远。而美国相对而言是一个年轻的国家,它的文化由来自许多不同国家的移民以及指导我国民主制度的建国纲领

18、所形成。Of course, the story of our nation is not without its difficult chapters. In many ways - over many years - we have struggled to advance the promise of these principles to all of our people, and to forge a more perfect union. We fought a very painful civil war, and freed a portion of our populati

19、on from slavery. It took time for women to be extended the right to vote, workers to win the right to organize, and for immigrants from different corners of the globe to be fully embraced. Even after they were freed, African Americans persevered through conditions that were separate and not equal, b

20、efore winning full and equal rights.当然,我国的历史也并非没有困难的篇章。在很多方面,在很长的时间里,我们要通过斗争去实现这些原则对全体人民的承诺,缔造一个更趋完善的联邦。我们曾打过一场很痛苦的南北战争,将我国的一部分人口从奴役下解放出来。妇女获得投票权、劳工赢得组织权、来自世界各地的移民得到完全的接纳这些都是经过了一段时间才实现的。 非洲裔美国人即使在获得自由后依然生活在被隔离和不平等的条件下,他们经过不懈努力才最终赢得全面、平等的权利。Ive said many times that I believe that our world is now fun

21、damentally interconnected. The jobs we do, the prosperity we build, the environment we protect, the security that we seek - all of these things are shared. And given that interconnection, power in the 21st century is no longer a zero-sum game; one countrys success need not come at the expense of ano

22、ther. And that is why the United States insists we do not seek to contain Chinas rise. On the contrary, we welcome China as a strong and prosperous and successful member of the community of nations - a China that draws on the rights, strengths, and creativity of individual Chinese like you.我已说过多次,我相

23、信我们现在的世界是紧密相连的。我们所做的工作,我们所建设的繁荣,我们所保护的环境,以及我们所寻求的安全所有这一切都是共有的。鉴于这种相互联系,在21世纪,权力不应再成为一场零和游戏;一国的成功发展不应以他国为代价。这也就是为什么美国坚决表示我们不谋求遏制中国的崛起。恰恰相反,我们欢迎中国成为国际社会中一个强大、繁荣、成功的成员一个从你们这样的每个中国人的权利、实力和创造力中获得力量的中国。To return to the proverb - consider the past. We know that more is to be gained when great powers cooper

24、ate than when they collide. That is a lesson that human beings have learned time and again, and that is the example of the history between our nations. And I believe strongly that cooperation must go beyond our government. It must be rooted in our people - in the studies we share, the business that

25、we do, the knowledge that we gain, and even in the sports that we play. And these bridges must be built by young men and women just like you and your counterparts in America.回到前面提到的那句古语回顾过去。我们知道,大国之间选择合作而非对抗会带来更大的惠益。这是人类不断汲取的一个教训,我们两国的关系史中也不乏其例。我深信,合作必须不止于政府间的合作。合作必须植根于我们的人民植根于我们共同进行的研究,我们的商贸活动,我们所学

26、到的知识,乃至我们的体育运动。这些桥梁必须由你们这样的年轻人和美国的年轻人共同构筑。Thats why Im pleased to announce that the United States will dramatically expand the number of our students who study in China to 100,000. And these exchanges mark a clear commitment to build ties among our people, as surely as you will help determine the de

27、stiny of the 21st century. And Im absolutely confident that America has no better ambassadors to offer than our young people. For they, just like you, are filled with talent and energy and optimism about the history that is yet to be written.因此,我高兴地宣布,美国准备将在中国留学的美国学生人数大幅度增加到10万人。这种交流是对在我们两国人民之间建立联系的

28、明确承诺,毫无疑问,你们将帮助决定21世纪的命运。我完全相信,对美国来说,再好的使者莫过于我们的年轻人。因为他们和你们一样,才华横溢,充满活力,对有待书写的历史篇章充满乐观。So let this be the next step in the steady pursuit of cooperation that will serve our nations, and the world. And if theres one thing that we can take from todays dialogue, I hope that it is a commitment to contin

29、ue this dialogue going forward.那么,就让这个举措成为我们稳步寻求合作的下一个步骤,这种合作有利于我们两国乃至整个世界。如果能从今天的对话中得到一点启示的话,我希望那就是致力于今后继续进行这种对话。So thank you very much. And I look forward now to taking some questions from all of you. Thank you very much. (Applause.)非常感谢诸位。现在我希望回答你们大家提出的一些问题。非常感谢。(掌声。) 现场提问Q张新凝、黄雪松My name is - and

30、 I am a student from Fudan University. Shanghai and Chicago have been sister cities since 1985, and these two cities have conduct a wide range of economic, political, and cultural exchanges. So what measures will you take to deepen this close relationship between cities of the United States and Chin

31、a? And Shanghai will hold the World Exposition next year. Will you bring your family to visit the Expo? Thank you.问:我的名字叫-,我是复旦大学的学生。自1985年以来,上海与芝加哥就结为了姐妹城市,两座城市在经济、政治和文化方面进行了各种广泛的的交流活动。那么,您将采取什么举措来加深美国与中国各城市间的这种紧密联系?上海将于明年举办世界博览会。您会带着您的家人来参观世博会吗?谢谢。PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, thank you very much for the

32、 question. I was just having lunch before I came here with the Mayor of Shanghai, and he told me that he has had an excellent relationship with the city of Chicago - my home town - that hes visited there twice. And I think its wonderful to have these exchanges between cities.奥巴马总统: 十分感谢你提出这个问题。我来这里之前,恰在与上海市长共进午餐,他告诉我,他与芝加哥市我的家乡有着极好的关系,他已经到芝加哥市访问过两次。我认为城市之间进行交流是非常好的事。But as China grows and expands, its going to be using more energy as well. So both countries have a great interest in

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