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1、仁爱版九年级上册英语Unit4Topic2荷塘中学Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 When was it invented ?Section A导学案学校:荷塘中学 设计者:胡款娴一、自主学习:翻译词组1允许某人做某事 2被允许做某事3对有害 4在(做)某事上花费(时间等)5太多时间 6太多人7用制造(看得见原料) 8 用制造(看不见原料)9 用来做 10(梦想)实现二、课堂导学1 be made of用制成(看见原材料) be made from用制成(看不见原材料)用be made of 或be made from完成句子。(1) The computer d

2、esk _ wood . (2) Paper _ wood .(3) The red wine _ grapes . (4) Toothbrushes_ plastic .(5) Sweaters_ cotton . (6) Rulers_ steel .(7) The bed _ iron . (8) Ink_ carbon .2 be used for (doing) sth.用来做 e.g. Cameras are used for taking photos .3一般过去时的被动语态 结构:助动词be+及物动词的过去分词(1).肯定句式 :主语+was /were+vt.-ed (2)

3、.否定句式 :主语+was/were + not+vt.-ed(3).一般疑问句式: Was /Were+主语+vt.-ed三、堂上小测 1 Choose the right answers. (1).He _play computer games unless he finished his homework. A. was allowed to B. was not allowed to C. allow to(2).We all know that paper _wood. A. is made of B. is made into C. is made from(3).This kin

4、d of machine _in 2006. A. is invented B. is made C. was invented(4).A(An)_is used for taking photos. A .Camera B. Lift C. MP3 player(5) We should spend more time _because its too important. A .to learn English B. learning English C. in English2 Fill in the blanks with the right prepositions.(6).The

5、desk is made _ wood.(7). That kind of machine is made _Japan.(8).This delicious cake was made _my mother.(9).Glasses is made _ glass.(10).Our group is made up _ four students.四、课后作业1 请根据所学知识,发挥自己的创意描写电视机。提示:TV set / 1925_2 阅读理解Cars will run on solar power(太阳能) or electricity and will be much cleaner

6、. They will be much safer. For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down by itself.Because there wont be any spare land, new cities will have to be built in the sea. Some cities on water will have two levels. People will live on the upper

7、 level; the lower level will be used for traffic, shops and factories.Biotechnology(生物技术) will make food better and healthier. Plants that are not affected by insects or illnesses will be developed. The taste of fruit and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.New technology will be

8、used to make TVs that are only 5cm thick. They will have pictures that are as clear as photos. Electrical appliances(电器) will be quieter and will be controlled by computer, they will also use 50% less power.Using products of genetic engineering(基因工程产品), many new ways to cure(治愈) illnesses will be su

9、ccessful. Cures will be found for the flu and the common cold. However, some new illnesses will appear.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1.Cars using solar power or electricity will cause fewer accidents and less pollution.( )2.People will be able to live in the new cities in the sea.( )3.Biotechnology will help

10、 divide food into two groups: better food and healthier food.( )4.Electrical appliances will save 50% of power because they are controlled by computer.( )5.Genetic engineering can help doctors to cure illnesses.Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 When was it invented ?Section B导学案学校:荷塘中学 设计者:胡款娴一、自主学习(一)

11、词组互译1.科技博物馆 6.It is said that 2.在日常生活中 7.the same as 3.与不同 similar to 4.迄今为止 9.during ones life 5.从中克隆的 made into (二)用所给词的适当形式填空。1 Laptops _ (invent) in Japan .They _ (invent) in 1985 .2 The film Pirates of the Caribbean _ (direct) by Gore Verbinski . It _ (make) in 2006 .3 Shenzhou _(lau

12、nch) in China in 2008 .4 It _ (say) that Edison invented more than 1,000 things during his life .5 Dolly was created by _ (clone) in Scotland .二、课堂导学1 in our daily life 在我们的日常生活中= in our everyday life2 invent v. 发明 inventor n. 发明家 invention n. 发明e.g. Tomas Edison, a great inventor, invented over one

13、 thousand inventions in his life.3 Its said that 据说,听说e.g. It is said that you have sent him three letters.Its reported that 据报道 e.g. Its reported that China will send up more spaceships into space in a few years.三、堂上小测1 Read 3a and choose the best answers .(1) Dolly is a cloned _ . A rabbit B sheep

14、 C cow D pig(2) Dolly was created by _ . A Scotland B his parents C cloning D animals(3) _ is used in cloning . A. DNA B. NBA C.VOA(4) What can we benefit from cloning ? A Help to treat serious diseases B Do some harm to society . C Both A and B . (5) The writer thinks cloning _ . A is totally good

15、. B is not very useful C should be used properly .2 Read 3a again and mark the statements True (T) or False (F).( ). The cloned sheep, Dolly, was cloned in Canada.( ) Scientists have cloned pigs.( ). Every part of our body has different DNA.( ) There is DNA in all living things.3 选择合适短语填空,并注意其适当形式。b

16、e different from, take photos, be similar to, so far, the sameas1.The weather in the USA_ that in Australia.2.The student has made _ mistakes _ he did last time.3.Digital camera is used for _. 4. _, more and more teenagers in America have showed great interest in learning Chinese.5.Group Threes opin

17、ions _ ours.四、课后作业:阅读理解Steven Jobs, who designed Apple Computer, was not quite successful in his early years. He was not among the best students at school, and he often got into trouble with either his classmates or his teachers. But he was full of new ideas, though few people could see the value of

18、 them. Things were still the same when he went up to college and he left halfway. Steven Jobs worked first as a designer of video games at Atari. He worked there for only a few months and then he traveled to India. He hoped that the trip would give him more ideas and would give him a change in life

19、for the better. After he returned from India, he began to live on a farm in California. And then, in 1975, Steven Jobs began making a new type of computer. Along with his friend Stephen Woziak, he designed the Apple I computer in his bedroom and built it in his garage. He chose the name “Apple” beca

20、use he thought of a happy summer he once spent in an orchard (果园) in Orgeon. His Apple Computer became such a great success that Steven Jobs soon became famous. Today he has lots of factories and he is very famous all over the world.根据文章内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. It seemed that Steven Jobs was _ when he was y

21、oung.A. one of the best students at school B. not “a good student” at schoolC. liked by all his teachers D. too lazy to think( ) 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Steven Jobs was full of new ideas, but none of them was valuable.B. The value of Steven Jobs new ideas was understood by fe

22、w people.C. Steven Jobs finished his college study. D. A lot of people liked Steven Jobs new ideas.( ) 53. Steven Jobs traveled to India because .A. he was interested in India B. he was given a job as a designer thereC. he hoped to get some new ideas from the trip D. his friend asked him to go there

23、( ) 54. Steven Jobs made his first computer _. .A. by himself B. in the college C. in his garage D. in his office( ) 55. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned?A. Steven Jobs always came up with some new ideas.B. The college in which Steven Jobs studied was very famous.C. Steven Jobs mad

24、e his Apple Computer a great success.D. Steven Jobs once spent his summer in an orchard.Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 When was it invented ?Section C导学案学校:荷塘中学 设计者:胡款娴一、自主学习:根据中文意思完成句子1 He sets an _(榜样)to the other students .2 Robots can _(修理)machines easily .3 Robots can do a lot of _(家务劳动)for us

25、in our everyday life .4 People are _ _(对感到惊讶)the development of robots.5 _ _ _ _ (在几年之后), robots will come into every family .6 Everyone should _ _ _(做贡献)to protecting the environment .二、课堂导学1 know/ say for certain 确切知道/肯定地说 e.g. I know for certain that Bobby is at home.2 How many people are there i

26、n your classroom now? None. Who is in your classroom now? No one.3 be surprised at/by 为而感动惊讶e.g. I was surprised at the clone technology.4 make a contribution/contributions to doing sth. 为作贡献 e.g. We should make contributions to protecting our environment.三、堂上小测 1 根据汉语意思补全英语句子。(1).没人确切地知道我们的未来是什么样子N

27、o one knows _ _ what our future _ _ _.(2).机器人会一直像佣人那样为我们工作吗?Will robots _ _us like _ all the time?(3).人们对机器人的快速发展感到惊讶。People _ _ _ the rapid development of robots.(4).我想,有一天机器人会有自己的思维的。 I think that robots _ _ _ _ some day.(5).X光机器已为人类做出了贡献。 X-ray machines _ _ _ _ _ human beings.2 选择正确的答案( )1.The wo

28、rkers made great contributions _the tall building. A. to build B. to building C. build( )2._of the students are playing outside, for its raining. A. No one B. None C. Someone( )3.The policeman warns the boys _ on the street. A. to play B. not to play C. dont to play( )4. The little boy _when he saw

29、his mother. A. cried any longer B. didnt cry any more C. cry no more( )5.Animals _our friends. A. should be treated as B. treat as C. are treated by四、课后作业:阅读理解In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepee needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he invented a very simple camera soon. He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That was the first photo.The next important

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