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1、高二英语教案高二英语下册Unit14总复习高二英语Unit14 Making a difference知识点总复习教案Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. Martin Luther King. Jr formed an organization for American black leaders to work together in 1957. 马丁.路德.金在1957年组成了一个为黑人领袖们共同工作的组织。(P.25 Martin Luther King, Jr 第五点) form vt.(1) vt. 组织,组成 He formed a class for beginners

2、. 他成立了一个初学班。(2) vt. 形成(人格、精神);养成习惯 Group activities help to form a childs character. 团体活动对小孩的性格形成有帮助。(3) vt. & vi. 想出(计划、意见等),(希望,想法等的)产生I cant form an opinion about it. 这件事我想不出什么意见。An idea formed in his mind. 他心中产生了某种想法。(4) vt. 使排队(成) The captain formed soldiers into a line. 那位上尉让士兵排成一列。(5) n. U, C

3、 形状,外形The cookies were all in the form of stars. 那些饼干的形状都像星星。(6)C形态,种类Different countries have different forms of government. 不同的国家有不同的政治形态。(7)C格式,表格纸 fill in the form 填写表格辨析:form,figure与shapeform 应用最广,意义最不受限制,可指外在的形状或内在的形式等。the form of a square 正方形; literary form 文学形式figure 线条决定的形状、图案;可指人的身材。draw a

4、 figure of a circle 画个圆形; a slim figure 修长的身材shape 指外部的线条,但有较强的“团、块”概念。the shape of a bottle 瓶子的形状; work the clay into the shape of a woman 将陶土塑成一个女人的形状联想:(后缀) former adj. 从前的,早先的the former 前者 (与the latter相对) formative adj. 构成的,形成的from prep. 自,从拓展:in form / on form 情况良好; out of form / off form情况不好2.

5、 Nelson Mandela was put in prison from 1962 till 1989. Nelson Mandela 从1962年到1989年被投入监狱。(P.25 Nelson Mandela 第六点) prison: putthrowsend sb. in (into) prison 将送进监狱,注意:prison前不加冠词,表示较为抽象的概念。其被动形式为be put in (into) prison (被关进监狱). be sent to prison (被送进监狱); be thrown into prison (被投进监狱)。如:Law-breakers ar

6、e put ininto prison. 犯法的人都要坐牢。The thief was sent to prison for a year. 那个小偷被送去坐了一年牢。He was put in prisonthrown into prisonsent to prisontaken to prison for political reasons. 由于政治原因,他被关进了监狱。Whoever refused to bow was thrown into prison. 任何拒绝鞠躬的人都被关进了监狱。拓展:go to prison 入狱; be out of prison 出狱; be in

7、prison 在狱中; escape from prison 越狱; come out of prison 出狱; break prison 越狱3. In 1850 a law was made to forbid people to help run- away slave. 1850年通过一项法律阻止人们帮助逃跑的奴隶。(P.26 Harriet Tubman 第三点)forbid (过去式forbade, forbad; 过去分词 forbidden) vt. “禁止;不许;阻止”,常用的结构是:forbid + doing“禁止干某事”;forbid + sb. to do sth.

8、“禁止某人干某事阻止某人干某事。” Smoking is forbidden in our school. 我们学校禁止吸烟。If you want to go, I cant forbid you. 你想去,我也拦不住你。I forbid you to use my tape recorder. 我不许你用我的录音机。They forbid walking in the fields. 他们禁止在地里走。注意:“阻止某人干某事”的说法还有:stoppreventkeep sb. from doing sth.Parking forbidden! = No parking! 禁止停车!联想:f

9、orbidden adj. 被禁止的,禁止的forbidding adj. 难以接近的;可怕的;令人生畏的,令人毛骨悚然的 forbiddingly adv. 难以接近地,令人毛骨悚然地Section II 阅读4. I HAVE A DREAM我有一个梦 (p. 28Reading title) dream(1) vt. “做梦;梦见”,后面可跟名词或that-clause。I dreamed my grandfather. 我梦见过我的祖父。He dreamed that he was flying to the moon. 他梦见他正在飞向月球。注意:当dream表示“梦想到”时,常用于

10、否定句中,后面可接带不定式的复合结构或that-clause(从句通常用将来时)。如:I never dreamed her to go to college. = I never dreamed that she would go to college. 我连做梦也没想到她会上大学。(2) vi.“做梦;梦见;向往”,常用的结构为:dream of + n. / doing sth.。She said that she had dreamed of you. 她说她梦见过你。The people all over the world dream of peace.全世界人民向往和平。(3)

11、n.“梦;心愿;愿望”,为可数名词。Last night I had a goodbadwonderfulstrange dream. 昨晚我做了一个好坏美奇怪的梦。His dream has come true. 他的愿望实现了。5. Martin Luther King. Jr gave a speech to thousands of black people who marched on Washington DC. 马丁.路德.金给成千上万在华盛顿特区游行的黑人发表了演说。 (P.28 第一段第12行) on此处作介词,意为“朝向” “向方向”,是正式用语。如: The worker

12、s marched on the Capital. 工人向国会大厦进发。Take the first turning on your right.在第一个路口向右拐。 Fortune smiled on his enterprise.他的企业兴旺发达。 Ellen is eating,her eyes on her food. 海伦吃东西时两眼盯着食物。【注】on作副词用时,也有“向前”之意。如: If you walk on, youll come to the church. 如果你再向前走,就到教堂了。 If any letters come while you are away, sh

13、all I send them on? 如果你不在的时候有信来,我是不是要转寄给你? The two strolled on, arguing. 两人辩论着往前溜达。Theres no use staying on. 继续呆下去没有用。6. At that time in the southern states, blacks were not treated as equal citizens. 那时在南方各州黑人不被当作平等的公民对待。(P.28 第二段 第12行) 动词treat与as或like连用,表示“把当作看待”。如: They treated me as one of the f

14、amily.他们把我当家里人看待。Why do you treat the matter as a joke? 你为什么把这件事当作玩笑呢? They treated each other like brothers. 他们亲如手足。 He didnt want to be treated as a distinguished guest. 他不愿别人把他当上宾对待。 She treated me as if I were a child. 她把我当作小孩看待。 treat可作“探讨”“处理”“讨论”解。如: This problem has been treated by many expe

15、rts. 这个问题已有很多专家探讨过了。The novel treats the subject of justice. 这部小说的主题是正义。 The theme of the play is skillfully treated. 这个剧的主题处理得很巧妙。 treat亦有“款待”“待客”之意。如: Let me treat you to a good meal.我请你吃一顿好的吧! I think Ill treat myself to a holiday in Guilin next year.我想明年去桂林好好地度个假。 He treated his friends to a sod

16、a, and they treated him to a movie.他请他的朋友们喝汽水,他们请他看电影。 【注】treat作上述“款待”“待客”解释时,与介词to连用。 treat与of连用时,表示“论述”“推论”。如: The report treats of the progress of cancer research. 该报告论述了对癌症研究的进展情况。 He treats of his subject scientifically.他科学地论述了他的题目。 This lecture treats of the history of Ireland. 这一讲座论述了爱尔兰的历史。【

17、注】treat还可作“治疗”解释,请参见1+1同步讲解高二上册第228页。7. King fought for political rights for black people in the USA. 金为美国黑人的政治权利而战斗。(P.28第三段第1行) fight(1) vt. & vi. 打仗、打架、奋斗、战斗 如:Did your father fight in the last war? (fight作不及物动词) 你父亲参加上一次的战斗了吗? If we all fight (against) pollution, well have a cleaner world (fight

18、作及物动词,不加介词) 如果我们都同污染作斗争,我们将拥有一个更干净的世界。They fought the enemy to the end. 他们同敌人战斗到底。(2) n. 战斗、搏斗、拳击赛The police were called in to stop the fight. 警察被叫来阻止这场争斗。The fight against pollution goes on. 反对污染的斗争在继续。辨析:fight against,fight with与fight forfight against意为“为反对而战”;fight with既可表示“和作斗争”,相当于fight against

19、,也可表示“和并肩作战”;fight for意为“为争取而斗争”。如:Wholl fight with you for better working conditions? 谁会和你一起为争取更好的工作条件而斗争? The slaves were fighting for their freedom. 奴隶们为争取自由而斗争。Two dogs fought for a bone,and a third runs away with it. 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。They fought against the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War. 在抗日战争

20、期间,他们曾经同日本人打过仗。You should be ready to fight against difficulties. 你们应该准备同困难作斗争。The slaves fought against / with the slave owners for their freedom. 奴隶们为了争取自由而和奴隶主们进行斗争。England fought with France against Germany in the First World War. 在第一次世界大战中,英国和法国一起为反对德国而战。8. By doing this, he set all example to

21、the rest sections of the world. 他以此给世界其他地区树立了榜样。(P.28 第三段 第12行) by为介词,表示方式、方法、手法,现将其用法归纳如下:(1) by + n. (名词前无冠词)。如:by mail / post / fax / radio / telephone / telegraph / telegram.(2) by + doing结构。如:by increasingspeakingteachingbegging. He earns his living by teaching. 他以教书为主。The six blind men made th

22、eir living by begging. 那6个盲人靠要饭为生。(3) by + n. (表交通路线、工具的名词)。如:by landroadrailtrainbusjeepcartaxitruckbike; by seawatershipboat; by airplane(4) by + n. (表面积、体积等的名词)。如:by area / volume / weight / length / width / height / depth.(5) by + the + n. (表度量衡的名词)。如:by the hour / day / week / month / year / ki

23、logram / yard / metre.In England, sugar is sold by the pound, eggs by the dozen and cloth by the yard. 在英国,糖是按磅卖,蛋是按打卖,布是按码卖。by和with都可以用来表示某人如何做某事,但这两个词之间有重要区别:by用于表示动作或方式,后跟动名词或抽象名词;而with 通常表示用的是什么工具或其他具体的东西。试比较: I killed the spider by hitting it. 我拍死了蜘蛛。(动作) I killed the spider with a notebook. 我用

24、笔记本把蜘蛛打死了。(工具) He got what he wanted by talking cleverly. 他由于说话灵巧而得到了他想要的东西。(动作) He got what he wrested with flowers and chocolates. 他靠鲜花和巧克力得到了他想得到的东西。(具体的东西) The street is lighted by electricity. 街道用电照明。(方式) The street is lighted with lights.街道用电灯照明。(工具) 在被动语态的句子中,by表示执行动作的人或东西,with表示所用的工具。试比较下列句子

25、: Tile bird was killed by a cat. 那只吗是被猫弄死的。(猫是动作执行者) The bird was killed with a stone. 那只鸟是用石头打死的。(未说明执行者) He was killed by a heart stone. (A stone fell and killed him.) 他被一块大石头砸死了。 He was killed with a heavy stone. (someone used a stone to kill him.) 他是被人用石头砸死的。 rest意为“其余的人”或“剩余物”,与定冠词连用,作主语时如代表复数名

26、词,则谓语动词要用复数形式,如代表不可数名词,则谓语动词用单数形式。如: These are mine; Robert, the rest are yours. 这些是我的,罗伯特,剩下的是你的。 Mary and Beth will go to the movies and the rest of the girls are to go shopping. 玛丽和贝思要去看电影,其余的女孩则要去购物。 One of the books is written in Chinese, and the rest are English. 那些书中有一本是中文的,其余都是英文的。 Only 55 p

27、ercent of the raw material is canned. The rest is thrown away, or fed to cows.只有55的原材料做了成罐头,其余的不是扔了就是成了牛的饲料。9. His message was that black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people. 他的理想是黑人不应该被分隔开,应该像其他人一样受到尊重。(P.28 第三段 第23行) 本句中的表语从句中的动词用的是虚拟语气

28、,当表示“要求” “建 议”“命令”这类意义的名词作主语时,其后的名词性从句应该用虚拟语气,动词形式为“should + 动词原形”或直接用动词原形,这类名词常见的有sug- gestion, proposal,demand,request,order,requirement,advice,idea等。如: The workers requirement was that their working conditions be improved. 工人们的要求是他们的工作条件应得到改善。 Our decision is that the school (should) remain close

29、d. 我们的决定是学校暂不开学。 Sophias idea was that they should lock up the home. 索菲娅的想法是把大门锁起来。 Her suggestion was that they carry on their conversation in French.她的建议是他们用法语对话。 【注】上述例句均是表语从句,下面是这类名词后的同位语从句,谓语动词也用should+动词原形”或直接用动词原形。 They were faced with the demand that this tax (should) be abolished.他们面对着废除这个税

30、的要求。 They expressed the wish that she (should) accept the award. 他们表示希望她接受这笔奖金。 What do you think of the proposal that we (should) put on a play at the English evening? 你觉得要我们在英语晚会上演一个剧的建议怎么样? The boss didnt accept the workers demand that their pay (should) be raised, so the strike went on.老板没有接受工人们

31、增加工资的要求,所以罢工仍在继续。 the 意为“和相同的”,在这个结构中,as为关系代词,引导定语从句,在从句中,as可作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时,as也不能省略。如:This is the same person as we talked about yesterday. 这就是我们昨天谈论过的那个人。 Mary wears the same kind of glasses as Helen does. 玛丽戴着海伦常戴的那种眼镜。 You have the same opinion as I have. 你的观点和我的观点是一样的。 He gave the same

32、answer as I did. 他给的答案和我的一样。【注】as还可以和such,so,as连用,构成定语从句。如: They visited such places as they wanted to. 他们游览了想要游览的地方。 Such books as you have ale sold out. 你有的那种书已卖完了。 Lets discuss only such questions as we are all interested in. 让我们只讨论我们感兴趣的问题。 I felt a weight at my heart such as I had never had before.我感到心中有一种从未有过的沉重。 Here is so heavy a stone as no one call remove.这里有一块重得没有人能移动的石头。 The pictur

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