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1、综合类职称英语辅导教材补全短文2011年综合类职称英语辅导教材补全短文第1篇 Reinventing the Table综合类职称英语教材An earth scientist has rejigged the periodic table1 to make chemistry simpler to teach to students. 1 But Bruce Railsback from the University of Georgia3 says he is the first to create a table that breaks with tradition and shows t

2、he ions of each element rather than just the elements themselves.“I got tired of breaking my arms trying to explain the periodic table to earth students,”he says,criss-crossing his hands in the air and pointing to different bits of a traditional table. 2 But he has added contour lines to charge dens

3、ity,helping to explain which ions react with which.“Geochemists just want an intuitive sense of whats going on with the elements,”says Albert Galy from the University of Cambridge4. 3 4 He explains that sulphur,for example,shows up in three different spotsone for sulphide,which is found in minerals,

4、one for sulphite,and one for sulphate,which is found in sea salt,for instance.He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients,and which are common in soil or water. 5 .词汇:resign n.调整,重新安排criss-cross vt.交叉geochemist n.地球化学家sulphide n.硫化物sulphate n.硫酸盐ion n.离子proton n.质子sulphur n.硫磺sulph

5、ite n.亚硫酸盐nutrient n.滋养物注释:1.the periodic table:元素周期表2.Mendeleev:门捷列夫3.the University of Georgia:乔治亚大学4.the University of Cambridge:剑桥大学练习:A.There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev2drew it up in 1871.B.Railsback has still ordered the elements according to

6、the number of protons they have.C.“I imagine this would be good for undergraduates.”D.Railsback has listed some elements more than once.E.And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths crust.F.The traditional periodic table was well drawn.答案:1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5. 2011年综合

7、类职称英语辅导教材补全短文第2篇 The Magic of Sound综合类职称英语教材Music is one of the most beautiful forms of artistic expressions ever invented.In movies and plays,music has an added function1:it not only moves people but also can shock people. Is it true that an ordinary musical instrument can be so powerful?Our eardru

8、ms can withstand sound within 20 to 80 decibels.Once sound exceeds this limit2,even beautiful music will become ear-splitting noise3 and harm health.A strong blast of high sound can twist and break a solid iron sheet.1The noise from a planes engine is over 140 decibels.However,the sound of a flute i

9、s at most a few decibels.2It has been proven that people who have worked in an environment with a high sound intensity for a long time suffer varying degrees of heart disease or altered brain waves.In movies,sometimes the hero can produce a sound that ordinary people cant hear and only those who hav

10、e the same ability can feel.In nature,there is actually sound that is beyond our hearing.In physics,the sound that exceeds 20,000 Hz is called ultrasonic.3 It does no harm to health.Sound less than 20 Hz is called infrasonic waves.When we move,the air will vibrate.4 As the frequency of infrasonic wa

11、ves is close to that of peoples internal organs4,infrasonic wave may cause resonance in human bodies. As a result,peoples vision may weaken and internal organs may rupture.However,whether an infrasonic wave can be used as a weapon depends on its intensity5.If its intensity is very low,it wont damage

12、 internal organs or a persons health.5 When wind blows at a force of 3 or 4 over the sea6,it will produce infrasonic waves of several decibels.Only typhoons can produce infrasonic waves of over 100 decibels.At present,scientists can only produce infrasonic weapons in the lab with the help of advance

13、d scientific tools and powerful electric power.词汇:eardrum n.耳膜infrasonic adj.次声(波)的twist v.使卷曲,使扭曲flute n.长笛Hz = hertz n.赫兹ultrasonic adj.超声波的 n.超声波withstand v.抵挡,经受住decibel n.分贝resonance n.共振rupture n.破裂 v.(使)破裂typhoon n.台风注释 added function:另加的一种功能2.Once sound exceeds this limit:一旦声音超过了这个界限。on

14、ce是时间状语从句的连词。如: Once you have learned how to swim,you will love this sport.一旦你学会了游泳,你会爱上这一运动的。3.ear-splitting noise:震耳欲聋的噪音4.As the frequency of infrasonic waves is close to that of peoples internal organs:由于次声波的频率接近于人体内部器官的频率。that指代前面的frequency。5.However,whether an infrasonic wave can be used as a

15、weapon depends on its intensity:但是,次声波能否用作武器取决于次声波的强度。whether an infrasonic wave can be used as a weapon是从句,用作句子的主语。6. When wind blows at a force of 3 or 4 over the sea:当海面上吹起34级风的时候练习:A High sound of 150 decibels can kill a healthy rat.B The vibration of air can produce infrasonic waves.C We cannot

16、 play high-pitched music with ordinary musical instruments.D If the intensity of infrasonic wave exceeds 160 decibels,it is extremely harmful.E Dolphins,whales and bats can make such high-frequency sound.F Therefore,the sound of ordinary musical instruments cannot harm your health.答案:1.A 2.F 3.E 4.B

17、 5.D2011年综合类职称英语辅导教材补全短文第3篇 Time in the Animal World综合类职称英语教材Rhythm controls everything in Nature.1The sun provides a basic time rhythm for all living creatures including humans.Nearly all animals are influenced by sun cycles and have developed a biological clock in their bodies following these cycl

18、es. The moon also exerts its force and influence on the sea.Its gravitational attraction causes the rising of the tide.2When the moon is behind the Earth,centrifugal force causes the second tide of the day.Animals living in tidal areas must have the instinct of predicting these changes,to avoid bein

19、g stranded and dying of dehydration.Since the time of the dinosaurs,the king crab has been laying eggs1 at the seaside in a set way2.To avoid predator fish3,the eggs are always far from seawater and protected by sand.In the following two months,the eggs undergo dramatic changes related to the cycles

20、 of the moon4.When the second spring tide comes,the young king crabs have matured.3Most of the mammals,either the giant elephant or the small shrew,have the same average total number of heartbeats in their lifetime.Shrews live only for two and a half years,and spend their life at a high speed and hi

21、gh tempo.Animals like shrews with a pulse rate of 600 per minute have an average total of eight hundred million heartbeats5 throughout their life.The African elephant has a pulse rate of 25 beats per minute,and a life span6 of 60 years.The size of the body determines the speed of life.4As we get old

22、er,our sense of time is being influenced by the physiological changes of our body.The elderly spend more time resting,and do few sports.5For a child,a week is seen as a long time.词汇:rhythm n.节奏slap v.拍击exert v.施加gravitational adj.重力作用的centrifugal adj.离心力的strand v.使搁浅dehydration n.脱水dinosaur n.恐龙king

23、 crab n.鲎predator n.食肉动物shrew n.鼩鼱tempo n.节奏,速度pulse n.脉搏span n.跨度physiological adj.生理的注释:1. laying eggs:产卵2. in a set way:以一种固有的方式3. Predator fish:食肉鱼4. Undergo dramatic changes related to the cycles of the moon:经受与月亮周期有关的巨大变化。 related to the cycles of the moon是过去分词短语,作后置定语,修饰changes。5. Eight hundr

24、ed million heartbeats:8亿次心跳6. life span:一生练习:A For an adult,time goes fast year by year.B It controls,for example,the flapping of birdswings,the beating of the heart and the rising and setting of the sun.C The larger the animal is,the longer its life span is and the slower its life tempo is.D The ti

25、de goes out when the mood moves away and its attraction is weaker.E We always tend to think a11 the animals have the same sense of time as human beings.F The second spring tide takes them back to the sea.答案:1.B 2.D 3.F 4.C 5.A 2011年综合类职称英语辅导教材补全短文第4篇 Teamwork in Tourism综合类职称英语教材Growing cooperation a

26、mong branches of tourism has proved valuable to all concerned1.Government bureaus,trade and travel associations,carriers and properties2 are all working together to bring about optimum3 conditions for travelers.1 They have knowledge of all areas and all carrier services,and they are experts in organ

27、izing different types of tours and in preparing effective advertising campaigns. They distribute materials to agencies,such as journals,brochures4 and advertising projects. 2 Tourist counselors give valuable seminars5 to acquaint agents with new programs and techniques in selling. 3 Properties and a

28、gencies work closely together to make the most suitable contracts,considering both the comfort of the clients and their own profitable financial arrangement. 4 5 Carriers are dependent upon agencies to supply passengers,and agencies are dependent upon carriers to present them with marketable tours.A

29、ll services must work together for greater efficiency,fair pricing and contented customers.词汇:bureau n.局,部门 sponsor v.发起,赞助agency n.(旅行)社 acquaint v.使熟悉Car-rental n.汽车租赁 purchase n.购买contented adj.满意的注释:1.concerned:concerned一词作定语时常常放在所修饰的词或短语的后面,表示“有关的”。例如:Everyone concerned must sign their names he

30、re.2.carriers and properties:指运输公司和房地产公司。3.optimum:形容词,意为“最佳的”。又如:an optimum temperature for this kind of flower:适合这种花生长的最佳温度4.brochure:指具有宣传性质的小册子5.seminar:研讨会6.conversely:相反地,反过来说。又如:The teacher gave the students knowledge,and conversely,the students offered the teacher their warmest gratitude.练习:

31、A The same confidence exists between agencies and carriers,including car-rental and sight-seeing services.B They offer familiarization and workshop tours so that in a short time agents can obtain first-hand knowledge of the tours.C Travel operators,specialists in the field of planning,sponsor extens

32、ive research programs.D As a result of teamwork,tourism is flouring in all countries.E Agencies rely upon the good services of hotels,and,conversely6,hotels rely upon agencies,to fulfill their contracts and to send them clients.F In this way agents learn to explain destinations and to suggest different modes and combinations of travelplanes,ships,trains,motorcoaches

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