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1、英语教案模板初中英语教案模板初中【篇一:初中英语教案(格式规范版)】 云南省教师资格认定考试 教育教学能力测试 教学方案 姓名:张俊利 资格种类:初中教师资格 任教科目:英语 whats the highest mountain in the world?teaching plan the basic information 1.subject:english 2.topic:whats the highest mountain in the world? 3.class:grade 8 4.the teacher:zhang junli 5. type of lesson:new lesso

2、n 6. theaching hour:one class hour 7.teaching aid:multi-media teaching objectives 1. knowledge objective new words : qomolangma,the nile, the caspian sea, the sahara ,square, kilometer ,desert ,population phrases: in size,in the word, meters deep/long/high,, the biggest population. sentence: wh

3、ats the highest mountain in the world? how long is qomolangma? its 8,844.43 meters high. its higher than any other mountain. which is the deepest salt lake in the world? the caspian sea is the deepest of all the salt lake. did you know that china is one of the oldest countries in the world? yes, i d

4、id. its much older than the us. 2. ability objective let the students can understand and talk about the topic of geography and natural. master the usage of the comparative and superlative. 3. emotion objective to cultivate the students love the nature, make them have the consciousness of protecting

5、the environment. teaching main and difficult points 1. teaching main points use comparative and superlative forms of adjective and adverbs 2. teaching difficult points 1 talk about the geography and nature using comparative and superlative forms of adjective and adverbs.the contrast between the obje

6、ct. teaching methods teaching procedures step1.leading-in 1. watch the photos and talk about them “how big/high/long/big is ? and help the students to answer: its meters/kilometers/cm big/high/long/big. 2. look these photos and practice the dialogue: e.g. a: how high is qomolangma? b: its 8,844 mete

7、rs high. step 2. match the facts you know. practice in pairs using the information in 1a.step 3 explaination 8,844 meters high.8,844米高 meters high (long, wide) 米高(长,宽)。 英语表示“有多长(宽,高)”时,一般将数词和数量单位放在表示长宽高的形容词前作状语。 e.g. the wall is 1.7 metres wide. step 4 listening 1. 1b listen and complete the sentenc

8、es. 1) qomolangma is _ than any other mountain in the world. 2) the sahara is _ desert in the world. 2 3) the caspian sea is _ of all the salt lakes. 4) the nile is _ river in the world. 2. 2a listen and number the facts(1- 4) in the order you hear them. 6,300 5,0005,464 300 the yangtze river is abo

9、ut _ kilometers long and the yellow river is _ kilometers long. china has the biggest population in the world. its a lot bigger than the population of the us. china is over _ years old. it has a much longer history than the us. the us is not even _ years old. china is almost as big as the us, but it

10、 is the biggest country in asia. step 5 the usage of the comparative and superlative 1一般单音节词和少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后面加-er,最高级在后面加-est;(1)单音节词 e.g. smallsmallersmallest shortshortershortesttalltallertallest greatgreatergreatest(2)双音节词 e.g. clevercleverercleverest narrownarrowernarrowest 2以不发音e结尾的单音节词

11、,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st;e.g. largelargerlargest nicenicernicest ableablerablest 3在重读闭音节(即:辅音元音辅音)中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; e.g. bigbiggerbiggest hothotterhottest fatfatterfattest 4以“辅音字母y”结尾的双音节词, 把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; e.g. easyeasiereasiest heavyheavierheaviestbusybusierbusiest happyhappierha

12、ppiest 5其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most; e.g. beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful step 6 practice 1c make conversations in pairs. 3examples a: did you know that china if one of the oldest countries in the world? b: yes, i did. its much older than my country. step 7 summary go through the impor

13、tant points and difficult points of this lesson with the students once again. emphasis the phrases and sentence patterns. memorize the important phrases and sentences. make some dialogues about asking the size of objects. 3. find some information about qomolangma on the internet add :the b

14、lackboard design whats the highest mountain in the world? words : qomolangma,the nile, the caspian sea, the sahara ,square, kilometer ,desert ,population 2.phrases: in size,in the word, meters deep/long/high,, the biggest population. 3.sentence: whats the highest mountain in the world? ho

15、w long is qomolangma? ts 8,844.43 meters high. its higher than any other mountain. did you know that china is one of the oldest countries in the world? 4. the usage of the comparative and superlative 1一般单音节词和少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后面加-er,最高级在后面加-est;(1)单音节词 e.g. smallsmallersmallest shortshortershort

16、esttalltallertallest greatgreatergreatest(2)双音节词 e.g. clevercleverercleverest narrownarrowernarrowest 2以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st; 4【篇二:初中英语教案模板】 teaching plan student: the students of grade 7学生:七年级 teaching content: go for it ,students book of grade 7. unit 5, the title is why do you like p

17、andas? 教学内容:人教版 七年级 第五单元,标题:你为什么喜欢熊猫? teaching hour: 20-30mins上课时间:20-30分钟 teaching plan: 教学计划 i. teaching aims:教学目标 1. learn and master new words, sentence patterns. 1.学习并掌握新单词,重点句型. 2. enable the students to talk in english about describing the character of animals and the reason of love.学生会英语描述动物

18、的特点及喜爱的原因。 3. develop the students speaking ability.锻炼学生的口语。 ii. teaching main points: 1. improve the students speaking ability.提高学生的口语。 2. master some difficult words and some sentence patterns.掌握一些难点单词和重点句型。 iii. teaching difficult points: 1. adjective: first of all, later on, laugh at, take notes

19、 2. sentence patterns:sb. be afraid to do sth. sb. realize that clause iv. teaching methods: 1. fast reading to find out the general information about the passage. 2. question-and-answer activities to help the students to go through the whole passage. 3. individual, pair and group work to make every

20、 student work in class. v. teaching aids: the blackboard vi. teaching procedures:the blackboard design:【篇三:初中英语教案范例】 初中英语教师面试初中英语教案范例 unit 6 how do you get to school? 一、教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“transportation”,围绕“how do you get to school”,“how long does it take?”,“how far is it?”层层展开,并采用“任务型语言教学途径”,编排了一系列凸现“交

21、际功能(talk about how to get to school)”运用的听说读写综合语言活动,让学生学会谈论如何到达某个地方,距离有多远,要花多长时间等等。这些活动紧贴学生的生活实际,极具真实性,从而使学生的个人经历成为课堂学习的有效图式,有助于学生对所获取的声音和文字英语信息的理解;有助于调动他们用英语表达自己的经验和感受兴趣和热情;有助于促进他们语言功能的运用;有助于提高他们为应用而主动学习和掌握语言知识(词汇和语法结构等)的兴趣。 在教材编排上,section a是基础,是底线,是学生必须掌握的目标语言;而section b是section a的扩展和引申,通过任务型听力来讨论交

22、通工具及方式的最佳组合方式,并通过任务型阅读帮助学生了解不同国家学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同。 二、教学目标 1语言目标 词汇:subway, take the subway, train, minute, how far, quick, leave for, half, past, bus station, bus ride, stop, bust stop, north, school bus, by boat, must, car, ill, worry 句式:how do you get to school? i ride my bike. how long does it take

23、? it takes ten minutes. how far is it from your home to school? its about 10 kilometers. 2能力目标 (1) 能够谈论如何到达目的地。 (2) 能够谈论自己的日常生活。 (3)能够有效地获取信息和处理信息。 3情感目标 (1) 学会关注生命与安全;培养时间观念,学会珍惜时间。 (2) 了解朋友及家人的生活。 4跨学科学习 (1) 社会实践:学习距离、交通方式的表达。 (2) 个性培养:学会合理安排自己的生活,培养时间观念,学会珍惜时间。 (3) 跨文化研究:了解不同国家、不同地区学生上学的交通工具及方式的异

24、同。 三、教学重、难点 通过语言目标的学习,学会谈论如何到达目的地,如何表达距离的远近,如何表达到某地花多长时间,并在生活实际中正确运用所学语言。 四、教法与学法 1. 采用情境法、交际法和“任务型”教学途径,使“英语学习任务化,学习活动生活化”,通过设置多样化的任务,巧妙注意任务的序列性,让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的生活任务,从而培养学生运用英语的能力,(用英语做事的能力)。在教学过程中,坚持“以人为本”,关注学生的情感,关注学生的发展,把说的机会留给学生,把思考的时间还给学生,把做的权利交给学生。 2. 充分发挥多媒体辅助教学的优势,集图片、声音、动画于一体,使课堂教学更为形象,更为

25、直观,更为生动,学生更有兴趣,印象也会更深。 3. 采用小组合作的学习方式,让学生学会交流,学会分享,学会合作,并有效地避免班额过大、不同学生之间知识水平和智力发展参差不齐,同时师生之间、学生之间的交际得不到充分发挥等问题。 五、教学程序设计根据本单元学习有关交通方面的内容,设计核心任务为“2000元欢乐假日行”,形成如下任务链:了解周围的人是如何到校、如何上班的选择适合自己的交通工具或交通工具组合方式威海一日游说明不同国家、不同地区学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同2000元欢乐假日行比较交通工具的特点与优劣势向政府提出合理建议,改善交通环境。 第一课时 第一课时以听说为主,教学目标为: 1学会

26、谈论如何到达某地,学会谈论自己、朋友、家人如何上学、工作; 2熟练掌握到达某地要花多长时间的表达,学会谈论自己的生活; 3学会合作,了解朋友和家人的生活; 4学会关注生命与安全;培养时间观念,学会珍惜时间。 本课的核心任务是know more about your friends,并通过how do you get to school? how does he/she get to school? how long does it take? 三个小任务组成的任务链完成任务前的准备,课堂流程如下所示:pre-class activities 课前要求学生通过各种途径收集有关交通工具的名称和图片

27、,并利用词典或金山词霸来认读单词。不仅培养了学生收集信息和处理信息的能力,而且使学生在这一过程中能够主动地参与学习,拓宽视野,实现英语学习的生活化。 warming-up activities 1新单元总会让每一个学生迫不急待,即将开始的学习内容往往让他们倍感好奇。教师要善于把握学生的这种心理,通过有效地设置问题来引导学生识读主图: what can you see in the picture? guess, when is it now, morning, afternoon or evening? why? i think its winter now, what about your

28、opinion? how do you know that? look at the boy in a red cap, what does he look like? what is he doing? can you see the girl in pink? what is she doing? guess, where is she going? where is the girl with short blond hair? can you find something strange? why is she sitting in a wheelchair? what can we

29、do for her? what does “terminal” mean? how many kinds of transportation can you see in the picture? 显然,读图的目的并非仅仅是导入课堂教学,更重要的是巧妙地运用课本所提供的课程资源,尽可能多地为学生提供“说英语”的机会,帮助他们逐步养成英语思维习惯。 2通过小组合作的学习方式,交流彼此所收集的信息,实现资源共享,并通过讨论小组命名和小组竞赛两个小活动来帮助学生进一步熟悉目标词汇。 3最后选用节奏活泼、边说边做的chant,(内容如下) go, go, let go! ride, ride, ri

30、de my bike. take, take, take the bus. take, take, take the subway. 使学生在不知不觉中强化识记了有关交通工具的词汇和词块,而且也是对其后进行的lucky 52游戏作了一次简单热身。 task 1: how do you get to school? 教师首先借助多媒体课件呈现本课的目标句型how do you get to school?,同时利用图片使学生掌握ride a bike, take the bus, take the train, take a plane, take a car等词块,并学会对目标句型做出正确应答

31、,然后 对两种答语的转换进行强化,并在此基础上,采用pair work的形式,小步快走,循序渐进,由“第二人称”扩展到“第三人称”,由单数扩展到复数,构成一个有梯度的序列,不经意间便完成了本课的第二个任务: task 2: how does he/she get to school? /how do they get to school? 熟悉目标语言后,迅速进入听和写的训练。 1首先设置以下问题: look at the picture, so many students go to school in the morning. now lets think how they get to school. how does the boy get to school? how does the girl get to school? how do the boy and the girl get to school? ? 引导学生有针对性地第二次读图,然后完成1a的书写训练。 2听前对录音材料进行简要的背景介绍:t

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