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1、剑桥少儿英语三级重点词汇剑桥少儿英语三级重点词汇剑桥少儿英语三级重点词汇(07版)-许汉文英语 三级上 册 学科,主题 数学 科学 Unit1 subject maths science 贫穷的,可怜的 英语 语文 poor English Chinese 地理 艺术,美术 音乐 geography art music 历史 不,没有 秘密 history without secret 有钱的,富裕的 rich 一月 二月 三月 Unit2 January February March 四月 五月 六月 April May June 七月 八月 九月 July August September

2、 十月 十一月 十二月 October November December 礼物 present 雾 落下,降落 风暴,暴风雨,暴风雪 Unit3 fog fall storm 停留,留下 带来 淡色的,浅色的 stay bring light 出租车 街道 大学 Unit4 taxi street university 转(弯),旋转 分钟 别的,其他的 turn minute other 任何地方 anywhere 高尔夫球 鼓 (登山)背包 Unit5 golf drum rucksack 雪撬 手提箱 火炬 sledge suitcase torch 金字塔 已经 扎营,宿营 pyra

3、mid already camp 完成,结束 帐篷 日记 finish tent diary 章鱼 银 金属 Unit6 octopus silver metal 有条纹的 恐龙 羊毛 striped dinosaur wool 感觉到,触摸到 筷子 刀子 feel chopsticks knife 闻出 尝出,品出 巧克力 smell taste chocolate 卫生间 toilet 洞穴 城堡 简陋的小房子,棚,舍 Unit7 cave castle hut 一套房间 apartment 时间 用,使用,运用 空气 Unit8 time use air 火,火焰 将来,未来 四分之一

4、fire future quarter 博物馆 书店 天鹅 Unit9 museum bookshop swan 任何事物 骆驼 瀑布 anything camel waterfall 科学 喜欢,享受 science enjoy 飞机场 化学家 俱乐部 Unit10 airport chemist club 车站,所 警察 餐馆,饭店 station police restaurant 录音带 大学,学院 商人 tape college businessman 录音机 果酱 recorder jam 塑料制品 木制品 金 属 Unit11 plastic wood metal 玻璃 羊毛 银

5、 glass wool silver 别的 剪刀 匙 other scissors spoon 盘子,碟子 架子 叉子 plate shelf fork 手套 空的 便宜的 glove empty cheap 碰巧,发生 昂贵的 吵闹的,喧闹的 happen expensive noisy 坚硬的 重的 hard heavy 黄金 高的 网球 Unit12 gold high tennis 环境 兴趣,趣味 environment interest 圣诞节 间隔,空间 错过 Unit13 Christmas space miss 女商人 忘记 礼物 businesswoman forget p

6、resent 地址 address 不久,一会儿 离开,遗忘 咖啡馆 Unit14 soon leave cafe 每件事,一切 优秀的 everything excellent 什么 在哪里,在何处 哪一个,哪些 Unit15 what where which 谁,哪个人 报纸 突然的 who newspaper suddenly 护士 男演员 女演员 Unit16 nurse actor actress 新闻记者 消防队员(男) 秘书 journalist fireman secretary 飞行员 油漆工,画家 足球运动员 pilot painter footballer 厨师 摄影师

7、工程师 cook photographer engineer 三级下 册 春天,春季 夏天,夏季 秋天,秋季 Unit1 spring summer autumn 冬天,冬季 蝴蝶 winter butterfly 一月,正月 二月 三月 Unit2 January February March 四月 五月 六月 April May June 七月 八月 九月 July August September 十月 十一月 十二月 October November December 圣诞节 Christmas 优秀的,杰出的 少数的,不多的 攀爬,上升 Unit3 excellent few cli

8、mb 不同的,有差别的 亲切的,友善的 different kind 生病的,不适的,恶心分钟 药,药剂 Unit4 minute medicine sick 的 伦敦 London 问题,难题 组,队 准备好的 Unit5 problem team ready 太空 有趣味的,有意思的 space interesting (short的最高级)最有趣味的,有意思的 这样,如此 Unit6 interesting so shortest 矮的 营地,野营地 猜测 camp guess 身体 (tall的最高级)最高的 body tallest 访问,参观 过后,以后 饭店,餐馆 Unit7 v

9、isit later restaurant 博物馆 剧场,戏院 科学,自然科学 museum theatre science 下一个的,下次的,其报纸 newspaper next 次的 科学,自然科学 发生,偶然 药剂 Unit8 science happen medicine 生病的 飞机驾驶员 工程师 ill pilot engineer 地理(学) 学科 机械工,技工 geography subject mechanic 紧身衣 机器 意大利脆饼 tights machine pizza 停留 足够地 Unit9 stay enough 不整洁的 警察 发生 Unit10 untidy

10、 policeman happen 消防队员 王后,女王 fireman queen 邀请 另外,其他 完成,结束 Unit11 invite else finish 礼物 剪刀,剪子 记得,想起 present scissors remember 在某处,到某处 somewhere 卡片 感觉 午夜,黑夜 Unit12 card feel midnight 复活节 城堡 悄悄说,低声说 Easter castle whisper 环境 整洁的 竞赛,比赛 Unit13 environment tidy competition 更差的,更严重的(bad的比 worse 较级) 对象 Unit1

11、4 subject 决定 奇异的,奇怪的 早,不久 Unit15 decide strange early 胡椒 认出 pepper spot 突然地 甜的(sweets)指糖果 suddenly sweet 优秀的,杰出的 城堡 富的,充足的 Unit16 excellent castle rich 剑桥少儿英语三级上知识点汇总 (2012-06-20 12:00:50) 转载? 标签: 分类: 剑桥少儿英语 教育 Unit 1 场景: 学校课程 单词: subject, geography, science, etc. 句型:what is your fovourite subject?

12、On which side is the music room? 语法:1.定语从句、状语从句: When you pull the letter out of the bag, say three words with this letter. Best friends like to stay with you no matter if you are rich or poor. A best friend is someone who keeps secrets. 2.介词后动名词: Can you go to each class without passing any class t

13、wice? This is great game to play with your friends, with everyone taking a turn. 3.过去分词做定语 Best friends think youre the coolesteven when you have a piece of egg stuck in your teeth all day. People in your group stay together and make a short story with all the given sentences. Unit 2 场景: 过生日 单词: Jan

14、uary, February, December, etc. 句型:When is your birthday? Would you like to come to my birthday party? 语法:1.介词和日期、时间的基本搭配关系 At搭配时间点: at six oclock, at noon(morning 和 afternoon的交点), at night。 注:所谓的“点”都是抽象意义上的点,实际上,任何“点”都有一定的长度或面积。 特殊情况:at Christmas (但on Christmas Day), at Easter, at the weekend(美国用on

15、the weekend) 注:at Christmas 和 at Easter 是指圣诞节或复活节这个时节,而非一天,而on Christmas Day则是一天。 On搭配某一天、某一天的朝夕、形容词修饰的某一朝夕(实际上也是某一天的朝夕):On October 1st, on Friday, on the morning of October 1st, on Sunday morning, on the following morning, on a fine morning, on a quiet evening, on New Years Day. In搭配比一天更长或更短的一段时间。

16、In the morning, in summer, in December, in 2008, etc. 另外,相对时间tomorrow 、yesterday等 加朝夕不用介词。yesterday evening, tomorrow morning, last night。 2(Wish 后从句中动词的虚拟形式 Unite 3 场景:讨论天气 单词:band, scarf, stormy 句型:what was the weather like yesterday? Have you ever heard of showers of frogs and fish? 语法:形容词后缀-y的含义

17、:sun-sunny, storm-stormy, cloud-cloudy Unite 4 场景:问路、指路 单词:university, kilometer, distance 句型:How far is it from Beijing to Tianjin? How long does it take by bus? 语法:it的用法小结:表示时间、距离、天气等。 Unite 5 场景:询问事物的称呼、询问对方完成动作情况 单词:rucksack, tadpole, pyramid 句型:Have you finished your homework? What is it called

18、? Its called a robot. 语法:被动句基本情况,现在完成时小结 Unite 6 场景:讨论事物的外部特征 单词:rubber, roast, wool 句型:whats it like? What does it sound like? It sounds like a dog. 语法:感觉动词的系动词用法:feel, sound, look, smell, taste, etc. 比较:感觉动词的及物动词用法 Unite 7 场景:讨论住房 单词:apartment, castle, balcony 句型:I cant remember where I put my env

19、elopes? William is going on holiday. 语法:1.where 引导的宾语从句 比较:where 引导的定语从句:They had found a place where they could live. 2. 过去完成时基本概念 Unite 8 场景:时间话题 单词:quarter, restore, sandglass 句型:Tom Kilburn wrote the worlds first computer programme in 1948 at Manchester University. Its a quarter to(past) eight.

20、语法:钟点表示法总结 Unite 9 场景:集体活动 单词:Australia, countryside, waterfall 句型:Shall we go camping next summer together? What shall we do this Sunday. 语法:情态动词shall 表示建议的用法 Unite 10 场景:谈论去过的地方 单词:airport, restaurant, circus 句型:Have you ever been to science museum? Where have you been? I havent seen you for ages.

21、 语法:Have been 和have gone 表示去某地时的意义对比 Unite 11 场景:物体的材质 单词:material, chopsticks, recycle 句型:It is made of plastic. Whats special about it? What do you think of the following things? 语法:1.made of 和made from区别; 2. 成对物体数量表示法 Unite 12 场景:体育比赛 单词:basketball, wrestling, baseball 句型:Help foreign friends fin

22、d the way. Carry our “Five-star” red flag while watching the games. 语法:1.across 表示位置的用法:Sarahs brother is directly across the net from her daughter. 对比:He walked across the street. 2. whoever, wherever等的意义和基本用法 3. make 后复合宾语中不定式省略to;对比:被动语态时的情况。 Unite13 场景:圣诞节 单词:sleigh, Christian, Father Christmas

23、句型:For many children the greatest present you could give him would be to help them stand on their own feet. Buy mum a box of chocolates. 语法:不定式用法小结:名词结构、形容词结构、副词结构: Find out where to go. The first person to get home is the winner. What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. Unite 14 场景

24、:游戏话题 单词:score, bathroom, tasty 句型:Youd better move on. That would taste better. Im sure it tastes much better. 语法:进行时态表示将来的用法: Our ship is leaving soon. We are going around the world. Unite 15 场景:问问题 单词:treasure, flute, opposite 句型:Where does Miss Wang live? How do you spell Green? 语法:特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的结

25、构特点和回答方式。 Unit 1 Whats your favourite season ? , Fly a kite, smell the flowers, play games, have picnic, have a swim, eat an ice cream, enjoy the sunshine, pick up leaves, ride a bike, go to the forest, play with snowballs, make a snowman, ride on a sledge, wear a fur coat 词汇 , Whats your favourite

26、season ? My favourite season is . . .(spring, summer, autumn, winter) , Why do you like ? (spring, summer, autumn, winter) Because (spring, summer, autumn, winter) is . 语法点/句型 阅读 , P3-2 答题 背诵作业 , P5-5 Unit 2 Being happy all year round , January, February, March, April, may, June, July, August, Septe

27、mber, October, November, December STST, 1 -31 , New years day. Spring festival. Tree-planting day. Easter. 词汇 Labor day. Childrens day. Summer vacation. Mid-autumn festival. Teachers day. National day. Thanksgiving day. , When is teachers day ?(New years day . and so on ) Its on September.(January d

28、ecember) , Which holiday do you like ? I like . (New years day . and so on ) 语法点/句型 阅读 , P11-8 答题 Questions : 1. Whats the matter with little lions mother ? 2.What was the giraffe forget ? 3.Who is tired ? 4.What suggestion did the swan give to the little lion ? 5.Who is the little lions shy friend

29、? 背诵作业 , P8-对话 Unit 3 What are you good at ? , cooking, dancing, playing basketball, telling stories, painting, playing the guitar, playing golf, walking, making things, fishing, playing drum, swimming, singing, running, riding a bike, playing 词汇 football, skiing, playing the piano , What are you go

30、od at ? Im good at . (cooking, dancing, playing basketball and so on) 语法点/句型 阅读 , P18-8 答题 Unit 4 Lets go for a walk. , London, Athens, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Helsinki, Moscow, Seoul, Montreal, Atlanta, Seoul, Beijing 词汇 , Where have they been ? They have been to . . .( London, Athens, Parisand so on)

31、 语法点/句型 阅读 , P24-7 答题 背诵作业 , P21-3 Unit 5 Maths problems , Which unit are you . now ? unit . , Which is the most .? The . Is the most . . , How many . has the got ? It has . 语法点/句型 阅读 , P30-8 答题 Questions : 1.Who are my friends ? 2.What is Sam good at ? 3.Who is the oldest ? 4.Who were having a ping-pong match in the sports room ? 5. Who won the first ? 背诵作业 , P30-8 , p1 Unit 6 How tall are you ? , 个十百的念法 , Metres / centimeters 词汇 , How tall are you ? Im . centimeters tall. , If we want to

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