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1、LAND LEASE CONTRACT目录 CONTENTS一、租赁土地情况 Description of the Leased Land二、租赁期限 Lease Term三、交付时间 Delivery Date四、租金计算、付款方式及保证金: Rent Calculation, Payment Method and Deposit:五、双方的权利和义务 The Parties Rights and Obligations六、合同期满及终止的处理 Contract Expiration and Termination七、违约责任 Liability for Breach八、争议处理Disput

2、e Settlement九、合同生效Effectiveness出租方(甲方): Lessor (Party A):法定代表人: Legal Representative:承租方(乙方):Lessee (Party B):法定代表人: Legal Representative:根据国家有关规定,甲、乙双方在自愿、平等、互利的基础上就甲方将其合法拥有的土地租给乙方使用的有关事宜,双方达成协议并签定租赁合同如下:Whereas, Party A is the legal owner of the proposed land use right, and Whereas, the Parties ag

3、ree that Party A shall lease the land to Party B, NOW THEREFORE, the Parties enter into this Lease Contract as follows on the principles of free will, equality and mutual benefit with respect to the land lease pursuant to relevant state regulations:一、租赁土地情况 Description of the Leased Land甲方将位于 的一块土地以

4、有偿的方式租赁给乙方作 用途使用(经营项目要列明细),该土地总面积为 平方米(具体以测量图为准),土地的性质为 ,土地证号为 。Party A will lease a plot of land located at to Party with compensation, and Party B will use the land for purposes (specific businesses to be listed). The total area of such land is square meters (with the specific area to be based on

5、the survey plan), the land status is , and the land use certificate number is .二、租赁期限 Lease Term租赁期限为 年,即自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。The lease term shall be years, commencing on and ending on .三、交付时间 Delivery Date在本租赁合同生效之日起,甲方将土地按现状交付乙方使用,且乙方同意按土地的现状承租。Party A shall deliver the land to Party B on an “as-is” b

6、asis and Party B will use the land starting from the date of effectiveness of this Lease Contract, and Party B agrees to accept the lease of the land on an “as-is” basis.四、租金计算、付款方式及保证金: Rent Calculation, Payment Method and Deposit:1、租金计算:甲、乙双方约定,该土地租赁第一年每月每平方米租金为人民币 元(大写: )。月租金总额为人民币 元(大写: ),年租金总额为

7、人民币 元(大写: )。从第二年起每年租金在上一年的基础上递增 %(建议年增幅应不低于3%,或每三年递增一次,每次递增应不低于10%)。各年租金详见下表:Rent Calculation: The Parties agree that the rent for the leased land per square meter per month shall be RMB (in word: ) for the first year. The total monthly rent shall be RMB (in word: ), and the total annual rent shall

8、be RMB (in word: ). Starting from the second year, the annual rent shall increase by % over the preceding year (It is advised that the annual increase should not be less than 3%, or should increase once every three years at a rate no less than 10%). The annual rents are set forth below:2、租金支付:乙方须在每月

9、 号前缴交当月租金,甲方收取租金时开具收款收据。Rent Payment: Party B shall pay the current months rent prior to the th day of each month, and Party A shall issue a receipt upon receiving the payment.3、签订合同时,乙方须付保证金人民币 元(大写: )给甲方,该保证金在本合同履行期满且乙方无违约情况下由甲方无息归还给乙方。At the time of executing this Contract, Party B shall pay a de

10、posit to Party A in the amount of RMB (in word: ). The deposit shall be refunded to Party B free of interest at the expiration of this Contract and provided that Party B has no breach of this Contract.五、双方的权利和义务 The Parties Rights and Obligations1、乙方不得中途退租且必须按时缴交租金。如逾期缴交租金的,每逾期一天按所欠租金的 %计罚。经甲方追收,超过当

11、月日乙方仍未全额缴纳当月租金的,则视乙方单方违约,因此所产生的经济损失及纠纷由乙方自负,乙方对此不得有异议。Party B may not terminate the lease prior to the expiration of the lease term and shall pay rent in a timely manner. If Party B fails to pay rent within the specified time limit, Party B shall be required to pay a late payment penalty equivalent

12、to % of the overdue rent for each day of delay. If, despite Party As efforts to pursue the payment, Party B still fails to pay the current months rent in full prior to the th day of the month, Party B shall be deemed as having unilaterally breached the contract, and shall be liable for any economic

13、losses and disputes arising therefrom. Party B may not raise any objection to such liabilities.2、在租赁期内乙方不得将土地出卖、抵押给第三方;未经甲方书面同意,不得转租。否则,即属乙方违约。Party B may not sell or mortgage the land to any third party during the lease term. Without Party As written consent, Party B may not sublease the land to an

14、y third party. Otherwise, Party B shall be deemed as having breached this Contract.3、租赁期内乙方如需建设的,必须征得甲方及有关部门的同意并办理一切审批手续,建设相关费用全部由乙方承担。如乙方符合法律及政策的有关要求及条件的,甲方有义务协助乙方办理有关该地块的相关手续(包括报建、水电、消防、开户、营业执照等),但所需的一切费用由乙方承担。If Party B needs to carry out any construction during the lease term, Party B shall obta

15、in Party As and the competent authorities consent, and undertake all necessary approval formalities, with all relevant construction expenses to be borne by Party B. If Party B meets relevant requirements and conditions under laws and policies, Party A shall have the obligation to assist Party B in undertaking relevant formalities for such land (including construction proposal submission, water and electricity, fire-fighting, bank account opening and

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