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外研版高中英语名校精品 抓分复习资料第一部分 选修八 Module 3.docx

1、外研版高中英语名校精品 抓分复习资料第一部分 选修八 Module 3Module 3Foreign Food.单词语境记忆1.owe her father 3,000 欠她父亲3 000英镑2.a casually dressed young man 一个衣着随便的年轻人3.twenty head of cattle 二十头牛4.ample evidence 足够的证据5.artificial lighting 人工照明6.Italian cuisine 意大利式烹饪7.fragrant flowers 芳香的花8.a distant bakery 远处的面包店9.a rich chocol

2、ate dessert 腻人的巧克力甜点10.the ripe tomatoes 成熟的西红柿11.natural yoghurt 原味酸奶12.transform our way of life 改变我们的生活方式.词性转换与派生记忆1.pattern n.图案v.构成图案(或花样);使形成,促成(某行为模式)2.fence n.栅栏,围栏;篱笆 v.(用栅栏、篱笆或围栏)围住,隔开3.butcher n.屠夫;屠户v.屠杀;杀戮4.chew v.咀嚼n.咀嚼;口香糖5.roast adj.烤好的;烤制的v.烘,烤,焙(肉等)n.烤肉6.manner n.方式;方法manners n.礼仪;

3、礼貌7.poison n.毒药;毒素 v.毒害poisonous adj.有毒的8.gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地9.abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的abundance n.丰富;充裕10.greedily adv.贪婪地greedy adj.渴望的;贪婪的greed n.贪欲,贪婪11.requirement n.要求require v.要求;需要12.taste n.味道;品味;爱好 v.品尝,体会tasty adj.美味可口的tasteless adj.无滋味的13.customer n.顾客Customs n.海关customs

4、 n.关税custom n.风俗;习惯14.entertain v.招待,款待;请客entertainment;请客15.remark v.谈到,说起 n.意见,评论remarkable adj.非凡的;奇异的;显著的;引人注目的联想记忆1.前“因”后“果”名词小结consequence后果reason 理由cause 原因result 结果outcome 结果;结局2.以cial结尾的形容词聚焦beneficial 有益的financial 财政的official 官方的artificial 人为的3.“方法”名词家族manner 方式,方法way 方法,方面means 方法,方式

5、method 方法,办法approach 方法,方式4.abundant近义形容词一览ample 充足的,充裕的adequate 充足的;足够的rich 富有的;肥沃的enough 充足的5.“评论;评价”名词知多少remark 评论comment 评论;意见;批评review 回顾;复习;评论evaluation 评价;评估assessment 评价;评定短语背诵1.dress up乔装打扮 based on 以为基础3.go against 违背,违反 wonder 难怪 popular with 受欢迎6.make out 看出;理解7.end up 结束

6、 obsessed with 对着迷9.set fire to 放火烧10.refer 把当作/称作 common 与有共同点 short 总之;简言之词块积累1.Chinese culture 中国文化 a banquet 在宴会上 my surprise 使我吃惊的是4.have bad dreams 做噩梦5.on a trip to Hunan 去湖南的旅途中6.according to peoples requirements 根据人们的需求7.before long 不久8.go without saying 不言而喻9.

7、follow ones example 效仿某人 a friendly and relaxed manner 以友好放松的方式11.table manners 餐桌礼仪12.takeaway food 外卖食物1.But one thing I do admire is the polite manner in which British people eat,even if it is just a potato.但是让我非常钦佩的一件事是英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也会吃得斯斯文文。2.No wonder my fellow guests had had only

8、a few bites of each dish; they knew what was still to come.怪不得跟我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口;他们知道还有什么菜要上。3.I had eaten Chinese food often,but I could not have imagined how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be.我以前也经常吃中餐,但从没有想到真正的中式宴席会那么丰盛。4.The perfect host is the one who saves his guest from embarrassment wha

9、tever the cost.完美的主人是能够不惜任何代价帮他的客人摆脱尴尬场面的人。5.In many homes,the willow pattern plates.are kept for special occasions,when important guests come to dinner.在许多家庭,柳树图案的盘子只用于重要客人来就餐的特殊场合。.单词拼写1.There are altogether (总共) eleven books on the shelf,of which five are mine.2.Many clothing manufacturers now su

10、bstitute artificial (人造的) silk for natural silk to cut down costs of production.3.Our abundant (丰富的) resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages of developing their businesses.4.She owed (归因于) her good health to diet and exercise.5.We must update our economy with advanced scie

11、nce and technology in response to this new trend (趋势) of development.6.Bob and Lisa entertained (款待) us to dinner last night,during which Bob told us many jokes.7.Fountains offer some relief from the sun,and ample (充足的) seating gives parents a place to relax.8.I first met John at my sisters wedding.

12、He was chatting with some of the honoured guests (客人) at the time.9.It has urged employers to let their staff dress casually (随意地) at work in the summer so that the air conditions can be turned down.10.I had great difficulty finding the suitable food on the menu (菜单) in that restaurant.词性变化练习1.Im te

13、lling you this in advance so that you wont look on greedily (greedy).2.She often greets me in a friendly manner,so I think she is a person with good manners (manner).3.In spite of the fact that he was not a trained economist,his achievements were remarkable (remark).4.In consequence (consequent) of

14、your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.5.The mushrooms contained poison and many people were poisoned because they had eaten the poisonous mushrooms.(poison)6.The workers required that their pay should be raised and the manager granted their requirement finally.(require)7.Russia is a country which

15、 is very abundant in natural resources.Especially its abundance of oil and natural gas brings in large income every year.(abundant)8.He made gradual progress in his study and gradually he became a popular student.(gradual).选词填空make out,be popular with,no wonder, common,be obsessed with,go against,end up,in short1.If you continue to cheat,you will end_up in prison.2.His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make_out what it is he is trying

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