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高中英语备课参考 Endangered animals.docx

1、高中英语备课参考 Endangered animalsUnit 1 Endangered animals单元目标单词短语advance decline existence extinction jungle objective pack plain proof raoe sloecies bear confirm resemble threaten adaptable domestic dramatic fierce postive consequently indeed be to blame (for something) come into contact with serve (as

2、something) be aboutlong/in height prey on up to be dangerous to be in danger (from) as well work out from a distance a species of come into contact with be threatened with be to blame (for) cut down serve as be at a critical stage take action 语法句型It is natural thatshould There is no proof that There

3、 used to be过去曾经有连词精讲精析要点精讲单词短语:1.memisphere n. (地球的)半球;(尤指)北半球,南半球2.adaptable adj. 有适应能力的;能适应的Rats are adaptable creaturesthat can survive on a wide range of food sources 鼠是适应能力强的生物,能依靠多种食物来源生存。 adapt讥使适应;使适合 adaptability n.适应能力3.plain n. 平原 In hisdream, he lived a peaoeful life on endless plains un

4、der a blue sky and white clouds在梦中,他在一望无际的平原上与蓝天白云相伴,过着平静的生活。plain adj.清楚的;明显的;朴素的;简单的4.the Arctic 北极;北极地区5.resemble 看起来像;像 Thetwo friendsSO closely resembled each other that most people thought they were twins这两个朋友太像了,以至大多数人都认为他们是双胞胎。 resemblance n.相似;相像6.domestic adj. 别养的;家养的 Domestic cats are usu

5、ally much smaller than their cousnswho live in the wild. 家猫与野猫相比通常要小很多。 domestic adj.本国的;国内的;家庭的;家务的7.prey on 捕食; 猎获 Amur tigers usually prey on deer and small mammals东北虎通常捕食鹿和其他的小型哺乳动物。8.mammal n. 哺乳动物9.moose n. 驼鹿10.gorge (oneself) 贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽 After a whole days journey under the hot sun, Pigsy gorg

6、ed himself on watermelon. 在烈日下赶了一天的路之后,猪八戒抓起西瓜狼吞虎咽起来。11.pack n.一群(动物或猎狗) The men went hunting with a pack of dogs那些人带着一群狗去打猎。 pack v.收拾(行李);装(箱);打包12.bear 生育 Raoent developmentsin medical science have given hope to women who cannot bear children.医学的最新发展给不能生育的妇女带来了希望。 bear讥承受;忍受 bear n.熊13.cub n.(动物的

7、)幼兽,崽 Thelionessattacked the huntersto protect her cubs母狮为了保护幼崽向猎人发动了攻击。14.fierce adj. 囚猛的;凶残的 The boy wasfrightened by the fieroe dog, and cried.男孩被那只凶恶的狗吓哭了。 fiercenessn.凶残;激烈15.proof n. 证据;证明 The polioe had to releevsa the man, because there was no proof that hewas responsble for the crime.警察只能释放

8、那个男人,因为没有证据表明是他犯下了这桩罪。 prove vt.证明;证实16. indeed adv. 的确;确实 Chinasfirst space flight wasindeed a remarkable achievement.中国的首次太空之旅的确成就非凡。17. livestock n. 牲畜;家畜 Thefamily now ownstwelve times as much livestock asit did ten years ago.觋在这家人拥有的牲畜是十年前的12倍。18. threaten v. 威胁 The car runson a new kind of fue

9、l that does not threaten the environment.这种小汽车使用的新型燃料不会危害环境。 threat n.威胁;恐吓19. extinction n. (植物、动物、生活方式等的)灭绝;消失 The mountain gora is in danger of extinction.山地大猩猩濒临灭绝。 extinct adj.已灭绝的;已绝种的20.initiate vt.开始;发起 The government has initiated a programme of economic reform.政府已开始实施经济改革方案。 initial adj.最初

10、的;开始的 initiation n.开始;创始;发起21.objective n. 目标;目的 You must set realisiic objectivesfor yourself.你必须给自己制定切实可行的目标。 objective adj.客观的;不带个人感情的22. habitat n. (动植物的)生活环境,栖息地 The pandas natu俐habitat isthe bamboo forest.大熊猫的天然栖息地是竹林。23. positive adj. 积极的;建设性的 We must take postive stepsto deal with the proble

11、m.我们必须采取积极措施解决这个问题。24.jungle n. 热带丛林;密林 Thejungle was 90 dense that it was difficult to hike through.这片热带丛林太密了,难以徒步穿越。25. race n. 人种;种族 The college welcomes S【udents of all races and nationalities这所大学欢迎所有种族和国别的学生前来就读。 racial adj.种族的;种族间的26. confirm vt. 证实;确认 After you have made the reservation on th

12、elnternet, you need to confirm it by phone.你在互联网上下了订单后,需要再打电话确认一下。 confirmation n.证实;证明书;确认书27.species n. 种;物种 The Arctic explorerswere able to discover many new species of plants牝极探险者能够发现很多新的植物种类。28. come into 与接触 In her job she often comesinto contact with lawters她在工作中常与律师接触。29.consequently adv. 因

13、此;结果 Relations between the two companies had, consequently, never been close.结果是这两家公司的关系一直都很疏远。 .consequent adj.随之发生的;作为结果的 .consequence n.结果;后果30.advance n. 进步;进展 We live in an age of rapid technological advance.栽们生活在技术迅猛发展的时代。 advance讥发展;进步31. the wild 自然环境;野生状态 Fewer than a thousand giant pandas

14、live in the wild.只有不到一千只大熊猫还生活在野外。 to blame (for something) 对(坏事)负有责任 Doctors agree that junk food is partly to blame for childhood obesity.医生一致认为垃圾食品是导致儿童肥胖的原因之一。 blame n.(坏事或错事的)责任;(对某人的)责备,指责33. decline n. 减少;衰退 Regular execise can help prevent the physcal decline of the elderly.经常锻炼有助于延缓老年人

15、体力衰退。 decline下降;衰退;婉言谢绝34. smuggle vt. 走私;偷运 The polioe have stopped an attempt to smuggle drugsinto the count ry.警方阻止了一起向国内走私毒品的企图。35.serve (as something) 可用作;可当使 The sofa will serve as a bed for a night or two.这沙发可以当床凑合一两夜。36.existence n. 存在;实有 1 was unaware of his existence until today.直到今天我才知道有他

16、这么个人。 exist讥存在;实际上有 existent adj.夺在的;实际上有的37.dramatic adj. 突然的;巨大的 The announcement had a dramatic effect on housng prices这项公告对房屋价格产生了巨大影响。 dramatically adv.突然地 aboutlong/in height身长身高39.prey on以为猎物40.up to多达 dangerous to对产生危险 in danger (from)遭受(来自)的危险 well也(一样) out计划:思考45

17、.from a distance从远处46.a species of-个的(物)种e into contact with与接触 threatened with受到一的威胁 to blame (for)应(为)受责怪50.ut down砍倒;削减51.serve as起的作用:担当 at a critical stage处于关键阶段53.take action采取行动:采取措施重点句子:1.endangered animals濒危动物 endanger 使遭到危险;危及;危害 endangered adj.遭到危险的;(动植物)濒临绝种危险的 The overdev

18、eloped industry might endanger nature. 过度发展的工业可能危害自然界。 Deforestation, global warming and over-population have brought about more emanzrered animals 森林的过度砍伐、全球变暖和人口过剩已经导致更多的动物濒临灭绝二2. They are very adaptable: they can live in forests, on open plains, of the Arctic它们的适应能力很强,能够生活在森林里,广阔的平票上囊考之设的雪地里。1) a

19、daptable adj.(人或动物)适应性强的,能适应的;(物)可改造的,可改编的 Hes an adaptable man and fits in with new colleagues quite well. 他是一个适应能力很强的人,与新同事们相处得很融洽。 Stephen Kings novels are so adaptable that some of them have been made into films. 史蒂芬金的小说很容易被改编,有一些已被改编成电影。 adapt移调整;使适合(适应) adapt (yourself) to sth.适应(新情况) adapt st

20、h. (for sth.)改编;改写 If you can adapt yourself to the new clrcumstances quickly, your studying abroad will be much easier 如果你能很快适应新环境,那么在国外深造对你来说会简单得多。 She was asked to adapt the novel for television. 有人请她把这部小说改编成电视节目。2) snows意为“积雪(地区)”,snow -般用作不可数名词,意为“雪”,但是加了s后意思就发生了变化。这样的例子还有: water水waters水域;水体;领海

21、 sand沙子sands沙滩 paper纸papers文件;考卷3.Wolves are about l.5 t0 2 metres long, and are about three quarters of a metre in height狼的身长约1.5到2米,身高约75厘米。 表达事物的长、宽、高或深度等,常用结构有两种:belong/wide/tall/high/deep或者bein length/in width/in height/in depth。 The newly-built bridge is 500 metres long and 200 metres in heigh

22、t. 这座新造的桥长500米,高200术。 The ditch that he fell in is 10 metres in depth and 2 metres wide. 他掉进去的那个坑深10米,宽2米。4. When they kill a big animal, they gorge themselves, and then may not eat again for up to two weeks.它们捕杀到大型动物时,会尽可能地饱餐一顿,然后就可以两个星期不进食。 up to是介词词组,常用于以下几种含义: (程度、数量、时间、距离等)多达;至多有;直到 be up to sb

23、.是某人的责任(或职责);由某人决定 正在于,从事着(尤指坏事)The limouslne can seat up t0 8 people这辆豪华轿车至多可以坐八个人。Up to now,I still cant believe that a boyish girl has won the Super Idol competition.直到现在,我仍然不能相信一个男孩气十足的女孩赢得了超级偶像的比赛。Shall we eat out or stay in? Its up to you.咱们是到外面吃饭还是呆在家里?你决定吧。I doubt whether they are up to play

24、ing practical jokes on someone.我怀疑他们是否正在计划着对某人搞恶作剧。5.Are they dangerous to people7他们对人类有危险吗?be dangerous to对来说是危险的联想:be in danger from受到的威胁;因为而有危险We used to believe that wild animals like wolves are dangerous to human beings but actually they are in danger from us. 我们过去认为象狼这样的野生动物对人类来说是危险的,面实际上却是他们受

25、到了人类的威胁。 With the spread of the fire, the situation became highly dangerous. If fire engines could not amve immediately, all the people in the building would be in danger from it. 随着火势的蔓延,形势变得十分危险,如果消防车不马上到达的话,大楼里的人都将处于危险之中。6There is no proof that awild wolf has ever harmed a human being没有证据表明野狼曾经伤害

26、过人。 常用句型:There is no proof that没有证据表明 说明:that引导的从句是同位语从句,用于补充说明名词proof的具体内容。此句型 常常可以换成There is no evidence that;Its impossible to prove that .。 There is no proof that the man was at the scene of the crime.(=There is no evidence that the man was at the scene of the crime./= Its impossible to prove th

27、at the man was at the scene of the crime.) 没有证据表明那名男子曾经出现在犯罪现场。7. Similarly, there used to be thousands of wolves in America, but now there arefewer than 2,000同样,在美国曾经有成千上万只狼,现在只剩下不到两千只 1) there used to be(过去)曾经有过 此句型为there be句型,为了增加there be句型的含义,在be动词茼器蠢了词组used to。类似的常用句型还有There happen(s/ed) to be(

28、碰巧有:There seem(s/ed) to be.(似乎有);There appear(s/ed) to be.(好像有等:这些句型和there be句型一样,是倒装句型。 There used to be hundreds of fans waiting outside the hotel where莨he sq世rqar stayed. 在那个超级明星住的宾馆外曾有成百上千名歌迷守候着。 There happens to be a policeman around when I am at a loss for direction. 正当我不知该往哪里走时,碰巧附近有个警察。 Ther

29、e seems to be more than one solution to that problem. 那个问题似乎不止有一种解决方法。2) thousands of成千上万的(强调数量众多) dozen(一打),score(=十),hundred(百),thousand(千),million(百万)等词在与确切数 字连用时不加s,例如:two dozen(两打),four score(八十),two hundred(二百),five thousand(五千),ten million(一千万);但如果它们与of连用,表示数量众多时,要 加s,甚至还能两个词叠加使用,例如:dozens of

30、 eggs(成打的鸡蛋),hundreds of wolves成百上千只狼,thousands of millions of enemies(数量众多的敌人)。8. About 20 0r 30 years ago, people started to realize that wolves were threatened with extinction,and they slowly began initiating programmes to protect them。二三十年前,人们开始意识到狼濒临灭绝,于是逐渐地主动开展一些项目来保护狼群。 start to do/doing sth.

31、意为“开始做某事”,其含义和begin to do/doing sth.-样。stafl和begin后跟-ing分词或不定式作宾语均可,且意思完全一样,但在以下情况下,start和begin后一般应接不定式: 1)主语是事物: 2)本身用于进行时态; 3)后跟的动词表示人的心理状态或精神活动。 The train started to move before the old man could get on it. 那个老人还没来得及上车,火车就开动了。 The rain began to fall down as soon as I arrived home. 我一到家,天就开始下起雨来。 Im starting to doze when he came in with the bad news. 我正要打瞌睡,他就进来了,还带来了这个坏消息。 The students start to realize the importance of mastering a fore

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