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1、我最近开始整理出来一个思路库我最近开始整理出来一个思路库,给朋友们一些雅思part 2/3的思路 enjoy! (争取每天更新)使用手册:提供的仅仅是一些思虑,一定记住添加自己的扩展A Book You Enjoyed as a ChildDescribe a book you enjoyed when you were a child. You should say:what book it was-西方故事eg.安徒生 -中国传统书籍eg. 西游记 -80后回忆 eg. 舒克贝塔 -what the book was about-简单描述故事人物/故事内容who gave you this

2、 book-父母/外公外婆/同学/老师/神秘人物-扩展可以提出为什么给你 and explain why you enjoyed this book.-竖立道德观念/故事内容丰富/美妙/给你梦想/给你想象空间1 Different kinds of people like to read different kinds of books. Can you give some examples of that?(老人/年轻喜欢读的书,男生女生喜欢读的书,不同行业的人喜欢读的书)2 Do people of different age groups all use the same way(方式)

3、 to read things?(年轻人:网路,掌上电子产品,网路买书,图书馆) 老年人(传统的书,书店)3 As well as typical (academic) school books, do you think children should also read books simply for entertainment (or, enjoyment)?肯定:扩展小孩的创意,丰富的课外知识,培养其他的兴趣否定:应该专心学习,课外书带来不好的影响, 4 What kinds of books are (young) children most attracted to?-神话故事,

4、动物故事,自然知识书,幽默搞笑5 What effects do you think childhood reading will have on the future of that child?-竖立道德观念,提高创意,课外知识,6 How do you think children could be encouraged to read more? -通过兴趣培养,父母鼓励,学校鼓励,根据个人兴趣,结合影视和书籍7 What is the role of the Internet in reading? Does it help to encourage people to read?-

5、较大的作用,方便,多媒体化,能扩展出更多知识Your Favourite Subject at School Describe an interesting subject that you are studying (or studied) in school (or university). * You should say: what the subject is (or, was) * -一个你比较擅长的科目-比较特殊的科目-普通的科目因为什么特定因素而喜欢eg老师,同桌- 一个当时不喜欢后来喜欢的科目 who teaches (or, taught) you * -简单描述老师并提供

6、原因:他有特殊成就,特殊风格,长相很特殊 how the teacher teaches (or, taught) this subject -构造一些授课方式- 特殊的理念,结合了很多国际思想,很多实践性练习,幽默风趣, and explain how useful you think this subject will be for your future. * -给你现在的工作带来很大的启发,对你现在的生活有很大帮助,以后可以给你良好的就业,为你的人生目标做了铺垫 What do you think of teaching, as a profession (or, as a job)?

7、肯定:成就感,教学能体现出自己的价值,帮助人,需要懂得知识很多否定:自己的性格不适合,教学压力大 What are the qualities of a good teacher?-有责任,有魅力,能够感化人,善于沟通,了解学生心理,对科目很资深 Compare the qualities of a good teacher with the qualities of a bad teacher.哈哈。你就想一个好老师然后拿他跟我比较吧 In what ways does a good teacher have an effect on the students?-给予学生自信,带来启发,改变

8、学生的价值观,提高学习效率, In what ways does a bad teacher have an effect on the students?-哈哈。那就想想我怎么把你教坏了吧 Do you think students of different ages learn in the same way?-年轻人:创新教学模式,多媒体,DIY式,网路学习,年轻化学习-老年人:传统教学,价值观比较老套,课堂严肃,今天我给大家介绍一个本季度出现的新part 1 以及part 2话题卡, 我专门找那种难度系数比较高的进行解答 Part 1Driving a Car1. Do you kno

9、w how to drive a car ?Yea I do, I learned driving since I was 18. (这种问题不必回答太复杂,不然后面就没得问了)2.Do you think its necessary to learn to drive?Yea I do, I think learning how to operate a vehicle is an important part of modern life, you know cars add a lot of convenience to our lives and it can really refle

10、ct your social status.3.Do you think its important to pay attention to safety when driving?Of course, safety is the number one priority , according to statistics , many people die of traffic accidents each year so I think safe driving is especially important. (运用了一些客观事实)4.What advice would you give

11、people about safe driving?I would tell people to obey traffic laws and to buckle up(口语方式表达:系安全带) ,you know many people nowadays do not have the habit of wearing their seat belts and people in China often run lights(闯红灯)and make spontaneous turns.请注意part 1 不需要回答太长,更多的是追求语言的自然度以及流利度.必考话题卡解答此话题卡为此季度新出话

12、题卡,难度系数比较大因为在人物话题的基础上要求考生描述两个人.Two People From the Same family (Sept. 17, 2011)Describe two people who you know from the same family. You should say: who these two people are how much these two people have similar personalities (characters) how much they look similar and explain how (how well) the t

13、wo people get along with each other. 答案:Two people who I know from the same family are my class mates Tom and Jerry, Tom and Jerry are in the same class as me, they are twin brothers, they look identical(一模一样).Although they look the same, the two brothers have totally different personalities, on one

14、 hand, Tom is an extrovert(外向), he is very sociable and loves talking and participating in different social activities, while on the other hand, Jerry likes to keep to himself(自我保留), he loves doing his own things and doesnt really talk to anyone. Like I mentioned, the brothers look exactly the same,

15、 its quite hard to tell the difference between the two, they are both very slim, they have the same haircut, same body features and sometimes they even wear the same style clothing. People often mix them up and call them by the wrong name, its quite funny.I think the brothers get along really well,

16、although they dont really have the same personality, I feel that they really understand each other and feel for each other, at the same time they can really complement (互补)each other, for example Jerry pays attention to detail while Tom is focused on completing the task. 请注意,part 2 得高分需要控制在 160-180个

17、字尽量进行细节上扩充.1. Are weekends important to you?Weekends are extremely important to me, it gives me time to loosen up take a break from my daily work, its the time where I can do what I want whenever I want.Loosen up 放松 Take a break 休息2. How do you (usually) spend the weekend?Sometimes I will go hiking

18、with my friends at the fragrant hills, you know Im a nature loving person so its really a great chance for me to get closer to nature, other times Ill go shopping with my buddies at the shopping center, we can enjoy some goodies and buy new apparel.Nature-loving 热爱大自然的 Goodies- 好东西 Apparel 衣着3. Whic

19、h do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday?(Why?)I prefer Saturdays over Sundays because I can go out with friends on Saturday night and I can sleep in the next day, whereas Sunday means that I have to go to work the next day, so Saturday is my day.Sleep in 睡懒觉4. Do you like to travel in your holidays?I lo

20、ve travel, traveling during my holidays is one of those things that I look forward to the most every year, I always take annual trips to at least 2 domestic locations and international location.Annual trips 每年的度假 Domestic- 国内 International 国外5. Do you have any plans to travel during your holidays?Ye

21、a I do, for my next holidays I plan to go to the Maldives, Ive heard from many of my buddies that the Maldives have spectacular view and wonderful beaches, I think it will be a perfect getaway.Getaway 度假去处Part 2A Park or Public GardenDescribe a beautiful park or garden that you have visited.You shou

22、ld say: where it was when you saw it. what you did thereand explain why you thought it was beautiful.A beautiful Garden that I have visited is the Gardens of Bellagio located in Las Vegas. I went on Vacation with my parents last year to the US and we visited Las Vegas, the garden is located behind t

23、he lobby of the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, I took so many pictures of the Garden and I saw many beautiful flowers and decorations in the Garden. At the center of the garde , there was a ice cream parlor, I enjoyed Italian gelato while I strolled through the garden. The garden is something out of a

24、 story book, there are beautiful Victorian fountains and many flowers that have really nice matching colours giving you the feeling of walking through a divine place, the lighting was quite warm and the background music is so soothing. The garden is shaded by a huge glass dome, when you look up at n

25、ight you can see the stars hovering over you as you enjoy the spectacular environment.Ice cream parlor 冰淇林店 Italian gelato 意大利冰淇林Victorian fountains 维多利亚喷泉 Divine place 神界8 Do you like birthdays?Yea of course, everyone loves birthdays, its a day of celebration where everyone listens to you and basic

26、ally obeys you, and its also a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends.Catch up with friends- 跟朋友聚会2.Nowadays, how do young people in China celebrate their birthday?Well, the young generation have many ways of celebrating their b-day, having a unique birthday is often the aim of most youngste

27、rs, some like to have a beach BBQ while others enjoy doing costume party.Unique 特殊,个性Costume party-制服派对Beach BBQ- 沙滩烤肉3.What did you do on your last birthday?I had a really special birthday last time, I held a potluck party for my birthday, many of my friends brought a lot of good food over and we h

28、ad a blast.Potluck party- (一种欧美特殊的聚餐/派对,大家自己在家做好一道菜然后带到聚餐上一起分享)4. Do you think its important to give a gift to someone on their birthday?Definitely, I think gift-giving during birthdays has always been a long standing tradition, the gift carries your best wishes for your buddy and its a gesture of f

29、riendship.Gesture -表示Part 2今天跟大家分享一个更新话题中比较恶心的一个话题卡An Experience that Made You Angry Describe something that made you a little angry. * You should say: what it was that made you angry * where you were when this happened * what you were doing at the time * and explain why you felt angry. *范文:Somethin

30、g that got on my nerves was a time when my neighbours kept on playing loud music at night, you know, my neighbours upstairs are a young couple and they love dance music.Sometimes, they will play the music late in the evenings like around midnight, it really pisses me off because I can hear the bass

31、and it really disturbs my sleep. I lie on my bed and cover my head with my pillows while Lady Gaga and Kate Perry are being played upstairs.I remember onetime, the bass was so loud that it felt like an earthquake. I can literally feel things shaking; they must have a really good sound system.Im a pe

32、rson that sleeps light, so I cant have any noise when I sleep, every time they play the music, I feel so irritated, sometimes I really want to go upstairs and have a serious talk with them, I really think they should be more considerate of others.Gets on my nerves 使我生气Pisses me off- 使我生气Irritated- 使我烦躁Sle

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