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1、外贸函电实训-包装-1一、基本要求:根据题目说明写一封包装函,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整、格式完整。二、相关内容: 2014年10月20去信给出口商,指示有关1800件衬衫的包装事宜。1. 衬衫装入塑料袋内,每袋装1件,然后装入纸板盒内,每盒1件。每18盒装入一纸箱,兰、黑、白均匀搭配,大中小均匀各6件。2、请在纸箱的外包装上将我公司的名称的缩写CGD刷入倒三角形中,下面刷上目的港“青岛”,再下面刷上合同编号HG-23以及数量编号100-1.3. 纸箱内调防水材料,外用胶带双侧加固。4. 纸板盒设计要精美。指示标志有:防潮以及勿用吊钩。Oct. 20, 2014Dear Sirs,As

2、 requested, all the shirts in plastics bags will be packed in Cardboard boxes of each, 18 boxes to a carton, blue, black, white, equally assorted, S/6, M/6, and L/6. Please mark the cartons with our initials CGD in a downward triangle, under which comes the destination Qingdao with order number 100-

3、1 below again. All the cartons are to be lined with damp-proof paper to avoid dampness, bundled with double adhesive tapes outside. The cardboard boxes should be designed beautiful and attractive. On the outer packing, except what you have stated, indicative marks like KEEP DRY, USE NO HOOKS, should

4、 also be indicated. We hope you can pay special attention to the packing and our requirements on packing will not bring you much trouble.Your faithfully,外贸函电实训-包装2一、基本要求:根据题目说明写一封包装函,要求用英文书写,表达清楚、内容完整、格式完整。二、相关内容: 2014年10月25日去信进口商,向其解释一下包装为什么要采用纸箱而不是木箱。如果进口商坚持木箱装,只要其愿意承担成本的差,出口商愿意照办。理由主要有1. 通常的做法都是装

5、入纸箱。完全可以满足需要。2.木箱的成本高。纸箱易于防盗,因为盗窃的痕迹会比较清楚。3. 木箱不仅沉重,运输贵,而且木箱需要熏蒸以满足进口国的强制性入关要求,也导致成本高。Oct. 25, 2014Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter concerning packing requirements. In regard to packing the goods in the cartons without the wooden cases, we wish give you our comments as follows:1. Common practice

6、is into cartons which completely meet the need.2. Package in cartons can prevent skillful pilferage, as the trace of pilferage will be more in evidence.3. The high cost of the wooden cases and transportation. Wooden cases are not only heavy but also requiring fumigation to meet the importing country

7、s mandatory entry requirements; it also leads to high cost.We believe the cartons are quite fit for the ocean transportation. If you persist in using wooden case, as long as it is willing to bear the cost difference, we are willing to do so.Yours faithfully,翻译:感谢贵公司关于包装要求的来函。关于在无木箱包装的卡通产品包装方面,我们的要求如下:1. 通常的做法都是装入纸箱。完全可以满足需要。2.木箱的成本高。纸箱易于防盗,因为盗窃的痕迹会比较清楚。3. 木箱不仅沉重,运输贵,而且木箱需要熏蒸以满足进口国的强制性入关要求,也导致成本高。我们相信纸箱很适合海运,如果你方坚持使用木箱,只要愿意承担成本差价,我们愿意这样做。

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