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1、24篇魔术美文串记四级单词中英文1 The Two Roads 两条路It was Christmas Eve , an aged man was standing on the balcony ,with uneasy,alarmed and pessimistic expression ; He sighed for his miserable fate, and raised his sad eyes, gazed at the sparking stars in the deep blue sky. A falling star depicted a curve in the sky

2、and disappeared, which seemed like the symbol of his life.Then he cast them below his floor, where a few more desperate people than him were moving towards their inevitable destination-the grave. He had already expended sixty years on the way leading to it, and he had acquired nothing but agony and

3、regret. Now his health was poor, his mind was vacant, his heart was sorrowful, and his life was short of comforts.The days of his youth appeared like dreams floating in his brain, and he recalled the strategic moment when he stood at the access to two roads- At the end of the first road, it was a pe

4、aceful and sunny place. It was covered with delicate flowers, fascinating bamboo forest, bunches of attractive grapes. There lived cute deer, tame lambs, and flying butterflies and echoed with the merry, sweet laughter. There were also winding tracks and honey peach trees dotted the graceful landsca

5、pe.At the end of the second road, it was a damp and dull cave, which was an absolute hell of great bulk. It was covered with moist ponds and marshes, nasty, ditches and jungles, chilling and thrilling jails, all around was emitting the stale acid flavor. There lived evil devils, giant monsters, pois

6、onous snakes, and echoed with the horrible barking of wolves. It was full of spiders, bats, frogs, damn rats, offensive bugs and other crawling insects.He looked up to the sky and shouted aloud,“ O youth, return! Return ! ”And his youth did return, for all this was only a nightmare which he had on C

7、hristmas Eve. He was still young though his faults were real; he had not yet entered the damp and dull cave, and he was still free to walk on the road which led to the peaceful and sunny land.Those youngsters, who are still wandering at the entrance of life and hesitating to choose the bright road,

8、remember that when years have passed and your feet are limping in the dark cave, you will cry bitterly, but in vain; “ O youth, return! Oh give me back my early days! ”1. 两条路圣诞节前夜, 一位老人伫立在阳台上, 面带不安、 忧 虑和悲伤的表情。 他哀叹着自己悲惨的命运, 抬起黯然失 神的双眼凝视着深蓝色的天空中闪烁的星星。 一颗陨落的 星星划出一道弧线后消失了,那似乎是他生命的象征。他将目光投向地面, 几个比他更加绝望的人

9、正在走向 人生必然的终点坟墓。 在通往人生终点的道路上, 他已 经过了 60 多个年头,除了痛苦和悔恨,他一无所获。现 在,他身体虚弱,精神空虚,心情忧郁,缺少晚年应有的 舒适。 青春的岁月如梦幻般浮现在他的脑海里, 他回想起当他站在人生岔口上的关键时刻。 当时, 他面前有两条路第一条路的尽头, 是一个和平、 阳光普照的地方。 那 里有娇嫩的鲜花、 迷人的竹林、 一串串诱人的葡萄、 可爱 的小鹿、 温顺的羊羔、 翩飞的蝴蝶, 到处回荡着愉快甜美 的笑声,还有弯弯曲曲的小路和小蜜桃树点缀着那里优美 的风景。第二条路的尽头, 是一个犹如地狱般潮湿阴暗的巨大 山洞。那里遍布着潮湿的池塘和沼泽、 肮脏

10、的水沟和丛林、 阴冷而恐怖的牢狱, 四周散发着陈腐的酸味, 那里有恶魔、 巨兽和毒蛇, 回荡着令人毛骨悚然的狼嚎声。 随处可见的 是蜘蛛、 蝙蝠、青蛙、老鼠、 令人讨厌的臭虫和其他昆虫。他仰望天空,大声地哭喊: “哦,青春,你回来吧! 回来吧!”他的青春真的回来了, 因为以上所发生的一切只是他 在平安夜做的一场噩梦。 他仍旧年轻, 虽然的确犯过一些 错误, 但还未坠入深渊; 他仍然可以自由地走上通往和平 与光明的道路。在人生的十字路口徘徊, 不知该不该选择光明大道的 年轻人啊, 你们千万要记住: 当你青春已逝, 双足在黑暗 的山洞举步维艰, 跌跌撞撞之时, 你才痛疾首地呼唤: “哦, 回来吧,

11、青春!哦,把我的美好年华还给我! ”这将毫无 意义。2 .The House with a Golden Window 带有金色窗户的房子 In the bowels of a mountain of frontier zone, a little boy lived in a crude house, which could only accommodate five people of his household. There was not any railroad, freeway highway or even a pub (an inn) around the mountain .

12、His ancestors and he were the exclusive inhabitants on the mountain for several centuries.As he was 6 years old, he could see a wonderful house across the valley on a higher altitude of the other mountain, which had a golden window. He fancied that the emperor, prince and princess in fable must have

13、 been living in that kind of house. Sometimes, in order to assure himself that it was an authentic house, the innocent boy often stared at it, with exceeding thirst for living in it.6 years later, the little boy believed that he had acquired plentiful knowledge and skills to dominate his life. Accor

14、dingly, he made a farewell to his parents, and flung himself on the road with a manual kit, which was made of the fabric that was weaved by his mother. There was a coil of nylon cord, a saw and other implements in it.共 22 页In spite of the hindrance of the muddy and slipper slope, for the impulse of

15、his keen desire, he probed the road with a stick and proceeded towards the house consistently.As he mounted the summit, he focused on the trail that led to the house and then on it. It seemed to appear an abnormal phenomenon-the house vanished weirdly and was replaced by a ugly house, which was comp

16、arable with his little house, and it windows were plain and rather dirty.After opening the door, he found that the house was a discarded mill in a state of disorder. In the center of the house, the tools which could grind wheat into flour were covered with thick dust and the trace of mice, a rude do

17、nkey saddle and some stained sacks lying nearby it. In one corner, a primitive rack was full of cracks, spider was spinning web on it, and some fragments of mat were underneath it. In another corner, there was a stack of straw in mess, a rusted spade and a leaky barrel.The little boy was extremely d

18、isappointed. When he was ready to leave, he detected a sight which amazed him -here was his little house across the valley on the lower mountain and its window was shining with golden color- as the midday daylight (sunshine) was shinning on the glass of its window This story gives us a hint (cue) th

19、at we shouldn tbe blind to the welfare in our real life. What we need is to adjust and convert our ritual notions (concepts), to find and enjoy the happiness that belongs to us.2. 带有金色窗户的房子 在边远地区的大山深处, 有个小男孩一家五口住在一 间简陋的屋子里。 大山的周边没有任何铁路、 高速路、 公 路甚至小客栈。 几百年以来, 他和他的祖辈是这座山上唯 一的住户。当小男孩 6 岁时,隔着山谷他看见另一座更高的

20、山峰 上有一个漂亮的带有金色窗户的房子! 他想象着传说中的 皇帝、王子和公主一定也住在那样的房子里。 有时, 为了 使自己确信那是真正的房子,天真的小男孩经常凝望它, 梦想着自己能住在里面。6 年后, 小男孩觉得自己已经有足够的知识和技能来 主宰自己的生活。 因此, 他告别了父母, 背着母亲亲手纺 织的帆布包匆匆上路了。 背包里装着一卷尼龙绳, 一把锯 子和一些其他工具。虽然泥泞光滑的山坡阻碍他的行程, 但由于内心强烈 的渴望, 他用一个树枝探路, 坚持不懈地朝着那个房子前 进。当登上山顶, 他的目光从通向房子的小路移到那座房 子。似乎发生了一个异常的现象 那个房子神秘地消失 了, 取而代之的

21、是一个丑陋的, 跟他家类似的小房子, 房 子的窗户很普通而且很脏。打开房门, 他才发现那是一个杂乱不堪的, 被废弃的 磨坊。房屋中间的磨具上覆盖着的厚厚的灰尘和老鼠的足 印,旁边是一个粗糙的驴鞍和脏兮兮的麻袋片。 房屋角落 里, 老式的搁物架满是裂纹, 一只蜘蛛正在上面结网, 架 子下面是一些草席的碎片。 房屋另一个角落是一堆乱糟糟 的稻草,一把锈迹斑斑的铁锹和满是漏洞的水桶。小男孩非常失望。 正当他准备离开的时候, 小男孩吃 惊地发现隔着山谷在低处的那个山峰上, 他家的房子 闪烁着金光当时正午的太阳带正照耀着房子的窗玻 璃,这个故事启示我们不能对现实生活中的幸福视而不 见。我们需要不断调整和

22、转变我们一贯的观念, 发现并享 受属于我们的快乐。3 .The view out of window 窗外的风景Two men, both in serious illness, occupied the same ward of a hospital. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to undergo therapy and drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the rooms only window .The other man h

23、ad to lie flat on his back all the time.The two men talked for hours on end. They talked about their families, their jobs, their experiences in the military service and a whole lot of things. Every afternoon when the man in the bed next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describin

24、g to his roommate all the outdoor things he could see through the window.The man in the other bed would live for those one-hour periods when his world would be broadened and restored to freshness by all the activities and view of the outside world. The window overlooked a park with a lovely stream a

25、nd a stone bridge, the man said. Ducks and geese played in the water while kids sailed their model boats a gang of lads played volleyball on the lawn nearby the bridge .Lovers walked arm in arm amid blooms of brilliant colors. A range of grand oaks and some flourishing palms graced the spectacular l

26、andscape. As the man by the window described all these in vivid details, the man or the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the magnetic scenery, which gave him deep impression.One fine afternoon the man by the window described a troop (procession) of soldiers striding across the

27、 square of downtown. Although the other man could not hear the band, he was charmed by the invisible scene.Unexpectedly, a thought entered his head: why should he have all the pleasure of seeing everything while I never get to see anything? It seemed unfair. As the thought arose in his mind, the man

28、 felt upset and annoyed at first .But with several days passing, his inward (internal) envy turned into resentment and soon turned him sour. He turned indifferentand isolated, almost neglected all the surroundings.Then, a wicked intention controlled his life- he should lie by that window. He almost

29、couldn t withstand the torture of his intention, and sighed from dawn to dusk. Finally, his health became worse and worse, but the doctors couldn t find the cause.Later one night, as he lay staring at the ceiling, abruptly, the man by the window began to cough. He was choked by the fluid in his lung

30、s. The other man peered his panic expression and quivering fingers in the dim room as the man by the window exerted all his strength for the button to call for help. At the critical moment, listening to his crawling (creeping)sound across the room, the other man disguised that he had been fallen asl

31、eep, never moved, never pressed down his own handy button which would have brought the nurse coming. It lasted about five minutes, and then the sound of cough and breath stopped. There was only silence-deathly silence.The following morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths. When

32、she found the rigid lifeless body of the man by the window, with enormous grief, she called the hospital maid to take it away -no words, no fuss.As soon as it seemed to be an appropriate opportunity, the man asked if the could be moved next to the window. The nurse was glad to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.Slowly, with the acute ache, he sustained himself up on one elbow, and strained to turn to look out of the window. It was incredible that he faced a blank wall.3. 窗外的风景两名患有重病的男人住在同一间病房。每天下午其中 的一位都要在床头坐上一个小时以接受治疗并排空肺部 的积液。 他的病床临窗, 那是病房里唯

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