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早上幽默问句word范文模板 11页.docx

1、早上幽默问句word范文模板 11页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 早上幽默问句篇一:逻辑性问句1 你要不要致富?2 你要快一点致富还是慢一点致富?3 你是要自我摸索致富,还是要上课学习如何致富?哪一种方法比较快,而且是比较有智慧的人的决定呢?4 自我摸索来学习致富的后果是什么?5 持续上课学习的好处是什么?不持续上课学习的坏处及后果又是什么? 6 投资一点钱和时间来上课帮助自己快速致富比较重要,还是省一点钱自我摸索慢慢致富比较重要?7 是跟杜老师一样的名师学习效果比较好,还是找一般

2、便宜的课程,普通的老师随便上上比较好?8 如果让你用10万元来换取杜老师所有的成就、财富、事业、知识、能力、名誉和他所拥有的一切,你觉得值不值?9 现在你觉得自己应该立即报名哪一个课程会帮助自己更快速成功?篇二:特殊疑问句及答案1.特殊疑问词when什么时候 how 问方式 (形容词或副词) What 问事物 什么 how long 多久 (for +一段时间) Where 问地点 how often多久(问频率) Who 谁 how soon多久(in +一段时间) Whose 谁的 how many多少 (可数) What time 什么时间 how much 问价钱(不可数名词的多少)

3、What colour 什么颜色 how old多少岁 Which哪一个 how far 多远(问距离) Why为什么 how tall多高2.特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?划线部分为主语,只需用特殊疑问词what或who代替划线部分,其他不变特殊疑问句归纳一What1.问天气: is the weather like today?Its 2.问日期: is the date today?Its 3.问星期: is today?Itsis your fatherjob?does your father do?does your father work as?He is 5.问以为.怎么样

4、?do you think of this book?Its very 6.问这是什么?is this?Its 7.为什么? did you go to the zoo last Sunny?8.问在哪里?do you live?I live 9.问时间: do you get up every day?I get updid you have a meeting yesterday?I live with goes to school with you every day?goes to school with me every day.11.问谁的: is this?12.问哪一个?do

5、you like best?I likebest.二、How1.问身体怎样: is your mother?She is 2.问交通: do you go to school every day?3,问天气:is the weather?Its 4.问认为.怎么 ?do you like this book?Its 5.问距离/路程: is it from GZ to Beijing ?Its6.问多久(时间 stay at home yestarday? 7.问多久(时间): will you stay in Japan?8.问多久(频率): do you watch TV?9.问年龄: i

6、s your borther?He is 10.问身高: are you?I11.问体重: are you?do you weigh?Im 12.问多少 (可数): pens do you have? 13.问多少(不可数): money do you have? yuan.14.问价钱: is the dictionary?does the dictionary cost ?一、 填上适当的特殊疑问词1、is going to make a speech tomorrow ? B: our monitor is .2、A: does your uncle do ?B: He is a pol

7、iceman .3、A: shall we meet ?B: Around eight oclock.4、A: were you late for school this morning ? B: Because I got up late and missed the early bus.5、A: is the weather in Beijing in winter ? B: Its usually very cold6、 A: did your father go last month ?B: He went to the UK.7、A: is your sister?B: she is

8、 twelve.8、A: is your dictionary.B: Its one hundred yuan.9、A: do you play computer games ? B: Once a week .10、A: is it from school to your home ?B: Its twenty kilometres .篇三:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句陈述句含义:用于陈述事实和观点的句子。陈述句包括肯定结构和否定结构。This is a desk.(肯定结构)He can sing and dance.(肯定结构)He doesnt have a computer.(否定结构)T

9、here arent any pictures.(否定结构)肯定句变否定句:1. be动词的否定式be:am ,is ,are,was were构成否定式时,一律在后面加否定词notHe is reading. He is not reading.They are from China. They are not from China.2. 情态动词的否定式情态动词:can, could, must , may, might, will, would,shall,should , need,?构成否定式时,一律在情态动词后面加否定词notI can swim. I can not swim.Y

10、ou should arrive here on time.You should not arrive here on time.构成否定式时,要借助助动词do, does, did,在一般现在时中用do或者does,在一般过去时中用did。结构为:主语+dontdoesntdidnt+动词原形+其它I like pop music. I dont like pop music.She often swims. She doesnt often swim.He handed in his homework.He didnt hand in his homework.一般疑问句含义:一般疑问句是

11、疑问句的一种。它是只用yes(是)或no(否)来回答的句子。其结构是:系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分1) 谓语 动词是be动词规律:He is a studen(来自:WWw. : 早上幽默问句 )t. Is he a student? 1She is swimming. Is she swimming?2) 谓语中含有助动词have/has/had (通常是在现在完成时和过去完成时中:have / has / had + 过去分词)规律:Tom has finished his homework. Has Tom finished his homework?I have eat

12、en breakfast. Have you eaten breakfast?3) 谓语动词中含有情态动词时。规律:He can swim. Can he swim?I should go to school. Should I go to school?4) 谓语动词是行为动词,必须在句首加上助动词。加上这些助动词后,句子中谓语动词必须用原形。规律:Tom built a science lab himself lab when he is 20 years old.Did Tom build a science lab himself lab when he is 20 years old

13、? She likes drinking milk. Does she drink milk?They often swim. Do they ofen swim.注意 :1. 把肯定句改成一般疑问句时,要注意句中是否有already,some,something,somebody等词,如果有,就要进行改变。already,some,something,somebody等分别改成yet,any,anything,anyone She has already finished her work. Has she finished her work yet?2. 注意人称的变化。My mother

14、 is a teacher.Is your mother a teacher?3. 以下问句固定的回答:Is this/that/a/an+物-yes,it is./No,it isnt.Are they /those/these?-Yes,they are./No,they arent.特殊疑问句含义:以疑问代词或疑问副词开头,提出疑问的句子。基本结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句注意:A疑问词的选择:1.疑问代词who谁,whom谁,whose谁的,which哪些(个),what什么2. 疑问副词(作状语)2when何时,where何地,why为什么,how如何,how much多少(不可数)

15、,how many多少(可数),how long多久,how old多大年纪,how far多远。1) 问“谁”用who或whom Leilei is a doctor. Who is a doctor?(对主语提示用who,对宾语提问用who,whom均可)2) 问“谁的”用whose This is his book.Whose book is this?3) 问“哪个”用which,what I like this one among thesree three.Which do you like among these three? I like English best.What do you like best?4) 问“时间”用when或what time I go there in the morning ? When do you go thereIt is 4 oclock.What time is it?(when既可以对时间点提问

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