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1、生物化学1241pc9017 发短消息 加为好友 狗仔卡pc9017 当前离线 UID25194 帖子18081 注册时间2010-6-6 积分5608 精华11 记录42 经验10928 点 日志5 好友132 主题276 !名词解释(10分) DNA变性 半保留复制 反式作用因子 同工酶 生物转化 中英互译(5分)protein translation biochemistry plasmid replication 氨基酸 葡萄糖 核酸 酶 基因表达 简答题(每题5分)1 糖异生的意义2 简述血脂蛋白的分类及其作用3 直接参与蛋白质合成的核酸及功能4 试述G蛋白偶联受体介导的信号转导的基

2、本模式论述题(20分)1 谷氨酸彻底氧化的过程(写反应式和关键酶)10分2 结合各自的专业,分析生物化学、分子生物学与医学的关系 10分(坑爹题,不会做有木有。)老师监考非常严格。生化考试一向如此。 汉译英基因工程 聚合酶链式反应 关键酶 脂蛋白 复制名词解释同工酶质粒反式作用因子简答血氨的来源与去路简述G蛋白与受体的偶联信号传导糖异生的生理意义基因工程的步骤论述脂肪酸的彻底氧化成二氧化碳、水和ATP的过程你觉得医学检验跟生物化学或分子生物学的联系 举例说明就记得这些了 欢迎补充哈 发短消息 加为好友 狗仔卡吜莮未Qu妻 当前离线 UID22710 帖子11788 注册时间2010-1-10

3、积分2935 精华6 记录45 经验5724 点 日志0 好友218 主题80 二、名解 10x31.PI of protein2.biotransformation3.glucolysis4.reverse transcription5.DNA denaturation6.essential amino acids7.oxidative phosphorylation8.trans acting factor9.gene engineering10.bile pigment三、简答301.the functions of blood lipoprotein2.the source and f

4、ate of blood ammonia 3.the significance of TAC4.the basic process of DNA cloning5.what is operon ?and its structure and functions 6.the central dogma四、问答 2X101.How the fatty acid convert to carbon dioxide 、water and release ATP(main reaction and key enzyme)2. Describe the material involved in prokar

5、yote DNA replication and their functions in that process该用户为名人堂成员,所属分组为 知名坛友.用户介绍: 风华绝代万人敬仰,题库之王。. Explain the following terms (2 scores for each term. The perfect score will be 20 points.)1. gene therapy(07德 peptide)2. replication3. 蛋白质的三级结构4. 同工酶(07德 酶的活性中心)5. oncogene6. cellular signal transducti

6、on(07德 transcription)7. bioavailability(07德 secondary messenger)8. zero-order elimination(07德 cis-acting element)9. side effect(07德 DNA denaturation)10. first-pass effect(first-pass elimination)(07德 vector). Answer the following questions briefly (The perfect score will be 30 points.)1. What is oper

7、on? Please explain the function of each part of operon. (5 points)2. 简述原核生物复制和转录的不同之处. (5 points)3. 什么是细胞凋亡?并述Fas介导的细胞凋亡过程. (07德 什么是同工酶?简述同工酶在临床上的应用。)(5 points)4. Outline the basic process of DNA cloning.(5 points)5. Outline the main features of the genetic code.(5 points)6. Please describe the gene

8、ral procedure of G protein coupled recepor mediated signal pathway.(5 points). Discuss the following questions (Give the exact concepts and clear arrangement of ideas. The perfect score will be 20 points.)1. Describe the materials involved in prokaryote DNA replication and their functions in that pr

9、ocess.2. 举例说明原核生物基因表达调控的机制onlyqx 发短消息 加为好友 狗仔卡onlyqx 当前离线 UID26321 帖子61 注册时间2010-9-8 积分36 精华0 记录1 经验59 点 日志0 好友8 主题14 见习医生见习医生, 积分 36, 距离下一级还需 64 积分 签到天数: 7 天LV.3偶尔看看II升级 20%当前用户组为 见习医生当前积分为 36, 升到下一级还需要 64 点 性别男 帖子61 金钱303 元 威望0 点 友情0 点 好友8 楼主 快速分享: 发表于 2010-12-6 07:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印 本帖最后由 onlyqx

10、 于 2010-12-6 07:33 编辑 Brief Exercises of BiochemistryChapter 1 The structure and function of proteinExplain the following terms1. peptide bond肽键2. Amino acid residues氨基酸残基3. Primary structure of protein 蛋白质的一级结构4. isoelectric point等电点5. Secondary structure of protein蛋白质的二级结构6. Tertiary structure of

11、protein 蛋白质三级结构7. Domain功能域8. Protein denaturation蛋白质变性9. Quaternary structure of protein蛋白质四级结构Answer the following questions briefly1.What is physiological significance of hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve as S-shaped? 什么是生理意义氧气的血红蛋白的“s”曲线分离?2. Please describe physiological functions of protein

12、s. 请描述生理功能的蛋白质。Discuss the following questions (Essay questions)1. Explain the relationship between the primary and spatial structure and the function of protein. 解释主要之间的关系与空间结构和功能的蛋白质。Chapter 2 The structure and function of nucleic acidsExplain the following terms1. primary structure of nucleic aci

13、ds 核酸的一级结构2. DNA denaturationdna变形 3. Tm4. DNA renaturation dna复性5. nucleic acid hybridization 核酸杂交Answer the following questions briefly1.What is the structural characteristics of an eukaryocyte mature mRNA?2.什么是结构特点的成熟mRNA真核吗?2. What is the biological significance of Tm?什么是生物学意义Tm吗?Discuss the fol

14、lowing questions (Essay questions)1. Please compare the two types of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in the chemical composition, molecular structure, cell distribution and biological functions.请比较这两种类型的助核酸(DNA和RNA)中的化学成份、分子结构、细胞分布和药理作用。2. Please describe the structural characteristics of the B-DNA.3. D

15、escribe the molecular composition, structural features and functions of tRNA.2。请描述B-DNA的构造特征。3。描述分子组成、结构特点和功能睐。Chapter 3 EnzymeExplain the following terms1. enzyme 酶2. enzyme active center酶的活性中心 3. enzyme competitive inhibition 酶的竞争性抑制4. Km 5. isoenzyme 同工酶6. zymogen activation酶原激活Answer the followi

16、ng questions briefly1. Explains with examples the competitive inhibition characteristic and the practical significance.2. What is the relationship between the enzyme cofactor and vitamine?3. What is the physiological significance of zymogen?4. What is isoenzyme? What is clinical significance of isoe

17、nzyme?5. How many kinds of essential group of enzyme are there? What is the role of each? 1。以实例说明的竞争性抑制特性和现实意义。2。有什么关系?维生素和辅助酶3。的生理学重大意义是什么zymogen吗?4。同是什么?同临床意义是什么?5。有多少种不同的基本组酶?每个的角色是什么?Chapter 4 Metabolism of carbohydrateExplain the following terms1. glycolysis 糖酵解2. glycolytic pathway 糖酵解途径3. tri

18、carboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环4. gluconeogenesis 糖异生5. blood sugar 血糖Answer the following questions briefly1. Describe briefly source and fate of blood sugar2. Describe briefly the physiological significance of gluconeogenesis3. Describe briefly the physiological significance of glycolysis4. Describe b

19、riefly the outline of TCA cycle5. Describe briefly the physiological significance of TCA cycle6. Describe briefly the physiological significance of pentose phosphate pathway7. Outline the reasons for the formation of lactic acid cycle and the physiological significance.8. Overview the important role

20、 of B vitamins in glucose metabolism.9. Why 6-phosphate glucose dehydrogenase activity will increase after uptake high-carbohydrate diet?1。简述血糖和命运的来源2。简述醣类的生理学重大意义3。简述糖酵解的生理学重大意义4。简述TCA周期的轮廓5。简单描述的生理学重大意义TCA周期6。简述磷酸戊的生理学重大意义的路子7。形成原因的轮廓的乳酸周期和生理意义。8。综述了重要作用的葡萄糖代谢的维生素B群。9。为什么- 6 -磷酸葡萄糖吸收后会增加脱氢酶活性高碳水化合

21、物的饮食吗?Discuss the following questions (Essay questions)1. Explain how is lactate converted into glucose? (Write down the main reactions and key enzymes)2. Explain how is lactate converted into CO2, H2O and releases ATP? (Write down the main reactions and key enzymes)3. Overview the regulation molecu

22、lar mechanism of adrenaline on the blood sugar level.4. Please explain why a slimmer has to reduce the intake of carbohydrates from the point of view of nutrients metabolism. (Write down the related pathways, cellular localization, main reactions and key enzyme)1。解释如何转化为葡萄糖乳酸是吗?(记下主要的反应和关键酶)2。解释如何转化

23、为乳酸是二氧化碳、水和释放ATP吗?(记下主要的反应和关键酶)3。综述了分子机制的规定的肾上腺素血糖水平。4。你能不能解释一下为什么苗条不得不降低摄入碳水化合物从的角度来看,营养代谢。(写下相关通路、细胞定位、的主反应和关键酶)Chapter 5Metabolism of lipidsExplain the following terms1. fat mobilization脂肪动员 2. ketone body酮体3. plasma lipoprotein血浆脂蛋白4. apolipoprotein载脂蛋白5. essential fatty acid必需氨基酸6. blood lipids

24、血脂Answer the following questions briefly1. What is the function of bile acid at lipids digestion?2. What is the physiological significance of ketone body generation?3. What are materials of fatty acid synthesis?4. What is the physiological significance of cholesterol?5. What are the functions of apo

25、lipoprotein?1。的作用是什么在胆汁脂质消化吗?2。什么是身体产生酮生理意义吗?3。什么是材料合成脂肪酸吗?4。什么是胆固醇的生理意义吗?5。载脂蛋白的功能是什么?Discuss the following questions (Essay questions)1. Describe the sources, chemical composition characteristics and main physiological functions of plasma lipoprotein.2. Explain how is the stearic acid converted in

26、to CO2, H2O and releases ATP?3. Please describe the oxidation catabolism process of glycerol generated from fat mobilization4. Explain how is the glycerol converted into glycogen?5. Describe the source and fate of acetyl-CoA?1。描述了来源、化学成分特征和主要血脂的主要生理作用。2。解释是硬脂酸转化为二氧化碳、水和释放ATP吗?3。请描述氧化过程中所产生的分解脂肪甘油动员4

27、。解释如何转换成糖甘油?5。描述acetyl-CoA来源和的命运?Chapter 6 Biological oxidationExplain the following terms1. biological oxidation生物氧化2. respiratory chain呼吸链3. oxidative phosphorylation氧化磷酸化4. substrate level phosphorylation底物水平磷酸化Discuss the following questions (Essay questions)1. Write down the sequence of two res

28、piratory chain写下序列的两个呼吸链Chapter 7Metabolism of amino-acid Explain the following terms1. essential amino acid 必需氨基酸2. deamination of amino acid氨基酸的脱氨基作用3. transamination of amino acid 转氨基作用4. one carbon unit 一碳单元5. hyperammonemia 高血氨症Answer the following questions briefly1. What is the physiological

29、significance of one carbon units?2. What is meaning of PAPS, GABA, SAM and FH4 each?3. Write down the deamination of amino acids in vivo.4. Outline the source and fate of blood ammonia.1。什么是一个碳的生理学重大意义的部队吗?2。路的意义是什么,-氨基丁酸,萨姆和FH4每个吗?3。写下氨基酸含量脱氨基作用:显像技术。4。概述源和命运的血氨。Discuss the following questions (Ess

30、ay questions)1. How does a glutamate be oxidized to supply energy? What is the final product?2. What are functions of vitamins B in the metabolism of amino acids?3. Use the alanine as an example, try to explain the gluconeogenesis process of glucogenic amino acids.1。麸胺酸是怎样来供应能量被氧化吗?最终的产品是什么?2。维生素B的功能是什么在新陈代谢的氨基酸吗?3。使用丙氨酸为例,试图解释这些醣类的glucogenic氨基酸的过程。ps:

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