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1、高中英语同步教案Unit人教新课标必修312014-2015学年高中英语贵州同步教案【4】:Unit2(人教新课标必修4)Period Using Language教学目标(1)掌握本学案中所给出的词汇,能够理解并能熟练运用。(2)理解课文。(3)听懂课文中所给出的听力材料。(4)学会用英语提出忠告与建议。(5)学会用英语写海报和广告。教学地位本课时的内容是阅读有关化肥危害和有机耕种知识的课文,学生通过学习,掌握日常交际用语,学会用英语写海报和广告。新课导入建议让学生讲述自己对“绿色食品”的认识。教学流程设计.判断正误阅读P14课文,判断正(T)误(F)1Farmers prefer chem

2、ical fertilizers because they can improve the soil.()2Organic farmers prefer using natural fertilizers.()3Farmers often grow the same crops year after year.In this way,they can have a good harvest.()【答案】13FTF.语篇理解阅读P14课文,选取最佳答案1The writer seems to agree that .Anatural fertilizers are better than che

3、mical fertilizersBchemical fertilizers are better than natural fertilizersCorganic farmers change crops every two or three years because they want to produce more kinds of crops2Which of the following is TRUE?AAll farming is organic farming.BUsing natural waste from animals can help reduce disease i

4、n crops and help them grow strong and healthy.CSome organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to make full use of the field.3 so that the soil may not get exhausted.AFarmers grow the same crops year after yearBFarmers use natural fertilizersCFarmers change crops every two or three years【答案

5、】13ABC1build up逐渐增强;建立;开发These chemicals in the food supply build up in peoples bodies over time.(教材P14)随着时间的推移,食物中的这些化学成分会在人体中堆积。Many a large and big business has been built up from small ones.很多大企业都是从小规模发展起来的。You need more protein to build you up.你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质。build up/put up/set upbuild up意为“逐步建立

6、,建造,建设”,常指建造较大的物体。put up着重指建造或搭起具有高度的具体物体,口语中set up和build也有此意。set up意为“开办,建立”,常和表示组织、机构、团体等意义的名词连用,与found基本相同,但found更侧重打基础。用build up/put up/set up的适当形式填空They have finally a company to sell their products.Exercise will help the muscles.They a tent to spend the night.【答案】set upbuild upput up2lead to通向

7、;导致;造成后果Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses.(教材P14)许多化学成分能导致癌症或其他疾病。All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。His carelessness led to his failure.他的粗心导致了他的失败。lead do sth.促使某人干某事lead a place带领某人去某地lead the way带路lead a.life过生活take the lead带头We hired an Indian to lead the way

8、.我们雇了一名印第安人带路。What led you to take up acting as a career?是什么使你从事演艺事业的?完成句子A lack of confidence (能引起很多痛苦)是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的?What acting as a career?这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。This misprint great confusion.【答案】can lead to a lot of sufferingled you to take upled to3focus on集中(注意力,精力等)于They focus on keeping their soil r

9、ich and free of disease.(教材P14)他们主要是想保持土壤肥沃并且免受病害。I cant focus my attention on study with so much noise outside.外面噪音这么大,我不能把注意力集中在学习上。focus ones attention/mind/eyes/efforts on/upon集中注意力/心思/目光/力气在in focus焦点对准的,清晰的out of focus焦点未对准的;模糊不清的【提示】表示“专注;聚精会神”的同义短语有:be lost in或lose oneself in;concentrate one

10、s attention/mind on;put ones heart into句型转换The students should focus their attention on what the teacher is saying during class.The students should their attention what the teacher is saying during class.Your mind should be focused on how to solve the problem quickly.Your mind should be how to solve

11、 the problem quickly.【答案】concentrate/fix;upon/onconcentrated/fixed on4reduce vt.& vi.减少;减缩A healthy soil reduces disease and helps crops grow strong and healthy.(教材P14)健康的土壤可减少病害并促进农作物茁壮生长。The price of these shoes has been reduced.这些鞋子的价格已经降了。reduce to.减少到(increase to.增加到)reduce by.减少了(increase by.增

12、加了)be reduced to.沦落为(to为介词)The plague reduced the population to half its previous level.瘟疫使得人口降低到先前的一半。After careful consideration,the company decided to reduce the price by 10 percent.经过慎重考虑,该公司决定把价格降低10%。介词填空We must reduce our expenses (减少至)300 yuan a month.Their output has been reduced (减少)10 per

13、cent.My father is on diet,and he reduced his weight (减少)6 kilos.【答案】 from/of使免受(影响、伤害等);使不含(有害物)This also keeps the air,soil,water and crops free from chemicals.(教材P14)这还可以让空气、土壤、水以及农作物不受化学物质的污染。We should keep ourselves free from drugs.我们应该远离毒品。 from/of.protect sb./sth.from.

14、使免受(影响/伤害)free from/of sth.不含有害物质;不受伤害(或影响等)When her son returned,she was at last free from anxiety.她儿子回来了,她总算解除了忧虑。【教师备课资源】keep sb./oneself busy with.让某人(自己)一直忙于keep sb.away from.让某人远离keep sb.doing sth.让某人一直做某事keep sb.from doing阻止某人做某事keep.out of.使不进入;挡住keep up with跟上;不落在后面完成句子Weve managed to the g

15、arden weeds(使花园不生杂草)this year.Relaxation exercises can your body tension(使身体不紧张)【答案】keep;free ofkeep;free of6comment vi.& vt.表达意见;做出评论n.C,U评论;议论S with your partner and give each other comments.(教材P15)跟你的同伴交换你的内容提要并且互相评论一下。The spokesman refused to comment on that problem.发言人拒绝对那个问题发表看法。comment on/abo

16、ut sth./sb.对某事/某人评论make comments/no comment on sth./sb.对某事/某人评论/不进行评论no comment无可奉告Its impolite to make unfavourable comments on a persons appearance.对他人的外貌作负面评价是不礼貌的。He commented on/upon the weather.他评论了一番天气。【教师备课资源】no problem没问题no doubt毫无疑问no wonder难怪no way没门儿完成句子Have you any comment(s) (做)on the

17、recent developments?Asked about the date of the election,the Prime Minister (发表意见)no decision had yet been made.She was asked about the pay increase but (不进行评论)on it.【答案】to makecommented thatmade no commentpersuasion(说服,劝说)You need to.你需要The advantages are.优点是Id prefer.because.我想要因为Id rather.我宁愿Youd

18、 better.你最好Its a great pity that.是很遗憾的事You will benefit(from.)(从)获益完成句子1这比较贵一点,但从长远来看对你有好处。It is more expensive but .2手机的优点是什么? of the cellphone?方便我们保持联系。Its convenient for us to keep in touch.3你想买一台贵的电脑吗?Do you want to have an expensive computer?我宁愿买台便宜的。No. 【答案】 the long run you will benefit2W

19、hat is the advantage3I would rather buy a cheap one.劝说性写作海报(一)海报的格式(1)海报是一种张贴性的宣传广告,多写在纸上或张贴在墙上,其内容多为影讯、球讯、节目预告、演出动态等。(2)海报正上方往往写上“Basketball Match”“Film News”“Good News”“New Years Eve Entertainment” “Programme”“Films”“English Evening”“Football Match”等字样以提示海报的内容,无须称呼。在正文后右下角处写发出海报的单位。(3)海报正文语言多采用十分简


21、,格式规范。结构严谨,信息真实。首先指出海报内容;再说明活动的时间、地点;然后发出邀请和要求;最后是落款。本文应采用一般将来时和一般现在时。词汇热身1科学知识 2演讲 3出席 4做笔记 5听演讲 【答案】1.the knowledge of science2.give a lecture3be present4.take notes5.have a lecture句式温习1我们邀请著名科学家袁隆平给我们做关于超级杂交水稻培育的演讲。We have invited the famous scientist,Yuan Longping .2欢迎各位按时参加。All are warmly welco

22、me and .3听讲时请做好笔记。Take notes .4你可以表达自己的感想。You can .【答案】 give us a lecture on the development of super hybrid rice2.please be present on time3.while listening to the your thoughts连句成篇 【参考范文】A LectureTo develop the knowledge of science,we have invited the famous scientist,Yuan Lon

23、gping to give us a science lecture on the development of super hybrid rice.Time:2:30 pm.September 5th,SundayPlace:The Lecture Hall of the Library BuildingAll are warmly welcome and please bThe Students Union.立体式复习单词A基础单词1 vi.& n斗争,拼搏,努力2 n十年,十年期3 vt.& vi.使变大,伸展4 vt.& vi.循环,流传5 n战役,较量vt.& vi.搏斗,奋斗6 a

24、dv.因此,所以,因而7 vt.& vi.输出,出口8 n工作,职业,占领9 vt.& n遗憾,懊悔10 vt.减少,减缩11 vt.浏览,略读12 n评论,议论vi.& vt.表达意见,做出评论【答案】1.struggle2.decade3.expand4.circulate5battle6.therefore7.export8.occupation9.regret10.reduce11.skimmentB词汇拓展13 n饥饿,欲望vt.&vi.(使)饥饿 adj.饥饿的14 adj.引起烦恼的,令人不安的 v打扰,打搅,扰乱15 vt.& vi.配备,装备 n设备16 vt.使迷惑,使为难

25、 adj.令人迷惑的,令人为难的 adj.迷惑的,为难的17 n发现,发觉 v发现,发觉【答案】13.hunger;hungry14.disturbing;disturb15equip;equipment16.confuse;confusing;confused17.discovery;discover.递进式回顾短语A短语互译1 幸亏,由于,因为2 摆脱,除去3 对感到满意4 宁愿,宁可5 build up6 lead to7 focus on8 from/of【答案】1.thanks satisfied with4would rather5

26、.逐渐增强,建立,开发6.导致,造成(后果)7.集中(注意力,精力)于8.使免受(影响,伤害)B用上面词组的适当形式填空9We should our attention our study at school.10It was the drivers carelessness that the car accident.11The doctors tried their best to the patients confidence before the operation.12Winter is coming,and a thick cover should be put on the vegetables to them cold.13 his efforts,we suc

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