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1、新东方考研英语写作讲义个人听课总结写作讲义应用文要求:100字 满分10分 平均分5.56分建议(07、09、11) 道歉(08) 申请(06) 离职(05) 告示(10)其余还有:邀请 辞职 推荐 求职 摘要 合同 备忘 寻物 招领说明:考过的是重中之重,没考过的也要注意到,所有的一律按照信件的方式准备。应用文格式:1、 署名一律用 LIMING2、 不要忘记 Yours sincerely Yours truly Yours faithfully3、 开头 知道姓名:Dear Mr. Wang ,不确定: Dear Sir or Madam , To whom it may concern

2、,4、 信封不予考虑5、 写作原则:1) 开门见山说意图 2) 信息要点覆盖到3) 举一反三讲细节4) 语言正式词多变5) 感谢客气不能少6) 期待回信成老套一、开门见山说意图1) 对于陌生人:自我介绍I am LiMing, a student from Peking University who pays great attention to 2) 写信目的I am writing this letter to I am writing to make apology to you for I forgot 二、信息要点覆盖到 2006年 1、Write a letter to the d

3、epartment concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. 2、You should specify what kind of child you want to help 3、and how you will carry out your plan .三、举一反三讲细节 2005年离职信 详细讲述离职的理由 :1、继续求学 考研 2、要出国 3、企业文化不好 4、父母需要照顾 5、搬家离开此地 6、女友需要照顾 7、待遇不好例如: 辞职信的理由:1、不能发挥潜能 2、不感兴趣 3、工资低 Eg 1) I can hardly affo

4、rd my present apartment.求职信的理由:1、能够发挥潜能 2、非常感兴趣 3、工资丰厚Eg 1) There are three factors accounting for my decision. First and foremost, the job can bring my potential/talent into full play. In addition, I prefer meeting different people to staying in the office all day. Lastly, with the high salary, I c

5、an expect to purchase my own apartment.四、语言正式词多变应用文写作中appreciate grateful 一定会用到 尽量不要用must之类的语气强硬的词Eg. 1、I am much grateful to be employed by you two months ago as an editor for your magazine.2、I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and colleagues.3、I would be much grateful if yo

6、u could help me seek out a girl who has just started schooling but whose family cannot afford her education.4、I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestion into consideration.词要富于变化Glad- delighted /honored Kind - generous Sorry - apologize to sbCause tro

7、uble - bring inconvenienceAsk for help - request assistance五、感谢客气不能少Eg. 1) I really appreciate your to my letter/request.2) I am really grateful for your consideration of my letter.六、期待回信成老套 I am looking forward to a favorable rely soon/at your earliest convenience.大作文以图表为主,160200字,满分20分,平均分11分。图表内容

8、以社会问题、矛盾为主,有正向负向两种导向。命题方向:以往年出现过的主题,向外进行拓展。 健康(physical, psychological)出现2次 (96、97) 爱心出现4次(95、98、01、06) 环境出现5次(91、99、00、09、11) 12年或许会城乡环境 低碳环保 两代关系出现3次(92、03、05) 文化出现5次(文化交流02、10 流行文化93、06、09)一、违法短信诚实守信 honesty - integrity打黑 crack down on speculation and profiteering 打假 crack down on counterfeit goo

9、ds扫黄打非 eliminate pornography and illegal publications社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德 education in social and professional ethics and family morals有法可依、有法必依、违法必究 We must see to it that there are laws to go by, the laws are observed and strictly enforced, and law-breakers are prosecuted.二、健康 2006年 Physical health ment

10、al fitness psychological health Keep optimistic commit suicide well-balanced diet 进行体育锻炼 Be engaged in exercise participate in exercise 养成健康的习惯 cultivate/ foster healthy customs 在工作和娱乐间取得平衡 strike a balance between work and recreation日益恶化的健康状况 aggravated healthy conditions Deteriorated healthy condi

11、tions减轻心理压力 alleviate/ relieve psychological pressure健康意识 awareness/ consciousness of health提高健康意识 rise/enhance the awareness/consciousness of heath卫生许可证 sanitation license巨大的财富 immense asset三、爱心责任 duty/ responsibility/ obligation承担 shoulder/ assume/ undertake逃避 avoid/ shun/ keep away from奉献 devotio

12、n/ dedication/ make commitments to 职业道德 professional ethics欺诈行为 dishonest/deceitful behaviors deceit伪劣产品 inferior/fake/counterfeit products Are eager to donate money to charity(慈善机构).慈善事业 charitable work四、环境保持生态平衡 keep ecological balance可持续发展 sustainable development strategy节约能源 conserve energy减少温室气

13、体排放 reduce the emission of greenhouse gases温室效应 greenhouse effect发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价 We cannot develop our economy at the cost/sacrifice of our environment.人与自然和谐相处 We human beings should live in harmony with nature.和谐社会 harmonious society全球变暖 global warming 生态健身 ecological construction环境 environment-eco

14、system 清洁可再生能源 clean renewable energy 低碳经济 low carbon economy 荒漠化 desertification沙尘暴 sandstorm 暴风雪 snowstorm 台风 typhoon 水土流失 water and soil erosion 滥砍滥伐 deforestation严重破坏 severely impairing 假冒产品 inferior/fake/counterfeit products保护 protection-conservation五、两代关系代沟 generation gap老年人 the old/aged/elder

15、s/elderly senior citizens虐待 maltreat 赡养 support maintain look after take care of 溺爱 spoil dote on spare the rod spoil the child 过度 excessive to much 引人深思的 thought-provoking体面的婚礼 a decent wedding ceremony困难的经济状况 difficult financial situation 增加很大的压力 impose heavy loads on 遗产 heritage legacy什么都不做 exemp

16、t form any work筋疲力尽 can be never exhausted六、奋斗2004终点又是起点/ 2008 你我一起走南闯北 坚持 persistence persist in doing sth 创新 innovation 奋斗精神 striving spirit 从头再来 lets start from scratch 拼搏精神 determined spirit 人生观 the outlook of life 开拓进取 pioneer(V.) ambitious、aggressive(adj.) 恒心、毅力 perseverance 水滴石穿 constant drop

17、ping wears stone 为而努力奋斗 strive to do 终点 terminal 信心 confidence 耐心 patience 恒心perseverance 困难、障碍 barrier/ difficult/ obstacle 挑战 challenge 热情 enthusiasm passion 合作(成对出现) cooperation and teamwork 齐心协力 joint/cooperative/concerted efforts 经济困难 financial strain 金融危机 financial crisis 团队精神 team spirit Two

18、hands are better than one. Many hands make light work. 团结意识 sense of solidarity the spirit of solidarity 相互支持 mutual support 七、文化文化交流 cultural exchange 全球化globalization文化融合 cultural integration/blending 多元文化 multi-culture保存珍惜 preserve and cherish取其精华 assimilate the essence取其糟粕 eliminate/desert dregs

19、全球化是不可逆转的趋势 globalization in an inevitable trend消极的 不好的 negative/adverse/undesirable文化冲击 culture stock culture conflict使心胸开阔 widen/broaden/expend ones mind从事业余爱好活动 undertake/be engaged in entertainments 既有教益又有娱乐性 instructive and entertaining提供一个有效的平台 provide a sufficient platform欣赏外来的艺术品 appreciate

20、exotic aesthetics展示独有的形式 demonstrate unique forms追求明星效应 celebrity charm 真题举例1、1993年 Advertisement On TV 与虚假广告相联系 1) Prevalent prevalence growing prevalence 2)inferior-fake-exaggerate(夸张)-false 3)finance(v.) 资助 4)revenue (与government相连) 5) sponsor (v.) 赞助 6) fiscal (adj.)财政的,金融的2、1994年 On Making Frie

21、nds1) Without a friend the world is a wildness.2) A true friend is known in the day of adversity. adversity (n.) 困境 adverse3) Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.4) A life without friend is a life without sun.3、1995年 Project Hope 联系教育板块: 教育体系、学校老师的错误导向、不足和问题1)equal stress on integrity/h

22、onesty and ability 体系以考试为导向 Test-oriental education 体系以素质为导向 quality-oriental education2) 素质教育 The purpose of education is to promote the students physical, intellectual and emotional development.3) 理论知识 theoretical knowledge 4) 文凭 diploma5) 教育对个体发展将产生巨大的影响 Education will produce a tremendous influe

23、nce on our individual development.6) The development of modern civilization requires that education should emphasize not only on school4、1998年 Honesty and Integrity 1) The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon/occurrence that(a verity of promises) have been arising from all walks of life. 2

24、) Odd and funny as they sound, such false promises can be seen and heard everywhere in our country. 3) 描述负面现象 Its absurd/ridiculous that 4) Our society is suffering corruption and cheat which are causing damage to society both materially and morally.5、1999年 、2000年、2011年 环境 1)生态破坏 destruction of ecol

25、ogical balance 2) 对的生存造成显著的破坏 cause the most significant threat to the survival of 3)任由事态发展 let this situation go as it is 4) 或许可以毫不夸张的说 it would be no exaggeration to say that 5) 产生灾难性的影响 exert a disastrous effects on词汇升级1) The lesson makes me never forget.-The lesson is firmly rooted in my mind.2)

26、 The Internet makes me learn English more conveniently.-The Internet facilitated my English study.3) Foreign interference has made this country to a civil war. Foreign interference has plunged this country into a civil war. 4) His criminal record made him unable to be admitted to the university. His

27、 criminal record disqualified him from being admitted to the university.5) be sure to -be bound to 6) get rid of - eliminate7) unsuccessfully - in vain8) harm - endanger/ damage /threaten9) get- obtains/ acquire/ derive from10) Solve- settle/ resolve/ tackle/ dispute/address11) problem - difficulty/

28、 crisis/ disaster12) very - extremely/ exceedingly13) be better than B to A - A is superior to B14) good points - merits15) more and more people - people in growing numbers/ a growing numbers of people16) enough - abundant/ adequate/ sufficient17) good -用具体单词代替抽象的 ideal、perfect等18) serious- severe/

29、grave19) generally speaking - It goes without saying that20) be harmful to -be detrimental to 21) makes- fabricates 编造22) A对B很重要a. A is indispensable to B b. A plays an important role/part in B c. B cannot live/develop/grow/survive without Bd. A is to B what C is to DA is to B what the foundation is

30、 to a skyscraper. A is to B what water is to fish.e. The important of A to B can never be exaggerated/denied/ignored.f. Nothing is more +形容词+than Nothing is more important to university students than the cyber life.(09年) Nothing is more important to persons development than cooperation.(08年)句型句式1、 能

31、用行为动词不用be 动词2、 2000年 比较 (Recently days/the past few years/the last century) have/has)(seen witnessed/enjoy) a (social/ though-provoking) (phenomenon/ tendency ) that eg . The past few decades have witnessed an interesting but thought-provoking phenomenon in the society that more adolescents are showing great zeal in the cyber world.E3、 双重否定句替换肯定句1) baby needs to fall down many times

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