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1、四六级作文五大模板不看会后悔系列毙考题四六级作文五大模板:不看会后悔系列 【摘要】明天就是四六级考试了,不知道各位小天使们准备好了没,帮帮为大家准备了五大作文题型的经典范文,临门一脚,你需要这个! 一、通知(notice) Notice In order to improve the students ability to speak English and enrich their spare time, the Students Union of Department of English is to host a school-wide English-speaking contest,

2、 which is to be held on Friday next week at the Students Recreational Center. Subjects may range from sports to campus life, from our society to international relations, depending on your own interest. Those who are interested in taking part in it are supposed to sign up with the monitor of their cl

3、asses before this Sunday. Some overseas teachers will be invited to be the judges. The first ten winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present on the occasion. The Students Union of the Department of English 通知 为了提升同学们的英语口语能力,并丰富大家的业余生活,英语系学生会将主办一次全校范围的英语演讲比赛。时间是下周五,地点在大学生活动中心。话题的

4、范围可以从体育到校园生活,从我们的社会到国际关系。有意参加这次活动的人请在本周五之前到本班班长那里去登记。一些外教将受邀出席做评委。入围前十的选手将获奖。欢迎大家出席这一活动。 英语系学生会 二、信函(email/letter) June. 17, 2017 Dear Sir or Madam, I m a student in the university and a loyal reader of this library. I m writing to share with you some of my ideas about the services of our library, w

5、hich I hope will be of any help to you. To better serve the students, I would like to suggest as follows. It should be noted that several magazines in our library are out of date. It would be beneficial to us students if they could be updated in time. And I suggest introducing some new journals so a

6、s to bring new fresh air to the library. Furthermore, since we have a huge number of books, it is not easy to find the right one, so we had better introduce some new searching means. Most importantly, I would be delighted if you would expand the size of the computer lab. Currently, I often have to w

7、ait for quite a while before a computer becomes available. Thank you for taking time reading this letter and I m looking forward to seeing some new changes soon. I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration. Sincerely yours, Li Ming

8、  2017年6月17日 尊敬的先生或女士, 我是我校的一名学生,也是我们图书馆的一名忠实读者。我写信是为了和你分享我的一些关于我们图书馆的服务的想法,希望这些能对你有帮助。 为了更好地服务学生,我建议:我们应该注意到馆里的很多书刊已经过期,如能及时更新,对我们学生里说是最好的。而且我建议引进一些新的期刊以为我们图书馆注入新鲜的空气。此外,由于我们有数量极为庞大的图书,很难找到想要的那本。因此,我建议引进一些新的图书搜索途径。最重要的是,我非常愿意您能扩大计算机阅览室的规模。现在要等到一台计算机,常常需要等待很长时间。 多谢您挤时间来看我的信。期待着不久后我们的图书馆能有些改进。如蒙

9、吸纳我的建议,我不胜感激。 您真诚的, 李明 三、表格作文   As is vividly illustrated in the table, it showed that the staff member in various age ranges varied dramatically on employment satisfaction. In the light of the statistics presented above, 40% of the employees over 50 have been satisfied with their occupation co

10、ndition. By the sharp contrast, the workers whose ages are between 41 and 50 hold 64.0% of their job discontent,the highest one among all the three age brackets. Of the employees under 40,the rate of their job gratification is 16.7%, and that of dissatisfaction 33.3%。 Apparently, among the working f

11、olks remaining the largest discontent is middle-aged people, aging between 41 and 50, which cannot be dismissed; and its major contributing factors must be noted, among which the pair, in my personal sense, tend to be more believable and receivable. For one thing, the people in this life stage with

12、higher pressures and more questions tend to miss the joy of job itself. For another, the opportunities, welfares and compensations companies provided by large lag behind what the middle-aged people need. As has been analyzed above, it would soundly reach the conclusion that if desiring to raise the

13、degree of working satisfaction of its employees, the corporations should make more efforts to center on mental and physical development of their staff and improve their working treatment, which would be a co-win strategy. 【精彩表达】 in various age ranges 不同的年龄范围 employment satisfaction 工作满意度 in the ligh

14、t of 根据 dismiss v. 不予考虑 major contributing factors 主要影响因素 in my personal sense 依我之见 compensation n. 工资,薪酬 by large 很大程度上 lag behind 落后 reach the conclusion 下结论 center on 关注 【范文精译】 正如表格清晰所示,表格中显示出不同年龄阶段的员工,对工作满意程度存在很大差别。根据上图具体数据,年龄在50岁以上的员工,工作满意度高达40.0%。与此形成强烈对比的是,有64.0%的41-50岁的员工,对他们的工作感到不满,在三个年龄阶段中

15、高居榜首。年龄在40岁以下的员工,工作满意度和不满意度分别是16.7%和33.3%。 很明显,工作不满程度最高的员工是中年人,年龄在41到50岁之间,人们应该重视这一现象,并指出造成这种现象的主要因素,依我之见,其中下面两个原因合理可信。其一是,处于这个人生阶段的人们工作压力大、问题多,往往会忽略工作本身的乐趣所在。其二是,公司提供的机遇、福利、薪资在很大程度上落后于中年人的需要。 按照上面的分析,我们可以得出如下结论:如果想要提高员工的满意程度,公司就应该尽可能关注员工的身心发展,努力提高员工的工作待遇,这将是一个双赢策略。 四、饼状图 Directions: Write an essay

16、based on the chart below. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and 2) give your comments. 【经典范文】 The pie chart available features the proportion of purposes of traveling of college students in a certain university. According to the chart, the purposes can be grouped into five categori

17、es as follows: sightseeing, diffusing stress, making friends, developing the ability for independence, and others. In general, the figures suggest that sightseeing makes up the largest percentage with 37%, and then next is diffusing stress, which accounts for 33%, followed by others, constituting 15

18、%, and finally come developing ability and making friends, at 9% and 6% respectively. As the society develops, an increasing number of college students spare time travelling home and abroad. It should be noted, of course, that what the overwhelming majority of college students pursue today is virtua

19、lly nothing but playing and travelling. And it is also thought-provoking to find that a tiny minority of them travel for such broader reasons as developing ability and making friends. Indeed, they should be made aware that we attach much importance to ability-developing and friend-making rather than

20、 simply go to tourist attractions. If more travelling is to be organized for improving and enriching experience, the prospect of college students will be better as they all wish. 【范文精译】 这幅饼状图描绘了某高校大学生旅行目的占比的情况。根据这个表格,履行目的可被归为五类如下:观光、缓减压力、交朋友、培养独立能力以及其他。总的来说,这些数字表明了观光占最大的百分比,是37%,然后是排解压力,占33%,紧随其后的是其

21、他,占15%,最后到来的是培养能力和交友,分别占9%和6%。 随着社会的发展,越来越多的大学生挤时间出来国内外旅游。当然我们应该注意到,绝大多数大学生今天追求的几乎都是游玩。发现极少数人是为了培养独立能力和交友而旅游是很令人深思的。 实际上,我们应该使他们意识到应该重视培养能力和交友而不是只是去旅游景区。如果组织更多的旅游是为了丰富和完善人生,那么大学生的未来会如他们所愿更为美好。 五、柱状图 Directions: Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the

22、 chart, and 2) give your comments 【经典范文】 Based on the data provided, it can be noticed that the number of students who attend part-time jobs more often than not have been rising in different grades. As is depicted in the chart, there was an increasing tendency, with 67.77% freshmen choosing to take

23、a sideline, and a modest rise occurring to sophomores and juniors, but the seniors reaching the maximum at 88.24%. Obviously, there are several advantages which might result from the trend of college students participating in part-time jobs. At the top of the list tends to be that students might obt

24、ain financial aids or material support during the period of attending the sideline. Besides, it must be admitted that they may come to become more financially prudent and be more aware of the struggles of others, which might help them treat the world with prudence and tolerance. Above all, there see

25、ms to be no denying the fact that involving in the relevant jobs may relieve the students stress, pressure and burden, promoting their life course and moral character toward virtuous directions. On the basis of the above advantages,we could come to a conclusion that only if students well weigh acade

26、mic life against working time, taking part-time jobs is a good choice and practice. 【精彩表达】 more often than not 往往,通常 freshman 大一新生 sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生 result from 起因于 financial aids 资金支持 material support 物质支持 it must be admitted that 必须承认 there seems to be no denying the fact that

27、 似乎不可否认 come to a conclusion 下结论 weigh against 权衡 【范文精译】 基于上图数据所示,可以得知参加兼职的学生数量在四个年级中都在增加。其上升趋势可以描述为,参加兼职的大一新生有67.77%,大二和大三学生兼职数量有所上升,大四学生兼职数量最多,高达88.24%。 显而易见,学生兼职存在几点好处和优势。首先可以想到的好处是通过兼职可以赚钱,获得物质帮助。其次,必须承认学生们在这过程中,渐渐变得节俭,开始关注他人奋斗,这有利于他们更加认真和包容地对待这个世界。最后,不可否认的一点是,参加兼职可以释放学生的压力、沉重和负担,促使他们的人生和道德品质朝着更加正确的方向发展。 基于上述优势,我们可以得出如下结论:只要学生权衡好学习生活和工作时间,参加兼职不失为一个好的选择和锻炼。

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