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1、届高考英语外研版一轮复习课件必修33Module3精选doc2019届高考英语(外研版)一轮复习课件:必修33Module3 1 _ vt. 引起; 导致 2 _ vt. 埋葬 3 _ vi. 发生 4 _ vt. 毁坏 5 _ n v. 损失; ; 损害 cause bury occur ruin damage 6 _ n 警告 _ v 警告 7 _ n 家具 _ v 装备; 配备 8 _ vt. 经历 _ adj. 有经验的 9 _ adj. 猛烈的; 激烈的; 强烈的 _ adv. 强烈地;激烈地 _ n 暴力 10 _ adv. 感激地; ; 满怀感谢地 _ adj.感激的 11 _

2、adv. 伤心地; 不幸地 _ n 悲伤 _ adj. 悲伤的 warning warn furniture furnish experience experienced violent violently violence thankfully thankful sadly sadness sad 12 _ adv. 幸运地; 幸亏 _ n 运气, , 好运 _ adj. 幸运的 13 _ adv. 幸运地; 幸亏 _ adj. 幸运的 _ n 运气;财富 14 _ n 可能; 可能性 _ adj. 可能的 _ /_ ( 近义词) luckily luck lucky fortunately

3、 fortunate fortune possibility possible likely probable 15 _ vt. n (、 雷电、 暴风雨等) 袭击 _ ( 过去式) _ /_ ( 过去分词) 16 _ adv. 满怀希望地;有希望地 _ vt. n 希望 _ adj. 满怀希望的; 有希望的 17 _ adj. 吓人的; 可怕的 _ adj. 恐惧的; 受惊吓的 _ vt. 使惊恐; 使受惊吓 strike struck stricken struck hopefully hope hopeful terrifying terrified terrify 18 disaste

4、r n. _ 19 flood n. _ 20 hurricane n. _ 21 lightning n. _ 22 thunderstorm n. _ 23 column n. _ 24 current n. _ 25 wave n. _ 26 erupt vt. _ 灾难 洪水 飓风 闪电 雷暴 柱状物; 柱状体 海流; 潮流 波浪 ( 火山的) 爆发; 喷发 27 eruption n. _ 28 previous adj. _ 29 earthquake n. _ 30 worldwide adj. _ 31 active adj. _ 32 latitude n. _ 33 fea

5、ther n. _ 34 fur n. _ 35 tropical adj. _ 36 volcano n. _ ( 火山的) 爆发;喷发 以前的 地震 全世界的 积极的;活跃的 纬度 羽毛 ( 动物的) 皮毛 热带的 火山 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 He is an _ teacher and has twenty years teaching _ (experience) 2 What happened without any previous warning that day _ all the passengers aboard the train. It was really a

6、_ scene, and many people are still _ at the thought of taking a highspeed train.(terrify) experienced experience terrified terrifying terrified 3 Many bad men struck their neighborhood _ People were angry at their _ behaviour and resisted their _ bravely.(violent) 4 To her _, she had no choice but t

7、o hug her mother who was crying _ (sad) 5 He _ me not to leave without permission, but I didn t accept his _ (warn) violently violent violence sadness sadly warned warning 1 _ 卷起; 掀起; ( 偶然) 学会 2 _ 记下; 放下; 镇压 3 _ 去掉; 突 突 然成功;休假 4 _ 平均起来 5 _ 结果为 , , 以 以 结束 6 _ 放火 ( 焚烧) 7 _ 着火 8 _ 扑灭 ( 火) 9 _ 发生 10 _ 总

8、共; 总计 pick up put down take off on average end up set fire to catch fire put out take place in all 选用上面的短语填空 1 She hesitated for a moment when asked to fill in the application form but _ agreeing to work as an assistant. 2 The accident _ at the crossroads, and three people got injured, including a b

9、aby. 3 The house _ last night. It s said that it was _ on purpose. 4 ( 四川卷)After graduating from college, I _ some time _ to go travelling. 5 Mr. White _ some knowledge of growing plants just by watching the gardeners working on them. ended up took place caught fire set fire to took off picked up 毁坏

10、 动词家族 damage 毁坏 destroy 毁坏 ruin 毁坏 harm 损害 injure 损害 hurt 损害 后缀-ly 副词小结 thankfully 感激地 truly 真正地 bravely 勇敢地 quietly 安静地 similarly 相似地 fluently 流利地 all 相关短语荟萃 in all 总共;总计 after all 毕竟 above all 首先;最重要的是 all in all 总的来说 1 leave 宾语宾补, , 让某人/ 某物继续处于某种状态 They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture

11、 inside exactly where it was. 2 现在分词作结果状语 On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1, 500 injuries. 3 There is/was the possibility of./that.有 有 的可能性 When the lava reached the sea, there was the possibility of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the is

12、land. 句式仿写 1 如果衣服不适合您, , 请放回原处。 If the clothes don t fit you, please _ 2 这个秘书熬夜工作 , 为总统准备了一篇长的演讲稿。 The secretary worked all night long ,_ for the president. 3 明天下午你有可能到机场来接我吗? _ you could pick me up at the airport tomorrow afternoon ? leave them where they were preparing a long speech Is there any p

13、ossibility that experience vt. 经历 , 体验 n U 经验;C 经历 佳句背诵 (2015 湖南卷)Although the job takes a significant amount of time ,most students agree that the experience is worth it. 虽然这项工作花费大量的时间, , 但是大部分的学生认为这次经历是值得的。 ( 山东卷)Welcome you to come here to experience our Chinese traditional culture. 欢迎来这里体验我们中国的传

14、统文化。 考点 对接 单句语法填空/ 单句改错 Hearing his travelling _ (experience), I knew that he was an _ (experience) traveller. ( 牛津词典)She knew from past experiences that Ann would not give up easily. _ experiences experienced experiences experience (1)have experience in (doing) sth. 在 方面有经验 from/by experience 凭经验 i

15、n/from one s experience 根据某人 的经验看 (2)experienced adj. 有经验的 , 熟练的 be experienced in 在 方面有经验 experience 作名词 经验 讲时 , 是不可数名词;作 经历 讲时 , 是可数名词。作动词讲时意为 体验 ,经历 , 是及物动词。 能力提升 一句多译 中国是世界第二大经济体 , 在经济发展方面有经验。 China is the world s second largest economy and _ _ (experience) China is the world s second largest ec

16、onomy and _ _ (experienced) experience in economic development experienced in economic development has is cause n 原因, , 起因; 理由, , 缘故 v 导致, , 使发生; 引起 佳句背诵 According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily cause and effect. 根据最近一项研究, , 饮过量的咖啡与心脏病并没有必然的因果关系。 Th

17、e Nobel prizes would be awarded to people who made great contributions to the causes of peace, literature and the sciences. 诺贝尔奖将颁发给为和平、文学和科学事业做出巨大贡献的人。 考点对接 单句 语法填空/ 单句改错 (2015 陕西卷)Unpunctual people seldom realise that their habit causes problems _ others. I think that we have to figure out what ca

18、used the price of housing _ (go) up as soon as possible. ( 福建卷)The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major cause for global climate change. _ to to go for of (1)the cause of. 的原因 cause and effect 因果关系 (2)cause sb.sth. cause sth. to sb. 给某人带来某事 cause sb./ do sth. 导

19、致某人/ 某事 (3)cause damage/loss to 对 造成损坏/ 损失 能力提升 完成句子 子/ 句式升级 2017 年夏天 , 中国南方爆发了大洪水。 In the summer of 2017 ,a terrible flood _ in the south of China. 洪水给那里的人们造成了巨大的损失。 The flood _ the people there. 用现在分词短语作结果状语连接 : : _ broke out caused great loss to In the summer of 2017 ,a terrible flood broke out i

20、n the south of China, causing great loss to the people there. bury vt. 埋葬; 埋藏; 用 用 覆盖 佳句背诵 ( 牛津词典)You will have to bury yourself in your studies if you want to pass the exam. 如果你想通过考试, , 就得专心致志地学习。 The old poet buried himself in the country and was buried in reading. 老诗人隐居乡间 , 埋头读书。 考点对接 单句语法填空/ 单句改

21、错 The girl was sitting on the bench in the park, _ (bury) her head in the book in her hands. He stood on the sidewalk with his hands burying in the pockets of his dark overcoat. _ burying buryingburied (1)bury ones head/face in hands 用手捂住头/脸 脸 (2)be buried in bury oneself in 埋头于;专心于 be buried in tho

22、ught 陷入沉思 表示 埋头于;致力于 的短语还有: be devoted to devote oneself to 专心于 , 致力于 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 , 专心于 concentrate on 集中精力于 , 专心于 focus on 集中精力于 , 专心于 fix one s attention on 全神贯 注于 , 专心于 occupy oneself in doing/with be occupied with 专心于 , 忙于 能力提升 完成句子/ 句式升级 由于他埋头于书本 , 他不知道 外面下雨了。 ( 普通表达)Because he _ his b

23、ook, he didn t know it was raining outside. ( 高级表达) _, he didn t know it was raining outside.( 现在分词作状语) ( 高级表达) _, he didn t know it was raining outside.( 过去分词作状语) was buried in/buried himself in Burying himself in his book Buried in his book occur vi. 发生, , 出现; ( 想法、念头等) 想起, , 浮现 佳句背诵 (2017 江苏卷)A g

24、reat decline in young work force is likely to occur in China. 年轻劳动力骤减的情况可能会在中国发生。 ( 湖北卷)It occurred to him that he had an important conference to attend the next morning. 他突然想到第二天早上要参加一个重要会议。 考点对接 单句语法填空/ 单句改错 When I was at a loss, the idea of travelling abroad _ (occur) to me. It never occurred to

25、her _ (ask) for anyone when she was in trouble. ( 湖南卷)Not once did it occur to Michael whether he could one day become a top student in his class. _ occurred to ask whether that sth. occurs to sb. 某事浮现在某人的脑海中; 某人想到 某事 It occurs to sb.that. 某人突然想起 It occurs to do sth. 某人突然想起做某事 表示 某人想到 还可以用下列句式

26、: It strikes/hits sb.that. sth.strike(s) sb. sb.hit(s) on/upon sth. e(s) to sb. 能力提升 词汇升级 ( 普通表达)When I got home, I suddenly remembered that I had left my book in the classroom. ( 高级表达)When I got home, _ I had left my book in the classroom. it occurred to me that strike v ( 雷电、暴风雨等) 袭击; 击打; 突然想到 (想

27、想法 法); 给 给 以印象; 敲; 报时(struck, struck/ stricken) n 罢工 佳句背诵 She was practicing surfing when a shark struck. 她练习冲浪时 , 一头鲨鱼突然攻击了她。 ( 牛津词典)He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table. 他摔倒了 , 头碰在桌子边上。 考点对接 单句语法填空/ 单句改错 I heard the clock _ (strike) eight when I woke up this morning. _ struck me that we might have made the wrong decision. ( 福建卷)The workers will go on a strike if the demands

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