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1、南京农业大学SCIE收录论文2005年南京农业大学SCIE收录论文编号作 者题 名刊 名年影响因子12Li, M; Shao, M; Lu, XZ; Wang, JSBiological activities of purified harpin(Xoo) and harpin(Xoo) detection in transgenic plants using its polyclonal antiboACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA20050.5053Ji, MC; Enroth, J; Qiang, SNeckera noguchiana (Neck

2、eraceae, Bryopsida), a new species from NepalANNALES BOTANICI FENNICI20050.3154Fang, J; Kritzman, A; Yonash, N; Gera, A; Pollak, N; Lavi, UGenetic variation of thrips populations assessed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (Thysanoptera : Thripidae)ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERI

3、CA20051.0255Xu, XJ; Yu, LY; Wu, YDDisruption of a cadherin gene associated with resistance to Cry1Ac delta-endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis in HelicoveAPPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY20053.8186Zhang, XZ; Cui, ZL; Hong, Q; Li, SPHigh-level expression and secretion of methyl parathion hydrola

4、se in Bacillus subtilis WB800APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY20053.81878Shao, T; Zhang, ZX; Shimojo, M; Wang, T; Masuda, YComparison of fermentation characteristics of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and guineagrass (Panicum maximuASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES20050.8

5、549Pan, ZX; Liu, HL; Chen, M; Xu, D; Jiang, ZH; Xie, ZIn silico discovery of genes expressed in liver, kidney, spleen and small intestine of pigsASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES20050.85410Shao, T; Shimojo, M; Wang, T; Masuda, YEffect of additives on the fermentation quality and residual

6、 mono- and di-saccharides compositions of Forage Oats (AvenaASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES20050.854编号作 者题 名刊 名年影响因子11Shao, T; Wang, T; Shimojo, M; Masuda, YEffect of ensiling density on fermentation quality of guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) silage during the early stageASIAN-AUST

7、RALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES20050.85412Zou, JW; Huang, Y; Lu, YY; Zheng, XH; Wang, YSDirect emission factor for N2O from rice-winter wheat rotation systems in southeast ChinaATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT20052.72413Gao, YL; Jiang, HHOptimization of process conditions to inactivate Bacillus subtilis

8、by high hydrostatic pressure and mild heat using respBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL20051.78114Zhang, WH; Yu, LJ; Zhang, YY; Wang, XMPhospholipase D in the signaling networks of plant response to abscisic acid and reactive oxygen speciesBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY OF LIP

9、IDS20052.7511516Song, GH; Li, LQ; Pan, GX; Zhang, QTopsoil organic carbon storage of China and its loss by cultivationBIOGEOCHEMISTRY20051.85517Wei, ZG; Hong, FH; Yin, M; Li, HX; Hu, F; Zhao, GW; Wong, JWCStructural differences between light and heavy rare earth element binding chlorophylls in natur

10、ally grown fern DicranoptBIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH20050.86818Wang, X; Hu, F; Li, HXContribution of earthworm activity to the infiltration of nitrogen in a wheat agroecosystemBIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS20051.14319Xu, YC; Zhang, YL; Shen, QR; Xu, Y; Zhang, JAn innovative method for the trea

11、tment of rice straw to improve nitrogen uptake efficiencyBIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS20051.14320Yuan, F; Ran, W; Shen, QR; Wang, DZCharacterization of nitrifying bacteria communities of soils from different ecological regions of China by molecular andBIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS20051.14321Wang,

12、T; Huo, YJ; Shi, FX; Xu, RJ; Hutz, RJEffects of intrauterine growth retardation on development of the gastrointestinal tract in neonatal pigsBIOLOGY OF THE NEONATE20051.3622Zhixiong, L; Nan, C; Perdok, UD; Hoogmoed, WBCharacterisation of soil profile roughnessBIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING20050.84823Luo, WH

13、; de Zwart, HF; Daii, J; Wang, XH; Stanghellini, C; Bu, CXSimulation of greenhouse management in the subtropics, part I: Model validation and scenario study for the winter seasonBIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING20050.84824Zeng, XX; Sun, Y; Uzawa, HEfficient enzymatic synthesis of 4-methylumbelliferyl N-acetyll

14、actosaminide and 4-methylumbelliferyl sialyl N-acetyllactBIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS20051.108编号作 者题 名刊 名年影响因子25Yu, WW; Wang, CM; Ikehashi, H; Wan, JMMapping of a novel gene for semi-sterility in rice (Oryza sativa L.)BREEDING SCIENCE20050.75326Pan, JQ; Tan, X; Li, JC; Sun, WD; Wang, XLEffects of early fee

15、d restriction and cold temperature on lipid peroxidation, pulmonary vascular remodelling and ascitesBRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE20050.81327Guo, X; Huang, K; Tang, JClinicopathology of gout in growing layers induced by high calcium and high protein dietsBRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE20050.81328Zhao, RQ; Zhou, YC

16、; Ni, YD; Lu, LZ; Tao, ZR; Chen, WH; Chen, JEffect of daidzein on egg-laying performance in Shaoxing duck breeders during different stages of the egg production cycBRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE20050.81329Zhang, RF; Cui, ZL; Jiang, JD; He, J; Gu, XY; Li, SPDiversity of organophosphorus pesticide-degrading

17、bacteria in a polluted soil and conservation of their organophosphorusCANADIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY20051.1530Yuan, SK; Zhou, MGA major gene for resistance to carbendazim, in field isolates of Gibberella zeaeCANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE PHYTOPATHOLOGIE20051.06631Hu, QH;

18、Xu, J; Chen, LCAntimutagenicity of selenium-enriched rice on mice exposure to cyclophosphamide and mitomycin CCANCER LETTERS20053.04932Wang, YH; Liu, SJ; Ji, SL; Zhang, WW; Wang, CM; Jiang, L; Wan, JMFine mapping and marker-assisted selection (MAS) of a low glutelin content gene in riceCELL RESEARCH

19、20052.16133Liu, LL; Zhai, HQ; Wan, JMAccumulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid in giant-embryo rice grain in relation to glutamate decarboxylase activity and iCEREAL CHEMISTRY20051.10434Jiao, Y; Huang, Y; Zong, LG; Zheng, XH; Sass, RLEffects of copper concentration on methane emission from rice soilsC

20、HEMOSPHERE20052.29735Liang, YC; Wong, JWC; Wei, LSilicon-mediated enhancement of cadmium tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in cadmium contaminated soilCHEMOSPHERE20052.29736Zhu, HZ; Zheng, XW; Wang, J; Yang, MMOscillopolarography of sivelestat sodium hydrateCHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMIST

21、RY20050.3973738Huang, LQ; Chen, DW; Yang, HEnzymatic resolution of methyl (+/-)-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)alanineCHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY20050.81编号作 者题 名刊 名年影响因子39Ji, R; Zhang, ZG; Wang, YC; Zheng, XBPhytophthora elicitor PB90 induced apoptosis in suspension cultures of tobaccoCHINESE SCIENC

22、E BULLETIN20050.78340Yu, CY; Wan, JM; Zhai, HQ; Wang, CM; Jiang, L; Xiao, YH; Liu, YQStudy on heterosis of inter-subspecies between indica and japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) using chromosome segment substCHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN20050.78341Wan, JM; Cao, YJ; Wang, CM; Ikehashi, HQuantitative trait lo

23、ci associated with seed dormancy in riceCROP SCIENCE20050.92542Huang, J; Wang, JF; Wang, QH; Zhang, HSIdentification of a rice zinc finger protein whose expression is transiently induced by drought, cold but not by salinitDNA SEQUENCE20050.56843Liu, XD; Zhai, BP; Zhang, XX; Zong, JMImpact of transge

24、nic cotton plants on a non-target pest, Aphis gossypii GloverECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY20051.80844Lan, YQ; Deng, BL; Kim, C; Thornton, EC; Xu, HFCatalysis of elemental sulfur nanoparticles on chromium(VI) reduction by sulfide under anaerobic conditionsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY20054.05445Zhou, LX

25、; Fang, D; Wang, SM; Wong, JWC; Wang, DZBioleaching of Cr from tannery sludge: The effects of initial acid addition and recycling of acidified bioleached sludgeENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY20050.71846Zhang, QP; Li, Q; Wang, X; Wang, HY; Lang, SP; Wang, YN; Wang, SL; Chen, PD; LiuDevelopment and character

26、ization of a Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa translocation line T4VS center dot 4DL conferrEUPHYTICA20050.88447Bai, YN; Gai, JYInheritance of male fertility restoration of the cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterile line NJCMS1A of soybean Glycine max (EUPHYTICA20050.88448Zhang, ZG; Zhang, JY; Wang, YC

27、; Zheng, XBMolecular detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum and Mycosphaerella melonis in infected plant tissues and soil (vFEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS20052.05749Zhang, ZG; Zhang, JY; Wang, YC; Zheng, XBMolecular detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp niveum and Mycosphaerella melonis in infecte

28、d plant tissues and soilFEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS20052.05750Jiang, GL; Xiao, SHFactorial cross analysis of pre-harvest sprouting resistance in white wheatFIELD CROPS RESEARCH20051.24151Wang, CM; Su, CC; Zhai, HQ; Wan, JMIdentification of QTLs underlying resistance to a virulent strain of Xanthomonas

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