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1、美国家庭AmericanFamily 中国地质大学江城学院课程论文题目:America, Its Culture _Focus on American Family 聚焦美国文化_浅析美国家庭学 生 沈锦霞 学 号 4140100430 课 程 主要英语国家概况A2 教 授 郭萍 二一二年五月三十日声明本人呈交的课程论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、表格、图表真实可靠,尽我所知。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位

2、。本人签名: 日期: _ 摘要 想要了解一个国家的文化,应首先从它社会的基本组成单位家庭入手。随着社会科学、经济的发展,世界各国全方位交流的不断加快、加深,人们对于它国文化的了解很大一部分来源于对它国民众家庭的了解。家庭对于每个人来说都不陌生,它是人类社会的基本组成部分,每个人都生活在某个家庭之中。基于家庭为基础的家庭文化逐渐为人们所普遍关注。因为它可以说是了解它国文化的一个重要窗口, 因此围绕家庭所产生的家庭文化成为一个世界性的议论热点。这篇文章从传统的美国家庭结构入手,由浅到深,到1950年起美国家庭结构发生巨变的原因,再着重分析隐藏在美国家庭工作中的价值观,并对价值观的形成无发展做了初步

3、的解析。中间部分着着重讲了美国人对结婚与离婚的不同态度、孩子在美国家庭中扮演的角色和作用,美国人如何养育孩子,及家庭内部的平等的发展-孩子对父亲的由感情拘谨和恐惧发展到平等。这凸显了美国人强调个性自由、人人生而平等这一精神主旨。文章接着讲了婚姻关系发展的四个阶段,简要的阐述了上述精神主旨的发展过程。最后总括全对文家庭在社会中的作用和家庭价值观做了高度概括。关键词:文化 价值观 社会 婚姻ABSTRACT If you want to learn about a country culture, you should first learn its basic components of soc

4、iety - family. Full exchange of social sciences, economic development, the countries of the world continues to accelerate and deepen the understanding of its countrys culture. Large part is from the understanding of the families of the people of its country. The family is not strange for everyone, i

5、t is an essential part of human society, every one is living among a family. Based on home-based family culture is slow.The general concern. Because it can be said to be an important window of the culture of other nations, so the family around the family culture has become a worldwide discussion hot

6、. This article is written from the traditional American family structure, from shallow to deep,to the reason of the change of family structure since 1950s, then it emphatically analyzes the values at work in the family, and show the development of the vslues. The middle part is mainly about American

7、s different attitude towards marriage and divorce, the role of the child, the way Americans raise their children, and the development of equality in the family-the childrens relationship with their father are from formal and fear to equality. And from all the above we can see the spirits of the emph

8、asis on individual freedom and “ Every one is created equally”. Then the article is about four stages of marriage relationships, this paper briefly introduced the development process of the spirits above. The last paper is about the full text, it highly introduced the role of the family in society a

9、nd the family values.Key Words: culture value society marriageCONTENTS America, its culture _focus on the American family1. IntroductionWhen we talk about Americans, the first word come into our mind is family. Americans take family as their most important part in their lives. So what is the typical

10、 American family? What is the family relationship, and how have the traditional American values affected it? Its generally believed that before the 1960s, American families have experienced the evolution from the family to the nuclear family. Into the 1960s, that is, post-industrial society, with th

11、e rapid development of industrialization, urbanization, the values of Americans favor individualism and hedonism, coupled with the rise of anti-tradition and the feminist movement, the American nuclear family is under great impact. Divorce, cohabitation and homosexuality dramatic increase makes in t

12、he number of significant decline in marriage rates. The resulting single-parent families, following-parent families, dual-career families, single-parent families, DINK families, gay families, the American family patterns are showing a diversification trend.The divorce rate is gradually increased, th

13、e transformation of gender roles in the family, the growing requirements of the material economic and social recognition are impacted American marriage patterns generated tremendous changes in the main factors. We Can not deny that the modern American family patterns do make up for the deficiencies

14、of the old family patterns. But for many women and children, divorce and remarriage is not really no harm. On the economic front, the mother as the guardian of the single-parent families met with great difficulty.2. Family structureTypical American familyIf Americans should name their family:Married

15、 Americans would say the name of their wife or husband and children. Their brothers and sisters are just single units.Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents are extended family.Traditional familyThe American families were nuclear families which consumed of wife, husband and children and lived in a

16、house or an apartment.Grandparents were rarely found living with their married sons or daughters. And uncles and aunts almost never do.1950sThe classic American family where the father was the “breadwinner” and the family mother was the “homemaker” and the family had two children.Reality todayOnly today a small percentage of American families are li

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