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1、考研英语口语复试讲义考研英语复试讲义各位考生:大家好!恭喜您顺利完成了研究生入学考试,接下来是等待成绩的漫长时间。有心人应该从现在就开始准备复试了,凡事只有经过充分的准备才能得到一个完美结果。英语复试是每个考生都要经历的,而对英语口语的考查,每个学校各不相同。有的学校制定了非常详细的标准和流程,有的只是老师的自由发挥。东东书店总结了历年各高校英语复试流程,不管是否严格控制,都要提醒考生认真准备以下几个问题:一、 自我介绍,如籍贯、毕业学校、所学专业、业余喜好、性格特点、家庭基本情况等信息。二、做好用英语简单介绍自己本科专业和报考专业的准备。口语测试时,老师有可能要求你就本专业展开话题,考查你用

2、英语讲解专业术语的能力。因此,大家不仅要注意自己日常英语表达能力的提高,而且要多读一些跟自己专业相关的外文资料以及导师的学术论著,这些都会对后期的复试有很大帮助。一、具体了解口语考试. 口试试卷形式与内容从大纲要求上看,外语口试一般旨在考查考生的英语口语交际能力,即要求考生应该有能力参与一般性或专业学术话题的讨论,不仅能够询问事实,还能询问抽象的信息。能够就某一观点的正确与否进行争论,详细说明一个问题、一个过程或一个事件。此外还能就某个一般性问题或所熟悉领域的问题进行阐述。为此,考生应该能够做到下列方面:(1)使用适当、精确的口语表达思想,并能够表达出较长的、连贯达意的话语,中途由于考虑措辞及

3、语言的恰当性可以有正常的迟疑或停顿;(2)积极地与对话伙伴进行交流,并能够使用有效的交流补救措施来弥补自己在谈话中的过失。. 口试评分原则与方法口试教师从以下四方面评价考生口语交际能力。语音语调根据考生为完成口试任务所产出言语的可理解程度评分。其中包括单音的清晰度,连读、失去爆破、重音、节奏、语调是否运用的正确。只要不对理解造成影响,允许考生在英语表达中带有母语口音。语法与词汇根据考生使用语法和词汇的恰当性和准确性评分。要求考生能够运用准确的语法,其中包括时态、语态、主谓一致、单复数、句法结构等是否正确。词汇方面要求单词的恰当性和多样性。允许存在一些不影响理解的错误。话语运用根据考生话语的条理


5、果,一个有经验的面试官可以在口试开始后1-2 分钟之内得出对考生评判的结论,而无需等到口试结束。在余下的时间里,口试教师多半都在按照自己初步结论的惯性思维,从考生的回答中有意无意地寻找符合自己所做结论的证据来进一步证实自己的结论是正确的。其实这种思维方式不仅体现在各种口试中,也普遍存在于社会生活的方方面面,我们对于一个人或任何事物在最初接触时形成的第一印象往往是很难改变的,除非发生什么戏剧性的情况,这种印象经常是占据主导地位的。这就意味着我们应该特别注意对第一阶段最初几个问题的回答,尽管它们都是非常简单的问题,考生绝不能掉以轻心,忽视对这些简单问题的回答。有些考生在回答这些简单问题时甚至会犯一

6、些低级错误,给口试教师留下不好的第一印象,也影响了自己后面的正常发挥。例如:T: “What do you do?”S: “Im talking with you.”口试教师明明在问:“你是做什么的?”考生却回答:“我正在跟你谈话。”可以想象,口试教师对这样的回答会产生对考生多么不利的第一印象。口语考试应该是不仅用口,还要用心回答每个问题,在回答任何问题时,不要慌慌张张地急于切入主题,大脑中迅速思考一下这个问题可能涉及到的后续问题,尽量把话题引到自己比较熟悉而口试教师又可能感兴趣的话题上,而不要匆忙中为自己设下一个陷阱。比如当口试教师问你曾经做过哪些职业或从事过哪些业余活动时,如果你的回答是“

7、I like singing”就可能被问到更多有关singing 的问题,如“who is your favorite singer?” “What is your favorite song?” “Why do you like him/her/it?”等等。这就要求考生在考前要做好相应的准备,并在考试中思维敏捷,随机应变。三常见问题归纳. 部分常见问题进考场后,一般先做自我介绍,然后考官会问一些问题,考生要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和自我介绍融为一个整体。否则,很容易被考官抓住把柄问个没完,这样就容易因紧张而露出马脚。这里列出一些考官常考的问题,供大家参考。-home

8、townWhere are you from?How long have you lived there?How do you like it? Why?Do you live near here? Where about?What do you think are the good points about living in this city?-familyCould you tell us sth. about your family?What does your family usually do for the weekend?What do you think about liv

9、ing together with your parents?-leisureDo you have any hobbies?How did you become interested in the hobbies?-study/workWhy do you choose to study at our institute?Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?What are your favorite subjects?What kind of job did you do?Have you ev

10、er worked during the vacation?Why do you want to go back to study instead of going on with your work?What qualifications are needed in order to do your job well?What did you enjoy most about your campus life?-future plansWhat do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this i

11、nstitute?Do you think English is important for your future plans? In what aspects is it important?针对部分常见问题,需做出的回答(一些模板):(1). self-introduction (自我介绍)Good morning, my dear teachers and professors. I am very happy to avail myself of the opportunity tointroduce myself. I am *, a *(年龄)-year-old girl/ bo

12、y graduated from *University. My major was*. Four-year study in * department gives me all-round knowledge about*(专业名称). In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination.I am a very hard-working person with great perseverance. And also, I am very kind-hearted as well andre

13、ady to help others especially when they are in troubles. Owing to my kindness I made a lot of friends inuniversity. In my spare time I like sports. Among all the events, I like football best,because we should unite as one to achieve success. In my opinion, it is the best slogan of team work spirit.

14、I also took some part-time jobs as a family tutor. One of my students got his mark improved through our joint effort and I was very proud of that.This is all for my self-introduction. If I am lucky enough to get the chance, I will devote all myself to my major and focus all of my energy on it.(2). r

15、easons for my choice (考研原因)Firstly, I have a profound love in my major, *, which is very practical and useful. Through four yearsstudy in university I find the knowledge I have mastered is not enough to solve some specific problems though I have satisfactory marks in all the subjects. So I decide to

16、 further my education and take the postgraduate entrance examination.Secondly, I want to take *(专业) as my life long career, therefore, further study in this field is stillnecessary. In my opinion, I can broaden my horizon and enrich the knowledge in this field through thepostgraduate education. It i

17、s an indispensable step for my self-development in the future as well.Last but not the least, I have a long-lasting love of the atmosphere of campus. It is full of passion andyouthful spirit. All the things can inspire me to form some fantastic thoughts and excellent ideas. This kind of atmosphere i

18、s very helpful for study.As for my choice of universities, I should say I love this university very much. When I came here for thefirst time I was deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere and the faculty. In addition, your university enjoys a good reputation in this field. I think as one of the m

19、ost famous *(专业)in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further enrichment.(3). plans in the postgraduate study (研究生期间你的计划)First, a systematic view of *is my first and most important goal in the postgraduate study. second,I would like to take more social activities to promote myse

20、lf in every possible way. If possible, I will go on with/continue my study for doctorate degree.In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for my future profession and life aftertwo/three years study here.(4). about hometown (介绍你的家乡)I am from * a beautiful city in the*(写个方位)part of

21、 * province. (如果是省会可以加上: it is also the capital city of * province.) It is famous for* (特产或是旅游项目). Every winter numerous visitors are attracted by its(特产或景物).The city lies in the *(方位)part of China and the climate there is very suitable for living. Thanks to the governments effort to protect the env

22、ironment, our city is becoming more and more beautiful and attacks people all around the world. Last five years witnesses the fast economic development of my home town due to the Opening Policy. I believe my hometown will definitely be prosperous in the future. After my graduation I will return to m

23、y hometown and make my due contribution to its development.(5). about family (你的家庭)I have a happy family .In my family, there are five members: grandfather, father, mother, brother and I. My family is just like a hand, and each of us like a finger. Just as the relationship among fingers and hand, we

24、 five members live together and can not be separated. I will introduce my family to you.My grandfatherMy grandfather is a healthy old man. He likes moving and believes that one can have long life only if he takes exercise. So, though he is over seventy, he doesnt feel tired after long walking.My fat

25、herMy father works in a private high school and he is the vice-headmaster of that school. My father is adiligent man. He likes reading and writing. No matter how busy he is, he must read something useful in hisspare time. He often says that as a teacher who must read as much as he can. He does what

26、he says. He gives me a good sample with his action.My motherMy mother is a hardworking housewife. She is a kind, gentle and diligent woman. She cooks and washes for us day after day. However, in my mind, she is the greatest woman in this world.Now I study out of my home, and I always miss her very m

27、uch. I miss her cooking, I miss her speaking toomuch, and, of course, I also miss our quarrelling!My brotherMy brother is a clever and tall boy. He is a senior high student .I am three years older than him. He likes reading. His favorite writer is Yi Zhongtian. Therefore, he reads most works written

28、 by Yi Zhongtian and watches all the programs talked by him, called Bai Jia Jiang Tan. In my mind, he is a thoughtful boy.MyselfI am a college student. Next year, I will graduate. I dream much for my future.In the future, first I will be a teacher. But maybe I will try other kinds of jobs, such as f

29、ree writer, editorand so on. However, no matter what is my hobby, I will be on my own stage; no matter which stage I am on, I will dance wonderfully!(6). about university (你的大学)My university is ., which is modern and smart. You see, the many age-old buildings here are actually great libraries and la

30、bs. Scientific and technological development is easily smelt in the air, because she never lags behind the world.Her everlasting youth and vigor beam through every corner of the campus and the young in school vivify every piece of concrete and wood here. What makes me happy and strong is that it per

31、petuates me with unfading energy. And it is definitely beneficial for me to be granted enthusiasm.The deep impression of my university is her creativity and profundity. As is known to all, she has a wide range and comprehensive style. No wonder I can enjoy the multi-colored life here. Every school y

32、ear a diversity of competitions and activities are held and a large number of students take active part in them. I do appreciate uch a style, and in my minds eye, she resembles a tall tree silhouetting with all shapes of branches while stretching far into the blue sky. Undoubtedly there is a world of difference between university and high school.University students are supposed to enjoy more freedom to deve

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