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1、江苏苏州9上9Aunit1unit8句子翻译复习9A unit1-unit8句子翻译练习Unit1 课堂默写1. 在考试中,每做一道题时,我们应该有耐心而且要三思。2. 这个女孩既不喜欢唱歌也不喜欢跳舞,但她偏爱画画。3. 如果我们缺课,David就会帮助辅导我们功课。4. 作为教师,教学中她承担不起任何错误,所以她的工作要达到高标准。5. 在某些方面,我依赖于自己。6. 要想更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语。7. 我们的班长不仅自己完成了任务,而且还过来帮助我们。8. 我们推荐丹尼儿作为学生会主席是因为他精彩的演讲给我们留下了深刻印象。9. 作为带头人,他愿意把一生都奉献给教育事业。Uni

2、t2 课堂默写1.他宁愿受惩罚也不愿意向父母道歉。2.他难于向我解释为什么他又迟到了。3.为什么不提醒我今天早晨要早起呢?4.他承诺无论我何时我有麻烦,他都会尽力帮我。5.我不确定是否要建议他一些保持健康的方法。6.如果你的精神上需要力量,红色可能对你有所帮助。7.有人偏爱将墙壁刷成橙色来创造一种温暖的感觉。8.穿蓝色的衣服能够使我们更容易平静下来。9.我不确定吸入雾霾是否会影响我们的健康。10.欣赏大自然的美景给我们带来身心安宁。Unit3 课堂默写1. 我不知道如何处理那台坏掉的电脑。2.直到电影结束你才会知道谁在这场战争中幸存下来。3. 他认为这些细节不值得注意。4. 他给我提出了如此有

3、效的意见,我马上就采纳了。5. 我原来以为这些珠宝非常贵重。6. 许多和我的同龄人都不知道如何在学业和爱好之间取得平衡。7. 你取在英语方面取得了如此大的进步,可以将所有的单词都大声地读出来并发音正确。8. 他没有办法只有熬夜来把剩下的作业完成。9. 她宁愿严格要求自己,也不愿意放弃梦想。Unit4 课堂默写1.进入大学后他学习如此努力,成功地获得了奖学金 。2.据说那个二十几岁的工程师在过去被迫做了违法的事。3.直到那辆轿车从他身边开过,这个老人才察觉到。4.令我惊讶的是,他已经决定参加校队的选拔。5. 那个死于血癌的病人将遗体捐献进行医学研究。6.最终,安妮的爸爸请人出版了她的日记。7.我

4、们没有生活在为生命安全而担忧中真是幸运。8. 任何时候获胜者被授予了奖章的时候,这首歌就会响起。Unit5 课堂默写1.直到他所谱的曲获了奖我才发现他在音乐方面有惊人的天赋。2.当我气喘吁吁地到达车站时,公交车已经离开了十分钟了。3. 我不知道这场大雨是否还会持续一天。4.当我们犹豫不决的时候,老师总是鼓励我们继续尝试。5.每当校长给获胜者颁奖的时候,就会演奏这首曲子。6.他最为人知的是用普通物件来制作音乐,而不是用乐器。7. 他成功地将传统的中国和西方的音乐融合在一起。8. 与流行音乐比起来,我更喜欢有永恒价值的古典音乐。Unit6 课堂默写1.我觉得由他主持的脱口秀节目值得一看,因为它提供

5、了人们一次近距离观察名人生活的机会。2. 这档体育节目涉及了很多体育项目,包括足球篮球和游泳。3.除非你知道电影的结局,否则你不会知道是谁绑架的主角。4.这项活动太无聊了,参加它简直是浪费时间。5. 这部电影提醒了我们青少年正面临了多少压力。6.他一到家就发现就发现他的宠物狗躺在地板上。7.你只道这次与那位明星的采访将于何时现场直播?8. 他当时正忙于发短信,没有发现有个老人正在过马路。Unit7 课堂默写1.人们对他的作品评价如此之高,他被人为是21世纪伟大的音乐家之一。2.他坚持要等爸爸回来才去睡觉。3.据说赫本在有那个导演所拍的电影中第一次露面,并由于自身的努力获得了很多奖项。4.他想要

6、成功地抓住导演的注意力以便能够被选择出演这部电影的主角。5.她为慈善事业付出了这么多时间,她的成就远超于成为一名优秀的演员。6.那个中等身材的人昨天被看见正在破门而入到他的邻居家,手里还拿着刀。7.失去这次机会标志着他职业生涯的结束。Unit8 课堂默写1.我想知道你与新同学相处的如何。2.1000元奖金将会给予那些提供与本案有关线索的目击证人。3. 原来那天强行闯入银行的人是他的弟弟。4.我想知道你与绑架那个小男孩是否有关。5. 那个有犯罪前科的人是这场犯罪案件的凶手。6. 他因为偷窃贵重珠宝而被警察逮捕。7.他曾经告诉我他已经加入电脑俱乐部两年了。8.你能告诉我他被指控什么罪吗?9. 谁也

7、不知道那个老人以前是以什么为生。10.他因为偷窃罪而入狱三年半。9A unit1-unit8句子翻译练习Unit11. 在考试中,每做一道题时,我们应该有耐心而且要三思。In the exam, we should be patient and think twice before solving each problem. 2. 这个女孩既不喜欢唱歌也不喜欢跳舞,但她偏爱画画。The girl enjoys neither singing nor dancing, but she prefers to draw pictures.3. 如果我们缺课,David就会帮助辅导我们功课。 Davi

8、d will help us with our lessons if we are absent from school.4. 作为教师,教学中她承担不起任何错误,所以她的工作要达到高标准。 As a teacher, she cant afford to make any mistake, so she must work to high standards. 5. 在某些方面,我依赖于自己。 In some ways, I depend on myself.6. 要想更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语。It is necessary for us to learn English well

9、 to know more about the world.7. 我们的班长不仅自己完成了任务,而且还过来帮助我们。Our monitor not only finished his own work but also came to help us.8. 我们推荐丹尼儿作为学生会主席是因为他精彩的演讲给我们留下了深刻印象。We recommend Daniel to be the chairperson of the Students Union because he impressed us deeply with his wonderful speech.9. 作为带头人,他愿意把一生都

10、奉献给教育事业。As a pioneer, he is willing to devote all his life to education.Unit2 1.他宁愿受惩罚也不愿意向父母道歉。He preferred being punished to saying sorry to his parents.He would rather be punished than say sorry to his parents.2.他难于向我解释为什么他又迟到了。He has/had difficulty explaining to me why he was late for school aga

11、in.3.为什么不提醒我今天早晨要早起呢?Why didnt you remind me to get up early this morning?4.他承诺无论我何时我有麻烦,他都会尽力帮我。He promised me he would try his best to help whenever I was in trouble.5.我不确定是否要建议他一些保持健康的方法。I am not sure whether I will suggest some ways of keeping healthy to him.6.如果你的精神上需要力量,红色可能对你有所帮助。If you requi

12、re strength in your mind, red will be of some help to you.7.有人偏爱将墙壁刷成橙色来创造一种温暖的感觉。Someone prefers to paint the wall orange to create a warm feeling.8.穿蓝色的衣服能够使我们更容易平静下来。Wearing blue will make it easier for us to calm down.9.我怀疑吸入雾霾是够会影响我们的健康。I doubt whether breathing smog will influence our health.1

13、0.欣赏大自然的美景给我们带来身心安宁。Enjoying natural beauty will bring peace to our mind and body.Unit31. 我不知道如何处理那台坏掉的电脑。I dont know how to deal with /what to do with the broken computer.2.直到电影结束你才会知道谁在这场战争中幸存下来。You wont know who survived (in) the war until the end of the film.3. 他认为这些细节不值得注意。He doesnt think these

14、 details are worth paying attention to.4. 他给我提出了如此有效的意见,我马上就采纳了。He offered me such a useful suggestion/ such useful advice that I took it at once.5. 我原来以为这些珠宝非常贵重。I thought these jewellery was of great value.6. 许多和我同龄的青少年都不知道如何在学业和爱好之间取得平衡。Many teenages of my age dont know how to achieve a balance b

15、etween hobbies and school work.7. 你取在英语方面取得了如此大的进步,可以将所有的单词都大声地读出来并发音正确。You have made such great progress in English that you can read all these words aloud and pronounce them correctly.8. 他没有办法只有熬夜来把剩下的作业完成。He had no choice but to stay up to finish the rest of the homework.9. 她宁愿严格要求自己,也不愿意放弃梦想。She

16、 would rather be strict with herself than give up her dream.She prefferred being strict with herself to giving up her dream.Unit4 1.进入大学后他学习如此努力,成功地获得了奖学金 。He worked so hard that he succeeded in getting a scholarship after entering the university. 2.据说那个二十几岁的工程师在过去被迫做了违法的事。It is said that the engine

17、er in his twenties was forced to do something against the law in the past.3.直到那辆轿车从他身边开过,这个老人才察觉到。The old man didnt take notice of the car until it drove past him.4.令我惊讶的是,他已经决定参加校队的选拔。To my surprise, he has decided to try out for the school team5. 那个死于血癌的病人将遗体捐献进行医学研究。The man who died of blood canc

18、er donated his body for medical research.6.最终,安妮的爸爸请人出版了她的日记。Finally, Annies father had her diaries published.7.我们没有生活在为生命安全而担忧中真是幸运。It is lucky of us not to live in fear of lives.8. 任何时候获胜者被授予了奖章的时候,这首歌就会想起。Whenever winners are presented with medals, the song will be played.Unit 5 1.直到他所谱的曲获了奖我才发现他

19、在音乐方面有惊人的天赋。I didnt find he had an amazing talent/gift for music until the song composed /made by him won an award.2.当我气喘吁吁地到达车站时,公交车已经离开了十分钟了。When I arrived at the bus station out of breath, the bus had been away for ten minutes.3. 我不知道这场大雨是否还会持续一天。I dont know whether /if the heavy rain will last f

20、or another day/one more day.4.当我们犹豫不决的时候,老师总是鼓励我们继续尝试。When we have difficulty making a decision, teachers always encourage us to keep on trying.5.每当校长给获胜者颁奖的时候,就会演奏这首曲子。Each time the principal presents/presented the award to the winners, the song will be/was played.6.他最为人知的是用普通物件来制作音乐,而不是用乐器。He is b

21、est known for using common objects to make up music instead of instruments.7. 他成功地将传统的中国和西方的音乐融合在一起。He succeeded in bringing traditional Chinese music and western music together.8. 与流行音乐比起来,我更喜欢有永恒价值的古典音乐。I prefer the classical music with a lasting value to pop music.Unit 61.我觉得由他主持的脱口秀节目值得一看,因为它提供了

22、人们一次近距离观察名人生活的机会。I think the talkshow hosted by him is worth watching, because it provides people with a chance to take a close look at famous peoples life.2. 这档体育节目涉及了很多体育项目,包括足球篮球和游泳。The sports programme covers many kinds of sports, including football, basketball and swimming.3.除非你知道电影的结局,否则你不会知道是

23、谁绑架的主角。Unless you know the end of the film, you will not know who kidnapped the lead role.4. 这项活动太无聊了,参加它简直是浪费时间。The activity is so boring that it is simply a waste of time to join in /take part in it.5. 这部电影提醒了人们青少年正面临了多少压力。The film reminds people how much stress we teenagers are facing.6.他一到家就发现就发

24、现他的宠物狗躺在地板上。He found his dog lying on the floor as soon as he got home.7.你只道这次与那位明星的采访将于何时现场直播?Do you know when the interview with that star will be covered live?8. 他当时正忙于发短信,没有注意到有个老人正在过马路。He was so busy sending messages at that time that he didnt notice an old man crossing the road.Unit7 人们对他的作品评价

25、如此之高,他被人为是21世纪最伟大的音乐家之一。People think so highly of his works that he is considered as one of the greatest musicians in the 21st century.2. 他坚持要等爸爸回来才去睡觉。He insisted on not going to bed until his father came.3. 据说赫本在有那个导演所拍的电影中第一次露面,并由于自身的努力获得了很多奖项。It is said Hepurn made her first appearance in the fi

26、lm directed by the director, and won many awards for her own effort.4. 他想要成功地抓住导演的注意力以便能够被选择出演这部电影的主角。He wanted to catch the directors attention successfully, so that he could be chosen to play the lead role in the film.5. 她为慈善事业付出了这么多时间,她的成就远超于成为一名优秀的演员。She devoted so much time to charity that her

27、achievement is far beyond (being )a good actress.6. 那个中等身材的人昨天被看见正在破门而入到他的邻居家,手里还拿着刀。The man of medium height was seen breaking into his neighbours house yesterday, with a knife in his hand.7. 失去这次机会标志着他职业生涯的结束。The loss of this chance marked the end of his career.Unit 81.我想知道你与新同学相处的如何。I want to kno

28、w how you get on/ along with your new classmates.2.1000元奖金将会给予那些提供与本案有关线索的目击证人。A reward of 1000 will be given to the witness who offers clues to the case.3. 原来那天强行闯入银行的人是他的弟弟。It turned out that the man who broke into the bank that day was his brother.4.我想知道你与绑架那个小男孩是否有关。I wonder whether you have som

29、ething to do with kidnapping the little boy.5. 那个有犯罪前科的人是这场犯罪案件的凶手。The nam who has criminal record is the murderer of the criminal case.6. 他因为偷窃贵重珠宝而被警察逮捕。He was under arrest/arrested for stealing valuable jewellery by the police.7.他曾经告诉我他已经加入电脑俱乐部两年了。He once told me that he had been in the Computer Club for two years.8.你能告诉我他被指控什么罪吗?Can you tell me what he is /he has been charged with?9. 谁也不知道那个老人以前是以什么为生。No one knows what the old man did for a living in the past.10.他因为偷窃罪而入狱三年半。He was in prison for three years and a half because of theft.

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