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高考英语复习第三阶段Unit 9.docx

1、高考英语复习第三阶段Unit 9.选词填空1If you have a mobile phone,you can_your friends.答案stay in touch with2Mr.Wang_an important question during the discussion.答案came up with3Whether the sports meet will be held next week_the weather.答案depends on4Success in school_much hard work.答案calls for5Their car suddenly_while

2、they were travelling to the park.答案broke down6The city was_by the New Fourth Army after a hard fighting.答案taken over7Teenagers often_entering the famous university for further study.答案dream about8Much to her disappointment,the heavy rain_to go for a camp.答案defeated her hope9The song_my memories of s

3、chool days.答案brings back10We must_help those who were badly injured in the earthquake.答案take steps to.单项填空1I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some_.Aat last Bin caseConce again Din time解析at last“最终”,in case“万一”,once again“又一次”,in time“及时”。句意:我认为我不会需要钱的,但我还是带些以防万一。答案B2John may phone tonigh

4、t.I dont want to go out_he phones.Aas long as Bin order thatCin case Dso that解析as long as“只要”,in order that“为了”,in case“以防”,so that“结果”。根据句意应选C项。答案C3I always take something to read when I go to the doctors_I have to wait.Ain case Bso thatCin order Das if解析考查连词in case“万一的话”。答案A4Im afraid Mr.Wood cant

5、 see you until 4 oclock.Oh,_I wont wait.Ano doubt Bafter allCin that case Din this way解析此题考查短语的用法。no doubt“毫无疑问”,after all“毕竟”,in that case“要是那样的话”,in this way“用这种方法”。答语为:要是那样的话我就不等了。答案C5I always keep candles in the house_there is a powercut.Ain case BthoughCunless Dif解析in case引导从句,意为“以防,万一”。答案A6Im

6、feeling too tired to drive any more;will you_?Atake up Btake offCtake over Dtake away解析考查动词词组辨析。take up意为“接上,从事”。答案A7The engine is being specially adapted to increase its_.Apower BforceCenergy Dstrength解析考查名词词义辨析。power意为“(马达)马力”。答案A8Dont always reply on your parents for money.You should be_.Aalone B

7、braveCable Dindependent解析考查形容词词义。independent意为“独立的”。答案D9He was innocent.He would do anything he could to win the_.Afame BcaseCevent Djudge解析名词词义辨析。case意为“案件”。答案B10In our childhood,we were often_by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.Ademanded BremindedCallowed Dhoped解析考查动词词义。remind d

8、o sth.意为“提醒某人做”。答案B.单项填空1Youd better make a(n)_in advance before seeing your doctor because he is always booked.Aoffer BappointmentCorder Dreservation解析考查名词词义。make an appointment意为“预约”。答案B2(2010淄博实验中学月考)_ if you passed the exam you would receive a reward was telling lies.AWhoever told you thatBThose

9、 who told you thatCNo matter who told youDWhoever told you解析whoever相当于anyone who,这里that引导一个宾语从句,宾语从句中又含有一个if引导的条件状语从句,that不能省,所以选A项。答案A3The computer system_suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.Abroke down Bbroke outCbroke up Dbroke in解析考查动词词组辨析。break down意为“坏了,崩溃”。答案A4(201

10、0东北联考题)At first he didnt agree _ me,but at last we agreed _ making an early start.Ato;on Bwith;onCon;with Dwith;to解析“同意某人的看法”应用agree with;第二个空格后是动名词短语,所说的内容是一个协议,因此应该使用短语agree on。答案B5Im not so sure about my performance in the_for this fulltime job.Aconversation BtalkCinterview Ddialogue解析考查名词词义辨析。in

11、terview意为“面试”。答案C6During the_20 years,the university has made a lot of scientific achievements.Alatest BlatterClast Dlater解析考查形容词词义辨析。latest意为“最近的”。答案A7Eating too much salt and sugar can_all sorts of health problems.Alead to Bbreak downCresult from Drespond to解析考查动词词组词义辨析。lead to意为“导致”。答案A8The work_

12、patience and skill,so you are not fit for it.Acall for Bcall onCcall at Dcall up解析句意:这项工作需要耐心和技术,因此,你不适合这项工作。答案A9After a lengthy discussion,they finally_up with a suggestion for solving the problem.Awent BcameCkept Dlooked解析come up with“想出,提出”。答案B10Why didnt you ask me for help?I didnt want to_your

13、trouble.Aadd to Bresult inCturn out Dmake up解析add to“增加,增添”。答案A.完形填空(2010福建一模)The other night,I had to go to a meeting,which lasted past my daughters bedtime.I_11_home and was brushing my teeth when I_12_,and there on the bathroom mirror was a note in the_13_of a heart.It said,“Hi,Mom!I love You.Lau

14、rel.”_14_,I cut a heart out of a piece of paper,and taped a(n)_15_next to hers,saying,“I Love You,Too,Laurel.Love,Mom,”which she_16_the next morning.Our family has_17_that by integrating writing into our _18_activities,we become more thoughtful of each other.Meanwhile,our daughter is learning to enj

15、oy writing and becoming a(n)_19_writer.While teaching in a primary school,I_20_how influential parents can be as children learn to write._21_when our daughter first began to scribble(乱涂),I became_22_by her work.I offered praise for her_23_,for I found that scribbling is far more complex and importan

16、t than I had_24_.It was obvious that her scribbles,_25_being lovely art objects,showed a lot about her_26_of the world of writing.Gradually,our family began writing a great deal.I sensed that writing helped Laurel learn_27_to read.As a matter of fact,by_28_my own child and her friends and by reading

17、 professional books,I became more and more_29_about how writing develops and how_30_can help children become eager writers.作者在晚上参加完会议回到家后发现女儿已经入睡,还给自己留下一张纸条。作者深受感动,也用同样的方法表达了对女儿的爱意,同时也为把写作与日常活动相结合的教育方式感到高兴。11A.left BreturnedCmissed Dheaded解析根据后面的was brushing my teeth可知作者参加完会议后“回到”家中。答案B12A.turned up

18、 Bturned downClooked up Dlooked on解析作者在刷牙时“抬头”看到了那张纸条。turn up“出现”;turn down“关小(声音);拒绝”;look on“旁观;看待”,都不符合生活常识。答案C13A.size BshadeCmodel Dshape解析作者在浴室的镜子上看到一张便条,便条被折成心的“形状”。答案D14A.Immediately BSuddenlyCFinally DDirectly解析作者深夜去参加会议,错过了女儿的睡眠时间,没想到她竟然如此善解人意,自然十分感动,所以“立即”从一张纸上剪下一个心状图。答案A15A.picture Barti

19、cleCnote Dpage解析作者在女儿的便条旁边也粘上一张“便条”,此处与第13空格处前面的note相呼应。答案C16A.felt BwroteCread Dheard解析作者这么做的目的是让女儿在第二天早晨能够看到,并“读”到便条中的内容。答案C17A.found BimaginedCdreamed Ddoubted解析作者一家人“发现”通过把写作与日常生活结合起来,他们彼此之间更能体贴对方。B、C意思基本相同,可排除。答案A18A.relative BusefulCdaily Dpersonal解析作者一家人将写作纳入到“日常”行为中。答案C19A.important Bordinar

20、yCfortunate Dskilled解析上文提到他们把写作贯穿到日常生活中,本句前面又提到她非常喜欢写作,由此可推测此项正确。作者的女儿只是一个孩子,谈不上是作家,所以A项不恰当。答案D20A.learned BregardedCconsidered Ddiscussed解析这是作者在教学过程中的“感悟”和发现,所以用learned。答案A21A.Yet BThoughCBut DSo解析作者已经意识到在孩子学习写作的过程中,父母的影响极其重要,“所以”当女儿第一次乱涂乱画时,作者没有横加责备。答案D22A.disappointed BattractedCpuzzled Dworried解

21、析根据本段第一句的后半句可知作者是想鼓励孩子,所以会被她的劳动成果“吸引”。此外,下一句中的praise也是暗示。答案B23A.effects BeffortsCsuggestions Dmethods解析孩子虽然是初次乱涂,可毕竟付出了“努力”,作者为此而表扬了她。effect“结果,效果”,意思不妥当。答案B24A.cared BinsistedCrealized Dproved解析作者之所以表扬她是因为作者发现乱涂比她原先“意识到的”更复杂、更重要。答案C25A.apart from Bfar fromCinstead of Drather than解析显然,她的涂抹除了是美丽的艺术品外

22、,还展现了她对写作的理解,apart from“除了之外还”,相当于besides。后三项分别表示“远离”“代替”“而不是”,都与所给语境不符。答案A26A.arguments BfearCunderstanding Ddislikes解析孩子的乱涂也是内心世界的反映,表明了他们自己对写作的“理解”。答案C27A.when BhowCwhat Dwhether解析作者觉察到写作也帮助了自己的女儿“如何”阅读。答案B28A.noticing BdiscoveringCchecking Dobserving解析这是作者长期“观察”和大量阅读专业书籍后的发现,所以选择此项。notice一般指“无意间

23、注意到”;discover“偶然发现”;check“核对”,都不符合语境。答案D29A.particular BclearCanxious Dcrazy解析作者通过观察孩子和阅读专业书籍,对写作能力的培养有了更加“清晰的”认识。particular“特殊的;挑剔的”;anxious“担心的;渴望的”;crazy“疯狂的”,都不正确。答案B30A.teachers BfriendsCbooks Dparents解析本文叙述的是作者培养孩子写作兴趣的经历以及作者的感悟。显然,在培养孩子写作兴趣的过程中,“父母”的作用不可忽视。另外,第20空格后面的how influential parents c

24、an be as children learn to write也是线索提示。答案D.阅读理解(2010石家庄二模)Teen Dating can be fun if you are aware of its pros and cons and are also aware of the ways to protect yourself.There are a couple of suggestions you would like to know before you are out for dating.Do not go out for dating with somebody whom

25、 you have seen only a few times and not known much about.Before leaving for a date,know the exact plans for the evening and make sure a parent or a friend knows these plans and what time to expect you home.Let your date know that you are expected to call or tell that person when you get in.Similarly

26、,if you leave a party with someone you do not know well,make sure you tell another person you are leaving and with whom.Ask a friend to call and make sure you arrive home safely.No matter how good the person appears to you,trust your inner instincts(直觉)If a situation makes you uncomfortable,try to s

27、tay calm and think of a way to remove yourself from the situation without letting your date realize what is going on in your mind.Be aware of your decreased ability to react under the influence of alcohol or drugs and keep yourself in control when out for a date.Always stay firm,straight forward and

28、 clear in your relationships,thoughts,decisions and judgments.Never let a doubt come to your mind or face when out for dating.If you are firm and clear in your communication,your date will always be careful in dealing with you.You should think ahead about ways to be safe if you are in a dangerous or potentially (潜在) dangerous relatio

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