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1、考研英语一最后一套卷 2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试卷(英语一)试卷条形码考生注意事项1. 答题前,考生应按照准考证上的有关内容填写答题卡上的“考生姓名”、“报考单位”、“考生编号”等信息。2. 客观题答案填涂按照答题卡上的要求用2B铅笔完成。如需改动,必须用橡皮擦干净。英译汉和写作部分必须用(蓝)黑色字迹钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔在答题卡上做答。字迹要清楚。3. 考试结束,将答题卡和试题册交回。考生编号考生姓名钟方源Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following textChoose the best word(s)for e

2、ach numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1(10 points) Business and government leaders also consider the inflation rate to be an important general indicator. Inflation is a period of increased _1_ that causes rapid rises in prices. _2_ your money buys fewer goods so that you get _3_for

3、the same amount of money as before, inflation is the problem. There is a general rise _4_the price of goods and services. Your money buys less. Sometimes people describe inflation as a(n)_5_ when “a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore.”Inflation is a problem for all consumers. People who live on a

4、fixed income are hurt the _6_. Retired people, for instance, cannot _7_ on an increase in income as prices rise. Elderly people who do not work face serious problems in stretching their incomes to _8_ their needs in time of inflation. Retirement income _9_any fixed income usually does not rise as fa

5、st as prices. Many retired people must cut their spending to _10_rising prices. In many cases they must stop _11_some necessary items, such as food and clothing. Even _12_ working people whose incomes are going up, inflation can be a problem. The _13_of living goes up, too. People who work must have

6、 even more money to keep up their standard of living. Just buying the things they need costs more. When incomes do not keep _14_with rising prices, the standard of living goes down. People may be earning the same amount of money, but they are not living _15_they are not able to buy as many goods and

7、 services.Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes _16_the rate of change can be determined. A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a _17_year as the base. The base price is set _18_100, and the other prices are reported as

8、 a _19_ of the base price. A price index makes it possible to compare current prices of typical consumer goods, _20_, with prices of the same goods in previous years.1. Aspending Bdemanding Cconsuming Dsaving2. ABefore BUnless CSince DWhen3. Amuch Blittle Cmore Dless4. Ain Bon Cat Dto5. Achance Btim

9、e Cmoment Doccasion6. Abest Blest Cmost Dworst7. Arely Brest Cdepend Dcount8. Ameet Bobtain Ccare Dacquire9. Aor Band Cexcluding Dincluding10. Alive up to Bcatch up to Cput up with Dkeep up with11. Ato buy Bbuying Chaving bought Dfrom buying12. Afor Bto Cof Dif13. Aprice Blevel Ccost Dstandard14. Ar

10、ace Bpace Cspeed Dstep15. Ain case Buntil Cbecause Das such16. Ain which Bfrom which Cof which Dby which17. Alast B definite Cfixed D given18. Aon Bby Cat Dagainst19. A portion B percentage Cproportion Dfraction 20. A by contrast B whats more Cfor example DlikeSection 11 Reading ComprehensionPart AD

11、irections:Read the following four textsAnswer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C,or DMark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1(40 points)Text lMany parents complain that their teenage children are rebellingThey greet their childrens teenage with needless dread. While teenagers may assault us

12、with heavy-metal music, wear strange clothes,have strange hair stylesand spend all their time dating or meeting friends,such behavior scarcely adds up to full-scale revolt. Take a good look at the present rebellionIt seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with

13、 their parentsInstead of striking out boldly on their wings,most of them are clutching at one anothers hands for reassuranceTheir reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing itIt has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave a

14、nd to go his or her own wayThey have come out of their cocooninto a larger cocoon Teenage rebellion,according to psychologist Laurence Steinberg,coauthor of You and Your Adolescent,has been greatly overstatedMany other psychologists agree. The idea that teenagers inevitably rebel is a myth that has

15、the potential for great family harmThis notion can damage communication during this critical time for parents to influence youngsters Still adolescence is often a trying time of transition for child and parent. Teenagers need to establish themselves as individualsin their own minds and in the eyes o

16、f others. This search isnt about rebellion:its about becoming a person of ones own. “Teenagers ought to be growing away from their parents and learning to stand on their own two feet,” says Steinberg. Here is one way parents can help:dont stereotype. “Parents who expect teenage rebellion may actuall

17、y stir it up.” says Kenneth I. Howard,a member of a research team that collected survey data on more than 20, 000 teenagers over a 28-year period Howard cautions parents not to resort to suppression at the first sight of adolescent independence,fearful that giving in even slightly now means drugs ca

18、nnot be far behindWhen parents overreact,teenagers assert themselves more,parents clamp down harder,and a full-scale blowup resultsIn fact,psychologists say that there is no inevitable pattern to teenage behavior,and no such creature as a typical teenager. Your teenager is now larger,stronger, older

19、 and smarter than before,with an additional supply of hormone raging through the bloodstreamBut he or she is still the same human being you have lived with since birth. Given a chance,your son or daughter will continue to behave in ways you have established21. According to the writer,parents fear fo

20、r their childrens teenage is_Aridiculous Bunnecessary Cunreasonable DsensibleThey greet their childrens teenage with needless dread.22“A larger cocoon” as mentioned in Paragraph 2 refers to the situation that_ A teenagers disagree with their parents B teenagers want to be independent C teenagers can

21、not escape from the popularity waveDteenagers need support from their fellow teenagersIt has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own wayThey have come out of their cocooninto a larger cocoon23Overstating teenage rebellion will lead to

22、the following consequences EXCEPT_ A it can do harm to the family B it can damage parents influence C it can prevent teenagers from being individualsD it can impair teenagers ability to make correct judgmentThis notion can damage communication during this critical time for parents to influence young

23、sters 24According to the psychologists,it is beneficial for parents to_ A show fear B use suppression C clamp down harder D treat teenagers as they used to 25The text is meant to_ A advise the parents how to get along with their teenagers B discuss teenage rebellion and ways to cope with it C introd

24、uce psychologists views on teenage behaviors D clarify the misconception about teenage rebellion Text 2Human relations have commanded peoples attention from early times. The ways of people have been recorded in innumerable myths, folktales, novels, poems, plays, and popular or philosophical essays.

25、Although the full significance of a human relationship may not be directly evident, the complexity of feelings and actions that can be understood at a glance is surprisingly great. For this reason psychology holds a unique position among the sciences “Intuitive” knowledge may be remarkably penetrati

26、ng and can significantly help us understand human behavior whereas in the physical sciences such common sense knowledge is relatively primitiveIf we erased all knowledge of scientific physics from our world,not only would we not have cars and television sets, we might even find that the ordinary per

27、son was unable to cope with the fundamental mechanical problems of pulleys and levers. On the other hand,if we removed all knowledge of scientific psychology from our world, problems in interpersonal relations might easily be coped with and solved much as beforeWe would still “know” how to avoid doi

28、ng something asked of us and how to get someone to agree with us;we would still “know” when someone was angry and when someone was pleasedOne could even offer sensible explanations for the “whys of much of the selfs behavior and feelingsIn other words,the ordinary person has a great and profound und

29、erstanding of the self and of other people which,though unformulated or only vaguely conceived,enables one to interact with others in more or less adaptive waysKohler in referring to the lack of great discoveries in psychology as compared with physics,accounts for this by saying that “people were ac

30、quainted with practicallyall territories of mental life a long time before the founding of scientific psychology.” Paradoxically, with all this natural,intuitive,commonsense capacity to grasp human relations,the science of human relations had been one of the last to developDifferent explanations of

31、this paradox have been suggestedOne is that science would destroy the vain and pleasing illusions people have about themselves;but we might ask why people have always loved to read pessimistic,debunking writings,from Ecclesiastes to FreudIt has also been proposed that just because we know so much about people intuitively,there has been less incentive for studying them scientific

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