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1、新概念英语第三册Lesson1618必背单词最新新概念英语第三册Lesson16必背单词prizeadj. 珍贵的,宝贵的prize Mary has got a prize lambThe cat is prize to the old lady.valuablepreciouscherishabledeartiev. 拴,系tie sth.toI tied the dog to a tree.于有联系He is tied to his family(n.)领带,关系(强调血缘关系)theftn. 偷盗行为,偷盗案He reports the theft to the police.accu

2、sev. 指控accuse sb.of doing sth.accuse 比charge语义弱:accuse强调严厉的指责,charge强调控告denyv. 否认deny doing sth.He denied stealing the lamb.He denied the truth.deny sb. nothing :百依百顺He denies his wife nothing.deny oneself: 克制自己On some occasions we must deny ourselves.ashamedadj. 感到羞耻,惭愧be ashamed ofHe is ashamed of

3、 being a dustman.shameful: 可耻的The theft is shameful.shameless: 无耻的The thief is a shameless person.apologizev. 道歉apologize to sb.(for sth.)(n.)apologydyev. 染Dye the cloth black新概念英语第三册Lesson17必背单词suspensionn. 悬,吊suspension bridgesuspend: 悬挂The light is suspended from the ceiling.暂停The train was suspe

4、nded because of the heavy rain.suspense: 担心、挂念、悬念suspendersagreeableadj. 宜人的Today is agreeableagreeable situationsituationn. 地点,地方locationlocatev. 位于Beijing is located in the North of located to.immortaladj. 永生的,流芳百世的Brooklynn. 布鲁克林(纽约一区名)Statenn. 斯塔顿(岛)spann. 跨度cablen. 缆索concreten. 混凝土susp

5、endv. 悬挂lengthn. 根,段estimatev. 估计underestimateoverestimateAt a rough estimate,the car is worth 500 thousand RMBestimation :判断in my estimationcapacityn. 承受量Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema?做某事的能力have a capacity for doing somethinghave a capacity to do abilityWe have ability to finish th

6、e work in two days.capabilityhave capability to dohave capability of doing内在的潜能facultycompetence: 胜任工作的能力、资格immensityn. 巨大elegantadj. 优美别致的The lady is elegant.graceful: 强调一个人的体型elegant: 还表示人的举止很得体、大方delicate: 精致的faintly新概念英语第三册Lesson18必背单词currentn. 电流current n. the flow of electricity 电流a continuous

7、 movement of water 水流adj. 目前的,现在的current affairs 时事currency n. 流通(货币)currently adv.普遍地,通常地,现在,当前sculpturen. 雕塑sculptural adj. 雕塑的,雕刻般的sculptor n.雕刻家mistakenadj. 错误的mistaken adj. incorrect;wrong;misunderstoodEg.: The teacher has mistaken opinion of his pupil,Her doesns use simple plain language andhe

8、 is often mistaken.make a mistake/by mistake 弄错了He took my umbrella by mistake.and no mistake 确实如此Eg.: He is honest and no mistake.mistake vt.mistake sb.for 把某人误认为Eg.: Yesterday I mistook him for my classmate.galleryn. 美术馆exhibitn. 展品,陈列品exhibit: show in publicexhibition n. 展览会Eg.: We went to an exh

9、ibition to visit exhibits.oddlyadv. 古怪的oddly: strangelyodd adj. 古怪的strange adj. 因为陌生而奇怪的queer adj. 奇特的Eg.: Look,he is wearing a queer hat.fantastic adj.奇妙的eccentric adj. 怪癖的;He is an eccentric person.attachv. 连,系attach vt. 系、拴、粘上,贴上attach toEg.: He attached the lamb to a tree.attach to sb.for sth. 因

10、为某事而把加再某人身上Eg.: We didnt attach blame to him for his failure.attach importance to sth. 对某事非常重视Eg.: We attach importance to educationbe attached to sth: 喜欢,喜爱Eg.: Im very attached to her.attachment n.固定,爱慕,友情,附着spheren. 球体magnetizev. 使磁化magnetize vt.Eg.: The iron was magnetied.His speech magnetized t

11、he listeners.repelv. 排斥repel vt.: to drive back;cause feelings of dislikeEg.: The different sexes attract each other and the same sexes repel on the contrary.Eg.: Let me go at once,you repel me.flickerv. 闪烁flicker v. shine unsteadilyflash v. shine for a momentemitv. 放射emit v. give offemit sound/emit

12、 smell/emit light/emit heat/emit smokeflashv. 闪光prehistoricadj. 史前的,老掉牙的electronicadj. 电子的peculiaradj. 奇异的peculiar adj. strange and unusualEg.: The food has peculiar taste.Eg.: Im feelin rather peculiar.shockv. 令人震惊,刺激人get shocked 受震动At the news, the got shockedshock n.震惊:get a big shockemotionallya

13、dv. 事情上emotional adj. 易激动的,情绪的,感情脆弱的emotive adj.引起情绪反应的The word home is more emotive than house.emotionally;emotional,unemotional;emotive;emotion;feelingEg.: I think you agree with me,women are often said to be more emotional than men.反义词unemotionalemotion n. 感情;Eg.: Love,hated,and grief are emotions.feeling n. 某时的内心感受Eg.: I cant descibe my feeling now.

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