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1、小六英语第5讲副词学生版第5讲 副词 副词的用法:(一)概念:用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词叫做副词。例如: not(不),here(这里),now(现在)。不少副词同时也可用作介词或其它词类。如:Have you read this book before? (副词,作时间状语) 你以前读过这本书吗?He will arrive before ten oclock. (介词,before ten oclock 是介词短语,作时间状语)他将在10点钟前到达。(二)副词的种类1、时间副词有三类:always, often, usually, sometimes, never, ever, h

2、ardly等一般位于系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实之前义动词 1)表示发生时间的副词: Its beginning to rain now! 现在开始下雨了! 2)表示频繁程度的副词,也称频度副词always, often, usually, sometimes, never, ever, hardly等一般位于系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实之前义动词: She often changes her mind. 她常改变主意。3)还有一些其他表示时间的副词: He has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。2、地点副词: 1)有不少表示地点的副词: She is s

3、tudying abroad. 她在国外留学。 2)还有一些部分与介词同形的副词。它们与介词同形,跟宾语的是介词,否则是副词: 用作介词: Stand up! 起立! 用作副词: A cat climbed up the tree. 猫爬上了树。3)以where 构成的副词也是地点副词: Its the same everywhere. 到处都一样。【重点】3、方式副词1)英语中有大量方式副词,说明行为方式(回答how的问题): How beautifully your wife dances. 你夫人舞跳的真美。2)还有相当多的副词,表示某些情绪: She smiled gratefully

4、. 她感激的笑了笑。3)还有一些以-ly结尾的副词,表示动作发生的状况: He left the town secretly. 他悄然离开了这座城市。【重点】4、程度副词和强调副词 1)程度副词可修饰动词,表示“到某种程度”: Is she badly hurt? 她伤得重吗? 说明 这类副词除修饰动词外,还可修饰形容词(a)或另一副词(b): a. fairly simple 相当简单 quite correct 完全正确 b. wonderfully well 好极了 do it very quickly 干得很快【重点】2)much 是一个特殊的程度副词,它可以:a. 修饰形容词等: I

5、m not much good at singing. 我唱歌不太好。 b. 修饰比较级: You sing much better than me. 你比我唱的好多了。 Their house is much nicer than ours. 他们的房子比我们的好多了。【重点】5. 疑问副词和连接副词1)疑问副词: 疑问副词用来引导特殊问句: how: How is your grandmother? 你奶奶身体好吗? where: Where does she come from? 她是哪儿人? when: When can you come? 你什么时候能来? why: Why was

6、he so late? 他为什么来得这么晚?2)连接副词: 连接副词意思和词形都和疑问副词一样,但都引导从句或与不定式连用:how: Do you know how to start this machine? 你知道这台机器怎样启动吗?where: I dont know where he lives. 我不知道他住在哪儿。(引导宾语从句) when: Tell me when youll be ready. 告诉我你什么时候准备好。(引导宾语从句) why: Thats why I came round. 这就是我来的原因。(引导表语从句)6. 一些其它类型的副词,如表示方向的副词: Le

7、ts go inside. 咱们到里面去。 Take two steps forward. 向前走两步。(三)副词的位置1. 副词修饰动词时,通常可以放在句首、句中或句末。如: Usually I do my homework in the evening. (句首) 通常我晚上做家庭作业。 I often get up at six. (句中) 我常在6点起床。 Please speak slowly. (句末) 请慢慢说。2. 副词修饰形容词或副词时,通常放在形容词或副词的前面如: These flowers are quite beautiful. (在形容词前) 这些花相当漂亮。 He

8、 works very hard. (在副词前)他工作很努力。 但也有例外,如:She is old enough to go to school. (在形容词后)她已到了上学的年龄。3. 按一般规则, 既有地点状语又有时间状语时,地点状语应放在时间状语之前。如: We had a meeting in the classroom yesterday afternoon. 我们昨天下午在教室开了一个会。 He watched TV at home last night. 他昨晚在家看电视。说明 形容词一般修饰名词,副词一般修饰动词、形容词或副词。一些形容词后加上-ly可以变成副词,如slow-

9、slowly, quick-quickly, careful-carefully等。副词的比较等级:(一)概念:副词和形容词一样,也有原级、比较级和最高级三个等级。其构成方式有规则变化和不规则变化两种情况。规则变化的一般规律是:单音节词的比较级和最高级在词尾加-er或-est; 多音节词以及-ly结尾的副词(early除外),前面加more 或most.。不规则的变化式只能采用“各个击破”的办法去记忆。1)规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 soon loud fast wide early happily carefully sooner louder faster wider earlier

10、more happily more carefully soonest loudest fastest widest earliest most happily most carefully2)不规则变化原级比较级最高级wellbadlylittlemuchfarbetterworselessmorefarther(距离)further(程度)bestworstleastmostfarthestfurthest(二)副词的比较级的用法1、单独使用: Try to do better next time. 下次争取干好一点。 Hell come back sooner or later. 他迟早

11、会回来的。 Please speak more slowly. 请讲慢一点。2、和than一起使用: He swims better than I do. 他游泳游得比我好。 Can you do any better than that? 你能不能干的好一些? He arrived earlier than usual. 他到的比平时早。3、比较级前可有状语修饰:You must work much faster. 你必须大大加快干活的速度。Can you come over a bit more quickly? 你能稍稍快点来吗?4. asas和not soas结构这两个结构也可结合副词

12、使用:1) asas 可用在肯定句中,表示 “像一样”,后面的副词要用原级: She can run as fast as a deer. 她能跑的像鹿一样快。2)在否定句中,asas和soas都可以用: I dont go there as much as I used. 我现在到那里不像过去那么多了。 I didnt do as (so) well as I should. 我做的不如我应做的那么好。3)这种句子中也可以有一个表示程度的状语: She can read twice as fast as he does. 她阅读的速度比他快一倍。(三)副词最高级的用法:副词最高级可修饰动词,

13、前面多数不带定冠词the:He laughs best who laughs last. (谚语) 谁笑在最后谁笑的最好。Of the four of us, I sang (the) worst. 我们四人中我唱的最差。(四)副词比较级和最高级的一些特殊用法:副词比较级和最高级还可用在一些特别结构或短语中。1)more and more 越来越: It rained more and more heavily. 雨下得越来越大了。 She went farther and farther away. 她越走越远了。2)the morethe more 越,越: The more I work

14、, the more I accomplish. 我干得越多,完成的就越多。3)had better 最好:Wed better not disturb him. 我们最好不要打扰他。What had we better do? 我们最好怎么办?1、 了解副词,掌握副词的作用2、 副词的同级。比较级和最高级的用法 单项选择1. I can pick _ apples than you. A. many B. much C. more D. most解析:有than 选择比较级选择more 答案为C2. The sports car is running _, It seems to be fl

15、ying.A. fast and fast B. more and fast C. more and faster D. faster and faster解析:车跑的越来越快,选择前后都是比较级形式,fast 的比较级为faster and faster 答案为D3. My sister is good at sports. She can jump _ than me.A. highest B. very high C. too high D. much higher解析:有than 选择比较级,答案为D4. -Why does Peter like moon cakes with nut

16、s instead of the ones with eggs?-Because he thinks the moon cakes with nuts are _.A. cheap B. dear C. worse D. nicer解析:题目是说相比起蛋黄的月饼,peter喜欢吃带有果仁的月饼。两者之间比较选择比较级。肯定是好吃才会选择,故答案是D5. Paris is one of _ cities in the world.A. more beautifully B. more beautiful C. the most beautifully D. the most beautiful解

17、析:one of 加最高级,是句型之一be动词后用形容词,答案是D6. Shanghai is the first _ city in China.A. big B. biggest C. the big D. the biggest解析:句意是上海市中国第一大城市,the first 加最高级,答案是BA部分基础练习 写出下列副词的比较级与最高级quick _ _ fast _ _hard _ _ _ slow _ _early _ _ well _ _B部分提高练习 根据句意填入单词的正确形式1. Which goes _, the bus or the car? (quick)2. 2.

18、 Which goes _,the bus, the car or the train? (fast)3. Who writes _ (careful), John or Jim?4. He can pick _ corn than I. (much)5. Who runs _ (slow), Lily or Lucy?6. The trees grow _ (quick) in spring.7. The teacher said _ (angry),stop talking.8. Which do you like _ (well), oranges, apples, or pearsC部

19、分阅读专项练习 AIt Doesnt Matter Mr. Baker has two children. One is a boy called Peter and the other is a daughter called Rose. Peter is an eleven-year-old boy. He studies at school. Rose is four and stays at home. One evening Mr. and Mrs. Baker managed(管理)their small shop and left their children at home.

20、Peter had some homework to do. At five to nine he brought out his exercise-books. He began to do it in his fathers study. About twenty minutes later his sister came in. she found a piece of paper and began to write something on it. What are you doing there, Rose? asked Peter. Im writing a letter, an

21、swered the girl. Oh? To whom? To my friend Jo. How can you? Peter said in surprise(惊讶地). You cant write at all, you know. It doesnt matter, Rose said calmly(平静地). Jo is as old as me. She doesnt read, either (也)!Question: 选择正确答案.1. Mr. Baker is a _. A. shopkeeper B. bookseller C. conductor D. policem

22、an2. Rose stays at home because _. A. shes a girl B. her parents are poor C. shes ill D. shes too young3. The word study in the second paragraph means _. A. 学习 B. 研究 C. 书房 D. 学科4. Roses friend Jo is _ years old. A. four B. five C. six D. seven5. Peter was surprised because _. A. Rose can write a let

23、ter B. Jo can read a letter C. Rose said she was writing a letter D. Rose said Jo couldnt read a letterBMr. Johns went into his tea shop again one morning, and sat on one of the seats at the counter (柜台). Many other people also came in, but most of them did not stay long. After fifteen minutes, a yo

24、ung man and a young woman came in. There were only two empty seats at the counter; one on Mr. Johns left, and the other on his right. The young man sat on one, and the young woman on the other, but Mr. Johns immediately (立刻) asked to change places with him so that the man and the woman could be toge

25、ther. “Oh, that isnt necessary(需要),” the young woman said. But Mr. Johns insisted (坚持). When the young man and the young woman were sitting side by side, the young man said to her, “well, this kind old man wanted us to sit together, so may I introduce(介绍) myself? My names jack. What s yours?”1. One

26、morning Mr. Johns came into the tea shop and_ .A. sat close to the counterB. found no seat for him to sit on because many people came alsoC. seemed to stay longer than all the other peopleD. gave his seat to the young man and the young women2. After the young man and the young woman came in _ .A. Mr

27、. Johns thought they came too earlyB. Mr. Johns thought they were friends or husband and wifeC. The young man asked Mr. Johns to change placesD. they wanted to be together3. When the young woman said, “that isnt necessary.” Mr. Johns_ .A. didnt understand herB. knew well what she meantC. was afraid

28、not to change places with herD. decided to stay a little longer4. _before Mr. Johns met them in the tea shop.A. The young man got to know the young woman outsideB. The young man and the young woman didnt know each otherC. was afraid not to change places with herD. decided to stay a little longer 5.

29、Which of the sentences is true? . A. Mr. Johns came to this tea shop for the first timeB. Most of the people didnt leave the shop until it was closedC. There were no other empty seats at the counter except the two beside Mr. JohnsD. it seemed that the young woman wanted to change places with Mr. Johns ( ) 1. -Tom is the _ one I want to work with. He is always complaining.- Be more patient. He is still a good boy.A. best B. last C. first D. only( ) 2. We want to go to Japan to have a _ study.A. farther B. farthest C. further D. furthest( ) 3. The meeting hall i

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