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1、LSAT考试全真试题四SECTION2LSAT考试全真试题四(SECTION2)SECTION IITime35 minutes25 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some questions, more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. However, you are to choo

2、se the best answer, that is the response that most accurately and completely answers the question. You should pot make assumptions that are by commonsense standards implausible, superfluous, or incompatible with the passage After you have chosen the best answer, blacken the corresponding space on yo

3、u answer sheet.1. Press release A comprehensive review evaluating the medical studies done up to the present time has found no reason to think that drinking coffee in normal amounts harms the coffee-drinker s heart So coffee drinkers can relax and enjoy their beverageit is safe to drink coffeeWhich

4、one of the following points to a weakness in the reasoning in the press release s argument?(A) The review was only an evaluation of studies and did not itself undertake to study patients.(B) The health of the heart is not identical with the general health of the body(C) Coffee drinkers might choose

5、to eat along with their coffee foods contaming substances that harm the heart(D) Other beverages besides coffee might contain stimulants that have some effect on the heart(E) Drinking unusually large amounts of coffee could be caused by stress that itself directly harms the heart2. All people prefer

6、 colors that they can distinguish easily to colors that they have difficulty distinguishing. Infants can easily distinguish bright colors but, unlike adults, have difficulty distinguishing subtle shades. A brightly colored toy for infants sells better than the same toy in subtle shades at the same p

7、riceWhich one of the following conclusions is most strongly supported by the information in the passage?(A) Infants prefer bright primary colors to bright secondary colors(B) Color is the most important factor in determining which toys an infant will prefer to play with(C) Individual infants do now

8、have strong preferences for one particular bright color over other bright colors(D) The sales of toys ofr infants reflect the preferences of infants in at least one respect(E) Toy makers study infants to determine what colors the infants can distinguish easily3. A group of unusual meteorites was fou

9、nd in Shergotty. India. Their structure indicates that they originated on one of the geologically active planets. Mercury, Venus, or Mars Because of Mercury s proximity to the Sun any material dislodged from that planet s surface would have been captured by the Sun, rather than falling to Earth as m

10、eteorites, Nor could Venus be the source of the meteorites, because its gravity would have prevented dislodged material from escaping into space The meteorites, therefore, probably fell to Earth after being dislodged from Mars, perhaps as the result of a collision with a large objectThe argument der

11、ives its conclusion by(A) offering a counterexample to a theory(B) eliminating competing alternative explanations(C) contrasting present circumstances with past circumstances(D) questioning an assumption(E) abstracting a general principle from specific data4. Because quitting smoking is very stressf

12、ul and leads to weight gain, it is difficult to do. The key to quitting however, may be as simple as replacing an unhealthy activity with a healthy one In one study half of htose attempting to quit were assigned to a smoking-cessation program alone, and the other half were assigned to the same progr

13、am plus fifteen weeks of aerobic exercise the one-month mark none in the first group had quit but 40 percent of those in the second group had not smokedEach of the following, if true, provides some support for the argument EXCEPT:(A) Regular exercise prevents weight gain(B) Each group in the study i

14、ncluded four hundred randomly selected participants(C) Nonsmokers accustomed to regular exercise do not gain weight when they stop exercising(D) Aerobic exercise can stimulate the brain s production of endorphins. which reduce tension(E) Of those in the second group in the study 38 percent had not s

15、moked at the one-year mark.5. Altogethe, the students in Ms. Tarnowski s Milton Elementary School class collected more aluminum cans than did the students in any of the school s other classes Therefore, the Milton student who collected the most aluminum cans was in Ms Tarnowski s classWhich one of t

16、he following arguments contains flawed reasoning that is most paralled to that in the argument above?(A) Altogether, more trees were planted by the students in Mr Kelly s class than were planted by those in Mr Liang s class and Mr Jackson s class combined Therefore. Mr Kelly s students planted more

17、trees than Mr Jackson s students planted(B) More than half of Milton Elementary School s students play in the band and more than half of the school s students sing in the choir Therefore, every student at Milton Elementary School either plays in the band or sings in the choir(C) Mr Rowe s Milton Ele

18、mentary School class raised more money by selling candy bars than Ms Hunt s class raised by holding a raffle. Therefore, the number of candy bars sold by Mr Rowe s class was greater than the number of raffle tickets sold by Ms. Hunt s class(D) The total number of tickets to the school fair sold by t

19、he students in Ms. Ramirez s Milton Elementary School class was greater than the number sold by Milton students from any other class. Therefore, the Milton student who sold the most tickets to the school fair was a student in Ms Rairez s class(E) Ms. Ventura s Milton Elementary School class assemble

20、d more birdhouses than did any of the school s other classes. Since Ms Ventura s class had fewer students than any other Milton class, her students assembled more birdhouse on average than did the students in any other Milton class6. Several excellent candidates have been proposed for the presidency

21、 of United Wire and each candidate would bring to the job different and experience If the others are compared with Jones however it will be apparent that none of them has her unique set of qualifications Jones therefore is best qualified to be the new president of United WireThe argument is vulnerab

22、le to criticism on the ground that it(A) uses flattery to win over those who hold an opposing position(B) refutes a distorted version of an opposing position(C) seeks to distinguish one member of a group on the basis of something that applies to all(D) supports universal claim on the basis of a sing

23、le example(E) describes an individual in terms that appropriately refer only to the group as a whole7. A neighborhood groupp plans to protest the closing of the neighborhood s only recreation center on the grounds that to do so would leave the neighborhood without local access to a recreation center

24、 Our neighborhood already has the most residents per center of any neighborhood in the city complained one resident, and closing this center would make the situation unacceptable since access to recreational facilities is a necessity for this neighborhoodEach of the following if true weakens the res

25、ident s argument EXCEPT(A) A large number of the neighborhood s residents are unable to travel outside their locality to gain access to recreational facilities(B) Children, the main users of recreational facilities make up a disproportionately small segment of the neighborhood s population(C) Often

26、the recreation center in the neighborhood is open but not being used.(D) Programs that are routinely filled at other recreation centers must be canceled at the ngighborhood s recreation center due to lack of interest(E) As people become more involved in computers and computer games recreation center

27、s are becoming increasingly less important8. Sociologist: The claim that there is a large number of violent crimes in our society is false, for this claim is based upon the large number of stories in newspapers about violent crimes. But since violent crimes are very rare occurrences, newspapers are

28、likely to print stories about them.The sociologist s argument is flawed because it(A) presupposes that most newspaper stories are about violent crime(B) presupposes the truth of the conclusion it is attempting to establish(C) assumes without warrant that the newspaper stories in question are not bia

29、sed(D) mistakes property of each member of a group taken as an individual for a property of the group taken as a whole(E) uncritically draws an inference from what has been true in the past to what will be true in the future9. Historian Anyone who thinks that the terrors of the ancient rgeime of Q w

30、ere exclusively the work of fanatics is overlooking a basic truth the regime was made up primarily of ordinary people enthusiasically seeking paradist. The regime executed many people in pursuit of its goal. but it later became clear that paradise as they defined it, is unrealizable So at least some

31、 of the ordinary people of Q were in fact murdreersWhich one of the following principles, if valid, provides the most support for the historian s argumentation?(A) The pursuit of paradise does not justify murder(B) The pursuit of paradise justifies fanaticism(C) Execution in pursuit of what is later

32、 found to be unattainable constitutes murder(D) Fanaticism in pursuit of paradise constitutes inhumanity(E) Enthusiasm in pursuit of what is eventually found to be unattainable constitutes fanaticism10. Economist: The economy seems to be heading out of recession. Recent figures show that consumers are buying more durable goods than before indicating that they expect economic growth in the near futureThat consumers are buying more durable goods than bef

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