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届高三英语江苏省全真模拟 读后续写汇编.docx

1、届高三英语江苏省全真模拟 读后续写汇编2021年高三英语江苏省全真模拟语法填空汇编2021年高三英语江苏省全真模拟1阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。“Once there was a ship travelling on the tough sea and on the ship there was a pair of couple. All of a sudden, the ship met with an accident and the couple had no choice but to run to the life boat withou

2、t delay. After reaching there, they realized that there was space only for one person. At that very moment, the husband pushed his wife behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself, leaving his wife standing on the sinking ship, shouting something desperately to her husband eyes filled with tears

3、.”The teacher stopped her story-telling and asked her students, “Guys, guess what it was that she shouted.”Most students answered. “I hate you!”After listening to all this reply, the teacher glanced through the whole class again and noticed that there was a boy sitting silently throughout. Then she

4、asked him the same question.The boy answered, “I believe she would have shouted-Take care of our child.”Listening to his remarks, the teacher was surprised and asked the boy doubtfully. “Have you heard of this story before?”Shaking his head, the boy said softly and sadly, “No, I havent. But thats wh

5、at my mother said to my father before she died of a deadly disease.”Moved and feeling sad, the teacher replied. “Your answer is absolutely right!”Then she continued, “Lets take up the story. The ship sank eventually and the husband went home and brought up their daughter alone. Many years later afte

6、r the death of the man, their daughter was tidying up all his belongings when she found his diary. In his diary she found that when her parents were on the ship, her mother had already been diagnosed (诊断) with advanced illness and at the critical moment, the father rushed to the only chance of survi

7、val.”注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。In his diary, the man mentioned he wished to sink to the ocean with his wife but for their daughter he had to live. _The story was finished and the class was silent._【答案】One possible version:In his diary, the man mentioned he wished to sink to the ocean wi

8、th his wife but for their daughter he had to live. Without him, their baby daughter would become an orphan. After drowning himself in sorrow for a short time, he uplifted himself and learned how to raise baby. Whenever faced with hardships, he would inspire himself with his wife words“Take care of o

9、ur child.” Seeing the little girl grow into a sunny, pretty girl with double love from both parents, the man knew he made it to keep his promise.The story was finished and the class was silent. Nobody talked or laughed as usual. Instead, it seemed that every student was lost in deep thought, tasting

10、 the moving life story. The teacher was sure that the students were reflecting on their replies and that they had understood the moral of the story. Of the Good and Evil in this world, there are hidden secrets behind them. So we should not really focus on the surface and judge anyone without underst

11、anding them first. Put yourself in others shoes and then you can really understand their behavior.【解析】【分析】这是一篇读后续写作文。通过阅读所给文章可知,文章主要讲述了老师在课堂上给学生们讲了一个故事:故事的大致内容是一对夫妇在海上遇到事故,但是救生艇只能容纳一个人,最后,丈夫推着身后的妻子,自己跳上了救生艇,留下妻子站在正在下沉的船上,绝望地对着丈夫喊着什么。老师让学生猜想妻子说了什么,大多数学生的回答是“我恨你!”,但是一位学生却回答说妻子让丈夫照顾好孩子。老师继续说故事,多年以后,他们的


13、着动人的人生故事。老师确信学生们正在反思他们的回答,并且他们已经理解了这个故事的寓意。这个世界上的善与恶,背后都隐藏着秘密。所以我们不应该只关注表面,在不了解任何人之前就对他们进行评判。设身处地为别人着想,你就能真正理解他们的行为。【点睛】续写内容得当,使用了固定短语和高分句型。如:be faced with;take care of;make it;keep ones promise;reflect on;focus on;put oneself in others shoes等固定短语。Seeing the little girl grow into a sunny, pretty gir

14、l with double love from both parents, the man knew he made it to keep his promise.中使用了现在分词seeing作状语;The teacher was sure that the students were reflecting on their replies and that they had understood the moral of the story.中that引导的是宾语从句。2021年高三英语江苏省全真模拟2阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为1

15、50左右。When the employees at the Dominos pizza place in Salem, Oregon, hadnt received any order from Kirk Alexander for more than 2 weeks, they knew something wasnt right. Kirk was a loyal customer and the staff all knew him. So it was natural that they got worried when they had no news about him. The

16、ir concern saved his life.Sarah Fuller, the general manager at the Dominos branch, said that Kirk, who was 48 years old, had been a loyal customer since 2009. “He orders every day, or every other day,” Sarah said.Normally, his order came up on the screen because he ordered online. So we saw it came

17、across the screen and we were thinking, “Oh, Kirks order.” After a few days without a single order, Sarah and the staff started to worry.A few Dominos drivers had mentioned that they hadnt seen his order come across their screen in a while. Sarah checked the system and saw that no order had come in

18、11 days. So they decided to investigate.Sarah decided to send Tracy Hamblen, a deliver driver, to Kirks place. When he got there, he immediately knew something was wrong. While the lights and TV were on, Kirk did not come to the door. Additionally, his phone went directly to voicemail. So Tracy imme

19、diately called 911.Para.1:When the police arrived at the place,_Para.2:A few days later, Kirk was released from the hospital._【答案】Para1: When the police arrived at the place, they heard a cry for help from the inside of the house. Inside, they found Kirk, who was in need of immediate medical help. D

20、ue to the quick actions of Tracy, Kirk is in stable condition at the Salem Hospital. The Dominos employees received a lot of praise online for their unbelievable thoughtfulness. But they said that it was just part of their job and they were just doing their job.Para2: A few days later, Kirk was rele

21、ased from the hospital. He came to the Dominos personally with some homemade cookies to say thank-you to Sarah and the Dominos staff. The Dominos mentioned that “Caring for customers should not be taken at face value. We should remember that the customers determine the success of our company and in

22、turn we can also have an impact on their lives, small or big.” Kirks story has made this pizza shop even more popular in the community, and it has received more orders ever since.【解析】【分析】文章以人物为线索展开,讲述了一个披萨店的员工,细心地发现近期没有收到来自老顾客Kirk的订单,于是派人前去查看,发现Kirk生病并及时报警就医,确保了Kirk的安全。员工的善举为披萨店赢得了更多的称赞和订单。【详解】1.段落续

23、写:由第一段首句内容“当警察赶到现场时,”可知,第一段可描写警察将Kirk送到医院的经过。由第二段首句内容“几天后,Kirk出院了。”可知,第二段可描写Kirk出院后去披萨店感谢员工们拯救了他的生命以及该披萨店因为善意举动而为自己赢得更多的订单和顾客。2.续写线索:呼救成功被救助感谢店员表达观点披萨店更受欢迎3.词汇激活行为类大声求救:cry for help /shout for help /scream for help受到赞扬:received a lot of praise / be praised greatly照顾,护理: caring for/taking care of/情绪类

24、.感谢:say thank-you / express appreciation / show appreciation /show his gratitude/be grateful.体贴:thoughtfulness /being considerate【点睛】高分句型1. Inside, they found Kirk, who was in need of immediate medical help.(由关系代词who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Kirk。)高分句型2. We should remember that the customers determine the su

25、ccess of our company and in turn we can also have an impact on their lives, small or big.(that引导宾语从句作remember的宾语。)2021年高三英语江苏省全真模拟3阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。When I arrived at 6 a.m. in the large hospital kitchen,Rose was already checking name tags on the trays(托盘). “Hi,Im Janet. ”I tried to soun

26、d cheerful,although I already knew Roses reputation for being impossible to work with. Im scheduled to work with you this week.Rose stopped what she was doing and peered over her reading glasses. I could tell from her expression she wasnt pleased to see a student worker. “What do you want me to do?S

27、tart the coffee?I asked.Rose coldly nodded and went back to checking name tags.I filled the 40-cup pot with water and began making the coffee when Rose yelled,“Thats not the way to make coffee. ”She stepped in and took over.Nothing I did pleased her. All morning,her eagle eyes missed nothing and her

28、 sharp words hurt.Totally exhausted,I trudged the six blocks home late that June afternoon. As a third year university student working my way through school,I had never before met anyone like Rose.Fighting back tears,I wrestled with my dilemma alone in my room. What shall I do?”The answer caught me

29、completely by surprise. I needed to love Rose.Working with Rose the next morning,I ignored the hurtful remarks thrown in my direction and did things Roses way as much as possible. As I worked,I silently began to surround Rose with a warm blanket of love.Over the next few days,an amazing thing began to happen. My focus shifted

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