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高二单词词汇 档.docx

1、高二 单词词汇 档Unit11 一单词拼写:1 Generally speaking, the c_ is the fundamental law of a country.2 When you are making big decisions, it is important to get s_ from your family.3 The old man goes to the park_( 每天) to feed the birds.4 No one can a_ anything without effort.5 He is l_(有可能) to be late.6 Here is a

2、 forbidden_(地区).7 You shouldnt read others p_ letters without permission.8 My son wants to go to the English language _(研习所).9 He didnt have a thorough g_ of this sentence, because he was sleeping when the teacher explain it.10. It is difficult to _(征服)nature.11. He a_ that the meeting should be put

3、 off for a week.12. Dont _(指望) on me seeing you off, and I am busy.13. Success came after many f_.14. His theory has a solid b_ in fact. 15.The teacher _(标出)the important words with a red pencil.16.The _(突破) made by scientists gives hope to cancer patients all over the world.17. Science never stops

4、_(前进) on.18. My brother _(立志) to be a novelist.19.The news was _(宣布) to the public on TV.20.Many soldiers died in the field of b_.二完成句子:1._ _ _(有可能)that many of great achievements will be born in northeastern Beijing.2.The center _ _ (开始于)in the early 1980s.3.The spirit of creativity and scientific

5、skills has_ this city_ _.(使。是个成功)4.Years of failure, years of trying have_ _ (导致)great scientific achievements.5.China has long been a leader in the field of genetic research_ _(旨在) improving agriculture.6If you want to _ _ _(实现自己的目标),you must work hard.7. Edison _ _(建立了) a chemical lab _ _ _(自己的) a

6、t the age of ten.8.After 20 years working abroad, he _ _ _(踏上) the motherland again.9.We shouldnt _ too much _(依赖) our parents.10.If you want to succeed, you should_ _ (准备)to_ _ _(接受别人的建议).11.When the kids saw the beautiful birds, they_ _ _(兴致勃勃) at once.12.His house _ _ _(坐落于)of the city.13.We have

7、 discussed the suggestion _ _(被提出的) by our monitor.14.He is reading a book_ _(论述、处理) reading, writing and speaking.15.The city is not_ _ _ _ _(以前的样子了).三词语填空:1. Neil Armstrong is the first person to _ the moon.2. All your efforts to persuade them are beginning to _. They will probably support our pla

8、n at the meeting.3. At present, many people now _ the Internet for news.4. When I mentioned our plans for a picnic, the kids _ at once.5. The UN _ a peace plan that it hopes will stop the war in the country.6. Scientists think they are beginning to _ in the fight against AIDS.7. The new laws are _ r

9、educing heavy traffic in cities.8. I have a surprise _ for you. You have to prepare yourself for it.9. _, it looked like diamond. Actually, it was made of glass.10. The Presidents unexpected absence from the important conference has _ speculation(推测) about his health. Unit12 一单词拼写:1. Many boys like

10、reading science f_, while girls like love stories.2. Her _(信仰) in God is very firm.3. When he graduated from Oxford, he a_ for a job as an English teacher.4. Now, she is a public _(公务员), and she wants to devote herself to the society.5. A c_ between a bus and a car made two persons die.6. Everyone i

11、n the world wants to enjoy a p_ peace, not wars.7. “Welcome _(登车),” said the stewardess女乘务员.8. Bad _(伙伴) can lead young people astray误入歧途9. They were taken p_ in the battle, and they would have no freedom.10. Mothers are always _(温柔的) with their babies.11. The word “l_” is usually used with “baggage

12、”.12. Mozart is a _(才华横溢的,杰出的) musician.13. His new book is the product of some three years _(劳动)14. A rainbow appears after a rain, which is a natural p_.15. Dont h_ any longer. If you do not take action, there wont be any chance.16. Taking a v_(航游) round the world is too exciting.17. He was in _(与

13、同盟,勾结) with her, but he pretended not to know her.18. The astronauts p_ the way to the moon.19. It doesnt seem ugly to me; on the c_, I think its rather beautiful.20. We all _(渴望) peace and happiness. 二完成句子:1.Tom didnt go to Paris to study law; _(相反), he _ _ _ for the theatre.2._ _ _(在他们努力求生时) to su

14、rvive, they find themselves on the surface of a monster itself.3._ _(穿着) diving suits, they walk about in this magic world.4.This still _ _ _ _(仍然是个严重的问题)5.She _ _ _(谋生) by growing flowers.6.There is a room, _ _ _(它的窗户朝着) the river.7.It was _ _ _(正是在这种情绪支配下) that I began the creation of a human bein

15、g.8.He went there _ _ _ _(而不是花钱).9._ _ _ _ _(向窗外望去),I found my head teacher talking with someone.10.I_ _ _(开始意识到) that I was wrong.三词语填空:1. turn out in public slow down be taken prisoner throw new light on a view of apply for set out all aboard lay the foundation forShe _ a job with the local newspa

16、per.2. The band are _ on a tour around the world, and they will perform in Beijing next month.3. “_” is used to tell passengers of a ship, bus, or train that they must get on because it will leave soon. 4. Her husband was always nice to her _, but treated her badly at home.5. These discoveries may _

17、 the origins(起源) of the universe and make it easier to understand.6. Although this theory was not perfect, it _ the modern revolution in our understanding of the deepest parts of the earth.7. It was a difficult time, but eventually things _ all right.8. Everyones always rushing around trying to get

18、things done-we all need to _ and take it easy.9. -Good morning. What can I do for you?-Wed like a room with _ the sea.10. John fought in the World War II and _ by the Germans. Unit 13I. 单词拼写1 The reform_(有益于) the working families.2 Prices r_ from 5 dollars to 10 dollars.3 His health b_ down complete

19、ly.4 Take full a_ of the opportunity to enjoy rock music.5 She is s_ to other peoples criticism.6 A_ some sugar to the coffee.7 All the a_(可利用的) money has been used up.8 Density is _(测量) in kilos per cubic meter.9 When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair, completely a_ in a mag

20、azine.10 Soap has the _ (特性) of removing dirt.II. 短语填空give off call in a variety of benefit from all the way take advantage of contribute to made up of sensitive to range in 1. What a discovery! Many thousands have _ the new medicine.2. Jerry got very upset; she didnt speak a word to me _ back home.

21、3. Dont lend them the car- theyre _ you!4. Try not to breathe in the gas _ by the paint; its very poisonous.5. Finally the teenagers behavior got so bad that the police had to be _.6. The restaurant offers _ Chinese dishes; lets eat out there - my treat!7. Take it easy! Pressure _ many illnesses.8.

22、The committee is _ representatives from every state.9. -My teeth are really _ hot and cold.-You have to see a dentist.10. The shoes are expensive; they _ price from 100 to 500.III完成句子1 He drove _(从加拿大一直开车到墨西哥)2 His school education _(加起来不到一年)3 Everyone arrived late at the party _ (由于种种不同理由)4 They we

23、re _(身体倒挂着)5. The construction of a highway will _(有助于郊区的发展)6 Zhongguancun _ and help the country he loves.(使他有可能实现自己的梦想)7 That book _(在香港买不到)8 My leg is _(对温度的变化很敏感)9 I congratulate you _(发自内心地)10 His inability to speak English_ at the international conference.(使他处于不利地位)Unit 14I 单词拼写1. I was surpri

24、sed at her _(结婚) to Paul.2. We _(禁止) spitting in public.3. She took an a_ part in local politics.4. My mother t_ my proposal as a joke.5. Ill come on c_ that my parents are invited, too.6. I could hardly p_ him out from the crowds.7. Black people should be treated _ to other people.8. In those days

25、women couldnt _ (选举)9 Oil is in great d_ these days.10. He was _(逮捕) for robbery.II. 短语填空from then on start with regardless of at first glance set a good example contribute to join hands put in prison vote for 1. Nelson Mandela was _ from 1962 till 1989 because he led many Peaceful actions.2. Parents should _ to their children by being active and keeping fit.3. He went to his first football game when he was four, and _ he was crazy about it.4. Teachers must _ what is known by the students and build new knowledge on that basis.5. The law requires equal treatment for

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