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1、英语经典错题1.He _ most of his fortune to the poor.A.gave up B. gave in C.gave away D.gave out我的答案:C 正确答案:C 2.Its a small town. You can never dream _a VIP in the street.A. to meeting B. of seeing C. in meeting D. on seeing 我的答案:B 正确答案:B 3.What do you think of the furniture on sale?Pretty good.But _ what y

2、ou bought with the samples I dont think it _ the money.Acomparing;worth Bcompared;worthwhileCcompare;worthy Dcomparing;value我的答案:A 正确答案:A 文本解析 解 析:句意:你认为正在出售的这件家具怎么样?很好。但把你买的那件和这些样品相比较,我认为这件不值多少钱。设空处所在句子,既无并列连词又无从 属连词,由此可知第一空考查分词作状语,排除C项,主句主语I与compare之间为逻辑上的主动关系,排除B项;worth后可跟 the money/the price/钱数,

3、故选A项。答案:A4.Im worn out,_,the bike doesnt work well,so I cant go further.Then,wed better have a rest here.Aapart from Bexcept forCbeside Dbesides我的答案:D 正确答案:D 文本解析 解析:besides可用作副词,意为“另外,此外还有”,用于引出下面的话题信息。apart from“除了”为介词,后面要跟宾语;beside“在旁边”。句意:我累了,而且自行车也出故障了,所以我不想再往前走了。那么,我们最好在这里休息。答案:D 4.Im worn out

4、,_,the bike doesnt work well,so I cant go further.Then,wed better have a rest here.Aapart from Bexcept forCbeside Dbesides我的答案:D 正确答案:D 文本解析 解析:besides可用作副词,意为“另外,此外还有”,用于引出下面的话题信息。apart from“除了”为介词,后面要跟宾语;beside“在旁边”。句意:我累了,而且自行车也出故障了,所以我不想再往前走了。那么,我们最好在这里休息。答案:D5.It was in New Zealand_Elizabeth fi

5、rst met Mr. Smith.A.thatB.howC.whichD.when我的答案:A 正确答案:A 6.The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now _ the matter.Alooking up Blooking outClooking into Dlooking for我的答案:C 正确答案:C 文本解析 解析:考查动词短语。look up“查询,查找;向上看,看得起”;look out“当心,注意;朝外看”;look into“调查”;look for“寻找”。句意为:街角的

6、那座大楼昨晚着火了,警察们正在调查此事。答案:C7.He who is easy to satisfy _ happiness.Ahas BownsCbelongs to Dthere is我的答案:B 正确答案:B 文本解析 解析:belong to“属于”(主语为物,宾语为所有者);own“拥有”,侧重财产权(主语为人,宾语为物),have“有”,侧重所属关系;there be“某地有”。句意为:容易满足的人才拥有快乐。答案:B8.Teenagers shouldnt be _ from school although they dont do well in studies.Adisap

7、peared BgoneCremoved Dbeaten我的答案:B 正确答案:C 文本解析 解析:考查动词词义辨析。disappear“消失”;go“走”;remove“开除”;beat“打”。由题意可知C项正确。答案:C9.He got to the station early,_ missing his train.Afor fear of Bin search ofCin charge of Dinstead of我的答案:A 正确答案:A 文本解析 解析:句意:他很早就到了车站以免错过火车。for fear of“生怕,以免”;in search of“寻找”;in charge o

8、f“负责”;instead of“而不是”。答案:A.10 Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing (滑雪) or other activities _ for them.Adesigned BdesigningCto design Dhaving designed我的答案:A 正确答案:A 文本解析 解析:design与other activities为动宾关系,故用过去分词短语designed for them作后置定语。答案:A11. Most people are _ bringing down the price of ho

9、using because its too high for them.Ain favor of Bin honor ofCin search of Din charge of我的答案:A 正确答案:A 文本解析 解析:句意:大部分人支持降低房价,因为房价对他们而言太高了。in favor of“支持”;in honor of“为纪念;为庆贺”;in search of“寻找”;in charge of“负责”。答案:A12.Youll find this map of great _ in helping you to get around London.Aprice BcostCvalue

10、 Dmeaning我的答案:C 正确答案:C 文本解析 解析:句意:你将会发现这张地图在帮助你游览伦敦城方面很有价值。price“价格”;cost“成本”;value“价值”;meaning“意思”。答案:C13.Dont be _ by his appearancehe is rude.Ataken apart Btaken outCtaken away Dtaken in我的答案:D 正确答案:D 文本解析 解析:句意:别被他的外表欺骗了他很粗鲁。take apart“拆卸”;take out“拿出,取出”;take away“拿走,解除”;take in“接纳,接受;包括;领会,理解;欺

11、骗”。答案:D14.Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?Yes._,Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.AIf ever BIf busyCIf anything DIf possible我的答案:D 正确答案:D 文本解析 解析:if possible“如果可能的话”,其完整形式为if it is possible。省略主语it和系动词,是常见的一种状语从句的省略现象。答案:D15.We all went out _ the lost boy.W

12、e had _ everywhere,but didnt find him.Asearching;searched Bsearching;searched forCin search of;searched Din search of;searched for我的答案:C 正确答案:C 文本解析 解析:第一空可用in search of(寻找,搜寻)与searching for(寻找,搜寻),二者皆作状语;第二空用searched,search作“搜查”讲。答案:C16.What do you think of his teaching method?It should be popular;

13、it _ practical.Aproves Bis provedChas been proved Dwas proved我的答案:A 正确答案:A 文本解析 解析:考查时态和语态。此处的prove是系动词,表示“证明是,表明是”。后三项中的prove都是实义动词,语法结构不太恰当,而且D项的时态不符合语境。答案:A17.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing.Aseat BseatingCseated Dto be seating我的答案:C 正确答案:

14、C 文本解析 解析:remain在句中意为“保持”,其后可跟形容词,现在分词或过去分词,意为“保持某种状态”;seated在句中作表语,强调“坐好的”状态。答案:C18.The old man _ the Second World War,while his friends died.Asurvived BlivedCstayed Dkept我的答案:A 正确答案:A 文本解析 解析:survive在此意为“挺过,幸存”。live作及物动词时多接同源宾语life;stay“停留”,一般用作不及物动词;keep“保持”。答案:A19.No decision _ about any future

15、appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.Awill be made Bis madeCis being made Dhas been made我的答案:A 正确答案:A 文本解析 解析:在时间状语从句中,通常用一般时态表示将来时态,until引导的时间状语从句为现在完成时的被动结构,故主句应该使用一般将来时。由于make和decision为被动关系,故用被动语态。答案:A20.Pieces of exciting news came to the city _.Astep by step Blittle by lit

16、tleCside by side Done after another我的答案:D 正确答案:D 文本解析 解析:one after another意为“一条接一条地”;step by step“一步一步地”;little by little“逐渐地”;side by side“肩并肩地”。根据题意选D项。答案:D21.It was his fault that his car hit another one.He should _ full responsibility for the accident.Agive BtakeCcarry Dmake我的答案:B 正确答案:B 文本解析 解析

17、:句意:撞了别人的车是他的错,他应为这次事故负全部责任,take responsibility for.“为负责”。答案:B22.You have to sign in reception _.Nobody is allowed to do it instead of you.Ain detail Bin vainCin person Din charge我的答案:C 正确答案:C 文本解析 解析:句意:你必须亲自在接待处签字。任何人不能代签。in person“亲自”;in detail“详细地”;in vain“徒劳”;in charge“掌管;负责”。答案:C23.How is the

18、result,doctor?Well,your health is _ good,but you do have a few minor problems.Anormally BfrequentlyCgenerally Dregularly我的答案:C 正确答案:C 文本解析 解析:考查副词辨析。答语句意:你的健康状况总体来说是好的,但的确有些小毛病。normally“正常地”;frequently“经常地,频繁地”;generally“一般地;大概地;总体上地”;regularly“经常地;有规律地”。24.The company provides a telephone service f

19、ree of _ charge and you can dial to find out how you should pay _ charge for what you ordered.A/;/ B/;aCa;the D/;the我的答案:D 正确答案:D 文本解析 解析:free of charge“免费”,无需冠词;pay the charge for.“付的费用”,为特指。答案:D25.10The book cost me only 2 yuan;it was a real _.Aexchange BbargainCtrade Dbusiness我的答案:B 正确答案:B 文本解析 解

20、析:根据上文可知书很便宜,故是一次“合算的交易(a real bargain)”。exchange“交换”;trade“贸易”;business“商务,生意”。答案:B26._ taking regular exercise every day,the retired professor took up many hobbies such as gardening and photography.AApart from BFar fromCFree from DDue to我的答案:A 正确答案:A 文本解析 解 析:考查短语辨析。句意:除了每天有规律地进行锻炼之外,这位退休的教授还有许多业余

21、爱好,诸如园艺、摄影等。apart from在本句中相当于 besides,in addition to;far from“远离;远非;完全不”;free from“免于;不受影响的;无 的”;due to“由于”。答案:A27.As modern equipment is being used widely,the factory has _ most of its workers with robots.Arepresentd BreplacedCexchanged Dreduced我的答案:B 正确答案:B 文本解析 解析:replace.with/by.为固定搭配,意为“用取代”。答案

22、:B28.Little Tom admitted _ in the examination,_ that he wouldnt do that in future.Ato cheat;to promise Bcheating;promisedChaving cheated;promising Dto have cheated;promised我的答案:C 正确答案:C 文本解析 解 析:admit后通常要接动名词作宾语,即admit doing或admit having done,据此排除A、D两项。由于第二空前缺少连词,因 此admit与promise不是两个并列的谓语动词,用promise

23、d是错误的,此处用现在分词promising作伴随状语,故答案为C。句意为: 小汤姆承认在考试中作弊,并保证以后不再那样做了。答案:C29.How much would you _ for repairing my bike?Apay BofferCcost Dcharge我的答案:D 正确答案:D 文本解析 句意:修理我的自行车你要收多少钱啊?charge some money for sth./doing sth.买/干收费多少。答案:D Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,a _1B_ of about eighty

24、 miles.It was late and I was in a hurry.However,if anyone asked me how fast I was _2B_,Id say I was not overspeeding. Several times I got _3C_ behind a slowmoving truck on a narrow road,and I was holding my fists tightly with _4D_.At one point along an open highway,I _5B_ a crossroad with a traffic

25、light.I was alone on the road by now,but as I _6C_ the light,it turned red and I braked to a stop.I looked left,right and behind me.Nothing.No cars,no suggestion of headlights,but there I sat,waiting for the light to _7B_,the only human being for at least a mile in any _8D_.I started _9A_ why I refu

26、sed to run the light.I was not afraid of being _10B_,because there was obviously no policeman around,and there certainly would have been no _11A_ in going through it.Much later that night,after I _12A_ a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed into bed near midnight,the question of why Id stopp

27、ed for that light _13B_ me.I think I stopped because its part of a contract (合同 ) we all have with each other.Its not only the _14C_,but its an arrangement we have,and we trust each other to _15A_ it:we dont go through red lights.Like most of us,Im more likely to be _16A_ from doing something bad by

28、 the social convention that _17D_ it than by any law against it.Its amazing that we ever _18B_ each other to do the right thing,isnt it?And we do,too. Trust is our _19B_ preference.I was so _20D_ of myself for stopping for the red light that night.1A.flight BdistanceCroad Dlength2A.thinking Bdrivin3

29、A.stopped BchangedCstuck Dlost4A.horror BstrengthCunderstanding Dimpatience5A.ran off Bcame toCpassed by Dleft behind6A.passed Bwatched Capproached Dfoun7A.stop BchangeCturn Ddie8A.way Bside Ccity Ddirection9A.wondering BsuspectingCstruggling Dregretting10A.abused BfinedCinjured Dkilled11A.danger BsignCtime Drecord12A.met with Bgot overCgot rid of Dcalled back13A.turned out to Bcame

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