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1、民间小故事英语手抄报内容doc民间小故事英语手抄报内容1 国君的宠妃in ancient times, to defend the country where a woman, looked beautiful, she is the defending monarch fconcubine avorite. according to the law to defend the country, no matter who, if not allowed by the monarchs carriage, it is necessary to impose the penalty off hi

2、s legs. on one occasion, the princesss mother who is seriously ill and was in the middle of the night came to tell her. she monarch on the carriage ride, the mother came to visit. subsequently, the monarch did not punish her, but also a few praise her. “she is, however there are filial ah!” he said,

3、 “to her mother, and even run the risk of cut feet.”古时候,卫国地方有一位女子,长得很漂亮,她是卫国国君最宠爱的妃子。根据卫国的法律,无论是谁,如果没有得到允许而乘坐国君的马车,就要处以斩去双脚的刑罚。有一次,这位王妃的母亲患了重病,有人在半夜里赶来把消息告诉了她。于是她就乘坐国君的马车,赶去看望母亲。事后,国君不仅没有惩罚她,而且还夸奖了她几句。“她是多么有孝心啊!”他说,“她为了母亲,甚至冒了砍掉双脚的危险。”后来又有一天,她正和国君在花园里嬉戏。他拿了一只桃子吃,吃到一半觉得这只桃子特别甜,于是就把它让给了国君吃。国君说:“她是多么爱我

4、啊,愿意把最好的东西让给我。”但是,这位王妃的美貌渐渐消逝,国君就开始冷淡她了。后来有一次,她无意中冒犯了国君,国君就说:“是不是有一次你未经允许,就乘坐了我的马车?是不是你把吃剩的桃子给我吃?”2 蚂蚁与屎壳郎summer and other animals have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in the fields to collect wheat and barley, to their winter food storage. surprised todung beetle asked him why he was so

5、diligent. ant at the time said nothing.winter came, a heavy rain washed cow dung,dung beetle hungry, where ant went begging, ants said to him: “hey, buddy, if at the time when labor is not to criticize, but also to work, we would not have the hungry. ”it is said that, despite the changing situation,

6、 the people can take precautions to avoid disaster.夏,别的动物都悠闲地生活,只有蚂蚁在田里跑来跑去,搜集小麦和大麦,给自己贮存冬季吃的食物。屎壳郎惊奇地问他为何这般勤劳。蚂蚁当时什么也没说。冬来了,大雨冲掉了牛粪,饥饿的屎壳郎,走到蚂蚁那里乞食,蚂蚁对他说:“喂,伙计,如果当时在劳动时,不是批评,而是也去做工,现在就不会忍饥挨饿了。”这是说,尽管风云变化万千,未雨绸缪的人都能避免灾难。3 公鸡和宝玉a cock in the field for themselves and hens are in search of food. he fou

7、nd a piece of gem, it is baoyu said: “if it were not, but found the owner, he would very much treasure to bring up to; but found it useless. its all baoyu world, we might as well be a wheat good stars. ”it is said that he is the real thing to be precious一只公鸡在田野里为自己和母鸡们寻找食物。他发现了一块宝玉,便对宝玉说:“若不是,而是的主人找

8、到了,他会非常珍惜地把捡起来;但发现了却毫无用处。与其得到世界上一切宝玉,倒不如得到一颗麦子好。”这是说自己需的东西才是真正珍贵的。1 国君的宠妃in ancient times, to defend the country where a woman, looked beautiful, she is the defending monarch fconcubine avorite. according to the law to defend the country, no matter who, if not allowed by the monarchs carriage, it is

9、 necessary to impose the penalty off his legs. on one occasion, the princesss mother who is seriously ill and was in the middle of the night came to tell her. she monarch on the carriage ride, the mother came to visit. subsequently, the monarch did not punish her, but also a few praise her. “she is,

10、 however there are filial ah!” he said, “to her mother, and even run the risk of cut feet.”古时候,卫国地方有一位女子,长得很漂亮,她是卫国国君最宠爱的妃子。根据卫国的法律,无论是谁,如果没有得到允许而乘坐国君的马车,就要处以斩去双脚的刑罚。有一次,这位王妃的母亲患了重病,有人在半夜里赶来把消息告诉了她。于是她就乘坐国君的马车,赶去看望母亲。事后,国君不仅没有惩罚她,而且还夸奖了她几句。“她是多么有孝心啊!”他说,“她为了母亲,甚至冒了砍掉双脚的危险。”后来又有一天,她正和国君在花园里嬉戏。他拿了一只桃子

11、吃,吃到一半觉得这只桃子特别甜,于是就把它让给了国君吃。国君说:“她是多么爱我啊,愿意把最好的东西让给我。”但是,这位王妃的美貌渐渐消逝,国君就开始冷淡她了。后来有一次,她无意中冒犯了国君,国君就说:“是不是有一次你未经允许,就乘坐了我的马车?是不是你把吃剩的桃子给我吃?”2 蚂蚁与屎壳郎summer and other animals have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in the fields to collect wheat and barley, to their winter food storage. surprised

12、 todung beetle asked him why he was so diligent. ant at the time said nothing.winter came, a heavy rain washed cow dung,dung beetle hungry, where ant went begging, ants said to him: “hey, buddy, if at the time when labor is not to criticize, but also to work, we would not have the hungry. ”it is sai

13、d that, despite the changing situation, the people can take precautions to avoid disaster.夏,别的动物都悠闲地生活,只有蚂蚁在田里跑来跑去,搜集小麦和大麦,给自己贮存冬季吃的食物。屎壳郎惊奇地问他为何这般勤劳。蚂蚁当时什么也没说。冬来了,大雨冲掉了牛粪,饥饿的屎壳郎,走到蚂蚁那里乞食,蚂蚁对他说:“喂,伙计,如果当时在劳动时,不是批评,而是也去做工,现在就不会忍饥挨饿了。”这是说,尽管风云变化万千,未雨绸缪的人都能避免灾难。3 公鸡和宝玉a cock in the field for themselves

14、 and hens are in search of food. he found a piece of gem, it is baoyu said: “if it were not, but found the owner, he would very much treasure to bring up to; but found it useless. its all baoyu world, we might as well be a wheat good stars. ”it is said that he is the real thing to be precious一只公鸡在田野

15、里为自己和母鸡们寻找食物。他发现了一块宝玉,便对宝玉说:“若不是,而是的主人找到了,他会非常珍惜地把捡起来;但发现了却毫无用处。与其得到世界上一切宝玉,倒不如得到一颗麦子好。”这是说自己需的东西才是真正珍贵的。1 国君的宠妃in ancient times, to defend the country where a woman, looked beautiful, she is the defending monarch fconcubine avorite. according to the law to defend the country, no matter who, if not

16、allowed by the monarchs carriage, it is necessary to impose the penalty off his legs. on one occasion, the princesss mother who is seriously ill and was in the middle of the night came to tell her. she monarch on the carriage ride, the mother came to visit. subsequently, the monarch did not punish h

17、er, but also a few praise her. “she is, however there are filial ah!” he said, “to her mother, and even run the risk of cut feet.”古时候,卫国地方有一位女子,长得很漂亮,她是卫国国君最宠爱的妃子。根据卫国的法律,无论是谁,如果没有得到允许而乘坐国君的马车,就要处以斩去双脚的刑罚。有一次,这位王妃的母亲患了重病,有人在半夜里赶来把消息告诉了她。于是她就乘坐国君的马车,赶去看望母亲。事后,国君不仅没有惩罚她,而且还夸奖了她几句。“她是多么有孝心啊!”他说,“她为了母亲,

18、甚至冒了砍掉双脚的危险。”后来又有一天,她正和国君在花园里嬉戏。他拿了一只桃子吃,吃到一半觉得这只桃子特别甜,于是就把它让给了国君吃。国君说:“她是多么爱我啊,愿意把最好的东西让给我。”但是,这位王妃的美貌渐渐消逝,国君就开始冷淡她了。后来有一次,她无意中冒犯了国君,国君就说:“是不是有一次你未经允许,就乘坐了我的马车?是不是你把吃剩的桃子给我吃?”2 蚂蚁与屎壳郎summer and other animals have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in the fields to collect wheat and barley,

19、to their winter food storage. surprised todung beetle asked him why he was so diligent. ant at the time said nothing.winter came, a heavy rain washed cow dung,dung beetle hungry, where ant went begging, ants said to him: “hey, buddy, if at the time when labor is not to criticize, but also to work, w

20、e would not have the hungry. ”it is said that, despite the changing situation, the people can take precautions to avoid disaster.夏,别的动物都悠闲地生活,只有蚂蚁在田里跑来跑去,搜集小麦和大麦,给自己贮存冬季吃的食物。屎壳郎惊奇地问他为何这般勤劳。蚂蚁当时什么也没说。冬来了,大雨冲掉了牛粪,饥饿的屎壳郎,走到蚂蚁那里乞食,蚂蚁对他说:“喂,伙计,如果当时在劳动时,不是批评,而是也去做工,现在就不会忍饥挨饿了。”这是说,尽管风云变化万千,未雨绸缪的人都能避免灾难。3

21、公鸡和宝玉a cock in the field for themselves and hens are in search of food. he found a piece of gem, it is baoyu said: “if it were not, but found the owner, he would very much treasure to bring up to; but found it useless. its all baoyu world, we might as well be a wheat good stars. ”it is said that he

22、is the real thing to be precious一只公鸡在田野里为自己和母鸡们寻找食物。他发现了一块宝玉,便对宝玉说:“若不是,而是的主人找到了,他会非常珍惜地把捡起来;但发现了却毫无用处。与其得到世界上一切宝玉,倒不如得到一颗麦子好。”这是说自己需的东西才是真正珍贵的。1 国君的宠妃in ancient times, to defend the country where a woman, looked beautiful, she is the defending monarch fconcubine avorite. according to the law to def

23、end the country, no matter who, if not allowed by the monarchs carriage, it is necessary to impose the penalty off his legs. on one occasion, the princesss mother who is seriously ill and was in the middle of the night came to tell her. she monarch on the carriage ride, the mother came to visit. sub

24、sequently, the monarch did not punish her, but also a few praise her. “she is, however there are filial ah!” he said, “to her mother, and even run the risk of cut feet.”古时候,卫国地方有一位女子,长得很漂亮,她是卫国国君最宠爱的妃子。根据卫国的法律,无论是谁,如果没有得到允许而乘坐国君的马车,就要处以斩去双脚的刑罚。有一次,这位王妃的母亲患了重病,有人在半夜里赶来把消息告诉了她。于是她就乘坐国君的马车,赶去看望母亲。事后,国君

25、不仅没有惩罚她,而且还夸奖了她几句。“她是多么有孝心啊!”他说,“她为了母亲,甚至冒了砍掉双脚的危险。”后来又有一天,她正和国君在花园里嬉戏。他拿了一只桃子吃,吃到一半觉得这只桃子特别甜,于是就把它让给了国君吃。国君说:“她是多么爱我啊,愿意把最好的东西让给我。”但是,这位王妃的美貌渐渐消逝,国君就开始冷淡她了。后来有一次,她无意中冒犯了国君,国君就说:“是不是有一次你未经允许,就乘坐了我的马车?是不是你把吃剩的桃子给我吃?”2 蚂蚁与屎壳郎summer and other animals have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in t

26、he fields to collect wheat and barley, to their winter food storage. surprised todung beetle asked him why he was so diligent. ant at the time said nothing.winter came, a heavy rain washed cow dung,dung beetle hungry, where ant went begging, ants said to him: “hey, buddy, if at the time when labor i

27、s not to criticize, but also to work, we would not have the hungry. ”it is said that, despite the changing situation, the people can take precautions to avoid disaster.夏,别的动物都悠闲地生活,只有蚂蚁在田里跑来跑去,搜集小麦和大麦,给自己贮存冬季吃的食物。屎壳郎惊奇地问他为何这般勤劳。蚂蚁当时什么也没说。冬来了,大雨冲掉了牛粪,饥饿的屎壳郎,走到蚂蚁那里乞食,蚂蚁对他说:“喂,伙计,如果当时在劳动时,不是批评,而是也去做工,现

28、在就不会忍饥挨饿了。”这是说,尽管风云变化万千,未雨绸缪的人都能避免灾难。3 公鸡和宝玉a cock in the field for themselves and hens are in search of food. he found a piece of gem, it is baoyu said: “if it were not, but found the owner, he would very much treasure to bring up to; but found it useless. its all baoyu world, we might as well be a

29、 wheat good stars. ”it is said that he is the real thing to be precious一只公鸡在田野里为自己和母鸡们寻找食物。他发现了一块宝玉,便对宝玉说:“若不是,而是的主人找到了,他会非常珍惜地把捡起来;但发现了却毫无用处。与其得到世界上一切宝玉,倒不如得到一颗麦子好。”这是说自己需的东西才是真正珍贵的。1 国君的宠妃in ancient times, to defend the country where a woman, looked beautiful, she is the defending monarch fconcubi

30、ne avorite. according to the law to defend the country, no matter who, if not allowed by the monarchs carriage, it is necessary to impose the penalty off his legs. on one occasion, the princesss mother who is seriously ill and was in the middle of the night came to tell her. she monarch on the carri

31、age ride, the mother came to visit. subsequently, the monarch did not punish her, but also a few praise her. “she is, however there are filial ah!” he said, “to her mother, and even run the risk of cut feet.”古时候,卫国地方有一位女子,长得很漂亮,她是卫国国君最宠爱的妃子。根据卫国的法律,无论是谁,如果没有得到允许而乘坐国君的马车,就要处以斩去双脚的刑罚。有一次,这位王妃的母亲患了重病,有

32、人在半夜里赶来把消息告诉了她。于是她就乘坐国君的马车,赶去看望母亲。事后,国君不仅没有惩罚她,而且还夸奖了她几句。“她是多么有孝心啊!”他说,“她为了母亲,甚至冒了砍掉双脚的危险。”后来又有一天,她正和国君在花园里嬉戏。他拿了一只桃子吃,吃到一半觉得这只桃子特别甜,于是就把它让给了国君吃。国君说:“她是多么爱我啊,愿意把最好的东西让给我。”但是,这位王妃的美貌渐渐消逝,国君就开始冷淡她了。后来有一次,她无意中冒犯了国君,国君就说:“是不是有一次你未经允许,就乘坐了我的马车?是不是你把吃剩的桃子给我吃?”2 蚂蚁与屎壳郎summer and other animals have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in the fields to collect wheat an

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