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1、广州六中高一下学期期末考试英语卷含答案讲解学习2016届高一下学期执信、广雅、二中、六中四校联考英语本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共11页,满分150分,考试用时120分钟第一部分一、听力(略)二、单项选择6. To greet Mar and Jack, Grace kissed Mary on _ check, and shook Jack by _ hand.A. the; / B. /; the C. her; his D. the; the7. In the summer vacation, the price of the _ to the theme park has rise

2、n by 50 yuan.A. permission B. admission C. introduction D. impression8. Jack is often told that _ school rules is very important, so _ again made his teacher angry.A. obeying; him being late B. obey; his being lateC. obeying; his being late D. to obey; him being late9. The new stadium being built fo

3、r the next Asian Games will be _ the present one.A. three times the size of B. as three times big as C. three times big than D. as big three times as10. The person in charge of the meeting asked the people present to sit_ together and listen _.A. close; closely B. closely; close C. close; close D. c

4、losely; closely11. What caused the accident and how many passengers were wounded _ unknown up to now.A. has remained B. remains C. remained D. have remained12. How would you _ my sister so easily in the crowd?A. pick up B. pick out C. pick off D. pick through13. My father has recently bought two _ t

5、ables.A. round big wooden new B. big new round woodenC. big round new wooden D. new big round wooden14. She received and email _. “I am heavily in debt. Help me out, please.”A. reading B. said C. written D. writing15. I had to tell some of them what we wanted to do next, because _.A. none of them we

6、re here B. no one was hereC. all of them were here D. all of them were not here16. From her _ look, I know Joanna couldnt understand your _ opinion about the universe.A. confusing; confused B. confused; confusingC. confusing; confusing D. confused; confused17. _ his telephone number yet, she had som

7、e difficulty getting in touch with Bill.A. Not knowing B. Knowing not C. Not having known D. Having not known18. the reason _ she failed to catch the last bus was _ she broke her leg on the way.A. why; that B. that; why C. that; because D. why; because19. She is the only one among the _ writers who

8、_ stories for children.A. woman; writes B. women; writesC. women; write D. woman; write20. only when he met with the difficulties _ the importance of our help.A. he had realized B. he realized C. was he realizing D. did he realize21. The old tower must be saved, _ the cost is.A. however B. whichever

9、 C. whatever D. wherever22. The girl refused your offer last time. _ you dont want to talk to her.A. There is no doubt that B. Its no wonder that C. Its no doubt that D. There is no wonder that 23. While watching television, _.A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell ringsC. we heard the doorbell rings

10、D. we heard the doorbell ring24. The old man, _ abroad for twenty years, is the last person _ here.A. to have worked; arriving B. working; to arriveC. having worked; arriving D. having worked; to arrive25. On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, _ the luggage _ on the floor and

11、_ in the dark.A. left; lied; disappeared B. leaving; lie; disappearingC. leaving; lying; disappeared D. left; lay; disappeared三、完形填空One winter during college in New York, I took an 8 AM history class to fulfill a requirement. It was hard to get up for that class, but every morning I would 26 the col

12、d winds and went to the lecture. The professor for the class would step 27 into the room. He was terribly nervous about the class and always fixed his eyes on his book, never 28 us. I felt that I needed to do something to 29 the boredom, so I tried to find something in his lecture to ask him, forcin

13、g me to pay attention rather than letting my eyes close. The first time I raised my hand, he was surprised but was obviously 30 to have a question to answer. In fact, his answers were always _31_. I continued to do this every day. The professor seemed to become a bit more 32 and some students even j

14、oined in. In this way, I learned quite a lot and realized the professor was indeed a(n)_33_ in his field. On the last day of class we gathered our books and headed out. The professor stepped directly in frontof me, with obvious 34 , putting out his hand. He said, _35_ you for making my class so inte

15、resting, shaking my hand and smiling. I was so _36_.To me, it had been a pleasant way to _37_ the time in his lesson. I had no idea that my _38_ had any effect on him or the others at all. That _39_ has stayed with me for 30 years, I dont recall the facts I learned in his class, but Illnever forget the professor who taught me a lesson about the _40_ of acts of kindness, intended or not.( )26. A. fail( )27. A. shyly( )28. A. looking down at

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