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同步人教英语选修九新突破讲义Unit 5 Section Ⅱ Language Points Word版含答案.docx

1、同步人教英语选修九新突破讲义Unit 5 Section Language Points Word版含答案Section Language Points(Warming Up,Prereading, Reading & Comprehending) turn.into.把变成;(使)变成(教材P42)Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements.甚至在我们穿的休闲服上也印着品牌的名字,这就把我们变成了“移动广

2、告”。Ten years of prison had turned him into an old man.十年大狱使他变成了一个老头。turn against 背叛turn down 关小;拒绝turn off 关闭(水源、煤气、电灯等)turn on 打开(水、煤气、 电灯、无线电等)turn out 结果是;证明是;生产出turn over (使)打翻;翻身;翻动;翻耕(土地)turn up 开大;出现Even those who were once for him began to turn against him.连那些原来支持他的人也开始反对他了。The English eveni

3、ng turned out a great success.结果英语晚会开得很成功。We invited her to dinner but she didnt even bother to turn up.我们请她吃饭她都不露面。完成句子农民们正把废地变成稻田。The farmers are waste land rice fields. 任何人不能背叛他的国家。Nobody will his country. 离开房间的时候把灯关上。 the light when you leave the room. 结果是这方法不太管用。It that this method didnt work w

4、ell.【答案】turning;intoturn againstTurn offturned out (教材P42)With so many messages from advertisers filling our daily lives,it is important to understand how advertisements work.我们日常生活中充满了众多的广告信息,可见了解广告如何发挥作用是很重要的事情。【要点提炼】 with so many messages from advertisers filling our daily lives属于“with复合宾语”结构,这个结

5、构在语义上相当于一个完整的句子,但在语法结构上没有谓语动词,在句中常用作状语,表伴随状况,原因,方式,条件等,也可作定语。The woman with a baby in her arms is my wife.那位抱着婴儿的妇女是我的妻子。With you standing here,we cant fix our attention on the job.由于你站在这儿,我们不能专心地工作。常见的with复合结构有:with名词/代词介词短语。with名词/代词过去分词。其中过去分词表被动或完成了的动作。with名词/代词现在分词。其中现在分词表主动或正在进行的动作。with名词/代词不定

6、式。其中不定式表示将要发生的动作。with名词/代词形容词。The wood cutter was standing next to a fallen tree,with lots of small pieces of wood in front of him.伐木工人站在一棵砍倒的树旁,前面有许多碎木片。(伴随状语)Tom stood for a moment with his hand raised.汤姆举着手站了一会儿。(伴随状语)He fell asleep with his radio still working.他睡着了,收音机还在响。(伴随状语)With so much work

7、 to do,we cant kill any time by playing cards.由于有这么多工作要做,我们不能打牌来消磨时间。(原因状语)The girl entered the room with her eyes full of tears.这女孩走进屋里,眼泪汪汪。(伴随状语)完成句子这对老年夫妇晚饭后经常带着他们的宠物狗在公园散步。The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with 有这么多的名胜可以参观,小女孩很兴奋。 ,the little girl feels excited.真可惜这位作家去世

8、时,作品尚未完成。It was a pity that the writer died 【答案】their pet dog following themWith so many places of interest to visitwith his works unfinished inform vt.通知;告诉(教材P42)An advertisement is a message or announcement that informs or influences people.广告是告知人们或者对人们起影响作用的信息或告示。If you see something suspicious,

9、inform the police at once.你要是看到什么可疑的东西就马上通知警察。I wasnt informed of the decision until it was too late.等到我得知这项决定时,已经太迟了。inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事inform sb.疑问词不定式inform sb.that/what从句keep sb.informed of/about.使某人了解Please inform us how to find his house.请告诉我们他家在哪里。It is vital that we should be kept inform

10、ed of all developments.重要的是我们必须熟悉所有的发展情况。完成句子地址如有变更,请尽快通知我们。Please us any changes of address as soon as possible.我们很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未被接受。We regret to your application has been rejected.你能否告知我们你现有哪些书?Could you books you have in stock?【答案】inform;ofinform you thatinform us what target n目标;对象;靶子(教材P42)Their

11、money would be wasted if the message didnt reach its target audience,in other words the people the advertisement intends to persuade.如果信息不能传达给它的目标群体,也就是广告意图说服的人群的话,那么他们的钱就白花了。He shot an arrow,but it fell short of the target.他射了一箭,但没有射中靶。The man has become the target for a lot of criticism recently.这

12、个人最近成了众矢之的。target vt. 把作为目标(或对象);为订目标target sth. 瞄准target at/on sb./sth. 瞄准,以为目标The two sides had decided not to target each other with the strategic nuclear weapons under their respective control.双方决定,不把各自控制下的战略核武器瞄准对方。Dont play a joke by targeting at your wife like that.别用枪瞄准你老婆那样开玩笑。完成句子我瞄准了靶射击,但

13、却打在了墙上。I aimed at the but hit the wall.移动商务应用亮点瞄准消费者。Highlights of mobile business applications consumers.【答案】targettarget at fit into 适合(教材P42).such as their likes and dislikes,and how the product would fit into their lives.例如他们的好恶,以及如何使产品适应他们的生活。This stopper wont fit into the bottle.这个塞子塞不进这个瓶子。fi

14、t in 相处融洽;适应be fit/unfit for. 适合/不适合be fit/unfit to do sth. 适合/不适合做某事fit on 试穿;安装keep fit 保持健康fit in with 与相符合;与相适应The old man is not fit for the position.那位老人不适合这一职位。You may have the coat fit on before you buy it.你可以把大衣试穿一下再决定是否购买。完成句子我将改动我的时间表以适应你的。Ill change my timetable to yours.开头我感到不自在,但很快就学会适

15、应了。At first I felt awkward,but I soon learned to 【答案】fit in withfit in worthy adj.有价值的;可敬的(教材P43)Some adverts,like the environmental protection advertisement below,appeal to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens.还有一些广告就像下面那种有关环境保护的广告,就符合我们的良知,或者说迎合了我们想成为有价值的公民的愿望。She is willing to donat

16、e money to a worthy cause.她愿为高尚的事业捐款。He saw nothing worthy of remark at the exhibition.他在展览会上没有看到值得注目的东西。明辨异同worthy/worth/worthwhileworthy可以作表语或定语。作定语表示“值得尊敬或赏识的”;作表语表示“值得的”,后面跟of sth.或者跟不定式(若主语是不定式的逻辑主语,则不定式用主动语态;若主语与不定式是动宾关系,则用被动语态)。worth只作表语,表示“有价值”,常用well修饰,后面跟v.ing的主动形式表示“值得做”。worthwhile可以作定语或表

17、语,表示“值得的”,“值得花时间、钱或精力的”,常用于“It is worthwhile.”句型。She is worthy to receive such honor.她应该得到此荣誉。He who does his duty is worth praising.凡是忠于职守的人都值得赞扬。I think it is worthwhile having such a companion.我认为有这样一个伙伴是值得的。选词填空(worthy/worth/worthwhile)The clock is hardly repairing.Their efforts are of your supp

18、ort.We had a long wait,but it was because we got the tickets.【答案】worthworthyworthwhile expense n费用;代价(教材P43)As well as worrying about the expense,advertisers must also consider which media are most appropriate for their product and which their target audience is most likely to see or hear.正如担心费用一样,广

19、告客户还必须考虑哪种媒体最适合他们的产品,并且他们的目标群体最可能利用哪种媒体来了解信息。An annual holiday is a big expense.一年一度的假日是一笔大开销。The expense added up to $10 million.费用总共是1 000万美元。at the expense of 以为代价at ones expense 由某人付费;由某人负担费用spare no expense 不惜代价expensive adj. 昂贵的,费用大的They purchased life at the expense of honor.他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命。W

20、e were taken out for a meal at the companys expense.公司出钱请我们外出就餐。明辨异同charge/price/cost/expensecharge指提供服务时索取的费用,也指货物的价格、价钱。price指商品在市场出售的价格,尤指卖方对商品所提出的单价。比喻意义指付出的代价。cost指生产某东西的成本,也泛指商品的价格,可与price换用。expense常指实际支付的费用总数额,有时也指钱的花费。完成句子高产出率常常是以产品质量为代价的。High production rates are often achieved the quality

21、of products.比尔刚开始学习一个电脑课程,费用全部由政府支付。Bills just been on a computing course,all 她的父母不惜任何代价为她筹备婚礼。Her parents for her wedding.选词填空(charge/price/cost/expense)He finished the job at the of his health.The extra is for the water bed.They expected house to rise to make more money.We calculated the of buildi

22、ng a new house.【答案】at the expense ofat the governments expensespare no expenseexpensechargepricescost rely on依靠;依赖(教材P43)However,it would be no use advertising products on radio if the ad relies on visual effects.但是如果一项产品的广告要依靠视觉效果,那么它在收音机里播出就毫无意义了。He grew increasingly to rely on her.他越来越依赖她了。I rely

23、 on my brothers words absolutely.我绝对相信我哥哥的话。rely on/upon sb./sth. 依靠某人/某物;信赖某人/某物rely on do sth. 依靠某人做某事rely on it that. 相信;可以放心rely vi. 依赖;信赖reliable adj. 可信赖的,可靠的I rely on you to set a good example.我全靠你来树立个好榜样。You may rely on it that he will do a good job of it.放心好了,他会做好这件事的。完成句子我要依靠你的帮助来完成我

24、们的工作。I am your help to finish our work.我认为我们可以信赖德里克,他不会告诉任何人。I think we can Derek anyone.你放心好了,他会来见你的。You may he will come to meet you.【答案】relying onrely on;not to tellrely on it that response n回答;响应;反应(教材P43)Television adverts are great for generating emotional responses to a product,but magazines

25、and newspapers can give more detail.电视广告很好,能让人对产品产生情感响应,但杂志和报纸能提供更多细节。Effectively,their response was a refusal.实际上,他们的答复是拒绝。in response to 响应,反应make/give no response 不回答respond vi. 回答,响应,做出反应respond to 对做出回答Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊。I invited her

26、 to dinner but she did not respond.我请她吃晚饭,但她未作回答。完成句子对我的问题他没有做任何回应。He to my question.市长对我们方案的答复令人鼓舞。 to our plan is encouraging.应他们的要求,他捐献了1 000美元。He donated one thousand dollars their request.【答案】gave no responseThe mayors responsein response to have no use for不需要;厌恶;对不耐烦(教材P43)Would really good ad

27、vertising persuade you to buy products and services you are not interested in or have no use for? 是不是有好的广告会说服你去买你并不感兴趣或对你没有用处的商品或服务呢?Im all alone and have no use for the money.我孤身一人,不需要这些钱。Miller had no use for girls who did not know their ways around.米勒不喜欢与不懂事的女孩子打交道。have no use for sb. 不喜欢/厌恶某人hav

28、e no use for sth. 不需要/用不着某物be in use 在使用be of use(be useful) 有用be out of use 不再使用come into use 开始使用make use of 利用It is no use doing. 做某事没有用处The new version of this dictionary is not in use yet.这本字典的新版本还未通行。We also train them to make use of reference books.我们还培养他们使用参考书。Its no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。(不要做无益的后悔。)完成句子她讨厌老是抱怨的人。She people who are always complaining.眼下所有的机器都在用着。All the machines are at the moment.我不知道这本书对你是否有用。I wondered if this book might be to you.新的印刷技术最近已经开始使用。New printing techniques have recently 【答案】has no use forin useof usecome into use

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