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初中英语 鲁教版八年级下册词组复习资料.docx

1、初中英语 鲁教版八年级下册词组复习资料初三下词组 U11.sports star 体育明星2. the international sports star 国际体育明星3. swim fast 游得快4. hit the ball 击球5. play well 打得好6. stand in a box of ice 站在一盒冰里stand on a high tower 站在一座高塔上 7. people with great talents 有出色才艺的人8. a street artist 一个街头艺人9. paint pictures 画画10. on the ground 在地上on

2、buildings 在建筑物上11. look so real and 3D 看起来如此真实且立体感很强12. get in trouble 陷入麻烦13. at school 在学校14. win the prize 获奖win the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature 获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖15. expect (sb) to do 期望(某人)做某事expect + that 从句 期望16. travel around the world 到世界各地旅游all over the world= around the world 世界各地17. pen na

3、me 笔名18. ones real name 某人真实姓名19. be born into a farmers family 出生在一个农民家庭20. drop out of school 辍学21. start to do= start doing 开始做某事22. try every means to do 想方设法23. be made into a film 被拍成电影24. You are never too young to start doing things. 你多早开始做事都不是太早。25. perform Beijing Opera 表演京剧26. play for th

4、e national team 为国家队效力27. be talented in 在方面有才艺 28. spend with 和人一起度过时间29. all ones free time 所有的业余时间30. a famous violinist 一个著名的小提琴家 a famous pianist 一个著名的钢琴家a music writer 一个作曲家piano music lovers 钢琴音乐爱好者 31. in Russia 在俄国32. start ice-skating 开始滑冰33. become a skating champion 成为一名滑冰冠军win a skating

5、 competition 赢得滑冰冠军34. a kind and loving grandmother 一个善良、慈爱的奶奶35. at his apartment 在他的公寓里36. give big concerts 举办大型的音乐会37. be/become seriously ill 病得厉害38. continue to do = continue doing sth. 继续做某事 continue with + n. 继续某事39. have bad health into ones old age 身体不好一直持续到最后的几年里40. in ones last years 在人

6、最后的岁月里in ones later years 在人随后的岁月里41. keep on writing music 继续写音乐42. a musical talent 一个音乐天才43. his spirit continues to live in his works 他的精神一直活在他的作品中44. move to 搬家45. the poet of the piano 钢琴诗人46. touch the hearts of the listeners 触动听众的心47. in music history 在音乐史上48. get to number 1 获得第一名49. on the

7、 music charts 在音乐排名榜 enter the UK charts 进入英国排名榜50. break up 破裂,解散51. personal information 个人信息52. reasons for being famous 出名的原因53. place of birth 出生地54. a well-known/famous pianist 一个世界有名的钢琴家55. show up = appear 出现,露面56. show off 炫耀,卖弄57. show sb. around 带领某人参观58. on show = on exhibition 展出59. put

8、 in order 按顺序排 in a certain order 按某种顺序 60. hit sb. on the + 身体部位 (硬的,凸出的) in the + 身体部位 (软的,凹陷地) “打某人” U2词组1. on weekdays =at weekdays =on the weekday=at the weekdays 在周末 2. I hope so. 我希望如此。 I hope not. 我希望不是如此。3. It looks like + n. 看起来像look like rain (n.) 看起来像要下雨 It looks like a great party 看起来像一

9、个盛大的聚会 4. by noon 到中午之前5. start a conversation with sb. 开始与人的对话make conversations 对话6. small talk (不可数) 闲谈have successful small talk 成功的闲谈7. be strict with + 人 对人严格要求 be strict in + 事 对事严格要求8. the (ones) chemistry teacher 化学老师9. kind of 有点10. the rest (of) 剩余的11. in town 在镇上; in the city 在城里12. elde

10、r sister (elder只作定语) 姐姐13. How deal with 如何处理 = What do with14. a difficult situation 困境 15. experience this situation 经历这种处境16. something similar 一些相似的事情17. (sth.) happen to sb. 某人发生某事18. most of us 我们中的大部分19. Its natural to do 做某事是很自然地 20. feel unsure of oneself 感到不自信21. a good starting point 好的开始

11、 24. make social situations more relaxed 使社交场合更加轻松25. turn to sb. 转向某人26. next to = beside 紧挨着27. introduce sb. to 向介绍某人28. reply shyly 羞涩的回答 29. there is a long silence 长长的沉默30. keep (on) doing 一直做某事31. think about what to say next 考虑下边该说什么32. feel nervous 感到紧张33. look uncomfortable 看上去不舒服34. in th

12、e end 最后35. It is nice meeting you. 见到你很高兴。 = It is nice to meet you36. walk away 走开37. feel embarrassed 感到尴尬38. walk through the door 走进门39. come over 走过来40. Thanks for doing 感谢你做 Thanks for inviting me. 感谢你邀请我。41. have a secret feeling of fear 有一种秘密的恐惧感42. move towards (to) 朝方向走 43. in a corner 在角

13、落里44. suggest doing 建议做某事 avoid doing 避免做某事45. attend the community event 参加社区活动46. on the basketball (tennis) team 在篮球(羽毛球)队47. decide to do 决定做某事 48. It is great weather. (不可数) 好天气 It is a perfect day. (可数) 好天气49. be crowded 拥挤的50. at the (in a) shopping center 在购物中心51. wait in line 排队等候 cut in li

14、ne 插队52. a ball game fan 一个球迷53. Friday nights game 周五晚上的比赛54. each other = one another 互相55. for the first time 首次56. give sb. an idea 给中心思想 57. cultural differences 文化差异 cultural similarities 文化相似点58. an everyday activity 一次日常活动 59. introduction to 的介绍60. relaxed dialog 放松的对话61. pass the time (nic

15、ely) 愉快的打发时间62. a way of filling those periods 一种填满这些时段的方法63. breaks the ice 打破沉默, 打破僵局64. a common form of communication 一种共同的交流方式65. business travelers 商务旅行者66. discuss serious business 讨论严肃的生意67. serve customers 为顾客服务68. the basic rules of 的基本规则69. keep the conversation light and humorous 使对话轻松幽默

16、70. depend on culture 取决于文化71. private subjects 私人话题72. seem strange 似乎很奇怪73. an English-speaking person 一个说英语为母语的人74. give sb. a chance to do 给某人做的机会75. general news 大众新闻76. family problems 家庭问题77. be right for 对适合78. write a short sample dialog 写一个简短的对话范例Unit3 Section A 1. would like (to do) = wan

17、t (to do) 想要做 2. go on vacation = go for vacation 去度假= take a vacation 度假 this vacation 这个假期3. trek through the jungle 徒步穿越丛林 go through the forest 穿过森林 4. Its touristy. =There are too many tourists. 游客太多5. be stressed out 紧张的, 有压力的4. one day 有一天(将来时、过去式) some day 总有一天(将来时) 5. hope to do sth. 希望做某事

18、wish (sb.) to do sth. hope + that 从句 wish + that从句 (从句用过去式,表虚拟)6. Theres not much to do there. 那儿没许多可做的。 7. go traveling 去旅行8. Sounds like fun. (+名词) 听起来有趣 Sounds funny. (+形容词)9. at this time of year 每年的这个时候10. in winter 在冬季11. newspaper article 报纸上的文章12. travel spotlight 旅游胜地13. consider visiting 考

19、虑参观14. the capital of France 法国的首都 one of the liveliest cities in Europe 欧洲最有活力的城市之一15. fantastic sights 迷人的景色 16. one of the most famous churches in the world 世界上最有名的教堂之一17. Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money. 打的环游巴黎会花费很多钱。18. Its convenient to do 是很便利的 Its best to do 最好做某事 Its

20、better to do 最好做某事 Youd better do 你最好做某事19. take the underground train 坐地铁 20. in general 一般而言21. quite an expensive place 一个相当昂贵的地方 22. translateinto 把翻译成 translatefor 为某人翻译23. Its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. 最好和一个能为你翻译东西的人一块旅行。24. go somewhere relaxing 去令人放松的地方25.

21、 be supposed to do = should do 应该做某事26. pack (light) clothes 打包(单)衣服 27. have lots of wonderful sights 有许多好的景色28. on the way home 在回家的路上 on the way to school 在去学校的路上 on the way to the city 在去城市的路上29. have great entertainment 有很多的乐趣30. have wonderful galleries 有很棒的美术馆 Unit3 Section B 1. go somewhere

22、warm 去温暖的地方2. what else 别的(其它)什么 3. according to 根据, 依据4. sail across the Pacific Ocean 横渡太平洋 5. dream about /of doing 梦想6. in the future 在将来 in future 今后 7. some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams 一次有关希望和梦想调查的一些发现8. thousands of students 数千学生9. take part in 参加 across China 全中国 10. s

23、everal different answers to the question 这个问题的几个不同答案 11. as soon as possible (简单句) = as soon as I can (复合句) 尽可能快的 12. finish education 完成学业 finish school 毕业 go to university 上大学 get /have a good education 接受好的教育 13. provide better lives for sb = provide sb. with better lives 为提供更好的生活13. continue doi

24、ng 继续做同一件事 continue to do sth. 继续去做另外一件事情 14. the most popular choice of job 最受欢迎的就业选择15. computer programming 电脑编程16. all kinds of dreams 各种各样的梦想17. Some are more realistic than others. 一些人的梦想比其他人的更现实。 less realistic dreams 更不现实的梦想18. volunteers for Hope Project 希望工程的志愿者19. quite a few(+ 名复) 相当多20.

25、 be willing to do 乐意做21. dream of becoming famous 梦想出名22. go on exciting trips 进行令人激动的旅行23. Its clear that 很清楚 It seems that 似乎是24. have similar hopes 有类似的希望25. hold on to your dreams 坚持你的梦想26. Your dream will come true. = You will achieve your dream. 你的梦想将实现。28. choose to study the right subjects a

26、t university 在大学选择学习适当的科目29. have a winners attitude 有胜利者的态度30. an ideal place for a trip 一个理想的旅游地点U4 Section A 1. make word cards 制造单词卡片2. read aloud 大声读 read the textbook 读课本 read the sentences 读句子 read sth. you enjoy 读你喜欢的东西 read word by word 逐字逐句地读read word groups 按意群读read magazines 读杂志3. ask th

27、e teacher for help 向老师求助 ask your classmate for help 向同学求助4. study for a test 复习迎考 study with a group 小组合作学习 work with friends 和朋友一起学习5. watch videos 看录像6. have conversations with friendshave a conversation with friends 与朋友进行对话7. practice pronunciation 来练习发音 poor pronunciation 糟糕的发音My pronunciation

28、improved. 我的发音有了提高。improve my pronunciation 提高我的发音8. improve my speaking skills 改善我的口语技巧9. understand spoken English 理解英语口语10. be a little nervous 有点紧张11. give a report 作报告12. at first 起初13. a slow reader 读书很慢14. read quickly to get the main ideas 快读来理解大意 get the meaning 理解意思15. listen to tapes 听录音带

29、 listen for the key words 听关键词 16. be patient (with) 对有耐心17.The more you read, the faster youll be. 你读得越多,你将进步越快。18. find it difficult to do sth. 发现做某事很难19. the secret to language learning 语言学习的秘诀20. most of the time 绝大部分时间 21. be afraid to do 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing 害怕做某事be afraid of making mistakes 害怕犯错 22. hide behind 藏在后面23. an English movie called 一部名叫的英文电影24. fall in love with 爱上 25. keep a diary 记日记 26. the expressions on ones faces 脸上的表情 27. as well (句

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