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1、炸弹威胁应急程序Bomb Threat Emergency Procedure 炸弹威胁应急程序About Bomb Threats关于炸弹威胁It is critical that the person receiving a bomb threat remain calm and try to obtain as much information as possible without exciting the caller. Listen carefully. Pay attention to voice characteristics and background noises. In

2、 most cases, the hotel operator will receive the bomb threat; however everyone should be aware of the procedures. A bomb threat checklist is provided and should be completed while talking to the caller.当员工收到炸弹威胁时保持冷静并尽量获取尽可能多的信息是至关重要的认真倾听,注意其声音特点及其周围噪音在通常情况下,酒店话务员会接到炸弹威胁,但所有人都应知悉此事件的应急程序在与来电者通话的同时应填

3、写所提供的炸弹威胁检查单If extortion is involved with a bomb threat, all demands will be turned over to the authorities and the General Manager. Do not hesitate to contact the General Manager on his mobile telephone even he is not on property.如果此炸弹威胁带有勒索性质,所有要求将直接转给相关人员和总经理可直接通过手机与总经理联系,哪怕他当时并不在酒店Bomb threats u

4、sually come in the following manner:炸弹威胁通常以下列方式 Location given time to set off demands made 提供地点 引爆时间 所提要求1. yes/有 no/没有 no/没有2. yes /有 yes/有 no/没有3. yes/有 yes/有 yes/有 4. no/没有 no/没有 no/没有5. no/没有 yes/有 no/没有6. no/没有 yes/有 yes/有 Under normal circumstances, as far as no demands are made by the caller

5、, the chances of a hoax in points 1, 2, 4 and 5 are extremely high. However, that does not mean the threat can be ignored. A house search is to be initiated under any circumstances. 在一般情况下,直到来电者再无要求,上述1、2、4、5种方式发生的几率仍然会相当的高。然而,这并不意味着这种威胁可以被忽视。在任何情况下启动住宅搜查都是必要的。Telephone Operator 总机话务员Usually, the te

6、lephone operator is the first person to answer a bomb-threat call. She plays a most important part in helping management and the Public Security Bureau in the evaluation and investigation of the threat. Whoever receives a bomb-threat call, should try their best to follow the points as stated here be

7、low which are most helpful: 通常总机话务员是接到爆炸恐吓电话的第一人.她在帮助公安局及管理层估测及调查此恐吓事件的过程中是举足轻重的。无论谁接到炸弹恐吓电话,都应尽力遵循以下规定的几点去做: Keep as calm as possible;尽可能的保持冷静 Try very best to take down every word the caller said;尽量记下来电者的每一句话 Try to complete the bomb threat checklist provided while speaking with the caller;与来电者周旋时

8、尽力完成酒店所提供的炸弹恐吓信息清单 Signify to fellow operators who should immediately try to trace the origin of the call with the help of the Public Security Bureau at telephone number “110” via the Telecommunications Bureau, after which she should inform the General Manager and the Emergency Management Team of th

9、e call;暗示身旁的同事应当立即联络公安局,请“110”通过电信局追踪电话来源以确定来电者的方位,然后她应当马上通知总经理和紧急事件管理小组。 Concentrate in listening to the callers voice, speech, language, accent, manner and also the background noises;集中精神仔细辨认来电者的声调、语音、语言、口音、说话方式和他周围环境。 Keep caller on the line as long as possible by asking the caller to repeat the

10、message;以让来电者重复他的要求为借口尽量拖延他在线的时间。 Try to obtain information as to the location of the bomb, time of possible detonation, what kind of devise it is and how is it packaged - size, shape, colour etc;尽量获取关于炸弹安放地点、爆炸时间、如何设计和伪装,如尺寸、形状、颜色等的信息。 Ask the caller for his intention in placing the bomb in the Hot

11、el;询问来电者在酒店安置炸弹的目的。 If the caller gives his intention of why he is placing a bomb inside the Hotel, tell the caller that an operator cannot make any commitments but will pass the message to the Management and tell the caller to call again;如果来电者说出了他在酒店安置炸弹的目的,告诉他一个接线员无法做出任何许诺但可以将这些信息转给管理层,让他再打一次。 If

12、possible, ask how to contact the caller;如果可能,得到他的联络方式。 Create some questions to see if the caller is familiar with the Hotels building and operations;设计一些问题看来店者是否对酒店的楼层和运营情况非常熟悉。 Tell the caller that the Hotel is fully occupied. Many innocent people might be killed or seriously injured if the bomb d

13、etonates. Listen to his reply;告诉来电者我们酒店入住率极高,如果炸弹爆炸会造成许多无辜的人严重受伤甚至死亡。听他的反映。 Once the caller hangs up, relay all information to the General Manager who will initiate the “Bomb Threat Procedure.”一旦来电者挂断电话,马上将对话录音转播给总经理,他将会启动“炸弹恐吓程序”。 Call and advise the Emergency Management Team to proceed to the Emer

14、gency Control Centre at the Front Office. The Emergency Management Team members are comprised of the Security Manager at extension “6846”, the Manager-on-Duty at extension “0”, the Chief Engineer at extension “6830”, the Executive Housekeeper at extension “6820”, The Front Office Manager at extensio

15、n “6102”, the Food & Beverage Manager at extension “6532”, and the Financial Controller at extension “6570”. 呼叫并建议紧急事件管理小组去位于前厅部办公室的紧急事件控制中心集合。成员由分机为6846的保安部经理、分机为0的当天值班经理、分机为6830的总工程师、分机为6820的行政管家,分机为6102的前厅部经理、分机为6532的餐饮部经理和分机为6570的财务运营经理。 Stay alert and wait for further instructions and/or calls

16、that may be forthcoming. 保持警觉并等待下一步的指示。BOMB THREAT CHECK-LISTENTITY OF THE CALLEROrigin of the call Local City Call. Internal Call.电话来源 本市电话 内线电话Identity of caller Male男性. Female女性.来电者身份 Adult成年人. Juvenile未成年人.Language of Call English英语.Putonghua普通话.来电者语言 Cantonese粤语.Sichuan四川话. Others其他.Accent Loca

17、l本地人. Foreign外地人.口音Voice Loud大声的. Soft柔和的.语调 High高声的. Deep低沉的. Rough粗犷的. Pleasant舒服的. Disguised经过伪装的. Others其他.Speech Fast快的.Slow.慢的.语音 Distinct清楚的.Distorted嘈杂的. Stutter有口吃.Nasal有鼻音. 1 person一个人.2 persons两个人.Background Noises Office办公室.Factory.工厂.周围环境 Street.大街. Animals动物园. Airplane机场. Train火车. Vehicles汽车上.Music有音乐. Voices音控的. Quiet很安静. Others其他.Manner Calm冷静的.Angry生气的. .说话方式 Rational理智的.Irrational不理智的. Coherent连贯的. Incoherent不连贯的. Sober.镇定的.Intoxicated喝醉的. Emotional情绪化的. Deliberate蓄谋的. Humorous幽默的. Aggrieved愤愤不平的. Others其他.Please write down clearly what the caller said 请清楚的写明来电者的话.

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