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1、英语演讲稿对生活说YES英语演讲稿:对生活说YESGoogle总裁埃里克施密特(Eric Schmidt)XX波士顿大学毕业典礼上的英语演讲:对生活说YES,施密特在演讲中说他是生活崇拜者。此次演讲非常成功,赢得了全场起立长时间的鼓掌。Find a way to say yes to things学会对生活说YES英语演讲稿中英双语对照:Its great to be here on campus. Its an honor to have been invited. Its an honor to look out on the next generation of BU Terriers.

2、 Ill give you a quote:我很高兴来到贵校,很荣幸获得贵校邀请,很荣幸看到波士顿大学的又一届毕业生走向社会。我想送你们一句名言:“I am a true adorer of life, and if I cant reach as high as the face of it, I plant my kiss somewhere lower down. Those who understand will require no further explanation.”“我是生活的真正崇拜者。如果我无法够到它的脸,我会将我的吻贴到我够得到的任何地方。明白我的人,将不需要我进一步

3、解释。”Well, graduates allow me to explain.好吧,同学们,让我解释一下。You used to have a professor herea decent writer by the name of Saul Bellow. That es from his novel Henderson the Rain King.你们这里曾经有一位教授,一位作风正派的作家,笔名为索尔-贝娄(Saul Bellow)。这个笔名来自于他的小说雨王亨德森(Henderson the Rain King)。I stand before you today as someone

4、who considers himself an adorer of life. I know what its like to plant a kiss on a life lived fully And I can tell you from experience that, once you understand that, Professor Bellows right: that no further explanation is necessary.今天站在你们面前的我也自认是一个崇尚生活的人。我知道拥抱一个完整的人生是怎样的体验。我能以我的经验告诉你,一旦你懂得生活,你就会知道贝

5、娄教授的话是对的,真得无需解释。去尽情拥抱你的人生吧。Its one quote from countless beautiful lines he wrote over his career. But I feel it best sums up an approach that contains the power to transform an ordinary life into one filled with grace and love and dignity.这句话摘自他一生创作的无数优美的诗句。但是,我认为这句话包含了一种生活态度,这种态度足以将一种平淡的生活转变为充满优雅、爱

6、和尊严的人生。And it also best sums up what a fantastic university like BU has infiltrated in every student who sets foot on this beautiful campus.而且,它还包含了像波士顿大学这样优秀的学府给每个踏进这个美丽校园的学生灌输的思想。Scientists, engineers, writers, artists, business pioneers governors Olympic gold medalists Oscar winners cabinet secre

7、taries They all walked across this stage and left to make their mark on the culture, on society,on the world.科学家、工程师、作家、艺术家、企业先锋、政府官员、奥林匹克运动会金牌得主、奥斯卡奖得主、内阁大臣他们都走过了这个舞台,并在我们的文化、社会和全世界留下了他们自己的印记。And, my God, Martin Luther King is Doctor King because of the PhD he received here.而且,还有马丁-路德-金(Martin Luth

8、er King),因为在这里接受博士学位而成为了金博士。And, now you follow. You right here, sitting there now, baking in the sun, thinking about the Celtics game tomorrow, possibly nursing a hangover theres one down here Ive been following youre saying, wowthats a lot of pressure. What can I do?现在,你们走来了。你们就在这儿,坐在这儿,晒着太阳,想着明天凯

9、尔特人球队的比赛,也许还未从昨日的宿醉中完全清醒过来我一直在关注你们中的一位。你们大叫一声,哇,很有压力吧那么,我能做什么呢?Where can I plant my kiss?我能将我的吻贴在生活的何处呢?Well, thats your question to answer. I cant do it for you. But, heres what I know. I know one thing for certain: No graduating class gets to choose the world they graduate intojust like you dont g

10、et to choose your parents and siblings!嗯,这是你们需要自己来回答的问题。我无法代劳。但是,我要说说我知道的东西。我知道有一件事情是确定的:没有任何一届毕业班能够选择他们即将走入的社会,就像你们无法选择你们的父母和兄弟姐妹一样!Every class has its own unique challenges. Every class enters a history that, up to that point, is being written for it.每一届毕业班都面临着各自独特的挑战。每一届毕业班都会走进一段历史,从这个意义上来说,历史正在形

11、成之中。This is no different.你们这一届也一样。What is different, though, is the chance that each generation has to take that history and make it larger or, in my business, to program it better.不同之处在于每一届毕业生接受和创造这段历史的情形并不相同。就我个人而言,就是编写出更好的程序。And, on that score, your generations opportunities are greater than any

12、generations in modern history.而且,在这一点上,你们这届毕业生将拥有比现代历史上任何一届毕业生更伟大的机会。You can write the code for all of us.你们能够为我们所有人编写程序。Youre connecting to each other in ways those who came before you could never dream of.你们现在相互联系的方式是你们前辈人做梦都想不到的。And youre using those connections to strengthen the invisible ties t

13、hat hold humanity together, and to deepen our understanding of the world around us.你们使用的这些联系方式加强了人们之间的看不见的纽带。这种纽带让我们更加团结,让我们更深刻地理解了我们周围的世界。You are emblems of the sense of possibility that will define this new age.你们代表了各种可能性,你们将会定义这个新的时代。In the past, its always older generations, standing up on high,

14、 trying to teach the next generation the ways of the worldtrying to make sure they follow in their footsteps.在过去,总是老一辈人高瞻远瞩地教导下一代人这个世界的道理,并试图让下一代追随他们的脚步。Well, graduates, I think its different today.嗨,毕业生们,我想现在已大不同于从前了。Youre, quite simply, teaching us.你们正在教导我们。This generationyour generationis the fir

15、st fully connected generation the world has ever known.你们这一代人是这个世界上首次实现全面联系的人。Whats the first thing you do when you get up? Right? Check your phone? Your laptop? Read some email, b through your social networks?你们在成长过程中有过哪些次呢?次用手机?次玩笔记本电脑?次读电子邮件?次梳理你的社交网络?Im awake, here I am. You are connected, youre

16、 online 我很清楚,我在上面演讲,而你们在下面相互联系,你们在上网Some of you are probably texting your friends right now. Tweeting this speech. Changing your status. Smile, youre on camera.你们中的一些人现在很可能正在给朋友发短信,在Twitter上发布这次演讲的消息,更新你们的状态,摆着微笑的表情给自己拍照。Theres this joke about the college kid getting mugged, who says, “Hold onlet me

17、 update my status, letting my friends know Im getting mugged, then you can have my phone.” That didnt happen, but its also telling a stark depiction of just how essential technology has bee to your generations identity and your ability to connect with the world.这里有一则笑话,说的是一个大学生遇到了抢劫,结果这个大学生说,“等一等,让我

18、先更新一下我的状态,让我的朋友知道我正在被抢劫,然后你才可以抢走我的手机。”这种事情在现实生活中是不可能发生的,但是它也揭示了一些深刻的道理:它赤裸裸地描绘了技术对于你们这一代人的身份以及联系世界的能力有多么重要。Identity and connectionconcepts as old as humanity itselfmake up so much of what we are, who we are now. They shape our times, define the human condition.身份和联系与人类自身一样古老的概念揭示了我们是谁,我们能做什么。他们构成了我们

19、的时代,定义了人的条件。Identity and connectionit is your task to take those timeworn concepts, spin them around, reinvigorate them, make them fresh and new and exciting.身份和联系你们的任务就是接受这些陈旧的概念,玩转它们,复苏它们,给它们注入新鲜的、激动人心的内容。Boston University has built the platform from which you can do that.波士顿大学已为你们搭建好了完成这种任务的平台。I

20、know its daunting. Its not a great economy to be walking off this stage into. I know all this.我知道离开这个平台会让你们感到害怕,你们即将踏入的社会的经济形势也不乐观,我知道这一切。But you have an advantagea petitive edgeyou have an innate mastery of technology, an ability to build and foster connections that no generation before you ever po

21、ssessed. Its a very, very special skill 但是,你们拥有自己的优势竞争的优势你们精通技术,能够建立和培养你们之前的任何一代人都无法拥有的社会联系。这是一种非常非常特殊的技能People bemoan a generation who grew up living life in front of screens, always connected to something or someone.人们总是抱怨你们这一代人从小在电脑屏幕前长大,总是联系着某些人或事。Those people are wrong.他们的看法是错误的。The fact that w

22、e are all connected now is a blessing, not a curse, and we can solve many problems in the world as a result我们现在能够建立全面的联系,这是一种福音,而不是诅咒。正因如此,我们能够解决世界上的很多问题。Not only is it an advantage you have; its a responsibility you carry.这不仅是你拥有的优势,而且是你负有的责任。Today, there are 54 wars and conflicts going on. Its ter

23、rible.今天,有54场战争和冲突正在上演。这是可怕的。billion people live on less than $1 a day, and hundreds of millions of children will go to bed hungry tonight. Its terrible.全世界约有15亿人每天的生活费用不到1美元,数亿儿童今天晚上将会饿着肚子上床睡觉。这是可怕的。Nearly half the worlds people dont live under democratic governments the rights we all enjoy are a r

24、arity, theyre not a norm全世界将近一半的人口并没有生活在民主政府的管理之下我们所有人均享有的这些权利,对于他们来说是一种稀罕物,是他们日常生活中难以企及的东西。And when it es to the Internet, we think everyone is online and all of us are online now. But only 1 billion people have smartphones, and only 2 billion have access to the web today. For most of the world, In

25、ternet cafes are far-off digital oases in technological deserts. They dont have access.说到互联网,我们认为“人人”都在网上。我们在场的所有人现在确实是在网上。但是现在,全球仅有10亿人拥有智能手机,仅有20亿人能够访问网络。对于全世界大多数人来说,网吧是数字沙漠中遥不可及的数字绿洲。他们无法上网。But in this century, there is a chance for change on the horizon. The spread of mobile phones and new forms

26、 of connectivity offers us the prospect of connecting everybody.但是,在本世纪,我们有机会改变这种现状。手机的普及和新型上网方式的出现,给我们展现出了一个联系每一个人的美好前景。When that happens, connectivity can revolutionize every aspect of society politically, socially, economically. To connect the world is to free the world, I say.当这一切发生时,上网就能够彻底变革我们

27、社会的方方面面:政治、社会和经济。我要说,联系世界就是解放世界。If we get this right, then we can fix all the worlds most pressing problems to beam bright rays of hope to millions who can see only a flicker.如果我们处理得当,我们就能够解决全世界最紧迫的问题,让希望的强光照亮数百万只能看见微光的人。You have that power, right there, in your pockets right now.你们就拥有这种权力。这种权力现在就在那

28、里,在你们自己的口袋里。Now, heres the deal: Yes, its true, we have all this knowledge literally at our fingertips. But, just because we know much more than we used to doesnt mean our problems just go away.现在,有一点值得注意:诚然,我们的指尖上确实拥有所有这些知识。但是,我们面临的问题,并不会因为我们的知识比以前更丰富,而自动灰飞烟灭。The future doesnt just happen. Its not

29、etched or written or coded anywhere. Theres no algorithm or formula that says something will do X or Y to occur.未来并不会自己发生,它并不是已经刻好了、写好了或编好了,就等待着你去发现。没有任何运算法则或公式说,某些事只要经过X或Y就能够发生。Technology doesnt work on its own. Its just a tool. You are the ones who harness its power.技术并不会自己发挥作用。它只是一种工具。你们就是驾驭它的人。A

30、nd that requires innovation and entrepreneurship.而这就需要创新,需要企业家精神。Innovation is disruptive; one thing Ill tell you: you know you are innovating when people are worried about you! Graduates, please make people worry not your parents.创新就是一种破坏。我告诉你一件事情:当人们为你感到忧心忡忡的时候,你就知道自己正在创新!毕业生们,请让人们感到担心吧但不要让你们的父母这样

31、。Entrepreneurship is the lifeblood of a new economy, and a more prosperous societythe engine that keeps munities growing. Two-thirds of the new jobs created are in small businesses, and you all should try now to create a small business. or be part of one and, of course, I would remend you use all the products Google has to offer to set it up.企业家精神是新的经济体和繁荣社会的血液,它是促进社区发展的不竭动力。人们所创造的三分之二的新工作均来自于小企业,你们都现在应该尝试着去创办一家小企业或者成为小企业的一份子。当然,我

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