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英语 中考英语完形填空测试题A含答案word1.docx

1、英语 中考英语完形填空测试题A含答案word1【英语】 中考英语完形填空测试题(A)含答案(word)1一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Have you ever been to Thailand? For thousands of tourists from China, this small country in Southeast Asia is an excellent place to 1 . Bangkok (曼谷) is the 2 of Thailand. There are many tem

2、ples (寺庙) in Bangkok. You can 3 some monks (僧侣) walking along the streets. The 4 time to visit Thailand is from April 13th to 15th, because it is the time of 5 . People sing, dance and go on the streets to 6 water at each other. The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring go

3、od luck. On the one hand, beaches and sunshine are a lot of travelers choices. In this country, there are many hotels facing the sea, so you can have fun on the beach or 7 in the sea. On the other hand, Thailand is a good place to try 8 food. You can eat seafood at any restaurant or buy some tropica

4、l (热带的) fruit such as mangoes and durians (榴莲) at 9 prices. If you go to Thailand, you wont forget to 10 an elephant. The elephant is a symbol of Thailand. Its believed that Thailand is one of the most fascinating travel places.1. A. take a holidayB. take the busC. take risks2. A. worldB. countrysid

5、eC. capital3. A. hearB. seeC. listen4. A. mostB. worstC. best5. A. the Water FestivalB. ChristmasC. Thanksgiving6. A. lookB. throwC. arrive7. A. swimB. walkC. lose8. A. terribleB. sourC. delicious9. A. cheap B expensiveB. low10. A. hitB. rideC. drive【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)B;

6、(10)B; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文介绍了去泰国旅行的最后的时间和要参观的地点和要做的事情。 (1)A. 考查动词短语。句意:这个东南亚小国是度假的好地方。take a holiday度假;take the bus坐公交;take risks冒险。根据For thousands of tourists from China,成千上万的来此中国游客,可知是来度假。故选A。 (2)考查名词。句意:曼谷是泰国的首都。world世界;countryside乡下;capital首都。根据常识可知曼谷是泰国的首都。故选C。 (3)考查动词。句意:你可以看到一些僧侣在大街上走。hear听到;se

7、e看;listen听。根据walking along the streets. 在大街上散步应该是看见,故选B。 (4)考查形容词。句意:去泰国旅行的最佳时间是4月13日至15日,因为这是一年的泼水节. most最多;worst最糟;best最好的。根据to visit Thailand is from April 13th to 15th,可知4月13日至15日是泰国的泼水节,因此应该是去泰国最好的时候,故选C。 (5)考查名词。句意:去泰国旅行的最佳时间是四月13日至15日,因为这是一年的泼水节。 the Water Festival泼水节;Christmas圣诞节;Thanksgivin

8、g感恩节。根据The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck. 当地人认为可以冲走霉运,带来好运。与水有关的节日应该是泼水节。故选A。 (6)考查动词。句意:人们走在街上,唱歌,跳舞相互泼水。look看;throw抛,扔;arrive到达。根据上文it is the time of the Water Festival. 这是一年的泼水节,可知人们相互泼水。故选B。 (7)考查动词。句意:在这个国家,有许多面朝大海的宾馆,你可以在海滩玩,也可以在海里游泳。swim游泳;walk走;lo

9、se失去。根据in the sea在海里,可知是游泳。故选A。 (8)考查形容词。句意:另一方面,泰国还是一个品尝美食的地方。terrible糟糕的;sour酸的;delicious可口的。根据try品尝可知品尝的当然是美食了。故选C。 (9)考查形容词。句意:你可以以较低的价格在任何饭店吃到海鲜或买芒果,榴莲之类的热带水果。cheap便宜的;expensive昂贵的;low低的。根据prices可知,price的修饰语只能是low或high,at high price,以低价,故选C。 (10)考查动词。句意:如果你到泰国去,不要忘了骑大象。hit击打;ride骑;drive驾驶。根据an

10、elephant可知,是骑大象。故选B。 【点评】此题考查完形填空。 做完形填空题盲目性的重要步骤,对于解析命题中的逻辑推理、上下文及情景语境方面的内容起着决定性作用。每篇文章都有一个主题思想,段与段之间有承上启下、前呼后应的句子,段与段、句与句之间紧密相连从而形成一个有机整体。因此在做完形填空的时候一定要一气呵成去读短文,不要中断思路。 2阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳等案,使短文连贯完整。 John was a manager in a factory. He enjoyed running for exercise around t

11、he park when he was free. One Sunday afternoon, after running as usual, John 1 to go home and have a rest. Just then, he noticed an old woman standing by the road. 2 old woman looked around worriedly. John went over and asked what 3 for her. After a short talk. John came to know that she forgot her

12、way home and got lost. Besides, she was very tired and hungry. John called the old womans son and then took her to the 4 restaurant. In the restaurant, John ordered food and drink for the old woman 5 . While eating, sometimes she carelessly sprinkled(撒)food and drink on the table and on her coat. Ot

13、her customers felt disgusted(厌悲的)at this sight. 6 John didnt care about this. He stood up and cleaned the table from time to time 7 silence. It took the old woman some time 8 eating. After that, John paid the bill and they were ready to leave when the old womans son arrived. He held Johns hands and

14、said, Thanks to your help, my mother 9 well Youre welcome. She makes me remember my mom who died years ago. I did what a son should do, said John. All the 10 around showed respect(尊敬)to John. They were touched by his kindness. 1. A. decidedB. has decidedC. decidesD. will decide2. A. AB. AnC. TheD. /

15、3. A. can he doB. he can doC. could he doD. he could do4. A. nearestB. nearerC. farthestD. farther5. A. politeB. politelyC. angryD. angrily6. A. AndB. ButC. OrD. So7. A. onB. forC. inD. with8. A. to finishB. finishC. finishesD. finished9. A. treatsB. is treatingC. was treatedD. will be treated10. A.

16、 womanB. womenC. customerD. customers【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了John热心帮助老妇人的故事。 (1)句意: 一个星期天下午,像往常一样跑步之后,约翰决定回家休息。根据 One Sunday afternoon 可知描述过去用一般过去时,故选A。 (2)句意: 老妇人担心地环顾四周。old woman是特指上文出现的,故用定冠词the,故选C。 (3)句意:约翰走过去问她能为他做什么。宾语从句是语序是特殊疑问词+陈述句语序,主句是asked,一般

17、过去时,故从句也是一般过去时,could是can的过去式, he could do是陈述句语序,故选D。 (4)句意: 约翰打电话给老妇人的儿子,然后带她去了最近的餐馆。根据the定冠词可知此处是最高级,故选A。 (5)句意: 在餐馆里,约翰礼貌地为老妇人点了食物和饮料。A礼貌的,形容词,B礼貌地,副词,C生气的,形容词,D生气地,副词,副词修饰动词 ordered , 点餐是礼貌的,故选B。 (6)句意:但是约翰不在乎这个。根据 customers felt disgusted 顾客感到厌恶 和John didnt care about this约翰不在乎这个是转折关系,故是but,但是 ,

18、故选B。 (7)句意: 他站起来,默默地时不时地擦擦桌子。in silence,固定搭配,默默地 , 故选C。 (8)句意: 这位老妇人花了一些时间吃完饭。it takes sb+时间+to do,固定搭配,故此处是不定式 , 故选A。 (9)句意: 多亏了你的帮助,我妈妈被照顾得很好。描述过去是一般过去时,treat和mother是被动关系,故此处是一般过去时的被动语态,was done的形式 , 故选C。 (10)句意: 周围所有的顾客都对约翰表示尊重。根据 Other customers felt disgusted , 可知此处是顾客,表示泛指用名词复数,故是customers,故选D

19、。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3完形填空 A restaurant had one falled upon hard times. Only five 1 were left: the manager and four others, all over 60 years old. In the town near the restaurant there lived a successful businessman who was good at mana

20、ging business, so the manager 2 to ask the businessman if he could offer any advice that might save the restaurant. The manager and the businessman talked for a long period of time, but when he was asked for advice, the businessman 3 for a while and then said, I have no advice to give. The only thin

21、g I can tell you is that the saver (救星) is one of you. The manager, returning to the restaurant 4 , told the other people what the businessman had said. In the months that 5 , the old restaurant workers thought carefully of the words of the businessman, The saver is one of us? They asked themselves.

22、 As they thought about this possibility, they all began to treat each other with 6 respect(尊重). And thinking that each of themselves might be the saver, they also began to treat themselves with more care. As time went by, people coming to the restaurant 7 that some respect and warm kindness were aro

23、und the five old members of the small restaurant. Hardly knowing 8 , more people began to come back to the restaurant. They began to bring their friends, and theirs brought more friends. Two 9 later, the small restaurant had once again become a big food company, thanks to the businessmans 10 . They

24、understood that it was they themselves that were the savers.1. A. cooksB. waitersC. membersD. customers2. A. hopedB. beganC. allowedD. decided3. A. stoppedB. refusedC. restedD. laughed4. A. angrilyB. hopefullyC. livelyD. nervously5. A. followingB. followedC. goingD. gone6. A. strangeB. similarC. str

25、ongD. special7. A. receivedB. advisedC. feltD. wished8. A. whatB. howC. whyD. when9. A. yearsB. daysC. hoursD. minutes10. A. adviceB. wordsC. methodsD. success【答案】 (1)C;(2)D;(3)A;(4)B;(5)B;(6)D;(7)C;(8)C;(9)A;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:有一家小餐馆快倒闭了,经理去向一个成功商人征求建议,商人说他们自己是餐馆的拯救者,最后,他们通过努力拯救了餐馆,使得这个小餐馆又一次成为一个大

26、餐馆。 (1)句意:只剩下了五个饭店的老成员。A:cooks厨师; B:waiters服务生; C:members 成员;D:customers顾客。根据the manager and four others, all over 60 years old.可知是只剩下了五个饭店的老成员。故选C。 (2)句意:经理决定向这个成功的商人请教经商建议。A:hoped 希望;B:began开始; C:allowed允许; D:decided决定。根据上文 In the town near the restaurant there lived a successful businessman who w

27、as good at managing business,可知经理决定向他请教经商建议,故选D。 (3)句意:商人是停顿了,想了一会儿。A:stopped停止; B:refused拒绝; C:rested 休息;D:laughed大笑。根据. for a while and then said, I have no advice to give. The only thing I can tell you is that the saver (救星) is one of you.可知由动作的顺序,停了一会儿,然后接着说了那些话,故选A。 (4)句意:经理满怀希望地回到餐厅,把商人的话告诉了其他

28、人。A:angrily生气地; B:hopefully希望地; C:lively生机勃勃地; D:nervously不安地。根据上文 The only thing I can tell you is that the saver (救星) is one of you. 可知经理听了商人的话,感到很有希望,故选B。 (5)句意:在接下来的几个月里,老餐馆的工作人员仔细地思考着这位商人的话。follow跟随;go去。根据句子结构可知,是个定语从句,先行词the months,指物,在从句中作主语,用关系代词that,缺少谓语动词,主句中的谓语动词thought,用一般过去时,从句要用一般过去时,要

29、用过去式。follow的过去式followed;go的过去式went,故选B。 (6)句意:当他们想到这种可能性时,他们都开始以特别的尊重对待对方。A:strange 陌生的,奇怪的;B:similar 类似的;C:strong 强壮的;D:special特别的。根据下文And thinking that each of themselves might be the saver, they also began to treat themselves with more care.可知他们彼此特别互相尊重,故选D。 (7)句意:随着时间的推移,来到这家餐厅的人们感到,在这家小餐厅的五位老成员

30、周围,有一些尊敬和亲切。A:received收到; B:advised建议; C:felt感觉; D:wished希望。根据some respect and warm kindness,可知尊敬和善良是通过感觉感受到的,故选C。 (8)句意:几乎不知道这其中的原因 。A:what 什么;B:how怎样; C:why为什么; D:when何时。根据下文more people began to come back to the restaurant. They began to bring their friends, and theirs brought more friends. 可知他们结合

31、不知道出现这种情况的原因,故选C。 (9)句意:两年后,这家小餐馆再次成为一家大型食品公司。A:years年; B:days 日;C:hours小时; D:minutes分钟。根据生活常识,由一个将要倒闭饭店成为一家大型的食品公司,时间只能是以年为单位的,故选A。 (10)句意:两年后,这家小餐馆再次成为一家大食品公司,这要感谢这位商人的话。A:advice建议; B:words词,话; C:methods方法; D:success成功。根据文章内容可知是因为上文成功商人的一番话,让他们才能重新经营起来,故选B。 【点评】考查完形填空。答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。4阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Wishing to encourage her young sons progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianists concert on a summer holiday evening. Af

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