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2、160篇一书240页重点预测中的第一篇即直接命中英语一的小作文原题,230页经典必背中的第五篇直接命中英语二的小作文原题。对于2011版,我们一方面对相关内容进行妥善增删和调整,另一方面也对其中的重点范文从阅卷人的角度进行了系统的点评和分析。全面涵盖当年可考话题本书自出版以来,以“全面涵盖当年可考话题”为特点,创下了考研写作书中唯一一本连续五年命中原题的骄人记录,既是话题写作的开山之作,也是系统预测的最佳范本。其核心价值体现在一个“全”字上,即基本上涵盖了当年考研写作的全部可考话题,使命中原题几乎成为一种必然。一、题句作文范文1Title: Dictionary(1) The dictiona

3、ry is a living teacher.(2) Skills will develop with your constant use of various dictionaries. (3) But you should have one thing in mind.DictionaryThe dictionary is living teacher. Whenever you come across a new word, just consult it and you will get a clear definition from it. Every student, no mat

4、ter attending school or self-taught, should always have a dictionary at hand. As a study aid, it is convenient, inexpensive and allknowing.Skills will develop with your constant use of various dictionaries The more you use them, the more familiar you will become with them. Sooner or later, you will

5、be quite skilled in finding the page, scanning the entries and locating the exact meaning of the new words. But you should have one thing mind. As a language student, you should never depend too much on dictionaries. Basic language skills do not come from dictionaries, but from your practice. For so

6、me extensive reading, for example, you need not account to a dictionary every time you encounter a new word, you could just guess the meaning and skip it. Learn the language by listening, speaking, reading and writing more, and that is the only way to the mastery of a language.译文字典字典是一个活老师。当你遇到新的单词时

7、,可以查字典你会找到非常清楚的定义。不论是在校学习还是自学,每个学生都应该手头准备一本字典。作为一个学习工具,字典非常方便、便宜而且知识全面。经常使用各种字典你的查字典能力就能够提高。用的次数越多,你就会越熟练。你会非常熟练地找到需要的页面,浏览目录并快速找到你需要的字。但是你需要记住一件事情。作为学语言的学生,不能太依赖字典。语言技能不是从字典中来,而是通过不断的练习。比如在泛读时,你不需要一遇到生词就查字典而是通过猜测它的意思并跳过它。通过听说读写的练习来学习语言,只有这样你才能真正掌握一门语言。范文2Directions:Title: Help Children to Be Indepe

8、ndentThe topic sentence is provided as follows:(1) Today in China, many families have only one child.(2) There are some ways to help children to be independent. (3) To be independent is good for the children You should write 160-200 words.Help Children to Be IndependentToday in China, many families

9、have only one child. So the children usually doted upon by all family members. Gradually some of them get used to depending on their parents and lack the ability to solve problems independently. There are some ways to help children to be independent. Firstly, the child should have a chance to see th

10、e world around him. He must understand that therere various competitions in this world, and everyone can find his right position in the society only by individual efforts. Secondly, the parents should give the child enough help to make him feel comfortable. Its impossible to ask a child not to depen

11、d on parents at once. A child needs help from the beginning. Without any help, the child may lose his faith. Thirdly, parents should let his child make decisions, which can temper his ability to deal with problems. A child should be praised when he is successful or when he fails.To be independent is

12、 good for the children, because no parents can accompany the children for the whole life. It is the child himself who is responsible for her own fate. Only an independent person can live and succeed in this world. 译文帮助孩子独立起来现今的中国,很多家庭都是独生子女家庭。所以孩子受到了所有家庭成员的宠爱。渐渐地他们习惯了依赖父母,缺乏了独立解决问题的能力。有一些方法可以帮助孩子独立起

13、来。第一,孩子应该有机会认识身边的世界。他必须知道世界上有各种各样的竞争,只有通过个人的努力才能找到自己的位置。第二,父母应该给他们提供帮助。开始的时候孩子都需要帮助,离开了父母的帮助他们会失去方向。第三,父母应该让孩子做决定,以此来锻炼他们处理问题的能力。当孩子成功或失败时他们都需要鼓励。独立对于孩子是有利的。因为父母不能陪伴他们一辈子。他们要对自己的命运负责。只有独立的人才能够在这世界生存并取得成功。二. 提纲作文范文1Directions: A. Title: Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents B. Word Limit:

14、160-200 words C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given below: 1. Every day, thousands of people died from traffic accident in the world. 2. A drivers pay no attention to their driving behavior.b. the whole society indulgent towards the peace breaker, too much traffic in both the city

15、 and the countryside.3. make laws and regulations to prevent accidents.Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents Though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we cites the incredible slaughter of men, women and children on the roads. Man versus

16、the motorcar! It is a neverending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people in the world are killed or horribly mutilated each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen. It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension

17、of his personality. There is no doubt that the motorcar often brings out a mans very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steeringwheel. They are illmannered and aggressive, willful as twoyear olds and utterly selfish. The surpr

18、ising thing is that society smiles so benignly on the motorist and seems to condone his behavior. Everything is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic; the countryside is desecrated by road networks; and the mass annual slaughter becomes

19、nothing more than a statistic, to be conveniently forgotten. It is high time a world code were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. With regard to driving, laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough. A code which was universally accepted

20、could only have dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate.译文只有制定更严格的法律才能防止事故发生尽管现在幸福和长寿比以前更容易得到,但每天却有很多人丧身车轮。人和车的冲突永无止境,人却是受害者。世界上每年都有成千上万的人死于 车祸,我们再也不能坐视不管。有一种说法我认为是对的,每当人们手握方向盘的时候,他们的个性就显露出来了。勿容置疑汽车将人们的恶性显露出来。平时安静的人一开车马上变得让人认不出。他们变得具有攻击性,极度自私,像两岁孩子一样任性。令人惊奇的是人们对于肇事者的态度十分纵容。为他们提供了各种便利条件。由

21、于严重的交通拥挤,城市几乎变得不适合认居住。乡村也被各种公路网所污染。大量的交通死亡人数也只不过是一些数字,被人们所遗忘。我们必须要建立一种世界制度来制止这种对生命的扼杀。一些国家关于驾驶的法律太松懈,甚至最严酷的法律也是那么无力。被普遍接受的世界制度对于降低事故率只会有利。范文2There is a heated discussion on airconditioner price battle in a newspaper.Write an essay to the newspaper1) giving a brief introduction to the issue.2) statin

22、g your view about the price battle, and3) justifying your prediction.You should write 160-200 words. price battleWith the rapid advances in the living standard of the Chinese people in recent years, airconditioners have joined other household electrical appliances as items in great demand. However,

23、output has far exceeded supply, as manufacturers have scrambled for sales in this profitable market. As a result, fierce competition has driven them to resort to all sorts of measures to pull ahead of their rivals and avoid going bankrupt.These measures include aggressive advertising campaigns, offe

24、ring a free gift with every purchase of an airconditioner, and most important of all, lowering prices. Price wars are a common phenomenon whenever supply outstrips demand in a freemarket economy, and Chinas newly liberalized economy is no exception. Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a repeat

25、of the recent price war in the airconditioner market in the futureI have three reasons for my prediction. The first is that the earlier round of pricecutting eliminated the lessefficient manufacturers from the industry; so there are fewer companies supplying the market. The second is that the govern

26、ment has taken measures to regulate the airconditioner market, eliminating the chaos that price wars entail. And the third is that with Chinas admission to the WTO, manufacturers will have to offer more attractive-not cheaper-products.译文价格战随着近年来中国人民生活水平的快速提高,空调也同其他家用电器一样有了广大的市场。但是,产量远远超过了需求量,制造商只能在这

27、一领域种挣扎。结果,激烈的竞争使得各个制造商采取了各种措施超过其竞争者而使自己免于破产。这些措施包括大规模的广告,提供免费礼物,当然最重要的是降价。在供大于求的自由市场条件下,价格战是非常普遍的。中国也不例外。然而,我认为将来这种空调价格战不会再重演。我有三个理由。第一,首轮的竞争已经淘汰了那些效率低下的制造商。所以市场上的供应将减少。第二,政府已经采取了措施来规范空调市场,消除了价格战的混乱。第三,中国加入WTO后,制造商只能靠提供更好的而不是最便宜的商品来赢得市场。三. 规定情景作文范文1Directions: In the past people thought that educati

28、on was only for young people. But now it is believed that education is for a lifelong progress. Do you agree or disagree?You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. You should write 160-200 words.On EducationEducation is an

29、indispensable part in ones life. It illuminates human knowledge and culture, improving the development of science and technology. In my point of view, education is not only for young people, it should be proceeding in peoples whole life. For one reason, our society is developing at an amazing speed

30、along with the improvement of science and technology. If people stop studying after graduation from university, they can not keep pace with the steps of social development and easy to be eliminated in the fierce competition. Take the IT as an example. The amount of information is increasing in a spe

31、ed dozens of times faster than before. If a person does not learn the latest knowledge they would not be able to develop new technology and products. Therefore, a person should take a lifelong learning.As the saying goes, “never too old to learn.” To keep up with the development of world, a person m

32、ust study during his whole life. Otherwise, he will lag far behind the others. 译文论教育在人的一生中教育是不可分割的一部分。它承载了知识和文明,促进了科学技术的进步。在我看来,教育不尽属于年经人,而是一个一生的过程。其中一个原因就是随着科学技术的不断进步,社会发展的速度也是惊人的。如果大学毕业后就停止学习,人们很难跟上社会发展的脚步,很容易在激烈的竞争中被淘汰。比如说IT技术。信息正在以以前几倍的速度增长。如果人们不学习最新的知识他们就不能发展新技术和产品。因此,人们应该终身学习。正如谚语所说“活到老学到老“。为了跟随世界的脚步,人们必须终生学习,否则他们将落于人后。

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