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Translation from Chinese to Englis2.docx

1、Translation from Chinese to Englis2Translation from Chinese to English1、 受过良好教育的人更容易往前发展。A person with a good education finds it easier to get ahead.2、 现代汽车与早期的汽车在许多方面有所不同。Modern cars differ from the early ones in many ways.3、 金钱买不来幸福,这毕竟是真的。It is true that money cant buy happiness after all.4、 这些国家

2、是发展中国家,同属第三世界。These countries are developing countries, and they belong to the Third World.5、 人们应该知道如何区分好习惯与坏习惯。One should know how to tell the good manners from the bad ones.6、 你对一个词的意义无把握时,请你查词典。When you are in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult your dictionary.7、 如果不接受老师的劝告你迟早会后悔的。If you

3、dont accept the teachers advice, sooner or later you will regret.8、 我们应该为四个现代化多做贡献。We should try our best to make more contributions to the four modernizations.9、 我们班同学的年龄在19至21岁之间。The ages of the students in our class range from 19 to 21.10在这种情况下,失败是不可避免的。 Under such circumstances failure in inevit

4、able.11在这个问题上他和老师的观点恰好相反。 He found himself in opposition to his teachers point of view on this question.12由于缺乏经验,我们的试验又失败了。 Due to ( Because of ) lack of experience we failed in the experiment.13 几乎每个人都有业余爱好,音乐和体育是其中最常见的两种。 Nearly everyone has his hobbies, among which music and sports are most popul

5、ar ones.14 数世纪以来人类社会是随着科学与技术的进步而发展的。 For centuries the human society has developed with the progress of science and technology.15 我以为问题已经解决了,但事实并非如此. I thought the problem had been solved, but that was not the case.16 对他们来说,敌人的监狱只能囚禁他们的身体,却不能禁锢他们的思想。 As far as they are concerned, the enemy prison ca

6、n cage only their body, but not their minds.17. 我们很容易忽略已经得到的东四。 It is easy for us to overlook what we have already got.18我们无需渴求得不到的东四,而应该珍惜今天已经拥有的。 We need not wish for what we dont have, but enjoy what we possess today.19. 我们作为大学生应有一种责任感。As college students, we should have a sense of resposibility.

7、20. 通俗音乐不仅是一种文化现象,也是一种社会现象。Pop/popular music is not only a cultural phenomenon, but also a social one.21. 19世纪的一系列伟大发明促进了社会的发展。A series of great inventions in the 19th century promoted the social development of the society.22. 电视节目对人们的影响很大,对儿童尤其如此。Television programs have great/big influence on peop

8、le, particularly/especailly on children.23.黄河常被看作是中国文化和历史的象征。The Yellow River is often regarded/considered/treated as the cultural and historical/historic symbol of Chinese culture and history.24.良好的教育使这些孩子受益匪浅。These children have obtained/got/enjoyed some of / a lot of the benefits of /from better/

9、good education what they has learned.Sb get benefits from/sth benefit sb a lot25.过去这个季度物价变化很大。/The prices varied a lot in the last season.Change a lotRange from .toVary from.toVary in priceVary with26.以我之见,大学生们在学习科学和技术的同时,还应该学点艺术和文学。In my opinion, college/university students should study something a

10、bout arts and literature, along with science and technology.27.要讨论的计划涉及本市噪音污染的控制。The program/plan which will be discussed to be discussed for discussion is concerned with/involves/concerns the control of noise pollution of the city.28.我们无论有多忙都应该把注意力集中到工作上。No matter where/when we are/what we do /how

11、busy we are, we should focus our attention on our work.Focus onConcentrate onPay attention toDraw attention to29.现代科学家发明的计算机使得人类能够取得惊人的进步。The computer invented by the modern scientists has enabled/made the human race/mankind to make astonishing/ astonished/progress.Make progress30.任何情况下我们都不应该伤害朋友。We

12、 should not hurt our friends under any circumstances.In no case should we hurt our friends.31.只要有耐心,你一定会成功。You are sure to succeed as long as you are patient/you have patience.You must/you are sure to/are bound to32.据说储存在人脑的信息是永远不会失去的.It is said that the information stored in the human brain is neve

13、r lost/will never be lost.It is said/ it is reported/it is believed/it is thought thatWill neverInformation stored in the brain33.一个人能不能取得成功在很大程度上取决于他的决心。34.正是他35年前送我的那些书使我成了一名教师。It was these books that/which he gave me thirty five years ago that made me become a teacher.It isthatOnes success depend

14、s on his determination/strong mindIn/to some/great degree to a great extent.Whether one can achieve success or not depends on ones determination.Depend onRely on Be decided by35.没有得到他的许可,你不能进入他的房间。You cant enter/go into his room only with his permission unless you getWithout his permission his permi

15、ssion.Without/with 36.面对艰难困苦,他还是能做到保持幽默感。He manages to/still can keep/have his sense of humor in the face of /faced with / facing difficulty and hardship.Be faced with/faceDifficulties/hardships37.对这一问题想得越多,他越感到困惑。The more problems he thinks about the problem, the more confused he feels.The more thi

16、ngs you think about/of, the more confused/puzzled you feel.38.写作是一门同语法一样重要的课程。Writing is important a course as is as important a course as grammar.Writing is a course that /which is as important as grammar. Writing has The same importanceas grammar. 39.你应该意识到他的方法并不适用于你。You shou

17、ld realize that his method doesnt apply to you.We should apply knowledge/what we have learned to practice/practiseApply tofitSuit Be suitable for40.他们就这一问题讨论三天,最后得出了什么结论?What conclusion did they draw after three days three-day discussion they discussed the matter/problem/the thing for three days ?Dr

18、aw a conclusion/come toWhat conclusion did they arrive at after three days discussion of the problem?41.电脑在我们的现代化生活中起着越来越重要的作用。Computer is playing a more and more important role in our modern life.Play a role of.inPlay a part of in42.粗心大意会导致你们在实验中失败。Carelessness will lead to the failure in your expe

19、riment.Lead to/result inCarelessness will/may lead to/result in failure in/of the experiment. 43.环境污染对农业生产有很坏的影响。Environment pollution has a bad effect on agricultural production.Have bad influence on sbAffectagriculture44.我代表我们全家向你表示感谢。I will express my thanks to you on behalf of my families.On beh

20、alf ofShow/give thanks toExpress thanks/appreciation/gratitudes to 45.全靠你的帮助,我才得以完成学业。It was your help that made me complete/finish my study. I could finish my study only with your help.Thanks to your help, I have completed my study.46.在某种程度上,我认为你是对的。I think you are right in some degree or to some e

21、xtent.47我们必须跟上现代科学研究的新发展。We must keep pace with the new/latest news development of modern scientific do research on.Keep up with/catch up with/keep life pace with48.新政府向人民作出承诺,来年减少10%办公费。The new government made/has made a promise to its people that the administrative expense would/will be cut back b

22、y 10% percent the next year.At the governments expenseAt the cost of lifeMake promise toReduceCut down/cut back49.和他相比,你的工作做得真不错。As compred with what he has done, you have really done a wonderful job.Do a good jobSb Do sth well/ sth well done/ rare/medium/well doneDo good/bad/harm/damage to sbCompar

23、ed with50.在学习上我们决不应该局限于书本知识。In learning/study, we should never be limited ourselves to books knowledge in the books.Be limited toBe confined to51.对孩子们不加任何管束是行不通的。It does not work to leave children completely to themselves.Leave sb alone52.在我们这个城市,几乎所有的黑白电视机都已为彩色电视机所取代。In our city, almost all the bla

24、ck and white TV sets have given way to the colour ones.Give way toThe clear day/ cloudy dayTake place ofTeacher Li will give us a lesson instead of Teacher Wang53.约翰不仅准时来到报告厅,而且给我们大家带来了一个好消息。John not only came to the lecture hall/room on time /punctually /be punctual but also brought/bring/take us a

25、 piece of good news. Entering the room, the teacher was greeted by the students greeted the teacher. sbfaced with sbface54.我感到他们有许多共同之处。Have sth in commonShare a lotI think they have a lot in common ( share a lot).I feel we are alike in many things/aspects.55. 很抱歉,我无法帮助你。 I am sorry that I am not in a position to help you.Be not in a position to do sthI am sorry, but I can not help you.

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