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1、英语国家概况期末复习题含答案英语国家概况期末复习题(含答案)(第 I卷客观题共 45 分)I.选择题 (共 30 分; 每题 1 分)U.K.1.The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on . DA.passing the bills B. advising the governmentC. political parties D. public attitude2.The policies of the Conservative Party in Great Britain are character

2、ized by pragmatism and . DA.government intervention B. nationalization of enterprisesC. social reform D. a belief in individualism3.Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world.4.Cabinet members are chosen by in Britain. BA.the monarch B. the Prime MinisterC.the Archbisho

3、p D. the Lord Chancellor5.English belongs to the Germanic group of Indo-European family of languages.6.The Severn River is the longest river in Britain.7.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except . AA.Trooping the Color B. Queen s Christmas messageC. Boxing Day D. Christmas

4、pantomime8.Among Britain quasl ity press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “BigT hree with the exception of TheObserver.9.In 2012, Britain had a population of about 63 million.10.The two main islands of the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland.11.British Prime Minister Margaret Th

5、atcher once said that, “ Britain and the USnittaetde s willstand side by side ”.12.The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it . AA.set up the National Health Services B. improved public transportationC. abolished the old tax system D. enhanced the economic development13.Margaret

6、 Thatcher govsernment introduced the biggest changes in British economic policy since World War II.14.Charles Dickens is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19 th century.15.The three principle features of the climate of Britain are the following EXCEPT . CA.the frequent

7、fog in winter B. the large number of rainy daysC. extreme coldness even in summer D. changeability all the year round16.Samuel Johnson dsic tionary was influential in establishing a standard form of spelling in English.17.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of Latin a

8、nd Greek wordsto English.18. was not among the four self-governing dominions in the British Empire. CA.Australia B. CanadaC. India D. the Union of South Africa19.Of the following sectors in Britain, service industry has experienced spectacular growthsince the end of World War II.20.Cambridge has mor

9、e Nobel Prize winners than any other institution in Britain.21.Writers of literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than withreason and intellect. CA.Renaissance B. Neo-Classical C. Romantic D. Victorian22.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of . CA.the House of Valois

10、B. the House of YorkC. the House of Tudor D. the House of Lancaster23.Tourists from all over the world come to enjoy the beauty of Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts.24.The marked the establishment of feudalism in England. CA.Viking invasion B. signing of the

11、Magna CartaC. Norman Conquest D. adoption of common law25.Commonwealth Day is an annual event celebrated on the second Monday in March each year.26.Such big cities as Glasgow, Manchester, Sheffield and Newcastle are famous for the .DA. oil industry B. car industryC. shipping companies D. coalfields2

12、7.During the 15 th and 16 th centuries an intellectual movement known as swept Europe. was the greatest playwright of the world produced in this period in England. DA. Romance, Geoffrey Chaucer B. Christianity, George Bernard ShawC. Italian literary influence, Sonnet D. Renaissance, Shakespeare28.Ae

13、stheticism is the belief that artists have no obligation other than to strive for beauty- “art for art s sake ”. The most important representative of Aestheticism is . BA. Thomas Hardy B. Oscar WildeC. Virginia WoolfD. William Butler Yeats29.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King He

14、nry VIII effso rt to divorce his wife.U.S.31.The U.S. lies in central North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic to its east and the Pacific to its west.32.“No taxation without representation w”as the rallying slogan before the War of Independence.33. The Constitution

15、 of the United States tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others.34. The following except the right to get into people s house a brey gpuoalircaenteed in the Billof Rights.35. Of the following persons, the can NOT make legislative proposal in the U.S. AB. PresidentA. Secretary of S

16、tate36. Of the following subjects, politics and business education are NOT offered to elementary school students in the U.S.37.Abraham Lincoln issued Emancipation Proclamation to grant freedom to all the slaves in the U.S.38.The terms for a Senator and a Representative in the U.S. are six and two ye

17、ars respectively.39.The National Day of the United States falls on July 4th.40.Washington Irvingis regarded as “the father of American literature ”.41.Higher education in the United States began with the founding of Harvard University.42.The first shots of the American War of Independence were fired

18、 in Lexington.43.The symbol of the Democratic Party is a/an donkey, and a/an elephant represents the Republican Party.44.The eastern part of the United States consists of the highlands formed by the AppalachianRange and the western part consists of high plateaus and the Rocky Mountains.45.Alaska is

19、the largest state in the whole United States and Texas is the largest state in the part of the U.S. that is on the mainland.46. In the United States, the Bill of Rights guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedoms.47.The modern American economy progressed from to

20、, and eventually, to . BA. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyB.colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economyC.farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyD.handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy48.The Supreme Court in the United States is compos

21、ed of nine justices.49.The characteristic of dominant American culture is . BA. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-classB.English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-classC.English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-classD.English-speaking, we

22、stern European, Roman Catholic and upper-class50.The following inventions took place during the “ secondi ndustrial revolution e”xc ept refrigerator.51.Of the following, is NOT a characteristic of Mark Twain Cs works.A. a realistic view B. a sense of humorC. an idealistic view D. colloquial speech52

23、.The first successful English colony in North America was founded at Jamestown in Virginia.53.America produces a major p ortion of the world s products in the following fields eoxilc. ept54.F. Scott Fitzgerald s finest novel is , and its theme is about D .A. Tales of the Jazz Age, the loss of onesel

24、fB.TenderistheNight , loveC.TheBeautifulandtheDamned , the evil of human natureD.TheGreatGatsby, the American Dream55.Of the following books, is NOT written by Ernest Hemingway. CA. A Farewell to Arms B. ForWhomtheBellTollsC. TheSoundandtheFury D. The Sun Also Rises56.The policy of the United States

25、 was at the beginning of the two world wars. CA. appeasement B. full involvementC. neutrality D. partial involvement57.The first people on the American continent came from as early as thousand yearsago. CA. Asia, 2 B. Europe, 2 C. Asia, 20 D. Europe, 2058.The first National Bank of the United States

26、 was established with the urge of . AA. Alexander Hamilton B. Andrew JacksonC. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson59. Of the following universities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology has NOT cultivated anyAmerican Presidents yet.60.Of the following writers, is NOT a Nobel Prize winner. AA. Ali

27、ce Walker B. Ernest HemingwayC. Eugene O Neil D. William Faulkner61.The following except are all powers of the U.S. President. BA. appointing federal judges when vacancies occurB.making lawsC.issuing executive ordersD.vetoing any bills passed by Congress62.Since 1959, the United States has been a co

28、untry of 50 states.63.Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. It serves as the main connection between the eastern coast cities and the West.64.region is the part of the country.A. northeastern C. southwestern65. President Roosevelt, in his attempt introduced his famous . BA. neutral

29、ity policyC. new monetarist policiesThe distribution of the population in the U.S. is rather uneven. The most densely populatedAB.southeasternD.northwesternto tackle the economic depression in the dealD. “ Great Society ” policyAustralia66.As an ideal place for investments, Australia s fo

30、reign capital mainlJya cpoamne asn fdro mthe United States.th67.January 26th, 1788 is the date celebrated as Australia Day.68. is/are mainly responsible for education in Australia. B69.The first time that Australia developed a foreign policy independent of Britain was . DA. after the establishment o

31、f the Commonwealth of AustraliaB.after World War IIC.during the Great Depression of the 1930sD. during the Pacific War in World War II70.Australia s economy depends largely on . CA. agriculture B. manufacturingC.foreign trade D. tourism71.The Howard government fosr eign policy was based on relations

32、 with four key countries, namely in Australia. BA. the U.S., Japan, Britain, China B. the U.S., Japan, China, IndonesiaC.the U.S., Japan, Britain, Indonesia D. the U.S., Britain, China, Indonesia72.Australian system of teaching and school discipline put emphasis on the following except . CA. learning by discover

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