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1、文化与翻译+汉译英练习P2330上西交出 p133 共41句1. 在译人语的语言条件许可的情况下,直译的译文应既保留原文的内容、格调,又保留原文中中的形象比喻;民族色彩:地方色彩等,同时有助于不断地从外国引进一些新鲜、生动的词语、语法结构和表达方法,使中文日益丰富、完善、精密。以下是一些英语俗语的汉译,采用了直译法 (literal translation).Crocodiles tears 鳄鱼的眼泪shadow cabinet 影子内阁 chain reaction 连锁反应 to be armed to teeth 武装到牙齿domino theory 多米诺骨牌理论to fight t

2、o the last man 战斗到最后一人sour grapes 酸葡萄black market 黑市go into the red 出现赤字dollar diplomacy 金元外交pillar industry 支柱产业 the opendoor policy 门户开放政策an ivory tower 象牙塔Pandoras box 潘多拉的盒子a gentlemans agreement 君子协定the mostfavorednation clause 最惠国条款shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交The early bird gets the worm 早起的鸟儿有虫吃2.

3、Theory is something, but practice is everything.3. 以下是一些常见的容易引起误解的短语:oil skin油布 (油性皮肤)white day吉日 (白色的天)dogooder不现实的社会改良家 (做好事的人)fat farm减肥中心 (脂肪农场) red meat牛、羊肉 (红色的肉)blue coat警察 (蓝色上衣) red power印第安人权力 (红色权力)redcap火车站搬运工 (红帽子)bulls eye靶心 (牛的眼睛)busybody爱管闲事的人 (大忙人)dogs ear 书的折角 (狗耳朵)familiar talk庸俗的

4、交谈 (熟悉的谈话) cockandbull story无稽之谈,荒诞的故事 (鸡和牛的故事) twicetold tale老掉牙的故事 (讲过两次的故事) Indian summer小阳春,深秋初冬季节风和日丽的宜人气候 (印第安夏天) babykisser竞选时到处笼络人心的政客 (亲吻孩子的人) 析误译现象 没有注意词义的外延引起的误译:His uncle always remembers him on his birthday 误:他叔叔总是记得他的生日。 试译:他叔叔总在生日送他礼物。 分析:remember一词有“记得”之意,但用在生日、圣诞节等场合其词义已延伸为“送礼物”、“酬谢

5、”之意。见简明英汉词典。OxfordAdvanced Learners Dictionary of Current English等英国辞书解释为:make a present to;give money or present to等。故不可简单直译。 My dogs are killing me 误:我的狗要咬死我了。 试译:我的双脚痛死了。 分析:dog一词已引申为双脚”(复数),其基本含义已外延,因而不可仅从字面上去译以致于贻笑大方。 由于缺乏专业知识、没有搞清句子结构而导致误译The parents left their children feeling very depressed

6、误:家长离开了他们的孩子,感到很沮丧。 试译:家长使他们的孩子很沮丧。 分析:若在feeling之前有逗点,该部分即为分词短语作状语表示伴随状况,译文可行。但此处leave意为让(继续处于某种状态),后边跟带分词和复合结构。词义搞不清而导致误译 Traffic over there is always heavy on holidays as well as weekdays 误:那里的交通一直是拥挤的,不论是假日还是周日。 试译:那里的交通一向很拥挤,不论平时上班的日子还是节假日。分析:周日=星期日,故译为周日是不对的。weekday,n平常日,平时(=any day except Sund

7、ay)简明英汉词典(p1137);n,周末以外的其他几天,现代英语用法词典死译而导致的误译 She brought up the water,stopping at each landing to get her breath 误:她提水上楼,在每个楼梯平台处停下来喘口气。 试译:她提水上楼,在每个楼梯转弯处停下来喘口气。 分析:landing码头(=landing place);楼梯平台,简明英华词典(p533)。将landing一词译成“楼梯平台处”为死译。根据生活常识,楼梯平台处也即转弯的地方,故可以灵活处理。没有运用翻译理论与技巧而导致的误译 Having taken his brea

8、kfast,the judge sat in the diningroom amid his morning mail 误:吃过早饭之后,法官就坐在餐厅里,周围都是早上来的邮件。 试译:吃过早饭之后,法官就坐在餐厅里处理早上来的邮件。 分析:英汉两种语言表达方式各异。翻译中英语的词性常常转换为汉语的其他词性。amid这一介词常可以转换成汉语的动词。 How long is it since Wuzhu were used in ancient China? Over 2100 years or over 1300 years? 误:五铢钱到现在为止已使用多久了,两千一百年呢?还是一千三百年?

9、试译:五铢钱到现在为止有多久没使用了? 两千一百年呢,还是一千三百年? 分析:这是没有使用翻译上的否定技巧。语法知识欠缺。英语某些句子形式上的肯定译成汉语常为否定。 如何避免和纠正这些误译呢? 首先翻译工作者要提高自己的整体素质,做到一深二广。即:专攻方向上掌握的知识要深;面上的知识要广。著名的翻译家往往既是某领域的专家又是博学者。 要有各类必备的工具书。“功欲善其事,必先利其器”。各类英汉、英英、汉英、汉语词典;相关专业的英汉、汉英词典及工具书;各类语法书,有综合性的及进行单项探微的;各类翻译理论与技巧书;背景知识书及其它备查书,等等。重视理论又勇于实践。实践是检验真理的唯一标准,要置身于实

10、践中去验证理论,反过来再指导实践,使之达到质的飞跃。 端正翻译态度。翻译工作者要自重,要严肃认真。要有高度的责任感和使命感,力求使自己的“产品”成为“优质产品”,坚决避免“次品”或“劣品”。具体操作上应做到: 1)遇到貌似简单的句子切不可掉以轻心。对于其中的关键词、词组,短语要一一查对,反复核实。多动手查找词典及工具书不失为良策。 2)段落及篇章的翻译要从理解做起。一位法国翻译工作者说:“翻译就是理解,并且让别人理解。”理解了才不致误译。译后的工作是推敲。如果发现译文与通篇内容不协调或相悖时,就要考虑是否忽视了上下文或套用了某些框框而造成了误译。 3)多动脑、勤动手。词义、词义的外延、句子结构

11、、成语典故等搞不清往往造成误解。避免和纠正的最好方法就是多动脑,勤查字典。知识的匮乏也是原因之一。多查阅各类工具书,可以增进知识,弄清问题。 4)学好背景知识。翻译工作者应对所译语言国家的历史、文化、风俗、习惯等了解清楚,许多误译源于此类知识之不足。“John can be relied onHe eats no fish and plays no games. 译文为:“他忠实得斋时不吃荤,凡事都循规蹈矩。”有人误译为:“约翰是可靠的。他不吃鱼,还玩游戏。”因译者不了解“不吃鱼”和“玩游戏”是:“忠诚”和“遵守规则”之意。 5)进行必要的语法分析。对于长句或复杂的句子需要分析,且盯便短句也要

12、分析。缺乏必要的语法分析,就可能产生理解错误,导致误译。4. The bacteria pneumonia may complicate influenza at both extremes of age.5. She has been a widow only six months.6. Exporting to a certain number of countries is made difficult by the quantity of red tape.7. Last night he drove his pigs to market.8. If you promise that

13、you will not let the coat out of the bag, I will tell you.9. If a donkey brags at you, dont brag at him.10. Shoppers would never be more than a mouse-click from the best deals.11. David is as poor as a church mouse.12. Great birth is a very poor dish at table.13. She didnt like him much, but if she

14、went out with him, itd be one in the eye for Kate.14. When I go around on speaking engagements, they all expect me to assume a Quaker-Oats look.15. This is a dangerous and violent city. In some parts of it, the only law is the law of the jungle.16. The girl added, “My history teacher is a good talke

15、r but there isnt much real meat about history in what he says. Id like to ask him, wheres the beaf? P17117. All the tickets have been sold for her concert in London this weekthe public clearly believes that this will be her swan song.18. I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death

16、 when I went back to my doctor to hear the results of my lab tests. But I admitted I gave him the biggest smile of my life when he told me the tests were negative and there was nothing wrong with me.19. The couple has fought for over one year, and last month they finally went to Reno.20. A man in wh

17、ite dinner jacket waved his hand to me and said, “Waiter, could you please wrap up the rest of this steak in the doggy bag for me?”21. Every two weeks while the Congress is in session, the senator tries to get back home to California to talk to people. He has to keep an ear to the ground and hear wh

18、at voters are thinking about.22. Darn it! I wish I could get around this guy in front of mehe must be a Sunday driver. Hes only going thirty miles an hour and everybody else is going at least fifty.23. You are just a doubting Thomas. You wont believe what I tell you.24. It was believed that joining

19、the Common Market would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage.25. This is not an iota of truth in the story.26. He was in the seventh heaven last night.27. I want to go home and put on my Sunday best because I am going out with a very special friend to try that new

20、French restaurant which we hear is so good.28. Johns employer had less and less work for him; John could read the writingfinger on the wall.29. The mayor made John treasurer; thats setting the fox to keep the geese.30. He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and then wiped awa

21、y his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief.31. Shes a real nitwit. She would now and then burst out grinning like a Cheshire cat for no reason.32. He showed unexpected strength, especially in the wet districts.33. The following week was family conference, something I dreaded. This was the day the

22、 dirty laundry got hung out to air in a private session between parent, child and counselor.34. “With a man like Mark at your side, you had better watch out. Half the girls in Tonbridge will be after him!” “Oh, dont make me laugh! He is not an Adonis!”35. They have, by this very act, opened a Pandor

23、a box.36. Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborn in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday.37. Bright red costumes, with hats, shoes, and stockings to match, are to be all the craze in the Spring. Smart women will have to be careful not to yawn in the streets in case

24、some short sighted person is on his way to post a letter.38. Last Sunday, my wife and I were really busy with so many friends in my new house. But I felt quite content when I heard my visitors exclaiming “What an Arcadia you live in!”39. They talked about each others houses, and characters, and fami

25、lies; just the Joneses do about the Smiths. Beckys former acquaintances hated and envied her.40. I bought some second-handed books and took them home, only to find some pages missing. My wife said, “Ive told you a hundred times that the cheep buyer takes bad meat.”41. Hearing his little brother was

26、arrested, the elder son said ironically, “ I remember when my old man was alive, he always said: Spare the rod and spoil the child. Now it has been borne out.”中翻英: 南大出 key attached一、翻译以下句子,注意划线词语的理解。 P87 1两位领导人就双边关系及共同关心的问题交换了意见。 2党员应该虚心倾听群众的意见。 3他们对这项计划提出了修改意见。 4大家对这种做法很有意见。 5他们在会上闹起了意见。 6你应该听从医生的意

27、见。 7他们就此问题取得了一致意见。 8. 南京高新技术开发区正在努力引进更多外资,迄今已有200个项目被批准。 9前面有情况,做好战斗准备。 10这种情况必须改变。 11现在情况不同了。 12他们的情况如何? 13还有些未完成的事要处理。 14我们就这件事请教过他 15请回去吧,这没你的事了。二、翻译以下词语或句子,注意划线词语的表达。1触电2油漆未干3自学4现在一些青年学生,不顾经济条件与人攀比。5他穿着一件磨光了的大衣。6更深层次的问题。7人们需要看的更深一些。8保持接触。9这些要求不容谈判。10稍有政治头脑的人11今天你唱主角,看你的。12抢手货13只说不做14树立全民环保意识15中国

28、大陆16我打算乘下一班火车回北京。17可是我们已说到故事的后面去了。18他够老实的。19我和一位老乡在1998年一起离开老家来南京打工。20快下课了,我的一个同班同学还在甜蜜的梦想中。三、将下列英语句子译成汉语,注意划线词语的褒贬。 1他热衷予个人名利。 2她热衷于花样滑冰。 3他贩卖皮货。 4你这是在贩卖民族虚无主义。 5他与侵略者合作,出卖了自己的祖国。 6我们应加强相互合作。 7他醉心于医学研究。 8那个人醉心于名利。 9坚决制止新的毁林开荒。 10中国的经济是一个大问题。四、翻译以下词语,注意词语的搭配。 1提高生活水平 2提高会话水平 3提高领导水平 4提高英语水平 5一个宝贵的机会

29、 6一个非常渺茫的机会 7打开门锁 8伸张正义 9接电话 10我看出了他的心事。 11从他的话音里,我能昕出点东西来。 12这些话不知回答过多少遍。 13中央的方针是等待他们,让事实教育他们。 14盯着某人的眼睛六、用概括化译法翻译以下句子中划线部分的词语。1按照“一要吃饭、二要建设”的原则,逐步改善他们的工资待遇。2. 青年一代应该用什么样姿态去迎接未来的挑战?3. 她往日得了病,茶水也不能咽一口。4. 对大多数去北京的外国访客来说,万里长城是必不可少的参观游览项目。七、翻译以下句子,注意译文的语体色彩。 1工厂外面挂着一块牌子,上面写道:“本厂不再招收工人 ”。 2如蒙早日寄来样品和产品册

30、,不胜感激。 3鄙人当尽力而为。 4老王说他没着了。 5敬启者: 进出口部请我通知您:一个月前从贵公司订购的150吨煤至今仍未发货,能否请您过问一下此发货事宜? 请尽快回复,不胜感激。 您忠实的 王强1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilgteral relations and issues of common concern2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public3. They offered some suggestions for

31、 the revision of plan4. Everyone complained against such a practice5. They had a dispute at the meeting6. You should follow the doctors advice7. They reached a consensus on this issue8. The Nanjing HiTech Zone is making an effort to introduce more foreign investments,and so far more than 200 proj ects have been approved9Theres enemy activity aheadPrepare for combat10This state of affairs must change11Now things ar

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