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1、人教版高中英语必修1选修6必背词组 必修一各单元重点短语Unit 1 :根据词意完成短语。1. get something _:使.被做(done)2. calm _:平静下来; (down )3. be concerned _:关心;挂念; (about )4. make a _of :列出; (list )5. share something _somebody :与某人分享某物; (with)6. go _:经历;经受; (through)7. a _of :一系列的; ( series )8. be crazy _:对着迷; (about )9. _purpose :故意; ( on

2、)10. in order _:为了 ; ( to )11. _to :根据;按照; (according)12. get along _:与相处; ( with )13. fall _love :相爱,爱上; ( in ) 14. try _:试用;试验;( out )15. join _:加入;参加(活动) ; ( in )16. communicate _:与交流; (with)Unit 2 : 根据词意完成短语。 _ role (in) :在中担任角色;在中起作用; ( a )e_:走近;上来; ( up )3.such _:例如;象这样的; (as ) _pa

3、rt (in) :扮演一个角色;参与; (a )5.ever _:从前; (before )6.even _:即使; (if ) based _:以为基础; ( on )8.close _:距离.近; (to )9.make use _:利用;( of ) _:不再; ( longer )11._a command :命令; ( give )12._the early days :在早期;( in )13.form one place _another :从一处到另一处;( to )14.take something _ somebody :随身带着 ; ( with )15

4、.the same _. :与相同的; (as )Unit3 : 根据词意完成短语。1.dream _doing something :梦想着做某事; ( of / about )2.persuade somebody _/out of(doing) something :说服某人做/不做某事;( into )3.persuade somebody _do something ;说服某人做某事; ( to )4.get somebody interested _:使某人对.感兴趣; ( in )5.insist _something / doing something :一定要/坚持主张(做)

5、某事; (on )6.the best way _doing something :做某事的最好办法; ( of )7.the best way _do something :做某事的最好办法; ( to ) _:忧虑;关心;惦念; ( about )9.make _ones mind :下决心; ( up )10.give _:投降;屈服;让步; ( in ) for / to do something :希望或同意做某事; _somebody :喜欢或爱某人; ( for ) _to do something :决心做某事;( determ

6、ined )14._camp :搭营,搭帐篷; ( make )15.put _ones tents :搭起帐篷;( up )16.cant wait / can hardly wait _do something :迫不及待地想做某事; ( to )Unit 4: 根据词意完成短语。1.dig _:掘出;挖出; ( out )2.bring _:引进;引来; ( in )3._(great) number of :许多;大量的; ( a )4.instead _:代替; (of )5.give _:分发;发出(气味,热等) ; ( out )6._ruins :毁坏; ( in )7.tho

7、usands _:成千上万的;( of )8.have time _do something :有时间做 ; ( to ) known _:因为/作为出名; ( for /as )10.blow _:吹走;刮走; ( away ) safe _(doing) something :做很安全; ( for ) trapped _:陷入 /陷在下面; ( in under )13.the speaking _:演讲比赛; ( competition ) _of :为而自豪; ( proud )15.invite somebody _do something:邀

8、请某人做某事;( to )Unit 5 : 根据词意完成短语。1._heart :丧失勇气或信心;( lose )2.worry _:担心;( about )3._of work :失业;( out )4._a matter of fact :事实上;( as )5.blow _:使充气;爆炸; ( up )6.put _prison :把统入监狱; ( in )e _power :当权;执政; ( to ) sentenced _ death :被判死刑;( to ) somebody (to ) _something:帮助某人做某事;( do )10.get _well

9、 with somebody :与某人相处的好;( on / along ) willing _ do something :乐于做某事;(to) active _something :积极从事某事;( in )13.advise somebody _something :在某一方面为某人提供建议;( on )14._trouble :处于不幸中;在监禁中; ( in )15.stop somebody (from)_something :阻止某人做某事; ( doing )16.set _: 建立;设立; ( up )必修二各单元重点短语1.look _ :调查;( in

10、to )2.belong _:属于; ( to )3._search of :寻找;搜寻; (in )4._return :作为报答; ( in )5._ war :处于交战状态;( at )6.take _ :拆开; ( apart )7.think highly _ :给与高度评价;赞扬; ( of )8._with :对付;处理; (deal )9.add _ :增加;增添; ( to ) _ :关心;在乎; ( about )11.agree _ :同意(某人的观点) ;适应; ( with )12.rather _ :而不是;与其; ( than ) att

11、ention _ :注意;( to )14.look _ :照顾;照料; ( after )15.serve _ :担任;公职; ( as )Unit 2 : 根据词意完成短语。1.take part _ :参与;参加; ( in )2.a set _ :一组;一套; ( of ) well _ :也;又; ( as )4.every _years :每四年;( four ) _ another :陆续地;一个接一个地; ( after )6.change ones _ :改变注意; ( mind )7._over the world :遍及全世界;( all )pete _

12、 :与比赛/为比赛( against / for ) ; _matter of fact :事实上;( a ) an important role _:在中起重要作用; ( in ) _ :计算出;制定出; ( out )12.pick _:拾起;接收;开车去接; ( up ) married _:与结婚; (to )14.promise _ :承诺做; ( to do )15.carry _:开展;执行; ( out )Unit 3 : 根据词意完成短语。1.have _common :共有;公用; ( in )2._ones opinion :

13、依.看;据认为; ( in ) _. :如此以致于 ; (that ) _ :处理;安排;对付; (with)5._ a way :在某种程度上;( in )6.make _ :弥补;补足;整理; ( up )7.after _:毕竟;( all ) _ :看守;监视; ( over )9._ intelligence :人工智能;( artificial )10._oneself :单独;独自; ( by )11.share _. :与分享; ( with ) _ :好像/似乎; ( if /though )13.go _ :走过;顺道拜访; (

14、by )14.bring _ :带入;使进入; ( into )15.take _ :轮流;依次; ( turns )Unit 4 : 根据词意完成短语。1._a result :结果; ( as )2.die _ :灭亡;逐渐消失; ( out )3._peace :和平地;安详地;和睦地; ( in )4._danger :在危险中;垂危; ( in )5.protect _ :保护不受 (危险) ; ( from ) attention _ :注意;( to )e _being :形成;产生; ( into ) concerned _ :担心;烦恼;忧虑; ( abou

15、t )9._dressed :穿上衣服;穿戴起来; ( get )10.have an effect _ :对又影响; ( on )11.set _:开办;创立; ( up )12.even _ : 即使; ( if /though )13.apply _ :适用于;适合于; ( to )Unit 5 : 根据词意完成短语。1.dream _ :梦见;梦想;设想; ( of ) honest _ :对说老实话; ( with ) jokes _ :戏弄;( on )4._ so :大约; ( or )5.break _ :打碎;分裂;解体;( up )6._ chance

16、:偶然;意外地; ( by )7.sort _ : (v.) :分类; ( out )8.stick _ :坚持; ( to )9._ all :最重要的是;首要的是; ( above )10.base _ :以基础 ; ( on )e _ :实现; ( true )e _with :提出;赶上; ( up ) well _ :和一样好; ( as )必修三各单元重点短语Unit 1:根据词意完成短语。1.take _ :发生; ( place )2._ memory of :纪念;( in )3.lead somebody _ :带领某人去 ; ( to )4.dress _:盛装

17、;打扮;装饰; ( up ) _trick (on somebody ) :捉弄(某人) ;开玩笑; ( a ) grateful _somebody for something :因为感激某人;( to )7.look forward _:期待;期望;盼望; ( to )8._though / if :好像;(as ) covered _ :覆盖;( with )10.have fun _ somebody :玩的开心;( with )11.turn _:出现;出场; ( up )12.keep ones _ :守信用;履行诺言; ( word ) /

18、get married _ :和结婚; ( to )14.set off _some place :动身去某地;( for )15.remind somebody _ something :使某人想起;( of )Unit 2 : 根据词意完成短语。 full _ = be filled _:装满;盛满; ( of / with ) tired _ :对厌倦;对厌烦;( of )3.take _ :把从拿掉; ( off ) amazed _ :为而惊诧; ( at )5.throw _ :扔掉;丢掉; ( away )6.get away _:被放过; (做坏事)不受

19、惩罚; ( with)7._ lies :撒谎; ( tell )8.get rid _ :摆脱 ;除去 ; (of )9.earn ones _ :谋生; ( living )10._ debt :欠债;( in )11._ longer = _ any more :不再;( no / not )12.glare _ :怒目而视;(at )13.neither ._. :既不也不 ; ( nor )14.cut _ :削减;减少; ( down )15._ long :不久之后;( before )Unit 3 : 根据词意完成短语。1.make a _ :打赌; ( bet )2.perm

20、it somebody _do something:允许做某事; ( to )3.go _ :朝前走;前进;可以;往下所;( forward / ahead ) _ matter of fact :事实上;( a )5._accident / chance :偶然地;意外地;无意中; ( by )6.give _ :放弃;( up )7.account _ :解释;说明; (数量上,比例上)占; ( for ) be _ :说实话;( honest ) _ :关心;在乎; ( about )10._ ones order : (看食谱)点菜; ( take )11.

21、_ rags :衣衫褴褛; ( in )12.draw attention _ :注意;( to )13._ for :关于;就而言; ( as )14.get _ trouble :陷入困境;惹麻烦; ( in / into )15.honour somebody _ something :因而表彰某人; 授予某人荣誉;( for )Unit 4 : 根据词意完成短语。1.think of _. :把看作 ; ( as )2._ time :及时;总有一天;终于; ( in ) _ :冷却;( down ) different _ :与不同; ( from ) 5.all

22、ow somebody _do something:允许某人做某事; ( to )6._ the surface of :在的表面; ( on ) well _ :也;还有; (as )8.go _ : (时间)前进;推移;走过; ( by )9.put ._. :把变成;译成; ( into )10.prevent _ doing something:阻止;制止 ; ( from )11.escape _ :从逃跑; ( form )12.depend _ :依靠;依赖;取决于; ( on )13.get close _ :接近;靠近; ( to )14.cheer _ :感到高兴;感到兴奋; ( up )15._ that :既然; ( now )16.break _ :突然发生; ( out )Unit 5 : 根据词意完成短语。 / go _a trip :去旅行; ( on/ for

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